A young librarian was written by an aunt from the United States, the girl was already going to fly to visit for an inheritance, but fate played a cruel joke with her.
The turns of fate are not always unambiguous. Something makes a person unhappy, something makes him happy. But perhaps this is because it makes us a little wiser. After all, as you know, every blacksmith of his happiness. However, sometimes you can overdo it with efforts to grab such a bird of happiness by the tail.
The heroine of this story recently turned 32 years old. She worked in the library and was distinguished only by excessive talkativeness. The girl was called Julia, but because of such a youthful character and even thinking, her colleagues affectionately called her Yule. She was. quirkyBut in general, very nice. And Yulenka had a real dream - to get rich and do nothing else.
Can you think, dear reader, who would not wish such bliss? Many in their own kitchens discuss how they would win the lottery or find a treasure in their plot. Yulenka also spent a lot on lottery tickets and told everyone that one day she would become a wealthy lady. My friends just laughed at it and sneaky over Julia.
Once Yulia was sitting at work and boringly leafed through her requests for correspondence in one of the social networks. One letter caught her attention not for a joke. She. woman And she told me in broken English that she was Yuli's aunt from far away America. The girl became interested and asked a few more questions. But there hasn't been an answer yet.
At lunch, other employees said that the son of the head of the library is going to America for an internship. Yulia without a second thought said, “I’m going there soon too.” I have an aunt there. They were on social media, they called me. Women were surprised by such fantasies, but hastened to maliciously joke on Yulena. “Yes, my neighbor had a brother in England. He went to see him, too. His brother was rich and helped his neighbor. I gave it for repairs and for a car.”” Such stories only intrigued Julia more. Until she realized she was hooked.
The American aunt realized that her interviewee swallowed the bait And she started putting more noodles on her ears. She dropped a photo of some smiling elderly woman on the background of American sights, told that Yulia is waiting for a two-storey house almost on the shore. The woman made up a story that she allegedly was married to her uncle for a short time, always loved him and could not live without him. However, the relatives never accepted either Mary or her uncle's union. Yulia was very similar to her uncle (photos and posts on the girl’s page gave enough information). Yulen’s tales were drawn like a whirlpool. Her excessive naivety now did not allow the thought of any deception.
So they talked for almost a month. The aunt began to smoothly lead Julia to the most important. She told her that she did not want to give her children, but that she did not want to give her property to anyone. It would be nice if Yulenka came and lived in the sunny States. Moreover, Aunt Maria, who introduced herself to Mary in the American manner, assured Julia that she did not have long left and the girl should urgently come.
Julia didn’t have much money, but she knew where she was. Mom's stash and her bank card. Their family was not rich, which is why the girl dreamed of fabulous riches since childhood. Mary from America wrote that she had already ordered everything she needed to fly to America and come back. She sent Yulia a website and asked her to pay for everything. Childishly naive Yulenka thought that this is an ordinary site where you buy tickets and entered all the data with your mother's card.
Unfair rock should I say that from the map write off all the moneyThe ones that were just there. But Julia decided it was necessary. She texted Mary that she had paid for everything. The woman immediately showered her with praise messages and said that she could not wait to see her beloved niece. Only then did Mary stop communicating.
"How's your auntie, Yulenka?" When should I bequeath all my millions to you? "I don't know. But she bought me tickets, soon I will fly to her, the girl said without a second thought. "Did she pay you for the tickets?" the employees stared at Julia in shock. "No, I paid for it. She sent me a link and I only entered the necessary data.” The women looked at each other, the smile disappeared from their faces at the same moment.
Women immediately moved to Yuli’s computer and began to find out what link Aunt Mary threw her, but saw that almost everything in the correspondence was deleted. At the same moment, another colleague of Yuli, Irka, ran into the office, and with a laugh began to broadcast that the crown prince of a distant eastern country was approaching her on the Internet. “Look at this,” Ira laughed, “look at what the scammers have thought.” Princes are already impatient. Funny, he didn't realize I wasn't buying it. But Yulenka quietly covered her face with her hands and cried.
In our time, the amount of information is simply huge, and we must learn to filter the truth from lies. Unfortunately, Julia. swindle And I regretted it bitterly. But let her case be an example to many. Not all the gold that shines. Especially if this gold is hidden in an old bag, and they ask for a large sum of money to see it.

The heroine of this story recently turned 32 years old. She worked in the library and was distinguished only by excessive talkativeness. The girl was called Julia, but because of such a youthful character and even thinking, her colleagues affectionately called her Yule. She was. quirkyBut in general, very nice. And Yulenka had a real dream - to get rich and do nothing else.
Can you think, dear reader, who would not wish such bliss? Many in their own kitchens discuss how they would win the lottery or find a treasure in their plot. Yulenka also spent a lot on lottery tickets and told everyone that one day she would become a wealthy lady. My friends just laughed at it and sneaky over Julia.

Once Yulia was sitting at work and boringly leafed through her requests for correspondence in one of the social networks. One letter caught her attention not for a joke. She. woman And she told me in broken English that she was Yuli's aunt from far away America. The girl became interested and asked a few more questions. But there hasn't been an answer yet.
At lunch, other employees said that the son of the head of the library is going to America for an internship. Yulia without a second thought said, “I’m going there soon too.” I have an aunt there. They were on social media, they called me. Women were surprised by such fantasies, but hastened to maliciously joke on Yulena. “Yes, my neighbor had a brother in England. He went to see him, too. His brother was rich and helped his neighbor. I gave it for repairs and for a car.”” Such stories only intrigued Julia more. Until she realized she was hooked.

The American aunt realized that her interviewee swallowed the bait And she started putting more noodles on her ears. She dropped a photo of some smiling elderly woman on the background of American sights, told that Yulia is waiting for a two-storey house almost on the shore. The woman made up a story that she allegedly was married to her uncle for a short time, always loved him and could not live without him. However, the relatives never accepted either Mary or her uncle's union. Yulia was very similar to her uncle (photos and posts on the girl’s page gave enough information). Yulen’s tales were drawn like a whirlpool. Her excessive naivety now did not allow the thought of any deception.
So they talked for almost a month. The aunt began to smoothly lead Julia to the most important. She told her that she did not want to give her children, but that she did not want to give her property to anyone. It would be nice if Yulenka came and lived in the sunny States. Moreover, Aunt Maria, who introduced herself to Mary in the American manner, assured Julia that she did not have long left and the girl should urgently come.

Julia didn’t have much money, but she knew where she was. Mom's stash and her bank card. Their family was not rich, which is why the girl dreamed of fabulous riches since childhood. Mary from America wrote that she had already ordered everything she needed to fly to America and come back. She sent Yulia a website and asked her to pay for everything. Childishly naive Yulenka thought that this is an ordinary site where you buy tickets and entered all the data with your mother's card.

Unfair rock should I say that from the map write off all the moneyThe ones that were just there. But Julia decided it was necessary. She texted Mary that she had paid for everything. The woman immediately showered her with praise messages and said that she could not wait to see her beloved niece. Only then did Mary stop communicating.
"How's your auntie, Yulenka?" When should I bequeath all my millions to you? "I don't know. But she bought me tickets, soon I will fly to her, the girl said without a second thought. "Did she pay you for the tickets?" the employees stared at Julia in shock. "No, I paid for it. She sent me a link and I only entered the necessary data.” The women looked at each other, the smile disappeared from their faces at the same moment.

Women immediately moved to Yuli’s computer and began to find out what link Aunt Mary threw her, but saw that almost everything in the correspondence was deleted. At the same moment, another colleague of Yuli, Irka, ran into the office, and with a laugh began to broadcast that the crown prince of a distant eastern country was approaching her on the Internet. “Look at this,” Ira laughed, “look at what the scammers have thought.” Princes are already impatient. Funny, he didn't realize I wasn't buying it. But Yulenka quietly covered her face with her hands and cried.
In our time, the amount of information is simply huge, and we must learn to filter the truth from lies. Unfortunately, Julia. swindle And I regretted it bitterly. But let her case be an example to many. Not all the gold that shines. Especially if this gold is hidden in an old bag, and they ask for a large sum of money to see it.
Crazy Soviet trends that drove the then fashionistas crazy, but now they cause only bewilderment
Looking at the handbag, you can accurately determine the financial situation of a woman.