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9 the most difficult test of manhood on the planet

Medical experts will tell you that a boy is biologically considered a man when his genitals become fully functional. Others will say that the child becomes a man only when acting as "macho" — fighting, using a lot of alcohol or has sex without thinking about protection. There are those who believe that a man (regardless of age) can be called a real man only if he possesses certain character traits — courage, dignity, nobility.

In General, when a boy becomes a man is a controversial issue. But in some parts of the world to become a real man (or Vice versa — is not easy, it depends). All a boy needs is to take part in the ritual of initiation, which is associated with severe physical or mental pain.

1. Canada is the Erasure of children's воспоминаний


The Algonquin tribe considers the child's only obstacle to becoming a real man. For this reason, they conduct the rites of initiation, to a complete wipe of the boys childhood memory.

Young tribe members from 14 to 21 days in special cells, and they can't eat anything except a very powerful hallucinogen — Vysocina. It not only leads to memory loss, but also causes other side effects — loss of speech, palpitations, severe hallucinations, aggression, inability to move, weakness and even death.

After two to three weeks, the young dedicate released from the cells and questioned. If they have completely forgotten their childhood, then passed the ritual, and are now considered real men. If they have preserved at least some memories of a cruel ritual have to go again.

2. Ethiopia — jumping быков

Each generation Karo tribe is a rite of passage men have to jump over several bulls in the buff. In the literal sense.

Sounds like something simple and fun? Not really. At the ceremony truly awful implication: if a man is biologically already fully grown, then Karo, he is considered a boy until the ceremony. And to be a boy in the Karo tribe means two things: first, not to marry, and second, the boys should kill their children.

Infants Karo, born from not passed through the ritual of the fathers, are considered illegitimate, and in accordance with the laws of Caro, illegitimate children have no right to live. The tradition of the killing of illegitimate babies is called Mingi — mothers stuffing their children with earth and leave them to die in the desert. And only if the husband is naked jumped over the bulls, his children can live.

3. Philippines — traditional обрезание

In the Philippines circumcision is an important event. Statistics from the 2011 year showed that circumcision do about 93% of Filipino men. I wonder what the boys are doing it in infancy, and about 12 years old, and Filipino adolescents can be considered for men, but only if already circumcised.

But if not, society considers them cowards and weaklings. And to escape the constant ridicule and bullying, Filipino boys themselves ask the parents to cut it.

In the Philippines there are two ways of circumcision: modern medical and traditional. In the traditional method anesthesia is not used — instead, the boys chew guava leaves, as it is believed that this reduces the pain from surgery. Instead of a knife for this painful procedure is a piece of wood called sobocan. After circumcision the foreskin of the penis was wrapped in a white cloth.

4. Kenya and Northern Tanzania — hunting group льва

Boys of the Masai tribe have to go out and hunt a lion with just batons and shields. In the past they had to hunt alone, but since the lions left little, the tradition changed and now growing up Maasai on the hunt groups.

Hunting lions are very dangerous. Because of this hazard it is considered a worthy rite of passage for men. When Maasai boys hunt lions, they demonstrate the quality than the Maasai, have only by real men — bravery. It is interesting to note that they prey on injured or weak lions. Lionesses do not touch, as they are considered to be the giving of life.

5. Papua New Guinea — changes кожи

The tribes of the Sepik crocodiles considered sacred beings. They are confident in their spiritual and cultural connection with these reptiles, therefore, young men must undergo a painful rite of passage to make your body similar to the bodies of crocodiles.

With the help of razor the older members of the tribes cut from young people's skin again and again. Because of this painful process of skin appear beautiful patterns, very similar to crocodile skin. To complete the ritual, the elders pour on cuts to ash. And when the ceremony is over, the boys are declared men.

Nowadays ritual are not all men of the tribes of the Sepik — many of them are more modern. In addition, the ritual is quite expensive, and some parents just can't afford it.

6. Brazil — the pain and отрава

Ritual in the acquisition of masculinity tribe Matis consists of four extremely painful stages. In the first stage, in the eyes of young dedicated administered poison: the Matis believe that the way to improve their little boy's vision. On the second and third stage, the boys suffered severe physical pain — was repeatedly beaten and whipped with whips.

At the last stage the boys swallowed the poison called Kampo extracted from tree frogs. Campo is not a hallucinogen, though it can cause strange mental reaction. But the physiological effects of plenty of it — vomiting, dizziness and uncontrollable bowel movements. Matis tribe firmly believes that the Campo increases the endurance and strength of boys, turning them into real men and hunters.

7. Papua New Guinea — cleaning крови

Living in Papua New Guinea a tribe of Mateus said female blood is unclean. Mateus convinced their boys to become real men, must be cleansed from the contamination of mothers.

Elder begins the ritual purification of blood, inserted in the throat of the young dedicate cane tubes — if they are vomiting blood. Then the elders put the tubes in their nostrils to expel from the body of bad blood and slime. Periodically the tubes are removed to brush and dedicate at this time have time to take a breath of air. Finally, elders do in the languages of young people a few cuts with similar to the arrow tool. After painful ceremonies young men in the eyes of the community become real men.
Cleaning blood mataya is so important and secret rite of passage that not all members pass through it — you have to prove that you are worthy. Not undergone the ritual men are not considered adults and are unable to use certain privileges — for example, they do not have the right to marry. In addition, they are regarded as weak members of the tribe, is not able to perform his manly duties.

8. Australia — extreme change пениса

To become real men, the boys of the tribe anamal have to know a hell of physical pain. The tribal elders make the cut on the skin of their buttocks, Breasts, arms and shoulders, and the wounds are not healed, they poured sand. After on the body have left scars.

Also young anamal circumcision, but the ritual does not end there. When do the boys appear beard, they are subincision medical procedure in which the penis is a deep incision from the base to the urethra hole. Nambal believe that this painful ritual makes the penis more beautiful and easy.

9. Papua New Guinea — fellatio and swallowing семени

In the Sambia tribe believe that boys must ingest semen is the only way they can become men. Sambia boys from seven to ten years should be the years to do a Blowjob to experienced soldiers, and each time I swallowed... um... results.

In the faith of the tribe, the male seed is the source of life and the essence of masculinity. The only way for boys to seed, and with it the power of adult warriors, the oral sex. In addition, the Sambia believed that the boy is able to become a father, only if prior to that swallow cum adult.

However, homosexuality is out of the question — passed through the ritual men are not considered gay. When boys turn 15, they stop making Blowjob adults themselves become givers of seed. In addition, boys of the same age are forbidden to engage in oral sex with each other.

After a man marries, to continue to participate in the ceremony, he prohibited. Sambia believe that female genitals make the reproductive organs of men are dirty and their sperm becomes "unclean", so for children who have become adults, it is no longer appropriate.


Source: /users/1080