Vadim Zeland: How to reverse the aging process
Somewhere up to 32 years, I specifically drank, smoked and ate everything. In general, the full program was delayed. And I had no idea whether it is necessary to think about the fact that there should be, and what not, what is harmful and what is not. The body was still quite a lot of resources, so it (the body) has not yet made itself felt that it exists at all.
However, sometimes in the head idiot, after a standard breakfast of white bread with butter and sausage, scrambled eggs and coffee with milk, was born the idea: but what is so hard? And at work, after the standard, "customary" dinner, you idiot wondered again: yes why so tends to sleep? It does not work already, and hard labor. Not life, but a continuous overcoming. The body has already issued an ultimatum demands: do not want to work - like the sea! And who needs that kind of life?
Imagine what a strange thing happens. First, you do not separate themselves (their identity that is) from the physical body. I mean, I - with all my thoughts and guts, the same is true
? But over time, the body tired, like a downtrodden horse, begins to deliver concern. At some point, bewilderment and dismay you realize that you - this is not quite the old and holistic individual. Here is a spiritual entity with all its desires and ambitions, and has a physical body, with disabilities, which also every day only decrease. It turns out that it really quickly ends and passes.
Then one day, in the early '90s, I came upon a book by Gennady Petrovich Malakhov "Cleansing the body, and proper nutrition", which made me think. Since it's the beginning of my path of insight. What amazing strength of the already guided me to where one knows it was. This book brought out by none other than Peter Lisowski, founder and CEO of the publishing group "ALL", which we later became friends.
Interestingly, I learned about who Malakhov first published only years after the beginning of our cooperation with Peter Lisowski. Until recently, I thought that brought us together Transerfing - me as the author, but it as a publisher. But it turns out, our paths crossed many years ago, when I still did not think about such things as Transerfing. At that time there were no publishers "ALL" or how any intelligent thoughts in my head idiot. All this will not be soon, but for now ...
Impressed book Malakhov, I gradually began to be excluded from the diet of a variety of products. With 37-years moved to a separate power supply. With 40-began to shift (gradually, not at once) - at a raw food diet. Thus, all the way to the final transition to living food it took me about 15 years. Why so long? Because I am a very long time until the end and did not realize how important this is and should be.
Now, looking back, I can see quite clearly: I did not come on this path of natural food, would not have come to me and Transerfing, and the rest of my life I would domatyval as life, painfully, painfully and stupidly. The strength in my place would have chosen someone else, because I simply would not understand. The mind clouded food matrix, it is impossible to put knowledge. Sleeping mind, perhaps it will acquire knowledge of how information, a set of rules, but will not be able to understand and even more so, to share with others.
Now I understand that the closer I came to eating living food, the more my mind cleared up. And if anyone of you come on this path, and then read the book of Transerfing again, Once clicked, it is very much that before was hidden between the lines and do not show, do not light a signal lamp somewhere in the depths of the mind. Between the natural power and clarity of consciousness, there is a direct link.
It is very strange that this is still nowhere to be said clearly and openly. Can you name at least one raw foodists of all spiritual teachers? As far as I know, this was just the latest Jesus Christ (see. The Gospel of the Essenes). I myself, at least in essence, and not the teacher, and the repeater, but even I realized. (Idiot already knew!) So, Transerfing - is "in the esoteric esoteric"? (By analogy with the teaching Bronnikova, as it is called - "unconventional unconventional in».)
Now I feel: since I embarked on the gradual replacement of the dead and synthetic food to live, my body, instead of aging on the contrary, more rejuvenated and restored. That is, the aging process is turned back, and start regeneration. Personally, for me it is a refutation of established opinion that the aging process is irreversible.
Of course, as a result of a dashing young man, my body must have occurred some, as they say, "irreversible consequences". But I very much doubt that these effects really are irreversible. By myself I can see that a lot is still capable of updated and recreated. While I can not make any definitive conclusions and loud, but the trend is very clear.
Please keep in mind that I should not be attributed to any teacher, nor in the field of medicine and health specialists, nor the followers of any flows (and the raw food diet including as such as it is). I translates the knowledge that I was delivered, and that checks on their experiences. And I am still on the way. So it is up to you - take that knowledge or not. Listen to your heart.
Transerfing should be considered as holistic, holistic teaching. However, for many more convenient, so to speak, only one of his party - the metaphysical, which includes the intention and visualization. Unilateral approach in this case is the least effective. Especially when it comes to the physical body. Do not forget that our world is dual, it has two components - tangible and intangible. So, only one visualization can not do.
An integrated approach - and the one and the other side. But the focus should be on the physical component. It's simple enough: your appearance is a reflection of your health; and you are so young, as still holding the charge in your battery - cells. Health is directly dependent on the purity of the body. The purity of the body depends on what and how you eat. Charge cell, or in other words, their "liveliness", also depends on the degree of "liveliness" of your food.
Living water, air and food - are antioxidants. Dead water, air and food - is the free radicals. First recharges the cells, rejuvenate the body, the second charge-consuming and accelerate the aging process. That's the main thing you need to know. The truth is always simple and uncomplicated. As Kozma bars said, "what is simple, everyone understands well, what is difficult, no one needs».
Rejuvenation also contributes to the body alkalization. Oxidation, by contrast, rapidly ages. As already mentioned, with increasing pH of our body is only 0.15, the ability of the cells increases oxygen uptake by 60% - cells literally "sigh freely" and come to life. Live food shifts the pH to the alkaline side. Dead food, especially of animal origin, on the contrary, strongly acidifies the body.
In addition, the alkaline environment is fatal to parasites - they only feel well in acid. And if an alkaline environment are correct garlic and pepper, then visit all dureyut, so they have to be cleaned away or die, that by itself is reflected in the appearance - the person becomes noticeably fresher
. In the East, it has long been known that those who have apricots and melons - looks very good. Why is this? Yes, because these fruits are highly alkalized body. The same properties have watermelons, pears, cucumbers, apricots and fresh herbs. Therefore, in the summer you need to have it all in large quantities. And in the winter - dried apricots, dried apricots, raisins and blue sea kale
. When I was in the market buying dried apricots, it happens that the old lady look askance at me and says: "Yes, yes, apricots helps with many diseases, it is necessary to cook for an hour and drink the infusion." Yes, I grin to myself (in fact prove them something useless), because something you are sick and shriveled that are used to kill living food. Excuse me, well what his cook? Fill with dried apricots for a night of living water, and the morning will get a delicious drink, plus fresh sweet fruit, plus tasty nuts in the bones.
What healthily, after all, live fruits, or "sealed unto death"? What did not come to treat yourself to the grave. Fresh apricots and dried apricots, for example, very well alkalized body, but if you cook from them jam or compote with sugar, they turn into a strong oxidizing agent, is worse than fatty meat!
In the Himalayas there is a tribe of Hunza, known for its longevity. The average lifespan of 110-120 years. Old people feel cheerful and lead an active lifestyle, and women give birth at 65. Nearby tribes living in the same conditions as in the 65 years usually leave this life. The difference between the former and consists only in the diet. Food Hunza - live, and most importantly a place in their diet take apricots - fresh summer and dried in winter. Compote with sugar not cook. They feed mainly live vegetables and fruits, germinated grains, natural sheep cheese. (Sometimes, though, and eat meat. Maybe that's why live "not so long»?)
When you start eating mostly natural living food from the diet and eliminate any stimulants and relaxants, including tea and coffee, the changes that will be visible in the mirror, come quickly enough. Especially noticeably it will affect your eyes. Looking become clear, radiant, younger, like a child, and this, among other things, produces far more impressive than even the lack of wrinkles. Why is this happening?
You probably noticed that the drinker's bleary eyes. This suggests that the body is extremely loaded, and power severely weakened, and energy output through the eyes almost closed. Power engineering, such a person can be compared to a leaky bucket. The hole in the shell appears due to the fact that the pendulum sucks the energy is very intense, and therefore to take the next dose as a loan, has to constantly. This is the final stage (if not to take into account the hard drugs, of course).
Those who "drink in moderation", the situation is better, but is similar in many respects. Eyes are also not completely clean. For those who do not drink, but eating dead food and indulge in "social" drugs such as cigarettes, coffee or tea, his eyes as tight veil. All these different stages and different doses, however, are always the same - a blockage of the body, blocking the energy flow and «NeverEndingStory» - the endless trips to the bank for loans and pendulums payback
. What happens when receiving stimulants, relaxants and stops dead food? The body can not at once, but is cleared, the pendulums are released, "a hole in the bucket," Lata, energy is recovered and already runs a free powerful flow, including through the eyes. Because they literally begin to glow with an inner light. That's really impresses.
(Here it is necessary to make a reservation. The abrupt transition from a dead food on pure raw food diet I personally do not recommend it. For the appearance of the eye cleansing effect will be enough at least to give up stimulants and to translate their diet mainly on live food.)
Another important condition for a good appearance and longevity is motion.
Again I repeat unforgiving postulate: the state of the "status quo" does not exist - there is any development or degradation. If you are staying in their development on a similar stop in the rest of you can not expect the contrary - will inevitably degraded
. Life is so arranged that it is, in essence, there is a constant movement, survival, and there's no getting around it. So, it is imperative to move, and it should be done deliberately. Half an hour walk to and from work, instead of trips to transport - a real gift to the body. Tibetan Complex "Eye of the Renaissance" - a necessary minimum, if there is no ability or desire to do something more intense
. Movement is necessary to have at least two reasons: first - to activate metabolism and cleansing of the body, the second - to maintain muscle tone and bone tissue
. For example, if a person is put on a year into space, where it will eliminate the need to overcome the force of gravity, and to deprive him of any physical exertion, all his bones and muscles atrophy, so that, on his return to earth, easy drop will be enough to fracture, and the movement of two the legs will be impossible - just do not have enough forces. This is why astronauts are paying much attention to physical exercises.
Thus, while you are on the move, you run away from old age and infirmities, as on a treadmill. But once you stop, and track immediately pull you back. This should be remembered.
And now we finally come to the metaphysical part Transurfing. In order to reverse the aging process, you need to reprogram your super-consciousness. Actually, it is quite difficult to understand the topic. In short, a person has consciousness, subconscious and superconscious.
Human consciousness is in the physical dimension - it is, roughly speaking his mind. The subconscious mind is located in the intermediate space - Bardo, and manages the entire life support - here are unconditioned reflexes, respiration, circulation, digestion, etc.
The superconscious is in the space of options. It is a kind of human prototype, its cast, matrix, pattern, according to which he "tailored." There's also written about how that person looks and how fast aging. Here are the program and the need to adjust.
Is it possible at all? Of course. Man willy nilly it adjusts constantly in the course of life. Superconsciousness - a human project in which sewn his outlook, attitude, and also a sense of himself, and much more. There is recorded information such as: I am good or bad I am, I am successful and I am a loser, I'm healthy or sick, rich or poor, beautiful or ugly, young or old. All that is changing over time, depending on many factors.
So, you can change this mental template intentionally. Of course, it's not easy, but quite feasible. Not so easy, because the redraw your pattern stereotypes impede the mind and influence society.
For example: all supposed to age rapidly and die in a certain age. We can say here is working principle, "according to your faith be it unto you." To believe in miracles is not easy when all around assert that it is impossible. However Transerfing faith as a way to achieve the goal in the calculation and not taken. In fact, there is another tool - the intention. It is necessary to do a specific job by fixing his attention on the target. What specifically needs to be done?
You must rejuvenation accept as one of their goals. It is necessary to literally catch fire, imbued with this idea. It's worth it, because you will soon be in front of all noticeably changed! In order to firmly fix the attention on the target, it is necessary to hang the intention, as stated in our terminology, hooks. These hooks are the following rituals, the first two of which are already in themselves have a physical, direct impact on the health and appearance.
Glass of water. Whenever drinking water, charge the thought-form: "My body is cleansed, refreshed and rejuvenated. Toxins removed from the body, and he finally sighed freely and easily. All functions are restored and normalized. All the bodies are cleaned and updated. Everything comes back to normal. I have excellent health, and powerful energy. Health affects the appearance. I look young and attractive. " You can also add: "Thank you, my dear beloved water, for what you have, so alive, healing and clean, for helping me." The same charge thought-form can be carried out on the food.
Washing. Every night before going to sleep is necessary to wash with water, infused with Shungite. The effect can be strengthened by putting in a container, in addition to stones shungite pyramid. The effect will be more noticeable if you use Aqvadisk bath instead of a pyramid. Wash should be a thought-form: "It's healing thicker than water. My skin is restored, regenerated, smoothed. My skin healthy, smooth, supple and fresh. Every day I look better and better. I look young and attractive. "
No particles "not" and the words in undesirable thought form is not permitted. For example, no "my wrinkles are smoothed out." Do not even mention Bad. Only positive attitudes. After washing, do not wipe, let the water dry, securing the set program.
Mirror. Whenever coming to the mirror, skip past the attention of all their disadvantages, and concentrate only on the merits and notes improvement. Affirm thought form: "Every day I look better and better. У меня отличное здоровье и мощная энергетика. Здоровье отражается на внешности. Я выгляжу молодо и привлекательно. У меня лучистые глаза. В моих глазах светится моя красивая душа. Я очень обаятельная личность. Я светящееся существо».
Таким образом, действуя одновременно с физической и метафизической стороны дуального зеркала, вы добьетесь весьма впечатляющих результатов. Все это работает – проверено – так что, по поводу «невозможности» подобных чудес, можете быть спокойны. Приятного вам путешествия в прошлое.
Автор: Вадим Зеланд
However, sometimes in the head idiot, after a standard breakfast of white bread with butter and sausage, scrambled eggs and coffee with milk, was born the idea: but what is so hard? And at work, after the standard, "customary" dinner, you idiot wondered again: yes why so tends to sleep? It does not work already, and hard labor. Not life, but a continuous overcoming. The body has already issued an ultimatum demands: do not want to work - like the sea! And who needs that kind of life?

Imagine what a strange thing happens. First, you do not separate themselves (their identity that is) from the physical body. I mean, I - with all my thoughts and guts, the same is true
? But over time, the body tired, like a downtrodden horse, begins to deliver concern. At some point, bewilderment and dismay you realize that you - this is not quite the old and holistic individual. Here is a spiritual entity with all its desires and ambitions, and has a physical body, with disabilities, which also every day only decrease. It turns out that it really quickly ends and passes.
Then one day, in the early '90s, I came upon a book by Gennady Petrovich Malakhov "Cleansing the body, and proper nutrition", which made me think. Since it's the beginning of my path of insight. What amazing strength of the already guided me to where one knows it was. This book brought out by none other than Peter Lisowski, founder and CEO of the publishing group "ALL", which we later became friends.
Interestingly, I learned about who Malakhov first published only years after the beginning of our cooperation with Peter Lisowski. Until recently, I thought that brought us together Transerfing - me as the author, but it as a publisher. But it turns out, our paths crossed many years ago, when I still did not think about such things as Transerfing. At that time there were no publishers "ALL" or how any intelligent thoughts in my head idiot. All this will not be soon, but for now ...
Impressed book Malakhov, I gradually began to be excluded from the diet of a variety of products. With 37-years moved to a separate power supply. With 40-began to shift (gradually, not at once) - at a raw food diet. Thus, all the way to the final transition to living food it took me about 15 years. Why so long? Because I am a very long time until the end and did not realize how important this is and should be.
Now, looking back, I can see quite clearly: I did not come on this path of natural food, would not have come to me and Transerfing, and the rest of my life I would domatyval as life, painfully, painfully and stupidly. The strength in my place would have chosen someone else, because I simply would not understand. The mind clouded food matrix, it is impossible to put knowledge. Sleeping mind, perhaps it will acquire knowledge of how information, a set of rules, but will not be able to understand and even more so, to share with others.
Now I understand that the closer I came to eating living food, the more my mind cleared up. And if anyone of you come on this path, and then read the book of Transerfing again, Once clicked, it is very much that before was hidden between the lines and do not show, do not light a signal lamp somewhere in the depths of the mind. Between the natural power and clarity of consciousness, there is a direct link.
It is very strange that this is still nowhere to be said clearly and openly. Can you name at least one raw foodists of all spiritual teachers? As far as I know, this was just the latest Jesus Christ (see. The Gospel of the Essenes). I myself, at least in essence, and not the teacher, and the repeater, but even I realized. (Idiot already knew!) So, Transerfing - is "in the esoteric esoteric"? (By analogy with the teaching Bronnikova, as it is called - "unconventional unconventional in».)
Now I feel: since I embarked on the gradual replacement of the dead and synthetic food to live, my body, instead of aging on the contrary, more rejuvenated and restored. That is, the aging process is turned back, and start regeneration. Personally, for me it is a refutation of established opinion that the aging process is irreversible.
Of course, as a result of a dashing young man, my body must have occurred some, as they say, "irreversible consequences". But I very much doubt that these effects really are irreversible. By myself I can see that a lot is still capable of updated and recreated. While I can not make any definitive conclusions and loud, but the trend is very clear.
Please keep in mind that I should not be attributed to any teacher, nor in the field of medicine and health specialists, nor the followers of any flows (and the raw food diet including as such as it is). I translates the knowledge that I was delivered, and that checks on their experiences. And I am still on the way. So it is up to you - take that knowledge or not. Listen to your heart.
Transerfing should be considered as holistic, holistic teaching. However, for many more convenient, so to speak, only one of his party - the metaphysical, which includes the intention and visualization. Unilateral approach in this case is the least effective. Especially when it comes to the physical body. Do not forget that our world is dual, it has two components - tangible and intangible. So, only one visualization can not do.
An integrated approach - and the one and the other side. But the focus should be on the physical component. It's simple enough: your appearance is a reflection of your health; and you are so young, as still holding the charge in your battery - cells. Health is directly dependent on the purity of the body. The purity of the body depends on what and how you eat. Charge cell, or in other words, their "liveliness", also depends on the degree of "liveliness" of your food.
Living water, air and food - are antioxidants. Dead water, air and food - is the free radicals. First recharges the cells, rejuvenate the body, the second charge-consuming and accelerate the aging process. That's the main thing you need to know. The truth is always simple and uncomplicated. As Kozma bars said, "what is simple, everyone understands well, what is difficult, no one needs».
Rejuvenation also contributes to the body alkalization. Oxidation, by contrast, rapidly ages. As already mentioned, with increasing pH of our body is only 0.15, the ability of the cells increases oxygen uptake by 60% - cells literally "sigh freely" and come to life. Live food shifts the pH to the alkaline side. Dead food, especially of animal origin, on the contrary, strongly acidifies the body.
In addition, the alkaline environment is fatal to parasites - they only feel well in acid. And if an alkaline environment are correct garlic and pepper, then visit all dureyut, so they have to be cleaned away or die, that by itself is reflected in the appearance - the person becomes noticeably fresher
. In the East, it has long been known that those who have apricots and melons - looks very good. Why is this? Yes, because these fruits are highly alkalized body. The same properties have watermelons, pears, cucumbers, apricots and fresh herbs. Therefore, in the summer you need to have it all in large quantities. And in the winter - dried apricots, dried apricots, raisins and blue sea kale
. When I was in the market buying dried apricots, it happens that the old lady look askance at me and says: "Yes, yes, apricots helps with many diseases, it is necessary to cook for an hour and drink the infusion." Yes, I grin to myself (in fact prove them something useless), because something you are sick and shriveled that are used to kill living food. Excuse me, well what his cook? Fill with dried apricots for a night of living water, and the morning will get a delicious drink, plus fresh sweet fruit, plus tasty nuts in the bones.
What healthily, after all, live fruits, or "sealed unto death"? What did not come to treat yourself to the grave. Fresh apricots and dried apricots, for example, very well alkalized body, but if you cook from them jam or compote with sugar, they turn into a strong oxidizing agent, is worse than fatty meat!
In the Himalayas there is a tribe of Hunza, known for its longevity. The average lifespan of 110-120 years. Old people feel cheerful and lead an active lifestyle, and women give birth at 65. Nearby tribes living in the same conditions as in the 65 years usually leave this life. The difference between the former and consists only in the diet. Food Hunza - live, and most importantly a place in their diet take apricots - fresh summer and dried in winter. Compote with sugar not cook. They feed mainly live vegetables and fruits, germinated grains, natural sheep cheese. (Sometimes, though, and eat meat. Maybe that's why live "not so long»?)
When you start eating mostly natural living food from the diet and eliminate any stimulants and relaxants, including tea and coffee, the changes that will be visible in the mirror, come quickly enough. Especially noticeably it will affect your eyes. Looking become clear, radiant, younger, like a child, and this, among other things, produces far more impressive than even the lack of wrinkles. Why is this happening?
You probably noticed that the drinker's bleary eyes. This suggests that the body is extremely loaded, and power severely weakened, and energy output through the eyes almost closed. Power engineering, such a person can be compared to a leaky bucket. The hole in the shell appears due to the fact that the pendulum sucks the energy is very intense, and therefore to take the next dose as a loan, has to constantly. This is the final stage (if not to take into account the hard drugs, of course).
Those who "drink in moderation", the situation is better, but is similar in many respects. Eyes are also not completely clean. For those who do not drink, but eating dead food and indulge in "social" drugs such as cigarettes, coffee or tea, his eyes as tight veil. All these different stages and different doses, however, are always the same - a blockage of the body, blocking the energy flow and «NeverEndingStory» - the endless trips to the bank for loans and pendulums payback
. What happens when receiving stimulants, relaxants and stops dead food? The body can not at once, but is cleared, the pendulums are released, "a hole in the bucket," Lata, energy is recovered and already runs a free powerful flow, including through the eyes. Because they literally begin to glow with an inner light. That's really impresses.
(Here it is necessary to make a reservation. The abrupt transition from a dead food on pure raw food diet I personally do not recommend it. For the appearance of the eye cleansing effect will be enough at least to give up stimulants and to translate their diet mainly on live food.)
Another important condition for a good appearance and longevity is motion.
Again I repeat unforgiving postulate: the state of the "status quo" does not exist - there is any development or degradation. If you are staying in their development on a similar stop in the rest of you can not expect the contrary - will inevitably degraded
. Life is so arranged that it is, in essence, there is a constant movement, survival, and there's no getting around it. So, it is imperative to move, and it should be done deliberately. Half an hour walk to and from work, instead of trips to transport - a real gift to the body. Tibetan Complex "Eye of the Renaissance" - a necessary minimum, if there is no ability or desire to do something more intense
. Movement is necessary to have at least two reasons: first - to activate metabolism and cleansing of the body, the second - to maintain muscle tone and bone tissue
. For example, if a person is put on a year into space, where it will eliminate the need to overcome the force of gravity, and to deprive him of any physical exertion, all his bones and muscles atrophy, so that, on his return to earth, easy drop will be enough to fracture, and the movement of two the legs will be impossible - just do not have enough forces. This is why astronauts are paying much attention to physical exercises.
Thus, while you are on the move, you run away from old age and infirmities, as on a treadmill. But once you stop, and track immediately pull you back. This should be remembered.
And now we finally come to the metaphysical part Transurfing. In order to reverse the aging process, you need to reprogram your super-consciousness. Actually, it is quite difficult to understand the topic. In short, a person has consciousness, subconscious and superconscious.
Human consciousness is in the physical dimension - it is, roughly speaking his mind. The subconscious mind is located in the intermediate space - Bardo, and manages the entire life support - here are unconditioned reflexes, respiration, circulation, digestion, etc.
The superconscious is in the space of options. It is a kind of human prototype, its cast, matrix, pattern, according to which he "tailored." There's also written about how that person looks and how fast aging. Here are the program and the need to adjust.
Is it possible at all? Of course. Man willy nilly it adjusts constantly in the course of life. Superconsciousness - a human project in which sewn his outlook, attitude, and also a sense of himself, and much more. There is recorded information such as: I am good or bad I am, I am successful and I am a loser, I'm healthy or sick, rich or poor, beautiful or ugly, young or old. All that is changing over time, depending on many factors.
So, you can change this mental template intentionally. Of course, it's not easy, but quite feasible. Not so easy, because the redraw your pattern stereotypes impede the mind and influence society.
For example: all supposed to age rapidly and die in a certain age. We can say here is working principle, "according to your faith be it unto you." To believe in miracles is not easy when all around assert that it is impossible. However Transerfing faith as a way to achieve the goal in the calculation and not taken. In fact, there is another tool - the intention. It is necessary to do a specific job by fixing his attention on the target. What specifically needs to be done?
You must rejuvenation accept as one of their goals. It is necessary to literally catch fire, imbued with this idea. It's worth it, because you will soon be in front of all noticeably changed! In order to firmly fix the attention on the target, it is necessary to hang the intention, as stated in our terminology, hooks. These hooks are the following rituals, the first two of which are already in themselves have a physical, direct impact on the health and appearance.
Glass of water. Whenever drinking water, charge the thought-form: "My body is cleansed, refreshed and rejuvenated. Toxins removed from the body, and he finally sighed freely and easily. All functions are restored and normalized. All the bodies are cleaned and updated. Everything comes back to normal. I have excellent health, and powerful energy. Health affects the appearance. I look young and attractive. " You can also add: "Thank you, my dear beloved water, for what you have, so alive, healing and clean, for helping me." The same charge thought-form can be carried out on the food.
Washing. Every night before going to sleep is necessary to wash with water, infused with Shungite. The effect can be strengthened by putting in a container, in addition to stones shungite pyramid. The effect will be more noticeable if you use Aqvadisk bath instead of a pyramid. Wash should be a thought-form: "It's healing thicker than water. My skin is restored, regenerated, smoothed. My skin healthy, smooth, supple and fresh. Every day I look better and better. I look young and attractive. "
No particles "not" and the words in undesirable thought form is not permitted. For example, no "my wrinkles are smoothed out." Do not even mention Bad. Only positive attitudes. After washing, do not wipe, let the water dry, securing the set program.
Mirror. Whenever coming to the mirror, skip past the attention of all their disadvantages, and concentrate only on the merits and notes improvement. Affirm thought form: "Every day I look better and better. У меня отличное здоровье и мощная энергетика. Здоровье отражается на внешности. Я выгляжу молодо и привлекательно. У меня лучистые глаза. В моих глазах светится моя красивая душа. Я очень обаятельная личность. Я светящееся существо».
Таким образом, действуя одновременно с физической и метафизической стороны дуального зеркала, вы добьетесь весьма впечатляющих результатов. Все это работает – проверено – так что, по поводу «невозможности» подобных чудес, можете быть спокойны. Приятного вам путешествия в прошлое.
Автор: Вадим Зеланд
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