101 Tips for traveling by plane
Tips from a person who made a flight of 101 (75 international and 26 domestic). During this time I flew 305,481 km, which is equal to 189,817 miles, and 7, 6 revolutions around the earth; held in the air 437 hours 36 minutes, which corresponds to 18, 2 days; I visited 25 airports in 13 countries; flew on 52 different routes; I used the services of 17 airlines; It accumulated about 200,000 award miles in the three airline alliances.
1. Tickets bought in advance much cheaper only loukost.
2. To buy a cheap ticket to a normal company, it is necessary beforehand to monitor pricing.
3. Often the price of a ticket may fall about 2 weeks prior to departure, and then a few days before departure could rise again.
4. The price for one direction in different seasons in different airlines may be different.
5. Often the price of momondo, expedia and aviasales lower than the airline. But not always.
At the airport
6. Often, you can sign up at the front for the business class, if there is nobody there.
7. Most of the people at the airport follow the general flow.
8. When the flow of people is limited to passport control, many are trying to take the place in the queue. It is possible to detect the operating window, to which there is no queue, and people do not go to them, thinking that if there is no queue, and then the window does not work.
9. The situation described above can be observed from checkpoints.
10. Windows passport control in Russia are Russian citizens and citizens of the Union State (Russia and Belarus), foreign citizens and diplomats (often used by pilots, flight attendants and other STAF). You can go to any except the last.
11. Windows passport control in Europe are EU citizens and other citizens.
12. Windows passport control in the United States are of two types: a. for citizens of the USA, Canada, has a green card, new immigrants; b. for all others.
13. Windows passport control in Arab countries are of three types: a. for the citizens of the country; b. for citizens of Arab countries; at. for foreign citizens.
14. Shoe to checkpoints usually only in Russian. Not in Russia, they also are, but they must be specifically asked.
15. Normally, the floors clean. Shoe covers are not necessary.
16. The airport can be a free wi-fi.
17. In most European and American airports wi-fi surcharge.
18. The free wi-fi was found in the following airports: St. Petersburg (Pulkovo), Moscow (Sheremetyevo, Domodedovo), Helsinki (Vaanta), New York (Kennadi Terminal 5), Boston (Logon).
19. If there is no free internet on Wi-Fi, the Internet can be in stores technology on computers and iPads.
20. Often, free wi-fi is in the waiting rooms of business class and a number of these facilities. Normally, to use it, you must know the password.
21. In most airports have affordable food. Often, even in the form of expensive restaurants have an inexpensive soup.
22. The airport is convenient to have a backpack. It is possible to put a telephone, wallet, watch, belt and other items that squeak on the metal detector.
23. Many airports have interesting hiding places.
24. If a flight is delayed, you can call the airline office and ask for a voucher for a meal.
25. If a flight is delayed very serious (7-10 hours), because of what has changed seriously arrival time, then on arrival you can contact your airline, that you have provided in a hotel room.
26. If boarding takes place through the sleeve, it is more convenient to land to go first. You can quickly striding to his seat and without a problem to find a place for hand luggage.
27. When boarding the bus will then go to the bus, you can not hurry.
Place in a plane
28. Often, the place can be chosen in advance online, after buying a ticket.
29. Often, the place can be selected when registering online the day before departure.
30. Always place, you can choose when registering at the airport.
31. Sitting on the 2, 3 or 4 seats more comfortable, than one.
32. Most of the passengers like to sit at the window, some - in the passage in the middle - no.
33. Most of the passengers like to sit closer to the nose.
34. By choosing a place by the window in the rear, a chance that the flight will take place with no neighbors above.
35. Aircraft fly more often filled not 100%. After the end of the landing, you can occupy any free space.
36. On completion of the landing command is given: Boarding completed.
37. Generally in the plane a few wise men who want to take the vacant seats. Therefore, space can take up to the announcement of the end of the landing.
38. Conventional baggage allowance: 1 large bag or suitcase, 1 small suitcase, which can take a plane and 1 small bag or backpack.
39. In addition to the normal free, you can take another 1 piece of baggage. It should be a suitcase or bag, the size of hand luggage. Let's say you have 1 large suitcase, 1 small suitcase, 1 bag and 1 bag. The most convenient way is to provide an additional (to a large suitcase) - a small suitcase. To do this before registering hide bag (give to a friend, please keep an eye on travel, we hand over to the storage chamber, leave at the beginning of the queue to the posts); register large suitcase; We show a small suitcase and say that we, too, it can be registered if it is free or we will take it as carry-on baggage, and all of them will interfere with the plane. In most cases, it will register for free.
40. In addition to the normal free, you can take another 2 pieces of luggage. Both places have to be the size of carry-on luggage. Let's say you have 1 large suitcase, 1 small suitcase, 1 bag, 1 backpack and 1 guitar case. To do this: before registering hide bag and small suitcase; registering a large suitcase and a guitar in a case (in the manner described above); go to the gate with all the other things (security service do not care how much you have hand luggage); Then you can go to the bar at the entrance and ask whether it is possible to pass yet another place that will all interfere with the plane. In most cases, it will register for free.
41. When registering at the reception you can ask for the label «FRAGILE» and stick it in a suitcase. Perhaps with him will be treated with care.
42. Labels «FRAGILE» on the racks are not always.
43. Hand luggage can be placed not only on the shelf above his head, but to free the shelf over any place.
44. Luggage Tag - important documents that you can not lose.
45. The services involved in claims related to luggage, called the complaint.
46. The need to check luggage before leaving the airport. After the no claim.
47. The need to complain to the complaint, if something is missing from the baggage if the bag or suitcase had been damaged if the luggage did not arrive.
48. If the baggage has not been detected on the tape, it can be in place for oversized luggage. It happens to the oversized luggage, musical instruments and luggage with sticker «FRAGILE».
49. If the baggage had been lost, chances are that he is there, close to 100%.
50. If the baggage has not arrived on time, it is possible due to the airline to make a little shopping (need to clarify the conditions of the airline). Usually you can buy toiletries.
51. If the luggage was lost on a local flight, the baggage delivered to you at the address.
52. If the baggage was lost on international flights, most likely it will be for him to arrive at the airport.
53. If the baggage was lost on international flights (in Russia), it is necessary before going to approach the customs officer and weigh the remaining luggage. If this is not done, then a few days later, taking the lost luggage, you will run into the penalty - 4 Euro per kg.
54. That luggage was easier to find the handles to hang a tag with the name of the passenger.
55. At some airports (eg Heathrow) forgotten in the hall baggage (carry-on) destroyed.
56. Legend of the fact that the Russian airlines the most delicious food, did not find evidence. The most disgusting meal at a / "Russia". While all this is a matter of taste.
57. The legend of that American Airlines is the most insipid food, similar to the truth. Similarly, the truth is that no tea, no coffee undrinkable.
58. If there is an opportunity to choose a special menu (vegetarian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, etc.), it is necessary to use. Food from the special menu, mostly tasty standard.
59. The largest portion of the Jewish menu. It is understandable.
60. Another useful feature special menu - it is served before the rest.
61. Some companies initially serving drinks, then food, then hot drinks. All three of these procedures are at intervals of 30 minutes. Not to eat cold food, drinks can be taken as a reserve.
62. Drinks are unlimited. You can ask for 3 cans of Coke at a time and you do not give up.
63. To melt the butter and a little warm the cold roll, they can be put on top of the foil with a hot dish.
64. You can ask the additive.
65. If you were given sandwiches or pizza, you can ask for take-away food.
66. All major airlines are combined in three of the alliance.
67. Every alliance has its own loyalty program. The accumulated miles can be spent on the program in the "free" flights.
68. By purchasing tickets for Miles to pay airport charges. Often these fees are close to the normal price for a ticket.
69. Miles Aeroflot is most advantageous to spend on flights to the CIS countries.
70. Miles British Airways is most advantageous to spend for flights to London.
71. Lufthansa Miles is most advantageous to spend on flights to Germany.
72. The easiest way to achieve status in silver British Airways, at the same time it opens up the greatest opportunities (compared to those of other Alliance): allows you to record two pieces of luggage and enables expected flight in business class rooms with free food and drinks.
73. If possible, keep the boarding pass. Some a / c (for example, Aeroflot) require it to be credited miles, if they are not automatically enrolled.
74. Sometimes when printing a boarding pass using self-service machines, you can print yourself some boarding passes.
75. WC can be used to take off until the plane started moving.
76. WC can be used after landing after the aircraft to a complete stop.
77. Before pressing the drain, you need to cover up the cover.
78. Water is removed from the shell by pressing a special button.
79. The door can be opened from the outside toilet. The handle is located under the sign «LAVATORY».
80. You do not need to create a puddle in the bathroom. They interfere with passengers who remove their shoes on the plane.
81. To all normally washed off, before using the toilet, it is possible to lay a piece of paper.
82. If the landing is better to tighten the belt. Some pilots are very drastically ottormazhivatsya.
83. Clap when landing on flights to Russia or from Russia.
84. The hardest ears laying on landing.
85. That laid the ears can not chew gum.
86. So as not laid the ears can drink.
87. That laid the ears can not yawn.
88. So as not laid the ears, you can plug your nose with your fingers and blow air through the ears (the most effective way).
89. When landing at Heathrow (London) from the window on the right see the whole city.
90. When landing in JFK (New York) views of Manhattan can be out the window on the left.
91. When taking off from Newark (New York) good view of Manhattan can be opened for passengers seated in the window on the right.
Even something
92. At the entrance to the aircraft does not necessarily show the flight attendant boarding pass.
93. When transplanting, if you have time to sit at the airport is not required. You can come out.
94. To enter the UK if the next flight less than 24 hours, a visa for Russian citizens is not required.
95. Generally, the majority of airports have an inexpensive way to reach the city center.
96. If you ask at the information desk how to get to the city, you will advise the most expensive way (which is not always the fastest and most convenient). And, if you ask, and what the cheapest way to answer is - on foot (the same humor in all parts of the world, Unverified).
97. Often, the airport goes to an ordinary city bus, whose existence is little known. Google Maps can help locate the bus.
98. If you have a shuttle from the airport to any hotel, they can be used. Rather, from the hotel to get to the center (or urban transport) easier than the airport. And there are some hotels and shuttles to the city center.
99. If you go from the airport train, which can pass without turnstiles, then they can drive the hare. First time working amnesty "dumb tourist».
100. Heavy drinking is common in the aircraft on charter flights only resort destinations.
101. Even foreign a / k films are in Russian.

1. Tickets bought in advance much cheaper only loukost.
2. To buy a cheap ticket to a normal company, it is necessary beforehand to monitor pricing.
3. Often the price of a ticket may fall about 2 weeks prior to departure, and then a few days before departure could rise again.
4. The price for one direction in different seasons in different airlines may be different.
5. Often the price of momondo, expedia and aviasales lower than the airline. But not always.
At the airport
6. Often, you can sign up at the front for the business class, if there is nobody there.
7. Most of the people at the airport follow the general flow.
8. When the flow of people is limited to passport control, many are trying to take the place in the queue. It is possible to detect the operating window, to which there is no queue, and people do not go to them, thinking that if there is no queue, and then the window does not work.
9. The situation described above can be observed from checkpoints.
10. Windows passport control in Russia are Russian citizens and citizens of the Union State (Russia and Belarus), foreign citizens and diplomats (often used by pilots, flight attendants and other STAF). You can go to any except the last.
11. Windows passport control in Europe are EU citizens and other citizens.
12. Windows passport control in the United States are of two types: a. for citizens of the USA, Canada, has a green card, new immigrants; b. for all others.
13. Windows passport control in Arab countries are of three types: a. for the citizens of the country; b. for citizens of Arab countries; at. for foreign citizens.
14. Shoe to checkpoints usually only in Russian. Not in Russia, they also are, but they must be specifically asked.
15. Normally, the floors clean. Shoe covers are not necessary.
16. The airport can be a free wi-fi.
17. In most European and American airports wi-fi surcharge.
18. The free wi-fi was found in the following airports: St. Petersburg (Pulkovo), Moscow (Sheremetyevo, Domodedovo), Helsinki (Vaanta), New York (Kennadi Terminal 5), Boston (Logon).
19. If there is no free internet on Wi-Fi, the Internet can be in stores technology on computers and iPads.
20. Often, free wi-fi is in the waiting rooms of business class and a number of these facilities. Normally, to use it, you must know the password.
21. In most airports have affordable food. Often, even in the form of expensive restaurants have an inexpensive soup.
22. The airport is convenient to have a backpack. It is possible to put a telephone, wallet, watch, belt and other items that squeak on the metal detector.
23. Many airports have interesting hiding places.
24. If a flight is delayed, you can call the airline office and ask for a voucher for a meal.
25. If a flight is delayed very serious (7-10 hours), because of what has changed seriously arrival time, then on arrival you can contact your airline, that you have provided in a hotel room.
26. If boarding takes place through the sleeve, it is more convenient to land to go first. You can quickly striding to his seat and without a problem to find a place for hand luggage.
27. When boarding the bus will then go to the bus, you can not hurry.
Place in a plane
28. Often, the place can be chosen in advance online, after buying a ticket.
29. Often, the place can be selected when registering online the day before departure.
30. Always place, you can choose when registering at the airport.
31. Sitting on the 2, 3 or 4 seats more comfortable, than one.
32. Most of the passengers like to sit at the window, some - in the passage in the middle - no.
33. Most of the passengers like to sit closer to the nose.
34. By choosing a place by the window in the rear, a chance that the flight will take place with no neighbors above.
35. Aircraft fly more often filled not 100%. After the end of the landing, you can occupy any free space.
36. On completion of the landing command is given: Boarding completed.
37. Generally in the plane a few wise men who want to take the vacant seats. Therefore, space can take up to the announcement of the end of the landing.
38. Conventional baggage allowance: 1 large bag or suitcase, 1 small suitcase, which can take a plane and 1 small bag or backpack.
39. In addition to the normal free, you can take another 1 piece of baggage. It should be a suitcase or bag, the size of hand luggage. Let's say you have 1 large suitcase, 1 small suitcase, 1 bag and 1 bag. The most convenient way is to provide an additional (to a large suitcase) - a small suitcase. To do this before registering hide bag (give to a friend, please keep an eye on travel, we hand over to the storage chamber, leave at the beginning of the queue to the posts); register large suitcase; We show a small suitcase and say that we, too, it can be registered if it is free or we will take it as carry-on baggage, and all of them will interfere with the plane. In most cases, it will register for free.
40. In addition to the normal free, you can take another 2 pieces of luggage. Both places have to be the size of carry-on luggage. Let's say you have 1 large suitcase, 1 small suitcase, 1 bag, 1 backpack and 1 guitar case. To do this: before registering hide bag and small suitcase; registering a large suitcase and a guitar in a case (in the manner described above); go to the gate with all the other things (security service do not care how much you have hand luggage); Then you can go to the bar at the entrance and ask whether it is possible to pass yet another place that will all interfere with the plane. In most cases, it will register for free.
41. When registering at the reception you can ask for the label «FRAGILE» and stick it in a suitcase. Perhaps with him will be treated with care.
42. Labels «FRAGILE» on the racks are not always.
43. Hand luggage can be placed not only on the shelf above his head, but to free the shelf over any place.
44. Luggage Tag - important documents that you can not lose.
45. The services involved in claims related to luggage, called the complaint.
46. The need to check luggage before leaving the airport. After the no claim.
47. The need to complain to the complaint, if something is missing from the baggage if the bag or suitcase had been damaged if the luggage did not arrive.
48. If the baggage has not been detected on the tape, it can be in place for oversized luggage. It happens to the oversized luggage, musical instruments and luggage with sticker «FRAGILE».
49. If the baggage had been lost, chances are that he is there, close to 100%.
50. If the baggage has not arrived on time, it is possible due to the airline to make a little shopping (need to clarify the conditions of the airline). Usually you can buy toiletries.
51. If the luggage was lost on a local flight, the baggage delivered to you at the address.
52. If the baggage was lost on international flights, most likely it will be for him to arrive at the airport.
53. If the baggage was lost on international flights (in Russia), it is necessary before going to approach the customs officer and weigh the remaining luggage. If this is not done, then a few days later, taking the lost luggage, you will run into the penalty - 4 Euro per kg.
54. That luggage was easier to find the handles to hang a tag with the name of the passenger.
55. At some airports (eg Heathrow) forgotten in the hall baggage (carry-on) destroyed.
56. Legend of the fact that the Russian airlines the most delicious food, did not find evidence. The most disgusting meal at a / "Russia". While all this is a matter of taste.
57. The legend of that American Airlines is the most insipid food, similar to the truth. Similarly, the truth is that no tea, no coffee undrinkable.
58. If there is an opportunity to choose a special menu (vegetarian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, etc.), it is necessary to use. Food from the special menu, mostly tasty standard.
59. The largest portion of the Jewish menu. It is understandable.
60. Another useful feature special menu - it is served before the rest.
61. Some companies initially serving drinks, then food, then hot drinks. All three of these procedures are at intervals of 30 minutes. Not to eat cold food, drinks can be taken as a reserve.
62. Drinks are unlimited. You can ask for 3 cans of Coke at a time and you do not give up.
63. To melt the butter and a little warm the cold roll, they can be put on top of the foil with a hot dish.
64. You can ask the additive.
65. If you were given sandwiches or pizza, you can ask for take-away food.
66. All major airlines are combined in three of the alliance.
67. Every alliance has its own loyalty program. The accumulated miles can be spent on the program in the "free" flights.
68. By purchasing tickets for Miles to pay airport charges. Often these fees are close to the normal price for a ticket.
69. Miles Aeroflot is most advantageous to spend on flights to the CIS countries.
70. Miles British Airways is most advantageous to spend for flights to London.
71. Lufthansa Miles is most advantageous to spend on flights to Germany.
72. The easiest way to achieve status in silver British Airways, at the same time it opens up the greatest opportunities (compared to those of other Alliance): allows you to record two pieces of luggage and enables expected flight in business class rooms with free food and drinks.
73. If possible, keep the boarding pass. Some a / c (for example, Aeroflot) require it to be credited miles, if they are not automatically enrolled.
74. Sometimes when printing a boarding pass using self-service machines, you can print yourself some boarding passes.
75. WC can be used to take off until the plane started moving.
76. WC can be used after landing after the aircraft to a complete stop.
77. Before pressing the drain, you need to cover up the cover.
78. Water is removed from the shell by pressing a special button.
79. The door can be opened from the outside toilet. The handle is located under the sign «LAVATORY».
80. You do not need to create a puddle in the bathroom. They interfere with passengers who remove their shoes on the plane.
81. To all normally washed off, before using the toilet, it is possible to lay a piece of paper.
82. If the landing is better to tighten the belt. Some pilots are very drastically ottormazhivatsya.
83. Clap when landing on flights to Russia or from Russia.
84. The hardest ears laying on landing.
85. That laid the ears can not chew gum.
86. So as not laid the ears can drink.
87. That laid the ears can not yawn.
88. So as not laid the ears, you can plug your nose with your fingers and blow air through the ears (the most effective way).
89. When landing at Heathrow (London) from the window on the right see the whole city.
90. When landing in JFK (New York) views of Manhattan can be out the window on the left.
91. When taking off from Newark (New York) good view of Manhattan can be opened for passengers seated in the window on the right.
Even something
92. At the entrance to the aircraft does not necessarily show the flight attendant boarding pass.
93. When transplanting, if you have time to sit at the airport is not required. You can come out.
94. To enter the UK if the next flight less than 24 hours, a visa for Russian citizens is not required.
95. Generally, the majority of airports have an inexpensive way to reach the city center.
96. If you ask at the information desk how to get to the city, you will advise the most expensive way (which is not always the fastest and most convenient). And, if you ask, and what the cheapest way to answer is - on foot (the same humor in all parts of the world, Unverified).
97. Often, the airport goes to an ordinary city bus, whose existence is little known. Google Maps can help locate the bus.
98. If you have a shuttle from the airport to any hotel, they can be used. Rather, from the hotel to get to the center (or urban transport) easier than the airport. And there are some hotels and shuttles to the city center.
99. If you go from the airport train, which can pass without turnstiles, then they can drive the hare. First time working amnesty "dumb tourist».
100. Heavy drinking is common in the aircraft on charter flights only resort destinations.
101. Even foreign a / k films are in Russian.