Attention! Read about this kind of fraud in airports, to avoid becoming a victim.
In countries where every year arrive millions of tourists , is full of scams. This is especially true in developing countries where there is a huge amount of criminal gangs.
Fraud aeroportahNedavno world again heard about a fraud who has invented 20 years ago in Manila (Philippines). Staff at airports in Egypt for some time now actively using this method taking money from tourists
This scam is called "Tanim Bala" lies in the fact that crooks who officially work in airports , tossed in a small tourist luggage bullet. When checking baggage shine and find her. The passenger begins to panic and to bribe the employee prefers not to be late for your flight and get away.
The operator X-ray machine and the security officer simply divide their profits. They earn hundreds of dollars every day!
From this type of fraud can not protect neither the police nor the airport management as of scams are big crime syndicates. It is unlikely that you have something to prove, if you get into this situation.
A special group of risk are passengers who fly with a transfer
Through this process, workers fraud airports, with tiny salaries, live in huge houses, their children attend private schools, and they drive expensive cars.
What do you do to avoid becoming a victim of these scams?
All you have is - closely follow your luggage and lock it on all the locks and zippers.
Or do like this!
Take care of Security your friends and family and help them not to get into a dangerous situation. This form of fraud should learn as many as possible!
via takprosto.cc
Fraud aeroportahNedavno world again heard about a fraud who has invented 20 years ago in Manila (Philippines). Staff at airports in Egypt for some time now actively using this method taking money from tourists

This scam is called "Tanim Bala" lies in the fact that crooks who officially work in airports , tossed in a small tourist luggage bullet. When checking baggage shine and find her. The passenger begins to panic and to bribe the employee prefers not to be late for your flight and get away.

The operator X-ray machine and the security officer simply divide their profits. They earn hundreds of dollars every day!
From this type of fraud can not protect neither the police nor the airport management as of scams are big crime syndicates. It is unlikely that you have something to prove, if you get into this situation.

A special group of risk are passengers who fly with a transfer

Through this process, workers fraud airports, with tiny salaries, live in huge houses, their children attend private schools, and they drive expensive cars.
What do you do to avoid becoming a victim of these scams?
All you have is - closely follow your luggage and lock it on all the locks and zippers.
Or do like this!

Take care of Security your friends and family and help them not to get into a dangerous situation. This form of fraud should learn as many as possible!
via takprosto.cc
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