Popular schemes of fraud
The most common scheme of fraud - is a fraud, based on trust.
Protect yourself from fraud - be careful, challenge received from unknown people the information, learn more about current scams!
Theft, robbery and false sets
A huge number of mobile phones produced in our time, has led to the fact that cases of loss or theft of mobile phones have acquired a mass character. The number of thefts of mobile phones higher than any other type of theft, including apartment. This kind of theft affects a huge number of ways to weaning communications owners. As the main types can be identified fraud, game in trust, theft and robbery.
Deception is very simple. On street to fit you with a request to allow call back to her sick mother or children home, referring to the dead battery and the urgency of the call. You show understanding, and a minute later the phone back to you, but the amount of cash in the account greatly reduced - a call is made on paid number or dialed a certain combination of numbers that allows to transfer funds to the account of another subscriber
Sometimes the victim after the theft themselves affects their naivete. For example, at the stop you are requested to provide a mobile phone, they say, an urgent need to call. You show understanding, and the attacker during a call, moves away from you, and some point to sit in the car accessory and leaves your phone.
The game of trust is a kind of deception. The offender, referring to the dead battery the phone asks to insert into your machine its SIM card to make an urgent call. Then he asked to wait until the car goes under the number, and your phone leaves you as collateral. After a long wait, you realize that you have stayed in the hands of an elaborate fake. The same dummies often sold to fans to buy the technically advanced model for little money.
Recommendation: Do not give up your phone stranger. If you want to help, ask yourself dial the number and transmit the information.
Checking a plastic card through the ATM
The essence of the fraud is the following: customers come SMS message as follows (verbatim, maintaining spelling and punctuation): «(bank) application from the card 5.500r. Adopted. Item 8 (xxx) xxx-xx-xx. " In this case, the message can be specified other amounts, and phone numbers. Naturally, the concerned subscriber calls back on a specified allegedly Information Room where a man takes the phone and presented "Financial control". When asked what was going on, the source says that, it is probably a mistake, which will deal with "the security service bank." But in order to avoid the transfer of money, you must go to the ATM, call back again and take a few steps with a plastic card at the dictation of an imaginary bank employee.
In this case, following the fraud, the caller performs a procedure to transfer money to the account of someone else's cell phone from his personal bank account tied to the card. And while the subscriber consciously chooses the option "to pay for services of cellular communication».
Recommendation: The Subscriber shall initially alerted request stranger perform any - any action with your payment card and using the ATM. We would like to reiterate that neither bank employees nor employees of the operator never offer to "test card" in this way. If you receive this kind of message, we recommend you immediately contact the bank by phone number listed on the card to verify the information on the last write-off. Most likely, the bank employee to refute the information contained in a text message allegedly from the "service of financial control."
Pay code or "Shares" operator
The subscriber receives a message about the action undertaken by its operator. Under the "shares", the subscriber end of the week (month, year, life) gets the opportunity to make free calls within the country. For this purpose it is only necessary to send in information support service (phone numbers included) "operator" codes of several payment cards. Of course, it turns out that the operator did not hold any shares, and payment card fraudsters to update your account.
Recommendation: Do not perform actions under the dictation of an unknown person to you, as if he did not plausibly described the conditions of the action. Call back to the subscriber service of your service provider and check information.
Send SMS and go to a better rate!
This method of cheating is quite popular among fraudsters. Someone who is not paying attention to the fact that the message sender is not their statement, responding to a proposal from the category of "Send SMS to a short number to go to a better rate! All local calls - now unlimited! ". As a result, it remains with the same rate, but losing money since the number to which it send SMS, has been paid.
Donate money to charity!
In search of profit fraudsters even resorted to such methods as pumping money out of people willing to help those in need. For example, there is a distribution of messages with the number of pay to which the subscriber must call or send an SMS, to make a charitable contribution. Very often scammers use was widely reported in the media of the tragedy. For example, after the explosions in the Moscow metro in March 2010, the cases of treatment scam to subscribers with an appeal "to raise money to help the victims of terrorist acts».
Virus Mobile
In Russia there are new viruses for smartphones and communicators that initiate sending SMS to premium numbers. The virus can get into the mobile device via MMS, Internet, or through programs downloaded from untrusted sources. Once infected smartphone it starts sending a huge amount of SMS to special paid short numbers belonging to the fraudsters.
Recommendation: As smartphones and communicators have also become vulnerable in terms of virus attacks, do not open the MMS from unknown senders, click on links on the Internet that came from unknown numbers, and set the mobile device unknown software.
Voice message / greeting
The scheme of deception is this: to inform the subscriber that he received a voice congratulations on the holiday, he can listen by dialing a specific code. This code is actually no more than an encrypted command to the mobile transfer of funds from the account of the subscriber or calls to premium rate number.
Recommendation: Voice mail is free for the recipient. Identify present voice mail simply. The system sends a SMS with the number starting at # 00 ...., Which can be dialed to listen to voice mail. Sender - identified. Hardly any of your loved ones will send congratulations anonymously, and if another number is not specified, you know - this is another trick scam.
Postcard - Subscription
Man receives from fraud SMS, notifying him that he can see the greeting card sent to him from your cell phone by clicking on the link. After clicking on the link subscriber is automatically subscribed to one of the paid services or "catches" the virus, resulting in a subsequent happening daily debit from his phone bill.
Recommendation: Our recommendation - received an SMS or MMS message from an unknown sender with a proposal to link, take it with caution. It is unlikely that someone of your friends and acquaintances will make you anonymous gifts.
Incorrect transfer of funds
Man receive SMS, announcing the receipt of funds in his account, transferred using the alleged "Mobile translation." Immediately after this he calls a swindler who claims that he had just transferred the money to his room by mistake and asked to return the money back the same "Mobile transfer».
Recommendation: check your account balance, make sure that it was replenished to the specified amount of a stranger, then make a decision.
Life without spam
The subscriber receives an SMS with the suggestion unsubscribe from promotional SMS-mailing. To unsubscribe, send the proposed "Free» SMS specific content (most often set digits) on one of the short numbers and click on the link received in response to rule number from a mailing list of advertisements.
Recommendation: do not believe this kind of messages. Unsubscribe from the proposals sent to you by different companies in which you arrange discount cards, leave contact information to agree to receive advertising information, etc. you can either alone or with the help of an operator, call the Customer Support Center.
Subscribers of mobile operators receive SMS with a request: "I have problems, call on such a number. If the number does not answer, put money on it and call back. " Some callers, especially retired people, replenish the account of fraudsters, thinking that he wrote one of the closest people.
Tip: If you think that you need to help a relative, friend, friend - try to reach him by phone number known to you.
False work
A new type of fraud: Ads with the offer of stable work with housing and higher wages. For information on work in them are invited to send an SMS or call to the number (increased cost of an SMS or paid answering machine).
Recommendation: As a rule, major recruiting agency, on whose behalf the scammers provide information on all job vacancies free of charge and, most likely, after sending the SMS you will receive information about the job that's posted in the public domain on the Internet.
False prize
The mobile phone subscriber is calling a pseudo-famous leading music radio station and wishes to win a valuable prize. To get the prize, you need a minute to call the radio station. Dialer Congratulations, it sends greetings, song books and learns one more good news: he does not just get a prize - a mobile phone - it will connect immediately, urgently need only buy a card recharge the above company and report its data DJ. After paying the money, and come in a few days for a gift, deceived by the caller know that the station no such competition did not hold, so that the long-awaited phone it receives. And bought the card is no longer useful - "is awarded to" a long time with her money transferred to their accounts.
Recommendation: The radio station is typically conducted lotteries live - turning the radio and check the information about the drawing.
The case of the family
Rascal seems relative, friend or colleague of your relative and an excited voice said that happened to him trouble (involved in an accident, knocked a man). The trouble is, as we know, did not come alone. That's the victim at the time of the accident broke the phone (batteries run down, selected bandits lost) and you have to call someone else. There is still a lot of calls, so you need to top up the balance of a person. Being under stress or confusion, people easily agree to help. Fraudsters are starting to unwind their "relatives" for cash. After recharging, they called back and was relieved to report that the conflict is settled - on the side of road accident victims was able to pay off. It is only necessary at the appointed place to transfer money to intermediaries. By submitting the required amount, the person has no idea what makes a regular donation.
Recommendation: to recognize deception and lose a large sum of money, try to contact a relative directly or through friends and acquaintances; Ask the caller to describe the appearance of your kin and to answer questions of a personal nature.
Your credit card is blocked!
Recently, scammers have diversified scheme of deception subscribers include in its arsenal financial institutions. For example, the cases of subscribers receiving SMS, containing text: "Your bank card is locked" and the phone number you want to call back. After the caller dials the number, it swindlers report that the bank server has failed and are asked to report the details of a credit card for troubleshooting. Then the scammers use the obtained details of a credit card for online purchases.
Recommendation: Do not give in to the first pulse and try to verify the information received from unknown persons. It is worth remembering that the employees of banks is forbidden to try to find out information about their bank card customers. After receiving such a message, try to verify the information received from the unknown by calling the call-center of the bank.
Internet banner
A new type of fraud, managed to become quite popular in a short time. The essence of the fraud lies in the fact that when using the Internet on your computer unexpectedly banner, which is quite difficult to close the ordinary PC user (although special commands allow the computer to do this). To remove this nuisance the banner, you are invited to send an SMS to a paid short number and get a code to remove it, but the banner may not disappear, and the funds will be written off from your account.
Recommendation: If you are unable to remove the hype yourself, you can use a free program antivirus software vendor or seek technical assistance from the customer support center of your Internet service provider.
Fraudulent subscription paid services
Not long ago, a new type of mobile fraud, in which the subscribers of mobile operators on a daily basis to withdraw money for services they did not order. Determining the causes of the problem, it turns out that they introduced on any website of your cell phone number and an activation code on the test day subscription to any service. At the same rules for the use of services and information that you need to unsubscribe from it in the case of the reluctance to use it in the future, represented on the site implicitly. Thus, subscribers do not read the rules of the need to abandon this service, the next day is automatically subscribed to the service, with the result that occurred daily debit with their phone bills.
Recommendation: Always read the terms and the cost of providing services, which use is not automatically put a tick opposite line "I agree." Otherwise, you may voluntarily subscribe to services that are not ordered, and thus you will be charged with the amount, which you do not suspect.
Fake a call from the technical service operator
The most widespread in recent years is the scheme of deception: the bell rings, a pleasant voice tells (as an option - comes sms) what is going on and you need to reconfigure the network to reconfigure the phone to the new parameters, respectively, need to collect a combination of numbers and characters. Sometimes dictate, sometimes sent in the SMS. After a set of combinations from the account debited funds.
This fraud scheme, which we call the "false bell from the technical service operator", today one of the most common. In most cases, this scheme is carried out using the service "Mobile transfer". Recognize Scam simply - they work very hard, and require the immediate implementation of their actions. Subscriber of any operator should be aware that the operator millions of subscribers and the network settings to take place so as to be imperceptible to users.
Due to the fact that the user makes the transfer of funds voluntarily, telecommunications operator, unfortunately, has no legal right to return to it translated into another account funds.
Recommendation: Do not follow the instructions of unknown persons, and not to impose dictation codes on your phone. You need to check information, call into the subscription service of your service provider.
Virus - blocker (Trojan Winlock)
At the moment marked by a surge of fraud related to the modification of the virus Trojan Winlock. While working at the computer instead of the required pages Windows users discover the on-screen ads along the following lines: "Your Windows is locked. Microsoft has set the incorrect use of the Internet from your computer. You searched for sites that contain inappropriate information / with pornographic content. Attempting to restart your computer will lead to irreversible consequences.
Protect yourself from fraud - be careful, challenge received from unknown people the information, learn more about current scams!
Theft, robbery and false sets
A huge number of mobile phones produced in our time, has led to the fact that cases of loss or theft of mobile phones have acquired a mass character. The number of thefts of mobile phones higher than any other type of theft, including apartment. This kind of theft affects a huge number of ways to weaning communications owners. As the main types can be identified fraud, game in trust, theft and robbery.
Deception is very simple. On street to fit you with a request to allow call back to her sick mother or children home, referring to the dead battery and the urgency of the call. You show understanding, and a minute later the phone back to you, but the amount of cash in the account greatly reduced - a call is made on paid number or dialed a certain combination of numbers that allows to transfer funds to the account of another subscriber
Sometimes the victim after the theft themselves affects their naivete. For example, at the stop you are requested to provide a mobile phone, they say, an urgent need to call. You show understanding, and the attacker during a call, moves away from you, and some point to sit in the car accessory and leaves your phone.
The game of trust is a kind of deception. The offender, referring to the dead battery the phone asks to insert into your machine its SIM card to make an urgent call. Then he asked to wait until the car goes under the number, and your phone leaves you as collateral. After a long wait, you realize that you have stayed in the hands of an elaborate fake. The same dummies often sold to fans to buy the technically advanced model for little money.
Recommendation: Do not give up your phone stranger. If you want to help, ask yourself dial the number and transmit the information.

Checking a plastic card through the ATM
The essence of the fraud is the following: customers come SMS message as follows (verbatim, maintaining spelling and punctuation): «(bank) application from the card 5.500r. Adopted. Item 8 (xxx) xxx-xx-xx. " In this case, the message can be specified other amounts, and phone numbers. Naturally, the concerned subscriber calls back on a specified allegedly Information Room where a man takes the phone and presented "Financial control". When asked what was going on, the source says that, it is probably a mistake, which will deal with "the security service bank." But in order to avoid the transfer of money, you must go to the ATM, call back again and take a few steps with a plastic card at the dictation of an imaginary bank employee.
In this case, following the fraud, the caller performs a procedure to transfer money to the account of someone else's cell phone from his personal bank account tied to the card. And while the subscriber consciously chooses the option "to pay for services of cellular communication».
Recommendation: The Subscriber shall initially alerted request stranger perform any - any action with your payment card and using the ATM. We would like to reiterate that neither bank employees nor employees of the operator never offer to "test card" in this way. If you receive this kind of message, we recommend you immediately contact the bank by phone number listed on the card to verify the information on the last write-off. Most likely, the bank employee to refute the information contained in a text message allegedly from the "service of financial control."
Pay code or "Shares" operator
The subscriber receives a message about the action undertaken by its operator. Under the "shares", the subscriber end of the week (month, year, life) gets the opportunity to make free calls within the country. For this purpose it is only necessary to send in information support service (phone numbers included) "operator" codes of several payment cards. Of course, it turns out that the operator did not hold any shares, and payment card fraudsters to update your account.
Recommendation: Do not perform actions under the dictation of an unknown person to you, as if he did not plausibly described the conditions of the action. Call back to the subscriber service of your service provider and check information.
Send SMS and go to a better rate!
This method of cheating is quite popular among fraudsters. Someone who is not paying attention to the fact that the message sender is not their statement, responding to a proposal from the category of "Send SMS to a short number to go to a better rate! All local calls - now unlimited! ". As a result, it remains with the same rate, but losing money since the number to which it send SMS, has been paid.
Donate money to charity!
In search of profit fraudsters even resorted to such methods as pumping money out of people willing to help those in need. For example, there is a distribution of messages with the number of pay to which the subscriber must call or send an SMS, to make a charitable contribution. Very often scammers use was widely reported in the media of the tragedy. For example, after the explosions in the Moscow metro in March 2010, the cases of treatment scam to subscribers with an appeal "to raise money to help the victims of terrorist acts».
Virus Mobile
In Russia there are new viruses for smartphones and communicators that initiate sending SMS to premium numbers. The virus can get into the mobile device via MMS, Internet, or through programs downloaded from untrusted sources. Once infected smartphone it starts sending a huge amount of SMS to special paid short numbers belonging to the fraudsters.
Recommendation: As smartphones and communicators have also become vulnerable in terms of virus attacks, do not open the MMS from unknown senders, click on links on the Internet that came from unknown numbers, and set the mobile device unknown software.
Voice message / greeting
The scheme of deception is this: to inform the subscriber that he received a voice congratulations on the holiday, he can listen by dialing a specific code. This code is actually no more than an encrypted command to the mobile transfer of funds from the account of the subscriber or calls to premium rate number.
Recommendation: Voice mail is free for the recipient. Identify present voice mail simply. The system sends a SMS with the number starting at # 00 ...., Which can be dialed to listen to voice mail. Sender - identified. Hardly any of your loved ones will send congratulations anonymously, and if another number is not specified, you know - this is another trick scam.
Postcard - Subscription
Man receives from fraud SMS, notifying him that he can see the greeting card sent to him from your cell phone by clicking on the link. After clicking on the link subscriber is automatically subscribed to one of the paid services or "catches" the virus, resulting in a subsequent happening daily debit from his phone bill.
Recommendation: Our recommendation - received an SMS or MMS message from an unknown sender with a proposal to link, take it with caution. It is unlikely that someone of your friends and acquaintances will make you anonymous gifts.
Incorrect transfer of funds
Man receive SMS, announcing the receipt of funds in his account, transferred using the alleged "Mobile translation." Immediately after this he calls a swindler who claims that he had just transferred the money to his room by mistake and asked to return the money back the same "Mobile transfer».
Recommendation: check your account balance, make sure that it was replenished to the specified amount of a stranger, then make a decision.
Life without spam
The subscriber receives an SMS with the suggestion unsubscribe from promotional SMS-mailing. To unsubscribe, send the proposed "Free» SMS specific content (most often set digits) on one of the short numbers and click on the link received in response to rule number from a mailing list of advertisements.
Recommendation: do not believe this kind of messages. Unsubscribe from the proposals sent to you by different companies in which you arrange discount cards, leave contact information to agree to receive advertising information, etc. you can either alone or with the help of an operator, call the Customer Support Center.
Subscribers of mobile operators receive SMS with a request: "I have problems, call on such a number. If the number does not answer, put money on it and call back. " Some callers, especially retired people, replenish the account of fraudsters, thinking that he wrote one of the closest people.
Tip: If you think that you need to help a relative, friend, friend - try to reach him by phone number known to you.
False work
A new type of fraud: Ads with the offer of stable work with housing and higher wages. For information on work in them are invited to send an SMS or call to the number (increased cost of an SMS or paid answering machine).
Recommendation: As a rule, major recruiting agency, on whose behalf the scammers provide information on all job vacancies free of charge and, most likely, after sending the SMS you will receive information about the job that's posted in the public domain on the Internet.
False prize
The mobile phone subscriber is calling a pseudo-famous leading music radio station and wishes to win a valuable prize. To get the prize, you need a minute to call the radio station. Dialer Congratulations, it sends greetings, song books and learns one more good news: he does not just get a prize - a mobile phone - it will connect immediately, urgently need only buy a card recharge the above company and report its data DJ. After paying the money, and come in a few days for a gift, deceived by the caller know that the station no such competition did not hold, so that the long-awaited phone it receives. And bought the card is no longer useful - "is awarded to" a long time with her money transferred to their accounts.
Recommendation: The radio station is typically conducted lotteries live - turning the radio and check the information about the drawing.
The case of the family
Rascal seems relative, friend or colleague of your relative and an excited voice said that happened to him trouble (involved in an accident, knocked a man). The trouble is, as we know, did not come alone. That's the victim at the time of the accident broke the phone (batteries run down, selected bandits lost) and you have to call someone else. There is still a lot of calls, so you need to top up the balance of a person. Being under stress or confusion, people easily agree to help. Fraudsters are starting to unwind their "relatives" for cash. After recharging, they called back and was relieved to report that the conflict is settled - on the side of road accident victims was able to pay off. It is only necessary at the appointed place to transfer money to intermediaries. By submitting the required amount, the person has no idea what makes a regular donation.
Recommendation: to recognize deception and lose a large sum of money, try to contact a relative directly or through friends and acquaintances; Ask the caller to describe the appearance of your kin and to answer questions of a personal nature.
Your credit card is blocked!
Recently, scammers have diversified scheme of deception subscribers include in its arsenal financial institutions. For example, the cases of subscribers receiving SMS, containing text: "Your bank card is locked" and the phone number you want to call back. After the caller dials the number, it swindlers report that the bank server has failed and are asked to report the details of a credit card for troubleshooting. Then the scammers use the obtained details of a credit card for online purchases.
Recommendation: Do not give in to the first pulse and try to verify the information received from unknown persons. It is worth remembering that the employees of banks is forbidden to try to find out information about their bank card customers. After receiving such a message, try to verify the information received from the unknown by calling the call-center of the bank.
Internet banner
A new type of fraud, managed to become quite popular in a short time. The essence of the fraud lies in the fact that when using the Internet on your computer unexpectedly banner, which is quite difficult to close the ordinary PC user (although special commands allow the computer to do this). To remove this nuisance the banner, you are invited to send an SMS to a paid short number and get a code to remove it, but the banner may not disappear, and the funds will be written off from your account.
Recommendation: If you are unable to remove the hype yourself, you can use a free program antivirus software vendor or seek technical assistance from the customer support center of your Internet service provider.
Fraudulent subscription paid services
Not long ago, a new type of mobile fraud, in which the subscribers of mobile operators on a daily basis to withdraw money for services they did not order. Determining the causes of the problem, it turns out that they introduced on any website of your cell phone number and an activation code on the test day subscription to any service. At the same rules for the use of services and information that you need to unsubscribe from it in the case of the reluctance to use it in the future, represented on the site implicitly. Thus, subscribers do not read the rules of the need to abandon this service, the next day is automatically subscribed to the service, with the result that occurred daily debit with their phone bills.
Recommendation: Always read the terms and the cost of providing services, which use is not automatically put a tick opposite line "I agree." Otherwise, you may voluntarily subscribe to services that are not ordered, and thus you will be charged with the amount, which you do not suspect.
Fake a call from the technical service operator
The most widespread in recent years is the scheme of deception: the bell rings, a pleasant voice tells (as an option - comes sms) what is going on and you need to reconfigure the network to reconfigure the phone to the new parameters, respectively, need to collect a combination of numbers and characters. Sometimes dictate, sometimes sent in the SMS. After a set of combinations from the account debited funds.
This fraud scheme, which we call the "false bell from the technical service operator", today one of the most common. In most cases, this scheme is carried out using the service "Mobile transfer". Recognize Scam simply - they work very hard, and require the immediate implementation of their actions. Subscriber of any operator should be aware that the operator millions of subscribers and the network settings to take place so as to be imperceptible to users.
Due to the fact that the user makes the transfer of funds voluntarily, telecommunications operator, unfortunately, has no legal right to return to it translated into another account funds.
Recommendation: Do not follow the instructions of unknown persons, and not to impose dictation codes on your phone. You need to check information, call into the subscription service of your service provider.
Virus - blocker (Trojan Winlock)
At the moment marked by a surge of fraud related to the modification of the virus Trojan Winlock. While working at the computer instead of the required pages Windows users discover the on-screen ads along the following lines: "Your Windows is locked. Microsoft has set the incorrect use of the Internet from your computer. You searched for sites that contain inappropriate information / with pornographic content. Attempting to restart your computer will lead to irreversible consequences.