When the house was not even brewed, and in my pockets was not a penny, I went to the bakery near the house, I will never forget this day.
The kindest human being. Sometimes it can save someone's life. And we are not always talking about doctors, firefighters, policemen. Sometimes even a simple worker can give someone else a chance to escape. In what way? The situation will be clarified by the story of the life of businessman Vadim.
Now Vadim is called nothing but Vadim Nikolaevich. He owns a small bakery. Not a billionaire, of course, but a decent life. In his town, Vadim. benefactor and philanthropist. A lot of help to old people, shelters for homeless animals, homeless people, orphans. Everyone who came for help tried to help.
Friends and acquaintances admired the excerpt of Vadim. And she manages to work, and raise her daughter alone. The wife was, but soon it turned out that she was only interested in her husband’s money. Vadim did not try to delegate his affairs to anyone, continued steadfastly. stick around under all circumstances. We have to put the baby on its feet.
The difficult situation Vadim was afraid that the daughter Alina character went to the mother. This lady believed that everyone should serve and circle her like a princess in her chambers. The man knew he was really a lot. pampered. I didn’t want to talk to her because she was only 13. The lack of proper maternal warmth and upbringing was noticeable on the face.
The apogee was a picture, which was unwittingly witnessed by Vadim. Alina shouted loudly at the housekeeper, and the elderly woman bowed her head guilty and listened to all the complaints. I’ve told you a hundred times I don’t eat white bread. Could you remember it or not? It's not like you eat it to grow your sides. I don't want to see this bread on the table again! You got me?
The voice of Vadim sounded frightening, like a thunderbolt from a clear sky. The girl looked at her father in fear, and the housekeeper was in a hurry to leave the kitchen. “You're going to work with me. It's out of the question. I will hear at least a word, I will take all your tsacks and throw them in the trash, Vadim waved his hand towards his daughter’s expensive phone and headed to the exit from the house.
The girl was in a hurry, although she was dressed at home. Father Alina was afraid, although he never gave special reasons for this. My daughter knew my dad was always busy and working with a lot of money. She missed Vadim's attention, but they hadn't talked about it before. I've never even talked about it. Alina wanted so much. pop. Become as smart, strong, influential. However, she did not even dare to have such a conversation with him.
Vadim brought his daughter to the bakery, gave her a change of clothes and said that today she literally will work. Follow the instructions given to her by other employees. Alina began this task reluctantly, and the employees of the bakery did not leave her unattended. They asked for something to bring, put in place, go to that, call that. The girl was very tired and wanted to eat, and the bread at the factory just smells amazing. Alina decided that no one would notice if she take one bun...
Who eats bread like a mouse? Good for you? - Vadim appeared out of nowhere. Alina broke down in tears and said that she had not eaten anything since the morning, because her father barbarously forced her to work all day at the factory. Vadim took her daughter to the office and allowed her to go to the bathroom to calm down after crying.
Then the girl saw that on the table is a plate of soup, a portion of pasta with a patty, tea and a piece of bread. It smelled good and the girl asked if she could eat it. Vadim said it was brought specifically for her from the local dining room. “You know, bread saved me once,” Vadim said quietly. "How?" surprised Alina, eating bread another spoonful of soup.
The bitter truth, and then Vadim storytellingHe lost his mother too soon, and his father didn't care what happened to his child. He only saw comfort at the bottom of the glass. Vadim somehow ate what his father brought home, but one day the boy realized that the house was completely empty. Not even tea brews. No sugar, no flour, no butter.
“I didn't know what to do. I wanted to cry, but I knew it would not save me. There was an old bakery next to us. Now it's gone, demolished. I went there to ask for some leftovers. But I was noticed by an old guard, a kind man. He took me inside and brought me three loaves of fresh bread. How appetizing, still warm, with a golden crust. I hid this bread in the street so my father wouldn't smell it or take it. It was hard for me. Vadim for the first time sincerely cried and began to quickly wipe tears with his hands.
“Daddy, you won’t believe it, but I am very ashamed of this morning,” Alina’s words slightly laughed Vadim. “I really want to be like you, really. Thank you for telling me this, Alina herself was moved by her father’s story. Vadim hugged the girl and felt that the soul became much easier. “I can also bring you some stray cat food, okay?” she asked. “Of course, dear,” Vadim replied quietly. He just realized he was wrong about his daughter's character. Alina really looked a lot like him.

Now Vadim is called nothing but Vadim Nikolaevich. He owns a small bakery. Not a billionaire, of course, but a decent life. In his town, Vadim. benefactor and philanthropist. A lot of help to old people, shelters for homeless animals, homeless people, orphans. Everyone who came for help tried to help.
Friends and acquaintances admired the excerpt of Vadim. And she manages to work, and raise her daughter alone. The wife was, but soon it turned out that she was only interested in her husband’s money. Vadim did not try to delegate his affairs to anyone, continued steadfastly. stick around under all circumstances. We have to put the baby on its feet.

The difficult situation Vadim was afraid that the daughter Alina character went to the mother. This lady believed that everyone should serve and circle her like a princess in her chambers. The man knew he was really a lot. pampered. I didn’t want to talk to her because she was only 13. The lack of proper maternal warmth and upbringing was noticeable on the face.
The apogee was a picture, which was unwittingly witnessed by Vadim. Alina shouted loudly at the housekeeper, and the elderly woman bowed her head guilty and listened to all the complaints. I’ve told you a hundred times I don’t eat white bread. Could you remember it or not? It's not like you eat it to grow your sides. I don't want to see this bread on the table again! You got me?

The voice of Vadim sounded frightening, like a thunderbolt from a clear sky. The girl looked at her father in fear, and the housekeeper was in a hurry to leave the kitchen. “You're going to work with me. It's out of the question. I will hear at least a word, I will take all your tsacks and throw them in the trash, Vadim waved his hand towards his daughter’s expensive phone and headed to the exit from the house.
The girl was in a hurry, although she was dressed at home. Father Alina was afraid, although he never gave special reasons for this. My daughter knew my dad was always busy and working with a lot of money. She missed Vadim's attention, but they hadn't talked about it before. I've never even talked about it. Alina wanted so much. pop. Become as smart, strong, influential. However, she did not even dare to have such a conversation with him.
Vadim brought his daughter to the bakery, gave her a change of clothes and said that today she literally will work. Follow the instructions given to her by other employees. Alina began this task reluctantly, and the employees of the bakery did not leave her unattended. They asked for something to bring, put in place, go to that, call that. The girl was very tired and wanted to eat, and the bread at the factory just smells amazing. Alina decided that no one would notice if she take one bun...

Who eats bread like a mouse? Good for you? - Vadim appeared out of nowhere. Alina broke down in tears and said that she had not eaten anything since the morning, because her father barbarously forced her to work all day at the factory. Vadim took her daughter to the office and allowed her to go to the bathroom to calm down after crying.
Then the girl saw that on the table is a plate of soup, a portion of pasta with a patty, tea and a piece of bread. It smelled good and the girl asked if she could eat it. Vadim said it was brought specifically for her from the local dining room. “You know, bread saved me once,” Vadim said quietly. "How?" surprised Alina, eating bread another spoonful of soup.

The bitter truth, and then Vadim storytellingHe lost his mother too soon, and his father didn't care what happened to his child. He only saw comfort at the bottom of the glass. Vadim somehow ate what his father brought home, but one day the boy realized that the house was completely empty. Not even tea brews. No sugar, no flour, no butter.
“I didn't know what to do. I wanted to cry, but I knew it would not save me. There was an old bakery next to us. Now it's gone, demolished. I went there to ask for some leftovers. But I was noticed by an old guard, a kind man. He took me inside and brought me three loaves of fresh bread. How appetizing, still warm, with a golden crust. I hid this bread in the street so my father wouldn't smell it or take it. It was hard for me. Vadim for the first time sincerely cried and began to quickly wipe tears with his hands.

“Daddy, you won’t believe it, but I am very ashamed of this morning,” Alina’s words slightly laughed Vadim. “I really want to be like you, really. Thank you for telling me this, Alina herself was moved by her father’s story. Vadim hugged the girl and felt that the soul became much easier. “I can also bring you some stray cat food, okay?” she asked. “Of course, dear,” Vadim replied quietly. He just realized he was wrong about his daughter's character. Alina really looked a lot like him.
The student came to visit the 78-year-old grandmother and asked her to assess the life lived, the answer surprised the young girl
There is a certain age at which it is impossible to celebrate a birthday, even if all relatives insist on a magnificent celebration.