7 success factors of an online store in RuNet
The Russian market of e-commerce is very young - at the beginning of the two thousandth's entire Russian Internet was estimated at several millions of users, the total internet penetration was not very large, but the quality is poor. While in the West people are already being bought in the web, we have a phenomenon only get accustomed - in part because the West just a few decades ago were popular selling products through catalogs, thereby creating a developed logistics system before the start of the Internet -Sale. Unsurprisingly, ecommerce in Russia is still largely lags behind foreign standards.
However situation penetration of the Internet is changing, and a good online shopping is growing. "Audiomaniya" on the market for almost 17 years, and the online store audiomania.ru been operating for 10 years and we are confident that koe we understand in online trading. That is why today we will talk about the factors of success online store in RuNet, as well as common misconceptions and errors of e-commerce.
Online shop - not a cheap business h4> still quite common situation when people create an online store is not very understanding of possible complications. It's no secret that the majority of online stores is created because the founders have an agreement with any supplier. Either there is a technical expert, capable to run the site. In addition, there is a perception that the Internet - is "cheap", ie the creation of the main costs of the site and limit. In this case, in fact, make a new online store learned potential buyers is not easier than offline. So open your site and just say so and hope that people will tumble down the crowd - at least naive. Online shop - this is not a separate type of business, and therefore need for traditional retail tasks and related costs.
Attracting customers online expensive h4> It's a fact, so you need to pay more attention on working with buyers. Many companies forget about those clients that they have attracted in the past, and switch to the new ones. But the fact that people bought something online in the past, and says that he is willing to come back and buy more, if the first attempt was successful, and the company will no longer have forgotten your client.
Advertising and demand creation h4> No advertising survive online store almost unreal. However, you need to think about what, how and where to advertise. For instance, in recent years, many large (especially international) company transferred a portion of their advertising budgets from television to the Web. This is due to the fact that almost all the active audience Russia already has access to the network. Many of these people do not watch TV, and "hook" them in other ways it is simply impossible.
No need to reinvent the wheel h4> Another common situation - the failure of ideas, "imported" from abroad. Often entrepreneurs believe that they brought something really useful, but later turns out that the product or service is not wanted here. In fact, the case can not be that bad an idea, but the fact that people blindly copying Western ideas and solutions that do not always work for us without adaptation.
The customer is always right h4> The slogan "the customer is always right" should be expressed in the work of every day, it's not just a motivational poster on the wall (the client, of course, not always human, but to tell him about it and prove him wrong - this is unnecessary). Most Russian businessmen while not fully agree with this statement. They try to argue with a customer that has no meaning. After all, the last word is always with him. The client decides - buy here again or not.
Own development h4> This is our experience, it may not suit everyone. But in "Audiomanii" virtually all of the tools used to work, created within the company. As soon as we have the opportunity to develop themselves, we have started to do it - in 2007, before that time, we had three different systems: warehouse, accounting, accounting - practically does not unrelated.
«Mail of Russia" works, as can h4> In Russia, on the whole, there is a tradition to scold someone thus justifying their failures. Applied to the field of e-commerce is heard mass reproach to "Mail of Russia". The truth is that there were no problems preventing develop business and related "almost", actually no.
Conclusion h4> Despite the fact that business in Russia, and many other things related to our country, has its own specifics, there is a certain set of practices, applying that success is much easier. In the case of e-commerce chief among them - this understanding at all for someone running a business. The answer to this question depends very much. Unfortunately, many people are working for themselves and not for the client. And if the company is working "for all who need the goods" or "for all those who have money" - she goes on blind alley.
The Russian market of e-commerce is very young - at the beginning of the two thousandth's entire Russian Internet was estimated at several millions of users, the total internet penetration was not very large, but the quality is poor. While in the West people are already being bought in the web, we have a phenomenon only get accustomed - in part because the West just a few decades ago were popular selling products through catalogs, thereby creating a developed logistics system before the start of the Internet -Sale. Unsurprisingly, ecommerce in Russia is still largely lags behind foreign standards.
However situation penetration of the Internet is changing, and a good online shopping is growing. "Audiomaniya" on the market for almost 17 years, and the online store audiomania.ru been operating for 10 years and we are confident that koe we understand in online trading. That is why today we will talk about the factors of success online store in RuNet, as well as common misconceptions and errors of e-commerce.