Deepak Chopra: 7 days that will change your life for the better
To be more active, eat a balanced way, to enjoy every day... About how in just one week to make your life better, says Deepak Chopra.
Forty two million one hundred ninety eight thousand four hundred fifty six
Many of us dream of change, but often in the way of change stand laziness, ingrained habits, fear to step out of the comfort zone and other far-fetched reasons. Of course, to start a new life in a day is quite difficult. The transformation should occur gradually, but also to tighten not worth it.
Monday evening any passive training (watching TV, computer games and hanging in social networks) replace with something active – for example, on a walk around the neighborhood, trip to the skating rink or a dance lesson. Try to walk more and more often to climb the stairs instead of the Elevator.
Do not limit yourself to only physical exercise. Become more active at work and in personal life. Offer new solutions and topics for discussion at the meeting. Assign friends meeting in a cafe, and, for example, on the climbing wall.
"Every time, replacing some of the passive activity active, reinforce the positive model in your mind, saying to himself: "Now I will operate actively".
Twenty million ninety nine thousand one hundred nine
What can enliven and colorize normal weekday? Bright manicure, makeup or a novel accessory, a salad of colorful vegetables, fruit smoothies, Comedy.
"On this day, wear bright colors, eat spicy food or colored. Watch the video with the rainbow on YouTube or wait near the fountain to see how it catches the light, forming a multicolored arc»
Every time making a choice in favor of something unusual, praise yourself for this act.
"The usual things that make life comfortable, but existence would be dull without a pinch of excitement and delight. Change something do day to day." Have Breakfast in the café and outside, order a spicy herbal tea instead of coffee, take a new route and along the way pay attention to interesting shops, unusual buildings and originally dressed people.
Don't forget to do something new and personal life. Write partner a love note or send a message with a romantic confession. Do all you can to experience the excitement and surprise.
"Thursday throw away all the unsold food from the fridge. Buy fresh fruits and vegetables. Put on the table fresh flowers. Note something new to longtime girlfriend and tell her about it»
Disassemble the closet and resolutely get rid of all the things that have not wear. Old things take up space and interfere to appear something new. How many times have you refused to purchase fashionable dress because wardrobe, and so overflowing? In the end, you wear things that don't like me anymore.Unload the mezzanine and a Desk, sort papers, throw out last year's magazines.
Make room for the new. Most likely, throwing it in the trash a couple of boxes of stuff, you will feel an emotional release.
On Friday, try to find something positive even in the most unpleasant moments. It's not always easy to complain about the imperfection of the world or the injustice of fate much easier.
"Think about the things and events in terms of hope, of new possibilities of human kindness, of healing. Find a way to help those who are suffering, and keep from having to blame them for what happened."
How can you change the world for the better? Make a donation to a charity, be a volunteer, give the old stuff (which was released on the eve of the wardrobe), plant a tree, start sorting the garbage.
Improve and strengthen a new relationship in your mind, telling myself:"Now I'm doing something important for the future."
Weekends are created for relaxation, but too often we are forced to take work home to do things. It deprives us of the opportunity to switch, to recover and to escape from the routine. Or we spend the day lying on the sofa in front of TV or browsing the Internet.
Decide in advance that can give you a sense of renewal and bring fun. Get up early, do some exercises or watch the sunrise, cook a healthy Breakfast for the whole family, get out for a walk in the woods and make drawings with chalk on the pavement with children.
These classes will help you to really regain strength, feel peaceful and be less irritable.
Sunday is a great day for spiritual transformation. "Read inspiring spiritual literature or poetry. Admire the art, listen to musical masterpieces – choose what nourishes your soul." published
@ Deepak Chopra
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.transurfing-real.ru/2017/03/blog-post_683.html
Forty two million one hundred ninety eight thousand four hundred fifty six
Many of us dream of change, but often in the way of change stand laziness, ingrained habits, fear to step out of the comfort zone and other far-fetched reasons. Of course, to start a new life in a day is quite difficult. The transformation should occur gradually, but also to tighten not worth it.
Monday evening any passive training (watching TV, computer games and hanging in social networks) replace with something active – for example, on a walk around the neighborhood, trip to the skating rink or a dance lesson. Try to walk more and more often to climb the stairs instead of the Elevator.
Do not limit yourself to only physical exercise. Become more active at work and in personal life. Offer new solutions and topics for discussion at the meeting. Assign friends meeting in a cafe, and, for example, on the climbing wall.
"Every time, replacing some of the passive activity active, reinforce the positive model in your mind, saying to himself: "Now I will operate actively".
Twenty million ninety nine thousand one hundred nine
What can enliven and colorize normal weekday? Bright manicure, makeup or a novel accessory, a salad of colorful vegetables, fruit smoothies, Comedy.
"On this day, wear bright colors, eat spicy food or colored. Watch the video with the rainbow on YouTube or wait near the fountain to see how it catches the light, forming a multicolored arc»
Every time making a choice in favor of something unusual, praise yourself for this act.
"The usual things that make life comfortable, but existence would be dull without a pinch of excitement and delight. Change something do day to day." Have Breakfast in the café and outside, order a spicy herbal tea instead of coffee, take a new route and along the way pay attention to interesting shops, unusual buildings and originally dressed people.
Don't forget to do something new and personal life. Write partner a love note or send a message with a romantic confession. Do all you can to experience the excitement and surprise.
"Thursday throw away all the unsold food from the fridge. Buy fresh fruits and vegetables. Put on the table fresh flowers. Note something new to longtime girlfriend and tell her about it»
Disassemble the closet and resolutely get rid of all the things that have not wear. Old things take up space and interfere to appear something new. How many times have you refused to purchase fashionable dress because wardrobe, and so overflowing? In the end, you wear things that don't like me anymore.Unload the mezzanine and a Desk, sort papers, throw out last year's magazines.
Make room for the new. Most likely, throwing it in the trash a couple of boxes of stuff, you will feel an emotional release.
On Friday, try to find something positive even in the most unpleasant moments. It's not always easy to complain about the imperfection of the world or the injustice of fate much easier.
"Think about the things and events in terms of hope, of new possibilities of human kindness, of healing. Find a way to help those who are suffering, and keep from having to blame them for what happened."
How can you change the world for the better? Make a donation to a charity, be a volunteer, give the old stuff (which was released on the eve of the wardrobe), plant a tree, start sorting the garbage.
Improve and strengthen a new relationship in your mind, telling myself:"Now I'm doing something important for the future."
Weekends are created for relaxation, but too often we are forced to take work home to do things. It deprives us of the opportunity to switch, to recover and to escape from the routine. Or we spend the day lying on the sofa in front of TV or browsing the Internet.
Decide in advance that can give you a sense of renewal and bring fun. Get up early, do some exercises or watch the sunrise, cook a healthy Breakfast for the whole family, get out for a walk in the woods and make drawings with chalk on the pavement with children.
These classes will help you to really regain strength, feel peaceful and be less irritable.
Sunday is a great day for spiritual transformation. "Read inspiring spiritual literature or poetry. Admire the art, listen to musical masterpieces – choose what nourishes your soul." published
@ Deepak Chopra
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.transurfing-real.ru/2017/03/blog-post_683.html