Divorce on Aliekspress

Method 1: Partial compensation for loss of goods
Quite often, in the description of popular items you can see a record of that delivery of the goods is carried out express carrier such as DHL / UPS / FedEx, and while it's free. And the price of such commodity contains a little less than than the competition. Not every buyer is willing to pass this "tempting offer».

As a result, the buyer makes such an order and pay it. Well, after all the fun begins and may be two versions of events.
The first - the seller delivers to the buyer any "left" track, in the hope that the buyer simply forget in time to open the debate about the non-receipt. And when referring to the description of the goods sent via DHL / UPS / FedEx protection buyer for this transaction only last 23 days.
The second - the seller after a while (usually 5-7 days) to write a letter to the buyer about this: "Dear friend, I sent your order, but it did not miss Customs, citing the fact that DHL can not send electronics, and so the order went back. But as I appreciate your attention, I again sent the parcel, but regular mail. Track number RA ********* CN. I'm sorry that it happened and so I suggest you compensation of $ 10-15 for the inconvenience. " The text of the letter can have many variations, but its main meaning is that the buyer is offered partial compensation for not yet received goods. Too many buyers, hoping to get their goods and thus also the payment, agree to such a proposal, but in order to get the compensation you need to open debate on the proposed amount. As a result, the dispute is opened, the seller agrees with the requirements of the dispute and the dispute is closed. The buyer gets the promised compensation.
But the trick of this scheme of fraud is that the rules Aliekspress if the dispute is closed to the satisfaction of the buyer (any), then the transaction is completed and the second time the dispute can not be opened. And these are scams, because you probably already have understood what really goods do not sent. As a result, the customer returns only $ 10-15, and the rest of the amount retained by the seller.
How to avoid becoming a victim of such a scam? It's all pretty simple. Firstly, try to scrutinize all the information about the product on the seller and try not to buy goods at "attractive" price on unrealistic conditions of delivery. Second, if it really happened, that this product was purchased and you receive an offer from the seller to the partial compensation for another unearned goods - do not agree with such a proposal. If the goods have not yet received, your request to the dispute should be only one - a full refund without any compromises.

Method 2: Change the product name
This method of fraud may not be so dangerous as the first, but it definitely confuses the buyer and can lead to what is purchased is not the same product that is needed, or the decision to buy the goods will be taken on the basis of false information. < br /> For what would have been clear about what will be discussed, first, a little theory. The fact is that during the initial publication of the announcement about a product on the trading floor Aliekspress, this product creates a unique page address (URL) which will be identical to the name of the goods offered for sale. It looks like this:

But there is one feature that is that the marketplace gives retailers the ability to completely change the content of a page of the original, including the name of the product. As a result, the buyer can see here is a picture:

The screenshot shows that the product name in the address of the page and the page itself is clearly not the same. This means that on the page you created earlier for sale phone Huawei, now placed an advertisement for the sale of the phone Lenovo P780. And the price on the phone apparently remained by Huawei, and on photos submitted neither Lenovo. Made such a trick with a simple goal - to ensure that this product would be displayed above to find when sorting by price. A search will be made just by name goods. Ie if the buyer is looking for phone Lenovo P780, and wants to buy it at the lowest possible price, then he will see this ad one of the first.
Well, if the buyer still understands the phones and photos shown on the page and characterization understand that this is a completely different phone. But if you do not understand, then it is likely that the purchase will be made. And it will be bought is not the same phone, which was supposed to buy.
And one more feature that is in this method of fraud. The number of sales of goods is constantly fixed on the page, regardless of what the product was sold from this page. The above example in this case is not very revealing, so consider this point to another similar product page:

The screenshot shows that the page you created earlier for sale phone Lenovo A750 currently sold the phone Jiayu F1 and what has been done as much as 244 order. The number of orders must be made as to show the buyer that the seller is trustworthy, long and long selling Jiayu F1. But if you look at reviews section, you can see that in reality was left all 2 reviews about buying this phone, but for some reason there are reviews of purchasing a product from a very different price.

Click on the links of this product and see that this same page also previously sold phone Jiayu G2.

The result is that the figure of 244 sales is not a sell phone Jiayu F1, we see initially on the product page, and to the total sales of phones Jiayu F1, Jiayu G2 and Lenovo A750, which had previously been sold to the same page.
For what the seller need all these "tricks"? Of course in order to show the buyer that the goods are sold well and that you can safely make a purchase. But in fact such frauds with changes in the content of the page item only misinform the buyer and mislead him.
Way to combat such tricks sellers also quite simple - to scrutinize and evaluate product pages, their descriptions and reviews purchase those goods left by other buyers. This review is already shown in the examples above.

Method 3 Unreal discounts and unrealistic prices
Another way to fraud Aliekspress based on the buyer's offer huge discounts on products. This fraud may not be so painful for the buyer in financial terms, but clearly uncomfortable in terms of the time it will take to resolve the problem. It looks like this. Aliekspress appears on store that exhibited at a discount of 95-98% and, accordingly, the price of the goods themselves do not become real. Example:

Newbie in online purchases, which have heard so much about what everyone in China can be bought at a very low price, it is very hard to pass up such an offer and people are beginning to buy such goods. And sometimes a few pieces. And the buyer do not mind that the seller has no rating and no reviews. People think that the "price of risk" is not great - only a couple of tens of cents or dollars.
But in fact, these sellers naturally will not send anything! Nobody will sell at a loss. Finally, after such a purchase the buyer will have to spend time on the opening of the dispute and waiting for his return (though small) money.
And make such "discount" But for what purpose. To make it clearer, consider an example from the same seller store that is shown in the picture above.
On the product page you can see what's selling women's coat, the price is $ 50.04, but as the action takes place at a discount, the price was the only $ 1 and thus also free shipping. It would seem - a godsend for the shopaholic! But not so simple.
If you buy this product, the record of this effect in the Transaction History & Feedback (at the bottom of the page). And it will look like this:
Pay attention to the price. In the Transaction History & Feedback price of the purchased goods is always displayed without discounts. This is actually the trick lies seller. The moment will collect the required number of records to sell at this price, a discount on the goods would move on the product page and will be seen that this alleged cloak a certain number of people have already bought it and at a price of $ 50.04. Ie new buyer will once again be misled. But those customers who participated in this performance, in the best case will receive a refund of their one dollar, provided that they also spend your time on the opening of a dispute.
Avoid participation in such fraudulent scheme is also quite simple - just understand that such prices in the absence of real reviews - this is not the desire to bestow the buyer seller, but merely banal "cheat" sales history.
In fairness it should be noted that the administration trading platform Aliekspress quite actively fight the appearance of such stores and lately they are becoming less and less.
So you're familiar with the three most common fraud schemes on the trading floor Aliekspress. As seen from the descriptions, they are not particularly sophisticated and are relatively easily identified in the selection step further explanation. The main advice that would like to give all newcomers to Aliekspress - a more careful approach to the study of the product page, reviews that leave the other customers in the store and of the reputation of the store. If you give it a little time, your purchase will be on Aliekspress and profitable and safe, and with the help of the above examples, you can quickly and easily circumvent potential fraudsters.