The energy of high vibrations - at a same frequency you are vibrating
Nothing in the world is at rest - still rages, vibrates, moves, emits energy with his characteristic frequency
. We are with you and we can also radiate different vibrations - such as fear and sorrow or joy and health. How to adjust the process and stay on the second? Let's see in detail what influence our vibration, and how to raise them.
Vibration: high and low
Do not know is no secret to anyone that all we are made of energy vibrating particles. Our physical body, which seems so dense and elastic, actually vibrating at a certain frequency of energy, it is clearly seen in the super-powerful microscopes.
On what frequency we vibrate?
A healthy body vibrates at a frequency higher than the patient. When a person becomes ill, some of it begins to vibrate at lower frequencies. That is, the body recover we must firstly, to raise the level of vibration in the patient first place, and secondly, to raise the level of vibration in the entire body.
What is the energy of low vibration and high vibration energy?
Every day we employ the one or the other power frequency. We do not need it as a measure, there are basic criteria by which you can determine what the energy in your life at the moment dominate.
Criteria for high vibration energy (health and wellness):
bright thoughts;
attitude to a positive;
You assume the unconditional love in relation to the whole;
You assume the abundance in relation to different areas of your life.
You are set up to luck.
energy low vibration criteria (disease):
negative emotions: anger, fear, anger, regret;
vision around a dark, evil side, pessimistic;
You assume in your decisions out of fear or other negative feelings and emotions;
You assume a lack of respect to the different areas of your life;
You always expect failure.
If you are looking mainly at energy lower vibrations, they also will not be slow to manifest in your life and bring more of the same energy - if you are afraid of failure, wait - he was already at the door, afraid that will cut wages - wait, this is not far off.
What do you do when you realize that the set is currently in the low vibration energy, whereas for success in life and health in general you have to be attuned to the higher vibration? How to reset to another, higher-vibrational wave?
Make it a lot easier than most people think, is deeply entrenched in the lower vibrations. This can be done immediately because energy is being restructured, reconfigured, and you can adjust it to the desired wave frequency of vibration.
The easiest way to raise the vibration frequency - positive thoughts. Thoughts generally almost completely formed not only the events of our lives, but in general - and our state of physical and spiritual. If you are looking for a positive and think positively, your frequency of vibration increases.
Then you can use the feelings not go on about their emotions by default, and choose those emotions and feelings that will increase the frequency of your vibrations. After all, you can choose every event of your life!
It is possible to raise the frequency of vibrations through special energy practices. All practices in effect are set to increase in the human frequency range, whether it be yoga, qigong or something else. Quite simply, meanwhile, as the positive effect extends directly proportional to your vibrations become purer vibration space around you, torsion fields, money, energy easier and easier to come into your life.
The man responsible for the energy that he projects into the world and in your own state. That is, the vibration of his thoughts, emotions, feelings and actions reflect both the quality of his own life, and on all that surrounds it. In our time are becoming increasingly important energy vibrations person.
People are becoming increasingly become divided into two groups: those who serve themselves, and those who serve others - people with positive energy and those who did not apply to those. Now, more than ever, you should avoid watching TV, because it is one of the largest intelligence and propaganda of negative energy management tools on the planet. Television advertising is based entirely on recurring needs for the latest technical innovations, while informing the public about its controlled wear (that all things being destroyed faster than ever before, creating the need to purchase "newer" versions of the same thing).
TV "programs" are just that - they program our minds. Reality TV is absolutely far from reality, but people believe that they are more real than fiction, when in fact most of the programs created to shock us, that is vibration negative energy. Every news program aimed at reducing our energy.
For centuries, the main secret was that fears not only deplete the human positive energy, but allow to be controlled by those who impose them.
If you look in the Cymatics studies, we can clearly see how the sound (which is a vibration) effect on the human energy vibration - this is one of the reasons why the monks chant the mantra
. The vibrations of low energy can control our lives. There are many affordable and easy ways to increase your energy vibration.
Here are some of them:
Meditate - many say they have no time for meditation, but find time to watch TV
. Get out of the nature - just for a walk or to a garden or flower bed
Stop watching TV - and meditate ... or just do something that, in response fills you with positive energy
!. Play with your pets - our pets give us a lesson of unconditional love, which always raises the vibration
. See how children play - try to remember the first feeling of charm and innocence of childhood
. Do physical exercise, then go for a walk in the country, it is right to bring you a double benefit!
Forgive yourself and others - none of us is perfect; there are those who have hurt us, and those who did hurt us. Forgive them, but do not forget to forgive yourself too.
Express gratitude - be thankful for the beauty around you, even if it is a small tree in the middle of a big city. Be grateful for the food that you are going to eat, and everything else that is blessedly came into your life, including something negative, which proved a wonderful lesson of life, expand your spiritual growth.
Meet face to face with your fears and consider them as a possibility of spiritual development - the fear of something always brings negative emotions. There are reasons for these fears continue to come into our lives. As soon as we come face to face with some its fear, it disappear, as it was one of the lessons of our lives.
Buy organic food and express gratitude to the food - organic food contains more nutrients than GMOs, this alone will increase your physical energy, which, in turn, will increase your spiritual vibrations, especially if before eating it to bless and to thank.
Do what makes you laugh, or be with people who encourage you to laugh - laughter is a very high vibrational energy, even if we laugh at ourselves
! Ask your spirit guides and guardian angels for help and direction - your spirit guides and guardian angels are looking forward to your call for help, so ask for their guidance, assistance, protection, and direction every day
! And always remember: You are perfect exactly as you are
. And it does not matter whether you are overweight, some injury or something else that society considers abnormal. You are beautiful and perfect just the way you are! Also, keep in mind the nature of his thinking.
Bruce Lipton (Ph.D., who built a bridge that connects science and spirituality) noted that only a small percentage of the population is trying to become more consistent in his thought process, which, in turn, can change everything and bring change, leading to the evolution of mankind.
Author: Olga Tkachev
. We are with you and we can also radiate different vibrations - such as fear and sorrow or joy and health. How to adjust the process and stay on the second? Let's see in detail what influence our vibration, and how to raise them.

Vibration: high and low
Do not know is no secret to anyone that all we are made of energy vibrating particles. Our physical body, which seems so dense and elastic, actually vibrating at a certain frequency of energy, it is clearly seen in the super-powerful microscopes.
On what frequency we vibrate?
A healthy body vibrates at a frequency higher than the patient. When a person becomes ill, some of it begins to vibrate at lower frequencies. That is, the body recover we must firstly, to raise the level of vibration in the patient first place, and secondly, to raise the level of vibration in the entire body.
What is the energy of low vibration and high vibration energy?
Every day we employ the one or the other power frequency. We do not need it as a measure, there are basic criteria by which you can determine what the energy in your life at the moment dominate.
Criteria for high vibration energy (health and wellness):
bright thoughts;
attitude to a positive;
You assume the unconditional love in relation to the whole;
You assume the abundance in relation to different areas of your life.
You are set up to luck.
energy low vibration criteria (disease):
negative emotions: anger, fear, anger, regret;
vision around a dark, evil side, pessimistic;
You assume in your decisions out of fear or other negative feelings and emotions;
You assume a lack of respect to the different areas of your life;
You always expect failure.
If you are looking mainly at energy lower vibrations, they also will not be slow to manifest in your life and bring more of the same energy - if you are afraid of failure, wait - he was already at the door, afraid that will cut wages - wait, this is not far off.
What do you do when you realize that the set is currently in the low vibration energy, whereas for success in life and health in general you have to be attuned to the higher vibration? How to reset to another, higher-vibrational wave?
Make it a lot easier than most people think, is deeply entrenched in the lower vibrations. This can be done immediately because energy is being restructured, reconfigured, and you can adjust it to the desired wave frequency of vibration.
The easiest way to raise the vibration frequency - positive thoughts. Thoughts generally almost completely formed not only the events of our lives, but in general - and our state of physical and spiritual. If you are looking for a positive and think positively, your frequency of vibration increases.
Then you can use the feelings not go on about their emotions by default, and choose those emotions and feelings that will increase the frequency of your vibrations. After all, you can choose every event of your life!
It is possible to raise the frequency of vibrations through special energy practices. All practices in effect are set to increase in the human frequency range, whether it be yoga, qigong or something else. Quite simply, meanwhile, as the positive effect extends directly proportional to your vibrations become purer vibration space around you, torsion fields, money, energy easier and easier to come into your life.
The man responsible for the energy that he projects into the world and in your own state. That is, the vibration of his thoughts, emotions, feelings and actions reflect both the quality of his own life, and on all that surrounds it. In our time are becoming increasingly important energy vibrations person.
People are becoming increasingly become divided into two groups: those who serve themselves, and those who serve others - people with positive energy and those who did not apply to those. Now, more than ever, you should avoid watching TV, because it is one of the largest intelligence and propaganda of negative energy management tools on the planet. Television advertising is based entirely on recurring needs for the latest technical innovations, while informing the public about its controlled wear (that all things being destroyed faster than ever before, creating the need to purchase "newer" versions of the same thing).
TV "programs" are just that - they program our minds. Reality TV is absolutely far from reality, but people believe that they are more real than fiction, when in fact most of the programs created to shock us, that is vibration negative energy. Every news program aimed at reducing our energy.
For centuries, the main secret was that fears not only deplete the human positive energy, but allow to be controlled by those who impose them.
If you look in the Cymatics studies, we can clearly see how the sound (which is a vibration) effect on the human energy vibration - this is one of the reasons why the monks chant the mantra
. The vibrations of low energy can control our lives. There are many affordable and easy ways to increase your energy vibration.
Here are some of them:
Meditate - many say they have no time for meditation, but find time to watch TV
. Get out of the nature - just for a walk or to a garden or flower bed

Stop watching TV - and meditate ... or just do something that, in response fills you with positive energy
!. Play with your pets - our pets give us a lesson of unconditional love, which always raises the vibration
. See how children play - try to remember the first feeling of charm and innocence of childhood
. Do physical exercise, then go for a walk in the country, it is right to bring you a double benefit!
Forgive yourself and others - none of us is perfect; there are those who have hurt us, and those who did hurt us. Forgive them, but do not forget to forgive yourself too.
Express gratitude - be thankful for the beauty around you, even if it is a small tree in the middle of a big city. Be grateful for the food that you are going to eat, and everything else that is blessedly came into your life, including something negative, which proved a wonderful lesson of life, expand your spiritual growth.
Meet face to face with your fears and consider them as a possibility of spiritual development - the fear of something always brings negative emotions. There are reasons for these fears continue to come into our lives. As soon as we come face to face with some its fear, it disappear, as it was one of the lessons of our lives.
Buy organic food and express gratitude to the food - organic food contains more nutrients than GMOs, this alone will increase your physical energy, which, in turn, will increase your spiritual vibrations, especially if before eating it to bless and to thank.
Do what makes you laugh, or be with people who encourage you to laugh - laughter is a very high vibrational energy, even if we laugh at ourselves
! Ask your spirit guides and guardian angels for help and direction - your spirit guides and guardian angels are looking forward to your call for help, so ask for their guidance, assistance, protection, and direction every day
! And always remember: You are perfect exactly as you are
. And it does not matter whether you are overweight, some injury or something else that society considers abnormal. You are beautiful and perfect just the way you are! Also, keep in mind the nature of his thinking.
Bruce Lipton (Ph.D., who built a bridge that connects science and spirituality) noted that only a small percentage of the population is trying to become more consistent in his thought process, which, in turn, can change everything and bring change, leading to the evolution of mankind.
Author: Olga Tkachev