Usually people divorce hard and with scandals, but in the modern world have figured out how to do otherwise.
In the modern world divorces happen often. And so much so that every year the world statistics scare more and more. Leaders in divorce are considered such countries as Hungary, Sweden, Portugal, the Czech Republic and others.
However, if earlier people divorced, as a rule, hard and with scandals, today the divorce process is different. Moreover, there are many different features characteristic of modern divorces. In this article, the editorial board "Site" He will talk about the most interesting discoveries.
Spouses who managed to divorce and remain friends deserve respect. But, unfortunately, such cases are rather an exception to the rule. In most cases, divorces take place in stressful. It often goes to trial. And especially often children born in marriage suffer from all this.
There has long been a solution to this problem in the West. In order to divorce peacefully and not hate each other, the spouses resort to divorce. mediator. This is a person who takes a neutral position towards both husband and wife. He helps them to understand all issues and negotiate a divorce, taking into account the wishes of each other.
It is interesting that not only the people themselves, but also the governments of some countries are interested in a proper divorce. In England and Wales, for example, local authorities give people special vouchers of £500. This money can and should be used to hire a mediator who will help the spouses dot the i.
Judicial apportionment of guilt used to exist. One of the spouses filed for divorce, accusing the other of treason, inappropriate behavior and other things. Step by step, the world began to abandon this. The state does not have to know for what reason the couple wants to separate.
Ideally, a husband and wife should file for divorce together, knowing what they are doing and why. When there is no mutual accusation, the divorce process is quicker and calmer. That's what mediators want.
Every year the services of mediators are becoming more popular. In the Netherlands, for example, 41% of married couples do not go to court, but cooperate with a mediator to divorce without scandal. In Australia and Norway, this is what most people do.
What is a joint divorce, there is also another option. It is also known as collaborative divorce. It's the so-called divorceIn the process, the spouses hire lawyers. They go to court instead of husband and wife. This is how the famous star couple divorced: Yevgeny Petrosyan and Elena Stepanenko.
In order for lawyers to have the right to facilitate other people’s divorces, they undergo special additional training for this. There are at least 20,000 divorce lawyers in the United States.
Divorces in the world: Australia, Netherlands, USA In Australia there are special centers of family relations. They exist at the expense of charities and offer either free or budget mediation.
In addition, in such centers, former spouses who have children are taught to adapt to a new life. Experts explain how a divorce can affect the condition of the child and what you need to do to avoid harming him.
The service of a mediator in the Netherlands can be obtained by combining the pleasant with the useful. Okay, Dutch company DivorceHotel We invite couples to stay in a comfortable hotel for the weekend. Husband and wife live in separate rooms, attend mediator sessions, and in between can go for a massage or a spa.
American firm It's Over Easy Offers divorced couples online legal advice. They help spouses understand filling out various documents, discussing rights to children and changing surnames.
Parental divorce has a serious impact on their children. In order not to injure a child, the world came up with an interesting system of living together. Bird nest (bird's nest) This is an apartment that spouses buy or rent after a divorce. It takes turns for mom and dad. Children do not need to move from place to place, they have a permanent home. For parents, it becomes temporary.
Divorced fathers began spending more time with their children. In addition, they became more likely to receive full custody of the child, which was almost impossible to achieve before.
Around the world, divorce is still accompanied by tears, regrets and abuse. However, the elimination of judicial apportionment of guilt and the tendency towards quicker, calmer and less adversarial ways of dissolving a marriage eases the burden of misery, especially for children caught between the fires.
In the comments, what do you think makes divorce easier?

However, if earlier people divorced, as a rule, hard and with scandals, today the divorce process is different. Moreover, there are many different features characteristic of modern divorces. In this article, the editorial board "Site" He will talk about the most interesting discoveries.
Spouses who managed to divorce and remain friends deserve respect. But, unfortunately, such cases are rather an exception to the rule. In most cases, divorces take place in stressful. It often goes to trial. And especially often children born in marriage suffer from all this.
There has long been a solution to this problem in the West. In order to divorce peacefully and not hate each other, the spouses resort to divorce. mediator. This is a person who takes a neutral position towards both husband and wife. He helps them to understand all issues and negotiate a divorce, taking into account the wishes of each other.

It is interesting that not only the people themselves, but also the governments of some countries are interested in a proper divorce. In England and Wales, for example, local authorities give people special vouchers of £500. This money can and should be used to hire a mediator who will help the spouses dot the i.
Judicial apportionment of guilt used to exist. One of the spouses filed for divorce, accusing the other of treason, inappropriate behavior and other things. Step by step, the world began to abandon this. The state does not have to know for what reason the couple wants to separate.

Ideally, a husband and wife should file for divorce together, knowing what they are doing and why. When there is no mutual accusation, the divorce process is quicker and calmer. That's what mediators want.
Every year the services of mediators are becoming more popular. In the Netherlands, for example, 41% of married couples do not go to court, but cooperate with a mediator to divorce without scandal. In Australia and Norway, this is what most people do.
What is a joint divorce, there is also another option. It is also known as collaborative divorce. It's the so-called divorceIn the process, the spouses hire lawyers. They go to court instead of husband and wife. This is how the famous star couple divorced: Yevgeny Petrosyan and Elena Stepanenko.

In order for lawyers to have the right to facilitate other people’s divorces, they undergo special additional training for this. There are at least 20,000 divorce lawyers in the United States.
Divorces in the world: Australia, Netherlands, USA In Australia there are special centers of family relations. They exist at the expense of charities and offer either free or budget mediation.
In addition, in such centers, former spouses who have children are taught to adapt to a new life. Experts explain how a divorce can affect the condition of the child and what you need to do to avoid harming him.

The service of a mediator in the Netherlands can be obtained by combining the pleasant with the useful. Okay, Dutch company DivorceHotel We invite couples to stay in a comfortable hotel for the weekend. Husband and wife live in separate rooms, attend mediator sessions, and in between can go for a massage or a spa.
American firm It's Over Easy Offers divorced couples online legal advice. They help spouses understand filling out various documents, discussing rights to children and changing surnames.
Parental divorce has a serious impact on their children. In order not to injure a child, the world came up with an interesting system of living together. Bird nest (bird's nest) This is an apartment that spouses buy or rent after a divorce. It takes turns for mom and dad. Children do not need to move from place to place, they have a permanent home. For parents, it becomes temporary.

Divorced fathers began spending more time with their children. In addition, they became more likely to receive full custody of the child, which was almost impossible to achieve before.
Around the world, divorce is still accompanied by tears, regrets and abuse. However, the elimination of judicial apportionment of guilt and the tendency towards quicker, calmer and less adversarial ways of dissolving a marriage eases the burden of misery, especially for children caught between the fires.
In the comments, what do you think makes divorce easier?
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