The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Success

© Melki Rish's
Success and happiness comes to those who knows the spiritual laws and apply them in your life. This is the secret of happiness and success.
Before you is a shortened and simplified version of the book "the Seven Spiritual laws of Success", authored by Deepak Chopra. Here shortly about the main thing. Some points are simplified, some are explained in understandable words.
Knowledge and application of spiritual laws can change our lives. All you need to do is to study these laws, to understand them and apply in their lives.
The first spiritual law of success and happiness – the LAW of UNITY
All is one, all manifestation is one and the same nature (essence), and includes all of the energies of this essence, from this Single Source.
This is also your nature, which you can still try to describe in these words: pure consciousness, eternity, bliss, knowledge, joy and happiness. Although the words and distort the truth, but because we still have to use them, then the above definition is more or less fit the description of one's true nature.
Your true self has nothing to do with the "I" that you think and feel, and which is based on false identifications with body, mind, and playing roles with the society. Exactly the same situation with the true "I" of all men, and the true "I" of all creation. Is the same true self that is the Source of everything and which is often referred to as God, Creator or Lord.
From Deepak Chopra's first law of success is called "the Law of Pure Potentiality" and reads as follows: "the Source of all is Pure Consciousness, pure potentiality, which, being implicit, expresses itself through clear. So when we know ourselves as Pure Consciousness, as pure potentiality, we become the power that manifests everything in the world."
To understanding the first spiritual law of success, Deepak Chopra recommends:
— often outdoors in the privacy of
— the practice of silence, submerge into the inner silence (the silent inner dialogue)
— daily meditation
— no-judgment, no assessments
This spiritual practice, according to Chopra, opens the door to pure potentiality, or in other words, allows you to experience yourself as pure consciousness, that is, to know your true self, from which come all desires, capabilities and energies to achieve the desired. This connection to a Higher Power that creates all that manifests in this world, and this is the first step in achieving the desired.
The second spiritual law of success and happiness – the LAW of EXCHANGE
Sharing means giving and receiving. Everything in this world comes from a Single Source, all closely interrelated and interdependent. Life, in fact, is a constant interchange of energies of different kinds. The whole world exists due to the dynamics of the exchange – giving and receiving.
Harmony in a person's life occurs only when both of the flow – giving and receiving is balanced.
To get any type of power, it is necessary to give. Only then the possible circulation of energy. Hold any energy (in giving it), leading to its stagnation and difficulty in obtaining new flow of this energy.
Giving and receiving is built on what any good relationship, and in relationships it is possible to trace these flows of energies, and what happens to them when the balance is disturbed. Every man for himself needs to see and analyze these phenomena, to understand the law of exchange.
As for the money – it's just one of many life energies, which people attach too much importance, leading to the senseless hoarding and stagnation of this energy, which in turn, prevents the influx of new energy of money.
The law of exchange in the book by Deepak Chopra called "Law of Giving", and its essence is: Giving what we want to, we open the door to the incoming flow desired.
What you give is what you get. The more you give, the more you get. But you need to give correctly, that is reasonable. This still need to learn.
If we want attention we need to give attention to others.
If we want a positive life – we are to be positive to others.
If we want success we must foster the success of others.
If we want love we must give love to others.
If we want wisdom we need to encourage other received wisdom (studied, read, worked on myself).
If we want problems and troubles, we need to create problems and trouble for others.
If we want happiness we must make others happy
This is how the spiritual law of exchange.
We should also tell about the money. If we want money – we need to learn how to give them, i.e., to sacrifice them to a good cause. The charity is a separate issue, worthy of careful consideration, as most people have no idea what the charity actually. The wrong (irrational, not benevolent) charity will not bring success and happiness.
Deepak Chopra recommends to use the spiritual Law of Exchange as follows:
— always give others gifts; gift can be a kind word, a smile, a thoughtful wish of happiness or blessing, a compliment, or a prayer, or some material object, be it a flower, a postcard or something, nice man, causing joy and gratitude. It should not be assumed that the intangible gifts listed above are worse than the material. True value are spiritual gifts, as they bring more good to the giver, and the one who gives.
— take from Life its gifts – whether it be singing birds or sunlight, food, friends, a different kind of gratitude, tangible and intangible gifts.
The third law of success and happiness – the LAW of KARMA
The people the law of karma sounds like "That radiate is what you get", "as you sow, so shall you reap", and this law means a causal relationship. The law of karma is closely connected with the previous law and is its continuation and complement.
According to the law of karma, every action – good, bad, or neutral – will have consequences that will definitely affect the future of the person who committed it. Thus, man creates his future by his actions.
So before you commit some act that Deepak Chopra recommends to think: where will this lead? The author also provides a simple way to determine is to do a particular act or action or not. By asking yourself the question "will this action happiness to me and my environment, or not?" you need to listen to the body sensations in the heart area – there is a feeling of comfort or discomfort. If the heart responds by feeling of comfort, then this action should do.
In fact, people deep down know what is good and what is bad, but this reasonableness is often overlapped by the foolish selfishness and ignorance of material existence, and man is led by his emotions and desires that in the future makes him suffer.
To understand how the law of karma, the first thing to do is to see how the choices we make, deciding to act one way or another. We need to realize the moment of decision. Then you need to see where it leads. When a person does good, he immediately feels better — it's hard not to notice. Doing evil, the person feels worse.
Feeling like a good person (when done good), the man emits a "high vibration" and attracts people with the same high vibrations. It has its positive impacts, improving life – one way or another.
The fourth spiritual law – the LAW of HARMONY
In his book Deepak Chopra calls it differently – "the Law of least effort", and its essence is that the more one exerts effort, the less it is harmony. Applying unnecessary force, people only unnecessarily consumes your energy, it goes in the wrong direction, which brings happiness and success.
Almost all the efforts of man in the material world arise from selfishness, and everything that comes from selfishness, of course, destroys the harmony.
Many wise men said: "Acting out of love, you will achieve more." When a person acts out of love, he feels no effort, he feels no tension, no fatigue, there is harmony. But once a person begins to exert too much effort in (as the ego always wants more, especially in material terms), then harmony becomes smaller, and everyone can feel it – it becomes less of happiness, calm, satisfaction.
The law of harmony does not mean to cease to make any effort, it means that we must try not to lose the sense of harmony.
A lot of energy is spent on maintenance of self-importance, obtaining approval from others and the satisfaction of their endless material desires for which, according to the law of karma, a person pays one way or another.
Deepak Chopra points to the three components of the law of harmony: acceptance, responsibility and openness. Acceptance means to accept everything as it is. Responsibility means not to blame anyone, including yourself, and problems to consider of opportunity and act upon it. Openness means to cease to defend their point of view, don't try to convince someone to be flexible, thereby not wasting time and effort wasted. These three components of the law of least effort allows us to maintain harmony and not to waste energy.
The fifth spiritual law of success and happiness – the LAW of ATTENTION, DESIRES AND INTENTIONS
What we direct attention, acquires importance, power and influence. Without attention nothing exists, or, more simply, has no influence on us. What we cease to pay attention, slowly disappearing for us.
Wanting something, we are, first and foremost, pay attention to, attach importance to, give importance. But to our wishes fulfilled, you need intent. One desire is not enough. Just to dream is not enough.
Deepak Chopra says if we follow all the other spiritual laws of success, the intention itself provides the desired embodiment. The intention of getting into the fertile ground of attention, is the strongest creative force that organizes the fulfillment of desires, and we do not even need to think about the details.
For the execution of the desire is important to know and apply three important points:
the intention is to bear the good of all
— you need to give up your attachment to the result
— no need to reject the moment here and now
Only the now moment is real, because the past is a memory and memories, the future is the anticipation and imagination of the mind, and present is the realization that is. Here and now is also a field of potential possibilities. Force, creative reality, in the past and in the future, they just are – in this field, potential, right here and now. And these forces – attention, desire and intention.
Attention should be in the present, the intention should be present, you have to be in the now. This does not need to fight or reject it.
Although the intention aimed at the future, get attached to the result it is not necessary, because focusing on the result, you miss the now moment, you begin to dream, and intention loses its power.
The author recommends to follow this pattern:
1. "Enter pause", which means to focus in the interval between thoughts. In other words, immerse yourself in silence, to return to the center of your being, to be in nature.
2. Being in the pause, be aware of your desire and create an intention. You implement your intention in the fertile ground of pure potentiality, and then everything will happen by itself – as self-germinates a seed planted in fertile ground.
3. Continue to be aware of your true self, your connection with the field of pure potentiality. Do not try to assess yourself or be considered from the point of view of others. It is also recommended not to share your desires with those who did not share them fully.
4. The rejection of attachment to results. The result did not need to, you just need not to be attached to a specific detailed result, allowing the power of intention to fulfill your desire so that it carried the benefit of all. Often our ideas about the ideal common good is wrong. It is better to dwell in ignorance and uncertainty about the specific outcome that will be achieved your intention, and to enjoy every moment of life, than to be disappointed after seeing the details do not match the desired effect. This time, it is difficult to understand for those who want to benefit only themselves, and such people this method may not work – due to the fact that spiritual laws are not understood or used in a purely selfish way.
5. Creating the intention, release the desire and do not think about the details of the implementation desired, the universe is organizing all details in the best way.
The sixth law – the LAW of DETACHMENT TO the RESULT
According to the law of detachment to get what you want, you need to give up your attachment to what was intended to what you want to achieve. You are not abandoning desires and intentions, you give up all ATTACHMENT to what you want to get.
The Overself is the source of everything that exists and can exist in this world. Attachment to anything whatsoever, including attachment to the result, reduces the confidence in the omnipotence of his higher self, thereby reducing it's power and creative ability to create and attract what you want.
The basis of attachment lies the ignorance of your true nature (the nature of the soul – pure of unidentified consciousness), the sense of insecurity and fear. Not knowing himself, man has no solid ground under my feet, it is prone to fears, anxieties and insecurities, therefore, begins to chase external money, material objects, power, comfort, fame, believing that these second-rate substitutes for happiness will give him confidence and stability. So it binds to all these fleeting things, losing the creative ability and the power of your higher self.
The search for certainty and stability in the external world (material) is useless, which also hinders development, because it is an attachment to the known. Known is the past, and thus a person tied to the past (ie known), operates on patterns of the past, thereby losing a lot of new options.
The output is the wisdom of uncertainty, or ignorance, which means stay in the unknown, finding in the field of all possible options. It is the attachment to the past and the future, and that this detachment opens up many new opportunities to get what you want.
To be the field of all possibilities (the search space), you need to take a step into the unknown, to remove the attachment to the past and future, that is to cut off the attachment to the known. It is easier to make those involved in self-knowledge and study of the spiritual laws of life.
When you act out of attachment, your intention is limited to the rigid patterns of the mind, there is no flexibility, spontaneity and creativity, and this greatly hinders the creative process of creating the desired. Setting the certain limits (details and routes produce the desired), you are thus losing many other possible routes and parts, thereby reducing the probability of obtaining the desired.
Applying the law of detachment, you should try to avoid ideas and concepts, how things should be, and in what way should be the desire.
The seventh spiritual law of happiness and success – the LAW of DESTINY
Every person on Earth has a purpose, everyone has some unique talent or ability along with a unique method of its expression, and it is the purpose and the talent to reveal and develop. Talents may be few. Identical people do not happen, and there is something that you can do better than others.
Also you have unique needs, and if they are to satisfy the creative expression of your talent, it leads to abundance, success and happiness.
The higher self takes the shape of a man in order to uncover and use their talents to meet their needs, and one of the most important needs of the soul is to bear the good of all ("all" means "including yourself").
Therefore, according to the spiritual law of destiny, you need to discover their talents and use them for the benefit of all living beings. As all one (see the first law), only the activities for the benefit of all can bring happiness and success.
The law of purpose has three components:
1. Every person needs to know your true self, to realize yourself as a spiritual being, manifested in the material world. Without this, there can be happiness and real success.
2. You need to discover and use your talent. There is something that you can do better than anyone else on this earth. The application of this talent gives you true satisfaction and happiness not only to themselves but to others.
3. The service of humanity. Your skills and talents to benefit this world. The question "what's in it for me?" should be replaced by the question "what benefits will this bring to everyone?" or "how can I be useful to the world?" So you go from selfishness, disappointment, and suffering, success, spiritual satisfaction and happiness.
When you know who you really are, find your talent and use it for the benefit of all mankind (or at least for the benefit of your immediate surroundings), you fully implement the law of destiny. This is the only way to achieve success, happiness and abundance.
Deepak Chopra recommends in writing to answer two questions, listing all the possible answers:
- "If you had all the money in the world and infinite time, what would you do?". And if you answer "what are you doing now", you are already using the law of destiny.
- Then you need to answer the second question: "How can I serve humanity the best way?" and then use his answer in real life.
- Need to discover their true divine nature, to use their talent for the good of the world, and it will bring success, joy and happiness.
- When you bring the benefit of others, satisfying the spiritual needs of their brethren, in your life come success, wealth and satisfaction.
- You begin to see life as a wonderful manifestation of the Divine, constantly, from moment to moment. Every moment is filled with beauty, joy, and triumph of the spirit, and only then you will know the true meaning of life.published
Source: pro-svet.at.ua