Divorce visitors on buying a car
Today I want to tell you a few stories of how people who came to buy cheaper cars in Russia, cheat and bred out of the blue. Read more some of these stories.
History 1. "And what will you do? Money and the car we »
The couple retired Ivan and Inna (character names changed) decided to buy a new car. Long studied proposals dealers in Minsk, browse online advertising. While her husband was surprised to not come across advertising Russian autofocus: Renault Duster 2014 onwards there was exposed for only $ 11,500. In Minsk, this is $ 18.900. "Wow difference!" - And his wife decided to become a call to Moscow. Center operator assured that such a model is available, prices are valid, including for Belarusian customers. Ivan and Inna asked to choose the color of the car, after which they issued a request for tickets and rushed to the train. - The manager who greeted us in the cabin, made big eyes and said that Renault Duster for the price (you know!) No, - says Ina. - Like, have confused this operator, such rates only for the Russians taking a car lease or loan. - I must admit I was upset heavily - continues heroine. - And said time had come to buy, spend a ticket, you can see some other options. "The eye fell" on Nissan Almera for 494,000 Russian rubles. - We felt that for dollars is obtained about 14 thousand. It is literally all the money that we have with, except the minimum necessary for petrol and insurance. At the same time a similar car in Minsk, as far as we remember, is worth about 15,500 dollars. Manager repeatedly confirmed buyers that this is the final price and further will have to pay only 6,000 rubles for the paperwork. - We were invited to execute the contract, - says Ina. - Manager of his finger on the text and showed behold such a car, that's your data, so the purchase price - 500 thousand rubles. Sign three copies. We re-read the first option, and the other two are not signed a peering. We were told to wait. Then we were taken to an entirely different company employee, allegedly rented a car center in the area. She went over our documents and issued: "For a car you have to pay 600 thousand." - How so? - Exclaimed the wife. - Look in the contract and it is written.
Indeed, the first version of the treaty was gone, and the other two was the total amount of 600,000, broken into pieces: 494,000 and 106,000 rubles. - We will not pay what is not agreed. I want to cancel the contract, - said Ivan. - To cancel the contract, you should leave the claim, we will be 15 days to consider it. In general, do whatever you want, - she said. - The money we have, the car with us. Ivan is now recognized that at the time was only thinking about how to pick up the car. - What do we do? We have no additional funds. - You can write a receipt that will pay the remainder of the 21 days. - Do not believe it - continues the story of Inna. - We were given a car without insurance, the documents - only a copy of PTS (Vehicle Registration Document, which contains information about the previous and current owners. - Approx. Ed.), Where after the factory and dealer in the third position is inscribed the name of the husband. As we drove Russia - now just hair stand on end. Any verification of documents by the police - goodbye machine. A few days later received a call from Ivan autofocus and asked to drive the car in Moscow. Like, he allegedly failed presale. He flatly refused. Money that Ivan was on the receipt, he brought the train. At the same time wrote a letter to the local authorities and witnesses invited our fellow journalists from the Moscow edition. Copy of title issued earlier in the auto center took and told to wait an original document. - You will not believe it when we opened this TCP, it turned out that the car was already registered in the name of another man, and her husband, thus, was no longer the third and fourth owner! - Inna exclaims. - We were given a certificate that the previous registration was made in error and canceled. Certainly not! Now we understand what was the calculation: that we stop along the way DPS or a car hijacking in the Belarus (luckily my husband is home not the place of registration) and then we will never prove that we are the owners - in fact inscribed TCP another person .
Ivan and Inna recognize that hopes to punish the perpetrators have almost no: - We are told it like it is just that nobody else has got such a deception.
History 2. Went for KIA Rio, and returned to the Lada Granta
The second story tells us Artem - his parents went to Moscow for a new KIA Rio.
- Ad we found on the Internet - began the story of a young man. - The car was worth 390,000. Frankly, in a network of similar proposal was not one. I have carefully studied the reviews about this salon - basically positive, although they were a bit. But in general, such a step has pushed another experience: he successfully bought in Moscow in the same way Nissan, save a few thousand dollars.
Make a request on the phone and choose a color, parents Artem went to the white-stone.
- We arrived at the salon, and they say: KIA Rio at this price no phone number where you call our salon does not belong - continues Artem. - Parents bearings in place, find another salon contacts - there KIA Rio has offered for 400,000 rubles. On the phone, they were assured that the model is available. Went there. Entered into a preliminary agreement made 400 thousand and six for premarket THAT. It was about two o'clock in the afternoon. Evening comes, salon closed and no car. They say, so you do not pay extra, you need as much again, see agreement. Now it is difficult to say what was in the preliminary contract, but would like to say something about the commission. Father demanded the money back. Salon workers said the money will not be returned, and threatened to call the police. Father realized that I need to take anything, and asked what he could pick up for the already paid amount. He is told: take Lada Granta. Then the eyes of the parents broke the preliminary agreement, concluded a new one. We then consulted a lawyer - this document is competent and complies with the law.
What is interesting about both shops online information and reviews a bit. But when Artem entered in the search engine the name of the director of the second showroom - manifested all the "track record" of the last.
- From the stories that people have written, I realized that my parents still good escaped, - concluded the young man.
With the difficult situation faced hero of the third story, Sergei.
He decided to go with a friend in Moscow for the new Toyota Corolla.
- The site of the Moscow Motor Show, we found Toyota's standard for 560 thousand Russian rubles, - says Sergey. - Call the salon, we were assured that this model is in stock, its price has not changed and remains at 560,000. When they came to the dealership, we were told that the car that we were interested, not in stock and offered to take the same model, but with the optional equipment. The cost of the machine has already grown to 600 thousand. Agreed as still came out cheaper than the Belarusian dealers. Signed a preliminary agreement in which it was stated that the cost of the car is 600 million, including additional equipment and allowance trading. Then made a pledge of $ 30 thousand Russian rubles.
From that moment began the most interesting.
- The scheme is - continues to Sergei. - Once the buyer makes a deposit, an average of 25 to 30 thousand Russian rubles, he brought the car and give the main contract in which the value of the purchased vehicle grows to 750 thousand. As explained by the managers of the interior, the final price is derived from the value of the car, the price of which at the time was already 600 thousand, it is added accessories for 100 thousand and 50 thousand trade allowance. "Accessories" in my case consisted of a rear parking sensors and alarm systems with two-way communication.
Those who did not agree to pay for the car noticeably risen in price, the deposit is not returned. Managers of the Moscow Motor Show is argued that in fact the car was delivered, it means that service is provided, so if the client refuses to give the final amount, he must pay a penalty in the amount of bail.
Sergey has decided to take the car, which after many trials with the administration of the cabin fell to 720,000, that is, the machine cost him about $ 20,000 excluding the cost of transportation.
Guide to Action: expert advice
Head of Sales autofocus "Bayernkraft", the official BMW dealer in the Republic of Belarus, Cyril Sholomitskii at our request, told how to avoid becoming a victim of fraud:
- Of course, you can just give a lot of advice such as:
Carefully read the contract.
Do not sign any documents without reading them.
We need to show the goods before they make a pre-payment for it.
Refer only to the official representatives of the brands.
Do not trust their property, property rights for the documents signed and assumes no obligations to other people's cards.
And many other things that are usually advised smart people, but it is generally applied in practice it is difficult, if you act against fraudsters with the experience, so these tips are not a guide to action in real situations of fraud.
I will allow myself to spend a brief tour of the theory of fraud. I'll tell you about the main dangers and psychological principles of construction scams cheating buyers of cars and other expensive and not very things.
First of all, remember: if you want to cheat, and you start to take part (unknowingly) in this process, then against you has a well thought out scheme of deception. In other words, someone (and it's not one person but a group of people think the situation in advance) already counted your actions when different versions of events at any stage of the process, so it is unlikely you will find on the move out of the situation if you have already something made on request, so ...
... First advice: do not fight with a group of swindlers alone. You need to be near their people who pay attention to the fact that you did not notice, or prompt that something that you do not know, in the end, will be your witness evidence of presence / absence of copies of documents, spoken words, etc. . in the worst case scenario.
Secondly, fraudulent schemes almost always situational, that is artificially created a situation where you need to urgently make a decision, or is done as if you have already taken this decision. The distinguishing feature of this process - the speed development of the situation.
Example: the fraudsters need to protect you from your accompany and possible to do so that you stayed with them one on one with documents and money. Sounds amazing! But who will agree to this!
Please - scheme of action: on the threshold of autofocus you meet two widely smiling man with a badge on the bright laces and in response to your phrase: "Yesterday I called and they told me about the BMW X5 2014 for 50 thousand dollars" - say coldly: "How your name? "You respond:" Sidorov ". And then a miracle happens - they are looking into the computer and say, "Of course! What you've been riding, he's the only one left here. Your reservation for the car in half an hour to expire - with cognac you! But do not worry, we are all quickly place. Let your family right now with my colleague go to the parking lot to watch the car, and we are with you - in the VIP-cash money and documents. You've been waiting since yesterday evening! Mr. Sidorov, come quickly for five people asked about this car - not every day such options ».
It would seem that dangerous?
Firstly, you do not know whether these people - employees autofocus. They can rent space under the guise of commission trade and generally be anyone!
Secondly, I am a little know people who, the first time being in a situation where they are being deceived in this "admission" will not come back in the suitcases of documents and money, thus proving the fraudsters that they have with them all and they are ready to leave Cash NOW. Therefore ...
... The second board: always check the reliability of where you are and who is really in front of you, take the time to perform any actions on someone else's request.
Ie company car center - it's not just a show room with machines and colored sign on the entrance. This can be arranged by removing the square in any supermarket. Corporate Autocentre - a proprietary identification (knowingly automakers standardize the appearance of branded centers): flags, pylons. Most importantly - it works car wash! It is not "zafuflish." If you see a building on which hangs the signboard, stand pylons, there are new cars around the building; you go inside - there is a service area, the original accessories are on the racks, you are met by an employee, who on the business card is written that he employee dealer instead of "AvtoPlyusMinusEksimSuperProdGarant", then you can safely start a conversation. Do not continue to talk and do not reveal any facts to people who refuse to let you know information about themselves (position, name, belonging to the department, etc.)
Third, always have on hand legal advice of the State in which you make a purchase. It sounds corny, but no one understands why this is necessary in practice, and how to use this advice. And in fact, people go for buying a car for 40-50 thousand dollars in unfamiliar places, like going on a picnic to friends in the village: the ticket bought, took passport, money is not forgotten: "All right, dear, with God - wait for tomorrow with the machine. " Ask a question to a friend: "Would you go with me to buy a kilogram of gold Cambodia? And in Moscow to buy a car for 70 grand? "Which option is safer? Answer: the ignorance of local law both options are equally likely to leave you with no money! Council "carefully read the terms of the contract" is as useful as the council to look at his feet, walking down the street. How Come? Because it does not contain specific instructions, where to read, what to read when reading. He only answers the question of how - carefully.
So, you've come to the salon - it REALLY car dealerships. Before you REALLY manager, what you have seen in commercials, there really is available for the money to which you are ready to check out and give you the documents.
Tip Three: do not try to sound very smart and do not assume that you know everything, pretending that you understand all of the items that you are reading. At the slightest hesitation ask questions, let them know the seller, that you do not know all the intricacies of the legal registration of the transaction, give read the second instance of your legal advisor, who took with them, along with your reading of the document. Sign exactly the documents that you have read, just to then, taking them "to sign", you did not bring the other options. Be sure to take time to think with contracts in hand, at least half an hour.
In the process of reading, thinking you can call and consult - will be fine if you ask them to contract for the sale by e-mail before coming to the auto center and on-site to verify the only, if the option contract you get for signing.
The contract must be written that:
New car.
The car is free of third party rights and obligations, including customs and tax.
There should be a number of vehicle you have selected (if the car is in stock).
The contract you sign with an authorized dealer (it would be nice to know just in case the name of the legal entity before the arrival of the car).
Performing a few simple tips will help you avoid trouble, but always remember that the schemes develop professionals, so:
If you close and do not see what is written in the advertisement, but "there is a similar option, just need to drive / walk to another place or another car at all - do not continue the conversation and leave immediately !!! Fraudsters will find 10 million reasons to interest you and lure of money, but the goal is one - BAM.
Never to admit that you have with you the entire amount of money. If anything, I bring up, will have to go to the bank, the money will be in two hours - once you break these situational component of the scheme.
At the slightest hesitation feel free to check who is in front of you, what kind of product it offers up to a passport and car documents.
History 1. "And what will you do? Money and the car we »

The couple retired Ivan and Inna (character names changed) decided to buy a new car. Long studied proposals dealers in Minsk, browse online advertising. While her husband was surprised to not come across advertising Russian autofocus: Renault Duster 2014 onwards there was exposed for only $ 11,500. In Minsk, this is $ 18.900. "Wow difference!" - And his wife decided to become a call to Moscow. Center operator assured that such a model is available, prices are valid, including for Belarusian customers. Ivan and Inna asked to choose the color of the car, after which they issued a request for tickets and rushed to the train. - The manager who greeted us in the cabin, made big eyes and said that Renault Duster for the price (you know!) No, - says Ina. - Like, have confused this operator, such rates only for the Russians taking a car lease or loan. - I must admit I was upset heavily - continues heroine. - And said time had come to buy, spend a ticket, you can see some other options. "The eye fell" on Nissan Almera for 494,000 Russian rubles. - We felt that for dollars is obtained about 14 thousand. It is literally all the money that we have with, except the minimum necessary for petrol and insurance. At the same time a similar car in Minsk, as far as we remember, is worth about 15,500 dollars. Manager repeatedly confirmed buyers that this is the final price and further will have to pay only 6,000 rubles for the paperwork. - We were invited to execute the contract, - says Ina. - Manager of his finger on the text and showed behold such a car, that's your data, so the purchase price - 500 thousand rubles. Sign three copies. We re-read the first option, and the other two are not signed a peering. We were told to wait. Then we were taken to an entirely different company employee, allegedly rented a car center in the area. She went over our documents and issued: "For a car you have to pay 600 thousand." - How so? - Exclaimed the wife. - Look in the contract and it is written.

Indeed, the first version of the treaty was gone, and the other two was the total amount of 600,000, broken into pieces: 494,000 and 106,000 rubles. - We will not pay what is not agreed. I want to cancel the contract, - said Ivan. - To cancel the contract, you should leave the claim, we will be 15 days to consider it. In general, do whatever you want, - she said. - The money we have, the car with us. Ivan is now recognized that at the time was only thinking about how to pick up the car. - What do we do? We have no additional funds. - You can write a receipt that will pay the remainder of the 21 days. - Do not believe it - continues the story of Inna. - We were given a car without insurance, the documents - only a copy of PTS (Vehicle Registration Document, which contains information about the previous and current owners. - Approx. Ed.), Where after the factory and dealer in the third position is inscribed the name of the husband. As we drove Russia - now just hair stand on end. Any verification of documents by the police - goodbye machine. A few days later received a call from Ivan autofocus and asked to drive the car in Moscow. Like, he allegedly failed presale. He flatly refused. Money that Ivan was on the receipt, he brought the train. At the same time wrote a letter to the local authorities and witnesses invited our fellow journalists from the Moscow edition. Copy of title issued earlier in the auto center took and told to wait an original document. - You will not believe it when we opened this TCP, it turned out that the car was already registered in the name of another man, and her husband, thus, was no longer the third and fourth owner! - Inna exclaims. - We were given a certificate that the previous registration was made in error and canceled. Certainly not! Now we understand what was the calculation: that we stop along the way DPS or a car hijacking in the Belarus (luckily my husband is home not the place of registration) and then we will never prove that we are the owners - in fact inscribed TCP another person .

Ivan and Inna recognize that hopes to punish the perpetrators have almost no: - We are told it like it is just that nobody else has got such a deception.
History 2. Went for KIA Rio, and returned to the Lada Granta

The second story tells us Artem - his parents went to Moscow for a new KIA Rio.
- Ad we found on the Internet - began the story of a young man. - The car was worth 390,000. Frankly, in a network of similar proposal was not one. I have carefully studied the reviews about this salon - basically positive, although they were a bit. But in general, such a step has pushed another experience: he successfully bought in Moscow in the same way Nissan, save a few thousand dollars.
Make a request on the phone and choose a color, parents Artem went to the white-stone.
- We arrived at the salon, and they say: KIA Rio at this price no phone number where you call our salon does not belong - continues Artem. - Parents bearings in place, find another salon contacts - there KIA Rio has offered for 400,000 rubles. On the phone, they were assured that the model is available. Went there. Entered into a preliminary agreement made 400 thousand and six for premarket THAT. It was about two o'clock in the afternoon. Evening comes, salon closed and no car. They say, so you do not pay extra, you need as much again, see agreement. Now it is difficult to say what was in the preliminary contract, but would like to say something about the commission. Father demanded the money back. Salon workers said the money will not be returned, and threatened to call the police. Father realized that I need to take anything, and asked what he could pick up for the already paid amount. He is told: take Lada Granta. Then the eyes of the parents broke the preliminary agreement, concluded a new one. We then consulted a lawyer - this document is competent and complies with the law.

What is interesting about both shops online information and reviews a bit. But when Artem entered in the search engine the name of the director of the second showroom - manifested all the "track record" of the last.
- From the stories that people have written, I realized that my parents still good escaped, - concluded the young man.
With the difficult situation faced hero of the third story, Sergei.

He decided to go with a friend in Moscow for the new Toyota Corolla.
- The site of the Moscow Motor Show, we found Toyota's standard for 560 thousand Russian rubles, - says Sergey. - Call the salon, we were assured that this model is in stock, its price has not changed and remains at 560,000. When they came to the dealership, we were told that the car that we were interested, not in stock and offered to take the same model, but with the optional equipment. The cost of the machine has already grown to 600 thousand. Agreed as still came out cheaper than the Belarusian dealers. Signed a preliminary agreement in which it was stated that the cost of the car is 600 million, including additional equipment and allowance trading. Then made a pledge of $ 30 thousand Russian rubles.
From that moment began the most interesting.
- The scheme is - continues to Sergei. - Once the buyer makes a deposit, an average of 25 to 30 thousand Russian rubles, he brought the car and give the main contract in which the value of the purchased vehicle grows to 750 thousand. As explained by the managers of the interior, the final price is derived from the value of the car, the price of which at the time was already 600 thousand, it is added accessories for 100 thousand and 50 thousand trade allowance. "Accessories" in my case consisted of a rear parking sensors and alarm systems with two-way communication.
Those who did not agree to pay for the car noticeably risen in price, the deposit is not returned. Managers of the Moscow Motor Show is argued that in fact the car was delivered, it means that service is provided, so if the client refuses to give the final amount, he must pay a penalty in the amount of bail.

Sergey has decided to take the car, which after many trials with the administration of the cabin fell to 720,000, that is, the machine cost him about $ 20,000 excluding the cost of transportation.
Guide to Action: expert advice
Head of Sales autofocus "Bayernkraft", the official BMW dealer in the Republic of Belarus, Cyril Sholomitskii at our request, told how to avoid becoming a victim of fraud:
- Of course, you can just give a lot of advice such as:
Carefully read the contract.
Do not sign any documents without reading them.
We need to show the goods before they make a pre-payment for it.
Refer only to the official representatives of the brands.
Do not trust their property, property rights for the documents signed and assumes no obligations to other people's cards.

And many other things that are usually advised smart people, but it is generally applied in practice it is difficult, if you act against fraudsters with the experience, so these tips are not a guide to action in real situations of fraud.
I will allow myself to spend a brief tour of the theory of fraud. I'll tell you about the main dangers and psychological principles of construction scams cheating buyers of cars and other expensive and not very things.
First of all, remember: if you want to cheat, and you start to take part (unknowingly) in this process, then against you has a well thought out scheme of deception. In other words, someone (and it's not one person but a group of people think the situation in advance) already counted your actions when different versions of events at any stage of the process, so it is unlikely you will find on the move out of the situation if you have already something made on request, so ...
... First advice: do not fight with a group of swindlers alone. You need to be near their people who pay attention to the fact that you did not notice, or prompt that something that you do not know, in the end, will be your witness evidence of presence / absence of copies of documents, spoken words, etc. . in the worst case scenario.

Secondly, fraudulent schemes almost always situational, that is artificially created a situation where you need to urgently make a decision, or is done as if you have already taken this decision. The distinguishing feature of this process - the speed development of the situation.
Example: the fraudsters need to protect you from your accompany and possible to do so that you stayed with them one on one with documents and money. Sounds amazing! But who will agree to this!
Please - scheme of action: on the threshold of autofocus you meet two widely smiling man with a badge on the bright laces and in response to your phrase: "Yesterday I called and they told me about the BMW X5 2014 for 50 thousand dollars" - say coldly: "How your name? "You respond:" Sidorov ". And then a miracle happens - they are looking into the computer and say, "Of course! What you've been riding, he's the only one left here. Your reservation for the car in half an hour to expire - with cognac you! But do not worry, we are all quickly place. Let your family right now with my colleague go to the parking lot to watch the car, and we are with you - in the VIP-cash money and documents. You've been waiting since yesterday evening! Mr. Sidorov, come quickly for five people asked about this car - not every day such options ».
It would seem that dangerous?

Firstly, you do not know whether these people - employees autofocus. They can rent space under the guise of commission trade and generally be anyone!
Secondly, I am a little know people who, the first time being in a situation where they are being deceived in this "admission" will not come back in the suitcases of documents and money, thus proving the fraudsters that they have with them all and they are ready to leave Cash NOW. Therefore ...
... The second board: always check the reliability of where you are and who is really in front of you, take the time to perform any actions on someone else's request.
Ie company car center - it's not just a show room with machines and colored sign on the entrance. This can be arranged by removing the square in any supermarket. Corporate Autocentre - a proprietary identification (knowingly automakers standardize the appearance of branded centers): flags, pylons. Most importantly - it works car wash! It is not "zafuflish." If you see a building on which hangs the signboard, stand pylons, there are new cars around the building; you go inside - there is a service area, the original accessories are on the racks, you are met by an employee, who on the business card is written that he employee dealer instead of "AvtoPlyusMinusEksimSuperProdGarant", then you can safely start a conversation. Do not continue to talk and do not reveal any facts to people who refuse to let you know information about themselves (position, name, belonging to the department, etc.)
Third, always have on hand legal advice of the State in which you make a purchase. It sounds corny, but no one understands why this is necessary in practice, and how to use this advice. And in fact, people go for buying a car for 40-50 thousand dollars in unfamiliar places, like going on a picnic to friends in the village: the ticket bought, took passport, money is not forgotten: "All right, dear, with God - wait for tomorrow with the machine. " Ask a question to a friend: "Would you go with me to buy a kilogram of gold Cambodia? And in Moscow to buy a car for 70 grand? "Which option is safer? Answer: the ignorance of local law both options are equally likely to leave you with no money! Council "carefully read the terms of the contract" is as useful as the council to look at his feet, walking down the street. How Come? Because it does not contain specific instructions, where to read, what to read when reading. He only answers the question of how - carefully.
So, you've come to the salon - it REALLY car dealerships. Before you REALLY manager, what you have seen in commercials, there really is available for the money to which you are ready to check out and give you the documents.
Tip Three: do not try to sound very smart and do not assume that you know everything, pretending that you understand all of the items that you are reading. At the slightest hesitation ask questions, let them know the seller, that you do not know all the intricacies of the legal registration of the transaction, give read the second instance of your legal advisor, who took with them, along with your reading of the document. Sign exactly the documents that you have read, just to then, taking them "to sign", you did not bring the other options. Be sure to take time to think with contracts in hand, at least half an hour.
In the process of reading, thinking you can call and consult - will be fine if you ask them to contract for the sale by e-mail before coming to the auto center and on-site to verify the only, if the option contract you get for signing.
The contract must be written that:

New car.
The car is free of third party rights and obligations, including customs and tax.
There should be a number of vehicle you have selected (if the car is in stock).
The contract you sign with an authorized dealer (it would be nice to know just in case the name of the legal entity before the arrival of the car).
Performing a few simple tips will help you avoid trouble, but always remember that the schemes develop professionals, so:
If you close and do not see what is written in the advertisement, but "there is a similar option, just need to drive / walk to another place or another car at all - do not continue the conversation and leave immediately !!! Fraudsters will find 10 million reasons to interest you and lure of money, but the goal is one - BAM.
Never to admit that you have with you the entire amount of money. If anything, I bring up, will have to go to the bank, the money will be in two hours - once you break these situational component of the scheme.
At the slightest hesitation feel free to check who is in front of you, what kind of product it offers up to a passport and car documents.