When you see money on the ground, pass by, don’t pick it up, so you won’t attract wealth into your life.
Today, the number of scammers on the street and on the Internet reaches its maximum. The worse the situation in the country, the more charlatans appear in it. Each tries to profit at the expense of the other and invents new ways of deception. But everything new is the well-forgotten old. If you don't want to get caught by an intruder, you need to Cash flow meditation.
Meditation: Cash Flow Modern scammers continue to use long-known tricks. One of these tricks is the “screw”. The point of this method is to make a person panic and give up all his savings.
Police warn you not to lift anything off the ground. Recently, cases of robbery have resumed thanks to this method. Fraudsters are very smooth and calm. As a rule, everything happens near ATMs or bank branches. Fraudsters track down the victim and at the moment when the person has already received the money, throw in a prominent place a twist of bills of large denomination.
A person picks up this package, perhaps even with good intentions to take to the bank or hand over to the police to find the owner of the money. But it is at this moment that a person appears from somewhere and with the appearance of a conspirator offers to divide the amount found.
Peels Otherwise, he'll call the police and turn you in with other people's money. At such moments, a person begins to get pretty nervous, and scammers (beautiful psychologists) perfectly catch it. By his behavior, the attacker does not allow the victim to come to his senses and think carefully to make a decision.
As a rule, a person gets scared and accepts the terms of the fraudster. At the moment when money is divided and it is possible to diverge, the owner of money appears. He asks if anyone has seen the money. And then the first fraudster honestly tells everything that you found the package, but having decided that the money is a draw, you divided them equally.
And he naturally, as an honest man, gives his share of the money. You have no choice but to admit everything and give half as well. Only at this point, the second fraudster, the alleged owner of the money, declares that there is not all the lost amount and demands to return the missing money, otherwise he will call the police.
At this point, the victim’s panic just goes off the scale, and the person is ready to give all his personal money, just to quickly end this nightmare. Fraudsters, having received everything they wanted, quietly disappear, and you remain for some time to stand and recover.
When you get your temper back, you'll know what a divorce it was, but it'll be too late. It is almost impossible to find scammers, as few people remember their faces and clothes.
So how to protect yourself and your capital from unpleasant situations and attacks of fraudsters? A special meditation, a ritual, if you want. It will allow you not only to preserve your existing capital, but also to increase it. This meditation is called the Money Whirlwind. And it promotes financial well-being, increases the number of customers and financial offers. And most importantly, it is very simple and pleasant in execution.
But before you do it, sit down and write down on paper how much money you want to have. Write down what goals and plans you need this money for, because the universe does not give money for nothing.
Meditation is best done in the morning in complete silence and privacy. If this is not possible, then you can and the evening before bed, so that no one interferes. Sit in a comfortable position, relax, you can turn on relaxing music. Let go of all your thoughts. Imagine that you are standing on a large meadow and looking up to the sky. The sky is preparing to burst into a real storm.
And then the first drops of rain start to fall off, and the moment they reach the ground under your feet, they turn into bills. The rain is increasing and the bills are getting bigger. They penetrate under clothes, fill pockets and hands, rustle and smell pleasantly.
Mentally repeat the phrase: “Money comes to me and does not leave me.” I am rich, happy and peaceful.” Imagine how a strong gust of wind lifts you above the ground with a pile of money. You're circling among the new rustling bills. Gradually the sky brightens, the wind subsides. You get down to the ground, the rain stops, and the money stays under your feet.
Open your eyes slowly and thank the universe and yourself.

Meditation: Cash Flow Modern scammers continue to use long-known tricks. One of these tricks is the “screw”. The point of this method is to make a person panic and give up all his savings.

Police warn you not to lift anything off the ground. Recently, cases of robbery have resumed thanks to this method. Fraudsters are very smooth and calm. As a rule, everything happens near ATMs or bank branches. Fraudsters track down the victim and at the moment when the person has already received the money, throw in a prominent place a twist of bills of large denomination.
A person picks up this package, perhaps even with good intentions to take to the bank or hand over to the police to find the owner of the money. But it is at this moment that a person appears from somewhere and with the appearance of a conspirator offers to divide the amount found.

Peels Otherwise, he'll call the police and turn you in with other people's money. At such moments, a person begins to get pretty nervous, and scammers (beautiful psychologists) perfectly catch it. By his behavior, the attacker does not allow the victim to come to his senses and think carefully to make a decision.
As a rule, a person gets scared and accepts the terms of the fraudster. At the moment when money is divided and it is possible to diverge, the owner of money appears. He asks if anyone has seen the money. And then the first fraudster honestly tells everything that you found the package, but having decided that the money is a draw, you divided them equally.

And he naturally, as an honest man, gives his share of the money. You have no choice but to admit everything and give half as well. Only at this point, the second fraudster, the alleged owner of the money, declares that there is not all the lost amount and demands to return the missing money, otherwise he will call the police.
At this point, the victim’s panic just goes off the scale, and the person is ready to give all his personal money, just to quickly end this nightmare. Fraudsters, having received everything they wanted, quietly disappear, and you remain for some time to stand and recover.

When you get your temper back, you'll know what a divorce it was, but it'll be too late. It is almost impossible to find scammers, as few people remember their faces and clothes.
So how to protect yourself and your capital from unpleasant situations and attacks of fraudsters? A special meditation, a ritual, if you want. It will allow you not only to preserve your existing capital, but also to increase it. This meditation is called the Money Whirlwind. And it promotes financial well-being, increases the number of customers and financial offers. And most importantly, it is very simple and pleasant in execution.

But before you do it, sit down and write down on paper how much money you want to have. Write down what goals and plans you need this money for, because the universe does not give money for nothing.
Meditation is best done in the morning in complete silence and privacy. If this is not possible, then you can and the evening before bed, so that no one interferes. Sit in a comfortable position, relax, you can turn on relaxing music. Let go of all your thoughts. Imagine that you are standing on a large meadow and looking up to the sky. The sky is preparing to burst into a real storm.
And then the first drops of rain start to fall off, and the moment they reach the ground under your feet, they turn into bills. The rain is increasing and the bills are getting bigger. They penetrate under clothes, fill pockets and hands, rustle and smell pleasantly.

Mentally repeat the phrase: “Money comes to me and does not leave me.” I am rich, happy and peaceful.” Imagine how a strong gust of wind lifts you above the ground with a pile of money. You're circling among the new rustling bills. Gradually the sky brightens, the wind subsides. You get down to the ground, the rain stops, and the money stays under your feet.
Open your eyes slowly and thank the universe and yourself.
When my mother-in-law went abroad, she promised me something, but after 15 years everything suddenly changed.
New predictions of Bulgarian visionary Vanga have been declassified, this applies to all of us.