Cultural traditions
I would like to invite you to read the short story. From an artistic point of view, the story is very controversial. Interesting idea: a controversial, but I think having the right to exist. You can read it in 5 minutes.
Author: Maxim A. Shapiro.
The shuttle docked to the spaceship, and the passengers took their seats, waiting for the landing on the planet. Dzhammar, trying to save, as befits a man indifferent and inscrutable face, walked the aisles and finally found his seat. His neighbor to the right was the elderly woman.
- For the first time planted on a new planet, young man? - She asked, smiling.
Dzhammar, annoyed that his inexperience so easy to see, nodded and turned away, showing that he would not continue the conversation. "Are not you ashamed! - He thought. - An elderly woman, and use cosmetics, or even covered his head with a handkerchief! Like some kind of a whore! "It is now more than ten years, people have come from the stars to the ground Mirdzhala, but none of the free and could not get used to the customs of their low. Damned traders who do not know the honor! Seest that these cowardly sheep bathed in luxury and true warriors are in poverty, are forced to sell their land and that the land, to buy all sorts of devilish tricks from the stars. But still it will change, and he Dzhammar, this will help! Properly said his uncle, that stellar courage people behind broads. Have men of the tribe Dzhammara the same weapon as the star people, how would they humiliate themselves trade? What could be more worthy than getting their rightfully warrior prowess or die in battle, and in Paradise listen to a song wafting from the ground, praising your courage? But the same weapons of the tribe was not. And now there is! And three flying boats, and pipes, killing light and stinging iron. They bought them for the money to them as alms thrown stellar slaves to buy food, so they are not dead from starvation. And whose fault is that bred as slaves, that the earth can not feed them? Who cursed his magic from the stars achieved that death takes away slaves extra children? Now the slaves was much more than the freestyle. And these animals want to eat all the time! Some even dare to quietly grumble! Smash to spare - and all, but these things from heaven threatened that if no longer give money! But nothing! Left him Dzhammaru, get a drink for flying boats and then cowardly heavenly residents will pay for everything. But they do not know how to fight. Can a good fight someone who is afraid of death? And that means a weapon in the hands of a soldier who is afraid to use it! It is then not a warrior and a woman. Among freestyle soldiers are from twelve years. And all heard that the star is a curse - they can not kill the soldiers that under eighteen and women. And because they did not dare to shoot the flying boat, if there are soldiers who have not attained the eighteenth spring. And women have to be on the safe side with them to take more and younger, to curse the star fell into the throat. And if they dare to shoot, then what - a paradise open to all soldiers, regardless of age.
Uncle Dzhammara Bgamir knew the customs of people from the stars is the best. He lived among them for seven years. Even I spent a year in prison. He laughed, remembering that time.
- Imagine - he told me - some spoiled girl during a spree. Beautiful girl was but a whore - all the clothes shine and body and wound the music. Well, I grabbed her by the hair and dragged her with him, and now this dohlyak runs from the stars, and began to shout at me in his bird language. I strangled him a little. And on the court was told that, they say, our habits, and they, rats are clear and they respect them, but they have other customs. And, although I put eight years in prison for the girl and for what its owner interrupted his Adam's apple, will all three, since I am not guilty, and the poverty of our land. It turns out that even this stellar toads hesitate to stand up for a whore too, although there came to me one and all explained that by their rules it is not a whore and honest woman. I did not argue with him, that they take the star fools that an honest woman of whores can not distinguish? In prison they have a better life than in our ancestral castle. And the food is richer and generally ... and do not need to work. They scare me like that after I'm a prisoner of Takshira was in the pit of earth? A year later, he came to me one of the high points. I realized that I was wrong, he asked. I lied that I understood. Here I was two years earlier and released money is given as much as three house slaves in the land for six months bring.
Then all who heard were amazed, and his uncle began to laugh at the stupidity of people from the stars, as it is well known that rape honest woman put impale, and if someone else is a slave, then for her rape to pay half the cost. A beautiful slaves are expensive ... Lost in thought, Dzhammar did not even notice how the shuttle landed. Seeing that people go out, he quickly got up and went after them.
Spaceport was huge. His greatness Dzhammara first suppressed, but he reminded himself that many empires crumbled under the hooves of the horses of his ancestors, and proudly walked to the bus.
At the customs of some official documents scanned it, tune it smiled and began to read out clearly memorized it by heart:
- You are on the territory of Mirra, voluntarily quit the Commonwealth of Democratic Planets. Although our laws are almost identical with the laws of the Commonwealth of Democratic Planets, there are, however, important differences as we adhere to the policy of rational respect for cultural traditions of other nations enshrined in law. To avoid confusion, you will be shown a short film explaining the features of our legislation, based on a rational respect for cultural traditions of immigrants.
Then the customs officer pressed a button, the side door popped a young servant and said Dzhammaru:
- Go, please, to me. I will take you into the booth to watch a movie.
Dzhammar followed him, grinning to himself - who would try in his own house him Dzhammaru, indicate that it has to respect someone else's tradition! It deprives people of their heads, and for less. No, these star people is indeed worse than timid women. The people of slaves.
The light in the cabin went out, and the screen lights up before Dzhammarom emblem Mirra.
- Mirra comply unilaterally all the resolutions of the Commonwealth of Democratic Planets - began to broadcast the voice-over. - Such as the resolution on human rights, the resolution on freedom of expression, the resolution of democratic elections, the resolution on the conduct of conventional military operations, and others. A feature of Mirra is that all of these resolutions are respected only as long as they do not conflict with the principle of rational respect for cultural traditions of other nations. As members of the Commonwealth of Democratic Planets, Mirra needs a constant influx of immigrants. On the other hand, the difference between the mentalities and cultural differences between immigrants and the local population lead to serious conflicts. It is to address these conflicts and adopted a law on rational respect for cultural traditions of other nations. Currently, we are proud to note that, according to independent international statistical agencies, the level of crime in the immigrant community and the level of crimes against immigrants from the local population is at Mirra lowest compared to all members of the Commonwealth of Democratic Planets. Management Act respecting the cultural traditions of other nations was adopted by Mirra after the uprising of immigrants from Arshara that resulted in numerous casualties. Then on planetary referendum, in full accordance with democratic procedures, and it was approved. The main principles on which it is based, are ...
The screen suddenly flared up and went out. The booth stuck his head a young servant.
- Blown - he bleated plaintively. - Replacement will require about forty minutes. And at the end of my shift ...
He looked around furtively.
- Maybe it will pass? - He whispered softly.
Dzhammar grinned and stepped out of the booth.
The same evening Dzhammar drank wine in one of the local taverns. Fuel for flying boats he bought and sent without problems. Local traders for the money you sell though his own mother. The waiter came up to him.
- I'm sorry, but could you move to another table? As I have already warned this table is reserved to ten in the evening, - he said to him. The blood rushed Dzhammaru face:
- Get out of here, slave!
- But ...
Dzhammar jumped up from the table and hit the waiter's face. He fell. Dzhammar bending, threw in the face of the waiter crumpled money and went to the door.
The facility was bright and warm. The prisoners huddled in the corners, afraid to look at Dzhammara after he beat one of them, because he did not give him my jacket. Dzhammar also slept on a bench, covered this very jacket. The guard came and touched his shoulder. Dzhammar broke his arm.
The door opened a single camera, and its opening was a man in a suit and carrying a briefcase.
- Hello, I am authorized to your case, - he said, and held out his hand for a handshake. Hand Dzhammar ignored.
- When I was released? - He asked.
- You see, - hesitated entered - we only just found out that you were not familiar with our laws concerning the management of respect cultural traditions of other nations. I can assure you that all the guilty will be severely punished. Unfortunately, ignorance of the law is no excuse, and ...
- Let me out when? - Repeated Dzhammar.
- Immediately after being cut off your arms and cut off his ears and nose for the beating of a free and vigilantes on your terminology, as well as for theft, - said commissioner, his eyes downcast.
- How - hands ?! - Yelled Dzhammar - What do you mean ?! You can not! I know that you vow and curse lie! "Tarliratnost" and "khumanism" called! I told my uncle, but he will not lie! And who - free ?! A servant in a tavern - a free ?! And I stole? Jacket ?! But I'll took her in prison already!
- D-point is - stammered entered - that rational respect for the cultural traditions of our law is that non-citizens if they commit crimes on our territory received in our territory penalty replaces punishment, traditional country arrived - provided that such legislation is registered in the country and is softer compared to the set with us. That's the paragraph - and he quickly opened the bag, took out a folder and quickly read:
- "Because we believe that all nations are equal and equally reasonable, regardless of their material well-being and traditions, then, consequently, criminal law and the laws and customs of war taken by these nations deserve respect as they have consciously elected. And so, while respecting the cultural traditions of these nations, we will be in the circumstances (ie, in the event that the punishment for such offenses have given the nation there is more stringent) to follow their laws and customs in dealing with criminals or during the war on these nations ».
The Commissioner closed the folder.
- This law was adopted by Mirra after the uprising of immigrants in the capital. Then immigrants from Arshara before being stopped by the police, killed in the city of more than a thousand people at that hour of the annual holy prayers nudists staged masquerade and they Arshara children, they thought it was an insult to the Holy Father. And then he and Mirra Arshar declared war - and took her to the destruction of the state of the cruise liner Space Mirra, aboard which runs a children's Olympics. Actually, I came to make you an offer. The fact that your country was attacked by one of our commercial space bases, so we would be very grateful if you would have agreed - under the control of a lie detector - talk about how the war is usually your tribe. As the cost of your soldiers with prisoners, the civilian population, and so on? We would like to avoid misunderstandings and ...
Bestial howl broke it authorized. Dzhammar wildly howling and banging his head on the wall of the chamber. He knew the customs of his tribe too well.
Author: Maxim A. Shapiro.
The shuttle docked to the spaceship, and the passengers took their seats, waiting for the landing on the planet. Dzhammar, trying to save, as befits a man indifferent and inscrutable face, walked the aisles and finally found his seat. His neighbor to the right was the elderly woman.
- For the first time planted on a new planet, young man? - She asked, smiling.
Dzhammar, annoyed that his inexperience so easy to see, nodded and turned away, showing that he would not continue the conversation. "Are not you ashamed! - He thought. - An elderly woman, and use cosmetics, or even covered his head with a handkerchief! Like some kind of a whore! "It is now more than ten years, people have come from the stars to the ground Mirdzhala, but none of the free and could not get used to the customs of their low. Damned traders who do not know the honor! Seest that these cowardly sheep bathed in luxury and true warriors are in poverty, are forced to sell their land and that the land, to buy all sorts of devilish tricks from the stars. But still it will change, and he Dzhammar, this will help! Properly said his uncle, that stellar courage people behind broads. Have men of the tribe Dzhammara the same weapon as the star people, how would they humiliate themselves trade? What could be more worthy than getting their rightfully warrior prowess or die in battle, and in Paradise listen to a song wafting from the ground, praising your courage? But the same weapons of the tribe was not. And now there is! And three flying boats, and pipes, killing light and stinging iron. They bought them for the money to them as alms thrown stellar slaves to buy food, so they are not dead from starvation. And whose fault is that bred as slaves, that the earth can not feed them? Who cursed his magic from the stars achieved that death takes away slaves extra children? Now the slaves was much more than the freestyle. And these animals want to eat all the time! Some even dare to quietly grumble! Smash to spare - and all, but these things from heaven threatened that if no longer give money! But nothing! Left him Dzhammaru, get a drink for flying boats and then cowardly heavenly residents will pay for everything. But they do not know how to fight. Can a good fight someone who is afraid of death? And that means a weapon in the hands of a soldier who is afraid to use it! It is then not a warrior and a woman. Among freestyle soldiers are from twelve years. And all heard that the star is a curse - they can not kill the soldiers that under eighteen and women. And because they did not dare to shoot the flying boat, if there are soldiers who have not attained the eighteenth spring. And women have to be on the safe side with them to take more and younger, to curse the star fell into the throat. And if they dare to shoot, then what - a paradise open to all soldiers, regardless of age.
Uncle Dzhammara Bgamir knew the customs of people from the stars is the best. He lived among them for seven years. Even I spent a year in prison. He laughed, remembering that time.
- Imagine - he told me - some spoiled girl during a spree. Beautiful girl was but a whore - all the clothes shine and body and wound the music. Well, I grabbed her by the hair and dragged her with him, and now this dohlyak runs from the stars, and began to shout at me in his bird language. I strangled him a little. And on the court was told that, they say, our habits, and they, rats are clear and they respect them, but they have other customs. And, although I put eight years in prison for the girl and for what its owner interrupted his Adam's apple, will all three, since I am not guilty, and the poverty of our land. It turns out that even this stellar toads hesitate to stand up for a whore too, although there came to me one and all explained that by their rules it is not a whore and honest woman. I did not argue with him, that they take the star fools that an honest woman of whores can not distinguish? In prison they have a better life than in our ancestral castle. And the food is richer and generally ... and do not need to work. They scare me like that after I'm a prisoner of Takshira was in the pit of earth? A year later, he came to me one of the high points. I realized that I was wrong, he asked. I lied that I understood. Here I was two years earlier and released money is given as much as three house slaves in the land for six months bring.
Then all who heard were amazed, and his uncle began to laugh at the stupidity of people from the stars, as it is well known that rape honest woman put impale, and if someone else is a slave, then for her rape to pay half the cost. A beautiful slaves are expensive ... Lost in thought, Dzhammar did not even notice how the shuttle landed. Seeing that people go out, he quickly got up and went after them.
Spaceport was huge. His greatness Dzhammara first suppressed, but he reminded himself that many empires crumbled under the hooves of the horses of his ancestors, and proudly walked to the bus.
At the customs of some official documents scanned it, tune it smiled and began to read out clearly memorized it by heart:
- You are on the territory of Mirra, voluntarily quit the Commonwealth of Democratic Planets. Although our laws are almost identical with the laws of the Commonwealth of Democratic Planets, there are, however, important differences as we adhere to the policy of rational respect for cultural traditions of other nations enshrined in law. To avoid confusion, you will be shown a short film explaining the features of our legislation, based on a rational respect for cultural traditions of immigrants.
Then the customs officer pressed a button, the side door popped a young servant and said Dzhammaru:
- Go, please, to me. I will take you into the booth to watch a movie.
Dzhammar followed him, grinning to himself - who would try in his own house him Dzhammaru, indicate that it has to respect someone else's tradition! It deprives people of their heads, and for less. No, these star people is indeed worse than timid women. The people of slaves.
The light in the cabin went out, and the screen lights up before Dzhammarom emblem Mirra.
- Mirra comply unilaterally all the resolutions of the Commonwealth of Democratic Planets - began to broadcast the voice-over. - Such as the resolution on human rights, the resolution on freedom of expression, the resolution of democratic elections, the resolution on the conduct of conventional military operations, and others. A feature of Mirra is that all of these resolutions are respected only as long as they do not conflict with the principle of rational respect for cultural traditions of other nations. As members of the Commonwealth of Democratic Planets, Mirra needs a constant influx of immigrants. On the other hand, the difference between the mentalities and cultural differences between immigrants and the local population lead to serious conflicts. It is to address these conflicts and adopted a law on rational respect for cultural traditions of other nations. Currently, we are proud to note that, according to independent international statistical agencies, the level of crime in the immigrant community and the level of crimes against immigrants from the local population is at Mirra lowest compared to all members of the Commonwealth of Democratic Planets. Management Act respecting the cultural traditions of other nations was adopted by Mirra after the uprising of immigrants from Arshara that resulted in numerous casualties. Then on planetary referendum, in full accordance with democratic procedures, and it was approved. The main principles on which it is based, are ...
The screen suddenly flared up and went out. The booth stuck his head a young servant.
- Blown - he bleated plaintively. - Replacement will require about forty minutes. And at the end of my shift ...
He looked around furtively.
- Maybe it will pass? - He whispered softly.
Dzhammar grinned and stepped out of the booth.
The same evening Dzhammar drank wine in one of the local taverns. Fuel for flying boats he bought and sent without problems. Local traders for the money you sell though his own mother. The waiter came up to him.
- I'm sorry, but could you move to another table? As I have already warned this table is reserved to ten in the evening, - he said to him. The blood rushed Dzhammaru face:
- Get out of here, slave!
- But ...
Dzhammar jumped up from the table and hit the waiter's face. He fell. Dzhammar bending, threw in the face of the waiter crumpled money and went to the door.
The facility was bright and warm. The prisoners huddled in the corners, afraid to look at Dzhammara after he beat one of them, because he did not give him my jacket. Dzhammar also slept on a bench, covered this very jacket. The guard came and touched his shoulder. Dzhammar broke his arm.
The door opened a single camera, and its opening was a man in a suit and carrying a briefcase.
- Hello, I am authorized to your case, - he said, and held out his hand for a handshake. Hand Dzhammar ignored.
- When I was released? - He asked.
- You see, - hesitated entered - we only just found out that you were not familiar with our laws concerning the management of respect cultural traditions of other nations. I can assure you that all the guilty will be severely punished. Unfortunately, ignorance of the law is no excuse, and ...
- Let me out when? - Repeated Dzhammar.
- Immediately after being cut off your arms and cut off his ears and nose for the beating of a free and vigilantes on your terminology, as well as for theft, - said commissioner, his eyes downcast.
- How - hands ?! - Yelled Dzhammar - What do you mean ?! You can not! I know that you vow and curse lie! "Tarliratnost" and "khumanism" called! I told my uncle, but he will not lie! And who - free ?! A servant in a tavern - a free ?! And I stole? Jacket ?! But I'll took her in prison already!
- D-point is - stammered entered - that rational respect for the cultural traditions of our law is that non-citizens if they commit crimes on our territory received in our territory penalty replaces punishment, traditional country arrived - provided that such legislation is registered in the country and is softer compared to the set with us. That's the paragraph - and he quickly opened the bag, took out a folder and quickly read:
- "Because we believe that all nations are equal and equally reasonable, regardless of their material well-being and traditions, then, consequently, criminal law and the laws and customs of war taken by these nations deserve respect as they have consciously elected. And so, while respecting the cultural traditions of these nations, we will be in the circumstances (ie, in the event that the punishment for such offenses have given the nation there is more stringent) to follow their laws and customs in dealing with criminals or during the war on these nations ».
The Commissioner closed the folder.
- This law was adopted by Mirra after the uprising of immigrants in the capital. Then immigrants from Arshara before being stopped by the police, killed in the city of more than a thousand people at that hour of the annual holy prayers nudists staged masquerade and they Arshara children, they thought it was an insult to the Holy Father. And then he and Mirra Arshar declared war - and took her to the destruction of the state of the cruise liner Space Mirra, aboard which runs a children's Olympics. Actually, I came to make you an offer. The fact that your country was attacked by one of our commercial space bases, so we would be very grateful if you would have agreed - under the control of a lie detector - talk about how the war is usually your tribe. As the cost of your soldiers with prisoners, the civilian population, and so on? We would like to avoid misunderstandings and ...
Bestial howl broke it authorized. Dzhammar wildly howling and banging his head on the wall of the chamber. He knew the customs of his tribe too well.
