19 Golden rules for proper communication

The publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber" offered its readers a selection of the rules of communication and relationships that will help you better understand the laws of society and himself.
1. The rule of reciprocity. Before you judge the errors of others, pay attention to yourself. The one who is thrown with mud, hands may not be clean. 2. Rule pain. Offended man himself inflicts insult others. 3. The top rule of the road. We are moving to a higher level when we start to treat others better than they treat us. 4. The boomerang rule. When we help others, we help ourselves. 5. Rule of the hammer. Never use a hammer to kill a mosquito on his forehead interlocutor. 6. The exchange rule. Rather than put others in place, we need to put ourselves in their place. 7. The learning rule. Every person we meet has the potential us something to teach. 8. The rule of charisma. People show interest to a person who is interested in them.

9. Rule 10-points. The belief in the best quality people usually causes them to show their best qualities. 10. The rule of the situation. Never let the situation meant more to you than the relationship. 11. The Rule Of Bob. When Bob problem with all, usually the main problem is Bob himself. 12. Rule availability. Ease in the relations with itself helps another to feel free with us. 13. The rule of the trench. When preparing for battle, dig a trench, so that it will fit the other. 14. The rule of agriculture. All relationships can and should be cultivated. 15. The rule of cooperation. Working together increases the likelihood of a joint victory.

16. The rule of patience. Travel with others is always slower than traveling alone. Want to go far, go together, I want to go quickly, go alone. 17. Rule two sides of the same coin. The real test of relations is not only how we are true friends when they fail, but in how much we rejoice when they succeed. 18. The rule of sympathy. Ceteris paribus people will seek to work with those who they like; ceteris unequal conditions they will still do it. 19. Rule 101 percent. To find 1 percent with which we agree, and to send him 100 percent of our efforts.
Source: hochu.ua/cat-razvitie/article-57091-kak-pravilno-obschatsya-i-nalazhivat-otnosheniya-19-zolotyih-pravil/
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