1001 rule
There is such a wonderful blog: 1001 rules for my unborn son - a peculiar set of rules that leaves her unborn child's father.
The author of this blog and the book of the same name - Walker Lamond. Television producer and writer.
We offer you extracts which give an idea of the whole. An excellent opportunity to discuss, I think.
2. Be able dancer
3. When you press the hand - Hold tight and look straight in the eye.
5. Do not be afraid to walk outside to offer the most beautiful girl in the room.
You'd be surprised how often it works.
6. Follow the instructions.
And you do everything twice as fast.
7. Learn how to change a tire yourself.
For everything else, take her to the studio
8. An hour spent with parents - time not spent in vain.
9. Protect small and weak.
Even when they grow up they will remember it.
12. Be a good swimmer.
And swim in the ocean as often as possible. It is also a good remedy for hangovers.
13. Avoid gossip.
14. Men with facial hair have something to hide.
16. You are your actions, not your words.
19. pay its debts. And better not to play.
20. Learn to play an instrument, preferably the volume on which you can play at home with friends.
22. The girls are the same guys, just after a shower.
23. Learn how to tie a tie.
26. Never talk during the movie. Come before the start of the session, and occupies a central place.
27. Eat more vegetables. Take care of your heart.
28. See the ball and move forward. In life and in sports.
29. No tattoos and piercings, excluding only military service.
31. No one likes a know-alls.
31. Keep copies of your letters. This will facilitate the life of your biographers.
32. While in the woods, be quiet.
34. Do not be afraid of street games. This is the best way to learn.
36. If a fight is inevitable, then hit the first and with full force.
37. If you can afford it, buy your own tuxedo.
38. Minimize the phone calls.
I never call anybody to 9 am and after 9 pm. Hey, some of these rules are more prosaic than others.
39. Drink pure drinks.
A good drink does not require more than one ingredient, it is mostly ice.
40. If you're going to honk, they will not go faster.
41. Thank your mother for food.
43. Do not litter. Never.
44. Remember birthdays and Dari thoughtful gifts.
46. If you get into vodovrot, then swim parallel to the shore.
47. Observe the storm from a safe place. But watch.
51. You can not always be the most powerful and fast. But you can be stubborn.
54. Purchase own tennis racket and a stick.
Another snaryagu can borrow or share.
55. Be patient with the staff.
They pay you good service.
57. Make friends with a local butcher.
59. Socks are not required in the summer, no matter how formal occasion.
61. Do the exercises in the morning.
On a bike to school or to work is a good idea.
62. draw conclusions from what you see, and do not assume.
64. Read a variety of newspapers every day.
65. Do not forget about a page with humor.
66. attend many weddings.
Your friends will be there and also there is always good food.
67 running at least once a student government.
68. collects something.
70. While in town, go fast and do not disturb others.
If you need to stop, step aside.
71. Do not spend a lot of money on hair. It does not keep long.
72. Never miss a chance to be on TV.
75. Respect the fire.
76. Memorize your favorite poem and rights.
77. Never be on the side against his brother in a fight.
78. Keep your word.
79. Spend as much time near the water. In the extreme case, even a stream approach.
82. The most expensive restaurant will never be the best.
83. Do not give the ball a redneck, but beat on the gates do not forget.
85. Educate sail.
86. Never criticize a book, play or film, while he will not read or can not see.
Art is full of surprises.
87. When you use a saw to make neat incision, you need patience, not force.
88. Do not be a thief.
89. Talking to a journalist, chose his words carefully.
Push-ups and sit-ups 90 - that's all you need to build muscle.
91. Do not get into a dispute which does not concern you.
92. funeral suit dark suit, not necessarily acquire black.
93. Make sure your clothes fit well.
94. Do not brag. Impressive.
96. Not only exception when you really need to raise your voice. Soccer is just one of them.
97. The arguments follow through, especially books.
98. The classrooms are always chooses a place in the front ranks.
99. Nothing good ever happens after 3 nights. Vernyak.
100. Have a safe place to meet.
103. help women carry bags. Especially my mom.
104. Never take things with a more than able to move independently.
105. Keep it simple: a classic white shirt.
108. sing along, but only if you know the words.
111. congress of a rock concert in a foreign country.
112. In the long trip offered to buy the first tank of gasoline.
113. If in doubt, wear a tie.
115. Short stanishki for little boys. Decide for yourself, when you're the guy.
117. Be sincere listener, rather than simply wait for their turn to speak.
118. Vandal - the simplest form of a scoundrel.
And yes, most of the artists scoundrels.
119. steysnyaysya not in the locker room. They all feel the same.
120. spend more time with his mother. She's better than you think.
121. Men should not wear sandals. Never.
125. T have no relation neither to philosophy nor to advertising. This T-shirt. Wear one color.
126. Do not spit on the sidewalk.
129. Gather a rock band.
131. Know that the surrounding area has grown, like the five fingers.
132. If you do not know the meaning, ask. Before it will not be too late.
133. On the stage there is no time to be shy
134. Do not forget to thank the hosts.
135. Avoid mannerisms, until it became your habit.
136. There is no better remedy than to plunge into the ocean.
137. Do not borrow. Pay cash.
138. Keep your body in good shape. You'll be the only happy when you're a father.
139. Keep in hardcover copies of their favorite knig.Ostalnye exchanged.
140. Do not get on the field of play. Sit down on his haunches.
141. Be assertive, to seek his.
142. If your mother is going through, put on a helmet.
144. Imagine, when someone calls out. Even good friends have problems with memory.
145. Participate in good draws.
146. Do not burn bridges.
147. Do not lose its charm. Especially at work.
149. Not proёbyvay their chances.
150. Not addicted to beer or coffee.
151. aside time to put in order their shoes.
152. Do one hairstyle, which later regret. I will survive.
154. invited his mother to dance.
156. Find your favorite picture.
157. fun on Halloween.
158. The best thing you can do is to remain silent in the rain and the case.
160. Sometimes go to the movies alone.
163. Be careful on the subway.
164. If you're going to quote someone, you do it right.
165. At the festivities with friends, never be the first departing home.
166. occasion vintage car until you were 30.
168. Be cool with young children. Reputation is built for life.
169. Be nice to your sister. You are her confessor, support and bodyguard
170. Know the right time to chew gum. It is much smaller than you think.
171. Know the perfect excuse to wear a tuxedo. They are a lot more than you think.
172. You will not find a better place than a piano bar.
173. Find a good hiding place.
174. If you like wearing a cowboy hat, it suppresses in himself.
175. Never leave a job without being sure that you can find a job.
But if it's time to leave, do not tarry.
176. erased more often. You do not need a lot of different clothes.
177. Keep your room clean. Once you will roommates.
178. Believe it or not, but the museum is the best place to survive a hangover.
There is a cool, quiet and a lot of water fountains.
179. Try to break the curfew. Late quietly come out to meet her.
But do not make this a habit. You're gonna miss for danger.
180. Do not be afraid to nominate themselves.
181. If you ignore history, it will ignore you.
182. Freedom is your right, but citizenship must be earned.
183. Do not tarry to say "good morning».
184. Dive clothing.
185. Not pyalsya too closely at the girls on the beach. That's what needs sunglasses.
186. Have your favorite song. It does not have to be sad. (the best song ever such did not happen).
187 Smile cute girl.
188. If you get arrested, call me.
189. Learn to drive a car with a manual gearbox.
190. Men's luggage never rolls.
192. If you're not a player base that is close to the coach and always be ready to enter the field.
193. Never ask a substitute in the game.
194. Learn to cook their signature dish. At least one.
196. Learn to whistle.
198. Do not pay attention to the calendar. If it is cold, dress jacket.
200. travels the country. Do not rush.
202. Avoid air conditioners, especially on the beach.
203. The earlier you begin to shovel snow, the easier it will be later.
204 Never miss a practice.
206. Do not refuse, if she invites you to dance.
207. Take part in the talent show.
208. Do not salt the food until it is try.
209. Do not wear sunglasses indoors. With elevators and airplanes is the same story.
210. Always have a couple of good jokes at the ready.
211. Spend the summer working as a waiter.
212. Be helpful on board.
213. Walk barefoot, it strengthens the legs.
214. The canoe did not shirk their share of the work.
215. Once lit fireworks, step aside.
216. Have your own money.
217. When you spend the night at a party, wake up before the hosts.
218. help others with things when moving.
219. If you made a mistake, forgive yourself and move on.
220. If you are not a doctor, you will never answer the call to the audience.
221. If you are a guest in some club, lodge or fraternity, respect their rights.
And refrain from comparisons with other clubs, especially with his own.
222. Not hvaystaysya unfinished business. Celebrate their completion.
223. Be a good diver.
224. link to their sources of information, even on the Internet.
227. Ask permission to photograph a stranger. Do it quickly.
228. Be careful with the words on the paper said. You can not take them back.
230. Be EXPERT in anything.
231. Follow to the validity of your passport has not expired.
232. There is only one place that is acceptable to wear a tracksuit.
233. Fight to the last.
234. Thank bus driver.
235. By participating in karaoke, choose songs with his voice.
236. Do not panic.
238. Read before going to bed every night.
One book every two weeks is a good achievement.
239. Never send a photo online that would cause you discomfort, if they saw your mom, boss, or the dean.
240. Once you start to be sexually active. Be prudent.
241. Have a good supply of drinking at home.
242. Position the artwork at eye level.
245. Look people in the eye when you say thanks to them. Especially well the waiters.
246. educate others.
247 Twice a year, write down a list of your goals.
248. There is no excuse for stealing someone's car.
249. Define your word or phrase parasite and get rid of them.
Start with "type", "how-to", "All that is done, all the better" and "a lot of money does not happen."
250. Be punctual.
251. Salt and pepper should move together. Even if you asked one thing.
252. When you go to the party late, bear an exit strategy.
255. When it comes time to sing in the church, sing! It's a great way to practice.
256. On Sunday morning, a gentleman dressed.
Remember, this is the first day of the week rather than the last.
257. If you offer help, do not leave until dovedesh until the end.
260. If you have met the teacher outside school, not getting it.
261. admit their mistakes. Be convincing
262. Not cramps face family portrait. Please smile.
264. Suppose you will have a pen pal.
265. Not Vod evil machine.
268. Follow his speech during a game of football.
269. If you have expressed my point of view, then stop talking.
270. Give resist bullies. You need to do this only once.
272. If a teacher forgot to assign homework, sit quietly.
273 words and let go.
275. Do not be a snob.
276. surrounds himself with smart people.
277. The fish has no eyelids. Keep it in the shade.
278. Know the difference between arts and crafts.
282. Do not miss your chance, when you stand at the gates.
283. Do not forget to take part in local elections.
284. If dropped a trifle, raise it. Even a penny.
285. Sleep with the window open.
286. Explore the branches of his family tree. You can not even imagine how many interesting things you can find there.
289. Contact to anyone who has a firearm only for you.
292. guard their privacy, especially if you're famous.
293. Do not ask to perform a particular song on a rock concert.
294. repaired his bike alone.
296. Never give up on proposals to address the audience.
297. When you sell tickets, ask for a nominal cost.
298. Have a remarkable appearance.
299. Eat more fish.
301. Dress for the position that you want, and you do not have.
302. Never be the last one in the pool.
306. Do not give up the father, when he was lying.
309. Learn how to correctly pronounce the French words.
310. Take time mom on her birthday. This is her holiday too.
311. Do not go on a date with a familiar bartender.
312. Do not hurry. No coffee to 16.
313. Lennon better than McCartney.
314. If your work of art failed to make it big.
315. Meetings with the dentist is inevitable. Clean them.
317. Do not let the tip holder. A handshake is enough.
320. Do your own photos on a family holiday.
321. When it comes to opening gifts, nobody likes a good guesser.
322. Sympathy is a crutch. Never pretend to limp.
323. If metrodotel took you for some sort of celebrity, then do not rush to correct it.
326. The surest chance of becoming a rock star - learn how to play the bass guitar.
327. Be on the alert.
328. Write down your dreams.
329. Do not underestimate your own ability to reproduce offspring.
330. lend. Accept the loss.
335. If you do something good, something never do it for free.
337. adhere to the schedule.
340. crossword puzzles.
Spraishivay, but do not cheat.
341. Under the jazz dance.
342. Do not make a scene.
344. In the construction of fire use dry branches from the trees, and not from the ground.
349. It is not enough just to be proud of their origin. We need to live a decent life of its own.
350. On the roller coaster sit in the first booth.
351. chose the most their own furniture.
But I do not buy it all in one place.
352. Do not wear a tie a club in England. They have their own opinion on this matter.
353. See the movie on the big screen.
354. Therefore, gain experience of traveling alone.
355. Do not ask me to tell some jokes. It is never funny to order.
356. Have your approach. Avoid cliches.
359. If you're going to change yourself, be original.
360. Never, under any circumstances, do not ask a woman if she is pregnant.
361. Let the ax is doing its job.
363. Enough time off, learn the rules of cricket last.
366. never faced anyone with the dock.
367. Marry a girl = marry her entire family.
368. Just podymi his glass. No need to clink glasses with everyone at the table.
369. You can not choose your own nickname in school.
372. If a ride on a vintage car, be prepared to fix it yourself.
373. Wear two handkerchiefs.
One in the back Carmen for himself, and another in the breast pocket of her.
374. The best thing you can give to your neighbors - a well-manicured lawn.
375. Not posing with a drink in his hand.
376. If at the beach you need music, then you just do not sharish in the subject.
377. mobiles are amplifiers. No need to shout.
378. It is not without a gang of Powerpuff Girls.
379. Keep it a safe place as long as the make up your mind not to pull the trigger.
380. When I tell you to stay in the car, stay in the car.
383. The frame does not make a photo more valuable.
384. Agree, if you are offered a drink on the dispute.
385. When traveling abroad, keep your jokes to yourself, especially in Spain.
386. Ask your mom play Stobo. She will not give in to you.
388. If you know what this button does not play with it.
389. After you write an angry letter, read it, and then daring
390. dine with rookie school.
391. In the eyes of her father, is not going to marry her, you are not in the picture.
392. In a society new friends do not discuss old.
393. Never eat at his workplace.
394. Try to get rid of the adverbs. Seriously.
395. Pay attention to what is between you and the ground.
The author of this blog and the book of the same name - Walker Lamond. Television producer and writer.
We offer you extracts which give an idea of the whole. An excellent opportunity to discuss, I think.
2. Be able dancer

3. When you press the hand - Hold tight and look straight in the eye.

5. Do not be afraid to walk outside to offer the most beautiful girl in the room.
You'd be surprised how often it works.
6. Follow the instructions.
And you do everything twice as fast.
7. Learn how to change a tire yourself.
For everything else, take her to the studio
8. An hour spent with parents - time not spent in vain.
9. Protect small and weak.
Even when they grow up they will remember it.
12. Be a good swimmer.
And swim in the ocean as often as possible. It is also a good remedy for hangovers.
13. Avoid gossip.
14. Men with facial hair have something to hide.
16. You are your actions, not your words.
19. pay its debts. And better not to play.
20. Learn to play an instrument, preferably the volume on which you can play at home with friends.
22. The girls are the same guys, just after a shower.
23. Learn how to tie a tie.
26. Never talk during the movie. Come before the start of the session, and occupies a central place.
27. Eat more vegetables. Take care of your heart.
28. See the ball and move forward. In life and in sports.
29. No tattoos and piercings, excluding only military service.
31. No one likes a know-alls.
31. Keep copies of your letters. This will facilitate the life of your biographers.

32. While in the woods, be quiet.
34. Do not be afraid of street games. This is the best way to learn.

36. If a fight is inevitable, then hit the first and with full force.
37. If you can afford it, buy your own tuxedo.
38. Minimize the phone calls.
I never call anybody to 9 am and after 9 pm. Hey, some of these rules are more prosaic than others.
39. Drink pure drinks.
A good drink does not require more than one ingredient, it is mostly ice.
40. If you're going to honk, they will not go faster.
41. Thank your mother for food.
43. Do not litter. Never.
44. Remember birthdays and Dari thoughtful gifts.
46. If you get into vodovrot, then swim parallel to the shore.
47. Observe the storm from a safe place. But watch.
51. You can not always be the most powerful and fast. But you can be stubborn.
54. Purchase own tennis racket and a stick.
Another snaryagu can borrow or share.

55. Be patient with the staff.
They pay you good service.
57. Make friends with a local butcher.
59. Socks are not required in the summer, no matter how formal occasion.
61. Do the exercises in the morning.
On a bike to school or to work is a good idea.
62. draw conclusions from what you see, and do not assume.
64. Read a variety of newspapers every day.
65. Do not forget about a page with humor.
66. attend many weddings.
Your friends will be there and also there is always good food.
67 running at least once a student government.
68. collects something.
70. While in town, go fast and do not disturb others.
If you need to stop, step aside.

71. Do not spend a lot of money on hair. It does not keep long.
72. Never miss a chance to be on TV.
75. Respect the fire.
76. Memorize your favorite poem and rights.
77. Never be on the side against his brother in a fight.
78. Keep your word.
79. Spend as much time near the water. In the extreme case, even a stream approach.
82. The most expensive restaurant will never be the best.
83. Do not give the ball a redneck, but beat on the gates do not forget.
85. Educate sail.
86. Never criticize a book, play or film, while he will not read or can not see.
Art is full of surprises.
87. When you use a saw to make neat incision, you need patience, not force.
88. Do not be a thief.
89. Talking to a journalist, chose his words carefully.
Push-ups and sit-ups 90 - that's all you need to build muscle.
91. Do not get into a dispute which does not concern you.
92. funeral suit dark suit, not necessarily acquire black.
93. Make sure your clothes fit well.
94. Do not brag. Impressive.
96. Not only exception when you really need to raise your voice. Soccer is just one of them.
97. The arguments follow through, especially books.
98. The classrooms are always chooses a place in the front ranks.
99. Nothing good ever happens after 3 nights. Vernyak.
100. Have a safe place to meet.

103. help women carry bags. Especially my mom.
104. Never take things with a more than able to move independently.
105. Keep it simple: a classic white shirt.
108. sing along, but only if you know the words.
111. congress of a rock concert in a foreign country.
112. In the long trip offered to buy the first tank of gasoline.
113. If in doubt, wear a tie.
115. Short stanishki for little boys. Decide for yourself, when you're the guy.
117. Be sincere listener, rather than simply wait for their turn to speak.
118. Vandal - the simplest form of a scoundrel.
And yes, most of the artists scoundrels.
119. steysnyaysya not in the locker room. They all feel the same.

120. spend more time with his mother. She's better than you think.
121. Men should not wear sandals. Never.
125. T have no relation neither to philosophy nor to advertising. This T-shirt. Wear one color.
126. Do not spit on the sidewalk.
129. Gather a rock band.
131. Know that the surrounding area has grown, like the five fingers.
132. If you do not know the meaning, ask. Before it will not be too late.
133. On the stage there is no time to be shy
134. Do not forget to thank the hosts.

135. Avoid mannerisms, until it became your habit.
136. There is no better remedy than to plunge into the ocean.
137. Do not borrow. Pay cash.
138. Keep your body in good shape. You'll be the only happy when you're a father.
139. Keep in hardcover copies of their favorite knig.Ostalnye exchanged.
140. Do not get on the field of play. Sit down on his haunches.
141. Be assertive, to seek his.
142. If your mother is going through, put on a helmet.
144. Imagine, when someone calls out. Even good friends have problems with memory.
145. Participate in good draws.
146. Do not burn bridges.
147. Do not lose its charm. Especially at work.
149. Not proёbyvay their chances.
150. Not addicted to beer or coffee.
151. aside time to put in order their shoes.
152. Do one hairstyle, which later regret. I will survive.
154. invited his mother to dance.
156. Find your favorite picture.
157. fun on Halloween.
158. The best thing you can do is to remain silent in the rain and the case.
160. Sometimes go to the movies alone.
163. Be careful on the subway.
164. If you're going to quote someone, you do it right.
165. At the festivities with friends, never be the first departing home.
166. occasion vintage car until you were 30.
168. Be cool with young children. Reputation is built for life.
169. Be nice to your sister. You are her confessor, support and bodyguard
170. Know the right time to chew gum. It is much smaller than you think.
171. Know the perfect excuse to wear a tuxedo. They are a lot more than you think.
172. You will not find a better place than a piano bar.
173. Find a good hiding place.
174. If you like wearing a cowboy hat, it suppresses in himself.
175. Never leave a job without being sure that you can find a job.
But if it's time to leave, do not tarry.
176. erased more often. You do not need a lot of different clothes.
177. Keep your room clean. Once you will roommates.
178. Believe it or not, but the museum is the best place to survive a hangover.
There is a cool, quiet and a lot of water fountains.
179. Try to break the curfew. Late quietly come out to meet her.
But do not make this a habit. You're gonna miss for danger.
180. Do not be afraid to nominate themselves.
181. If you ignore history, it will ignore you.
182. Freedom is your right, but citizenship must be earned.
183. Do not tarry to say "good morning».
184. Dive clothing.
185. Not pyalsya too closely at the girls on the beach. That's what needs sunglasses.
186. Have your favorite song. It does not have to be sad. (the best song ever such did not happen).
187 Smile cute girl.

188. If you get arrested, call me.
189. Learn to drive a car with a manual gearbox.
190. Men's luggage never rolls.
192. If you're not a player base that is close to the coach and always be ready to enter the field.
193. Never ask a substitute in the game.
194. Learn to cook their signature dish. At least one.
196. Learn to whistle.
198. Do not pay attention to the calendar. If it is cold, dress jacket.
200. travels the country. Do not rush.
202. Avoid air conditioners, especially on the beach.

203. The earlier you begin to shovel snow, the easier it will be later.
204 Never miss a practice.
206. Do not refuse, if she invites you to dance.

207. Take part in the talent show.
208. Do not salt the food until it is try.
209. Do not wear sunglasses indoors. With elevators and airplanes is the same story.
210. Always have a couple of good jokes at the ready.
211. Spend the summer working as a waiter.
212. Be helpful on board.
213. Walk barefoot, it strengthens the legs.
214. The canoe did not shirk their share of the work.
215. Once lit fireworks, step aside.
216. Have your own money.
217. When you spend the night at a party, wake up before the hosts.
218. help others with things when moving.
219. If you made a mistake, forgive yourself and move on.
220. If you are not a doctor, you will never answer the call to the audience.
221. If you are a guest in some club, lodge or fraternity, respect their rights.
And refrain from comparisons with other clubs, especially with his own.
222. Not hvaystaysya unfinished business. Celebrate their completion.
223. Be a good diver.
224. link to their sources of information, even on the Internet.
227. Ask permission to photograph a stranger. Do it quickly.
228. Be careful with the words on the paper said. You can not take them back.
230. Be EXPERT in anything.
231. Follow to the validity of your passport has not expired.
232. There is only one place that is acceptable to wear a tracksuit.
233. Fight to the last.
234. Thank bus driver.
235. By participating in karaoke, choose songs with his voice.
236. Do not panic.
238. Read before going to bed every night.
One book every two weeks is a good achievement.
239. Never send a photo online that would cause you discomfort, if they saw your mom, boss, or the dean.
240. Once you start to be sexually active. Be prudent.
241. Have a good supply of drinking at home.
242. Position the artwork at eye level.
245. Look people in the eye when you say thanks to them. Especially well the waiters.
246. educate others.
247 Twice a year, write down a list of your goals.

248. There is no excuse for stealing someone's car.
249. Define your word or phrase parasite and get rid of them.
Start with "type", "how-to", "All that is done, all the better" and "a lot of money does not happen."
250. Be punctual.
251. Salt and pepper should move together. Even if you asked one thing.
252. When you go to the party late, bear an exit strategy.
255. When it comes time to sing in the church, sing! It's a great way to practice.
256. On Sunday morning, a gentleman dressed.
Remember, this is the first day of the week rather than the last.
257. If you offer help, do not leave until dovedesh until the end.
260. If you have met the teacher outside school, not getting it.
261. admit their mistakes. Be convincing
262. Not cramps face family portrait. Please smile.
264. Suppose you will have a pen pal.

265. Not Vod evil machine.
268. Follow his speech during a game of football.
269. If you have expressed my point of view, then stop talking.
270. Give resist bullies. You need to do this only once.
272. If a teacher forgot to assign homework, sit quietly.
273 words and let go.
275. Do not be a snob.
276. surrounds himself with smart people.
277. The fish has no eyelids. Keep it in the shade.
278. Know the difference between arts and crafts.
282. Do not miss your chance, when you stand at the gates.
283. Do not forget to take part in local elections.
284. If dropped a trifle, raise it. Even a penny.
285. Sleep with the window open.
286. Explore the branches of his family tree. You can not even imagine how many interesting things you can find there.
289. Contact to anyone who has a firearm only for you.
292. guard their privacy, especially if you're famous.
293. Do not ask to perform a particular song on a rock concert.
294. repaired his bike alone.
296. Never give up on proposals to address the audience.
297. When you sell tickets, ask for a nominal cost.
298. Have a remarkable appearance.
299. Eat more fish.
301. Dress for the position that you want, and you do not have.
302. Never be the last one in the pool.
306. Do not give up the father, when he was lying.
309. Learn how to correctly pronounce the French words.
310. Take time mom on her birthday. This is her holiday too.
311. Do not go on a date with a familiar bartender.
312. Do not hurry. No coffee to 16.
313. Lennon better than McCartney.
314. If your work of art failed to make it big.
315. Meetings with the dentist is inevitable. Clean them.
317. Do not let the tip holder. A handshake is enough.

320. Do your own photos on a family holiday.
321. When it comes to opening gifts, nobody likes a good guesser.
322. Sympathy is a crutch. Never pretend to limp.
323. If metrodotel took you for some sort of celebrity, then do not rush to correct it.
326. The surest chance of becoming a rock star - learn how to play the bass guitar.

327. Be on the alert.
328. Write down your dreams.
329. Do not underestimate your own ability to reproduce offspring.
330. lend. Accept the loss.
335. If you do something good, something never do it for free.
337. adhere to the schedule.
340. crossword puzzles.
Spraishivay, but do not cheat.
341. Under the jazz dance.
342. Do not make a scene.
344. In the construction of fire use dry branches from the trees, and not from the ground.
349. It is not enough just to be proud of their origin. We need to live a decent life of its own.
350. On the roller coaster sit in the first booth.
351. chose the most their own furniture.
But I do not buy it all in one place.
352. Do not wear a tie a club in England. They have their own opinion on this matter.
353. See the movie on the big screen.
354. Therefore, gain experience of traveling alone.
355. Do not ask me to tell some jokes. It is never funny to order.
356. Have your approach. Avoid cliches.
359. If you're going to change yourself, be original.
360. Never, under any circumstances, do not ask a woman if she is pregnant.
361. Let the ax is doing its job.
363. Enough time off, learn the rules of cricket last.
366. never faced anyone with the dock.
367. Marry a girl = marry her entire family.
368. Just podymi his glass. No need to clink glasses with everyone at the table.
369. You can not choose your own nickname in school.
372. If a ride on a vintage car, be prepared to fix it yourself.
373. Wear two handkerchiefs.
One in the back Carmen for himself, and another in the breast pocket of her.
374. The best thing you can give to your neighbors - a well-manicured lawn.
375. Not posing with a drink in his hand.
376. If at the beach you need music, then you just do not sharish in the subject.
377. mobiles are amplifiers. No need to shout.
378. It is not without a gang of Powerpuff Girls.
379. Keep it a safe place as long as the make up your mind not to pull the trigger.
380. When I tell you to stay in the car, stay in the car.
383. The frame does not make a photo more valuable.
384. Agree, if you are offered a drink on the dispute.
385. When traveling abroad, keep your jokes to yourself, especially in Spain.

386. Ask your mom play Stobo. She will not give in to you.
388. If you know what this button does not play with it.
389. After you write an angry letter, read it, and then daring
390. dine with rookie school.
391. In the eyes of her father, is not going to marry her, you are not in the picture.
392. In a society new friends do not discuss old.
393. Never eat at his workplace.
394. Try to get rid of the adverbs. Seriously.
395. Pay attention to what is between you and the ground.