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Flying through the eyes of the pilot

Moreover, with us today in the crew of the flight and the verifier, which will look at my work.
The co-pilot - young guy came to us several years ago after a flight Ulyanovsk. Long time I have not flown with him, about two years. Then he was a young co-pilot, well, today, over time, is considered to have already experienced. The guy from the cohort, whose member Sergei, last year's epic (in the good sense of the word) for writing in which the capital of which marked the beginning of my series of essays about the flights.
Well, then, that this will also look at my work in the crew - so this is just great! Maybe by something to be seen, and after the flight I get good advice.

 - Good day! Globe, Simferopol, Okan
Scan the list ... Surname found by referring to the certificate thereof on. Girl on the service entrance traditionally tired-serious.
 - Good afternoon, come!
Bag on the belt, jacket there, in a box and tape, all metal objects - in cap. And in the box. The tape goes into the scanner. Pass through the frame. Does not ring? Great! Collect their belongings, put on his jacket, take out of the cap all metal objects, again shove them in my pockets.
We also do not trust on a common basis, as passengers. But communicating our own. Sometimes there is going to cork from stewardesses "Transaero" flying at Jambi another Dominican, but more often the entrance to the sanctum sanctorum takes no more than a minute.
Sometimes the frame links. In this case, throw a running joke: "It's all the nerves of iron." Serious girl pulls out a handheld scanner and starts stroking them you. Finds nothing and let the world.

Medkontrol pass. My crew, it appears, was still ahead of me! Usually it is the opposite - I always come to depart early enough to have a supply on time and do not rush.
Descends into the briefing room. Hello colliding, Chekina in AIMSe, immediately find out information about the aircraft. He is already on base, loading the flight - chock!
Finally, I come to the corner of the table, where it landed my colleagues shake hands.
 - Hi, Vadim! How are you doing?
 - Hi, okay.
 - Do you know the purpose of our mission today?
 - Yes, of course!
 - Great! So, come true. I want to see how you are able to work independently. Ready to fly, analyze, make decisions and to refuel for the flight, be prepared to answer questions.
 - Good
 - Here. And more. There will fly you back to me. The task we have to perform one pass without using the autopilot, autothrottle and directors. Give you the right to choose the type of call in Simferopol, whether visually, Drives, a VOR or ILS repeater. Your right. Cope?
 - Well, where to go? I'll try.
 - Wow! I also want to look at your work in accordance with the standards, the ability to control me - maybe I miss something, or do not. Especially or unintentionally, but I expect from you that you draw this to my attention, so please do not be shy!
 - Okay!
 - Excellent! Do you have any questions?
 - No.
 - Do not hesitate to ask if there will be.
Ready to fly.
I analyze everything that you need to analyze. List of deferred defects, weather on the ground and on the route, NOTAM'y, temporary restrictions on the use of airspace, flight calculation and similar mandatory bureaucracy.
As usual, the calculation of fuel intended landing at maximum landing weight. However, this time he also plans and refueling in Simferopol - fly without it there and back on to lengthen the route bypassing Ukraine at full load is no longer possible.

Vadim is ready to teach me his opinion on the flight:
 - Dennis, I propose to fill 15 tons, CFP.
I look at him, smile and say:
 - Well, let's tuck 15. It is not forbidden. I do not mind.
Vadim alert:
 - Something you somehow suspiciously easily agree today
 - Well today I agree with everything, if it is not contrary to the rules
Even more radiant smile.
 - Denis, let me think about it yet?
 - Think.
Yes, of course, you can fuel and convenience. But it took account of 330 kg at launch and taxiing, and they spend almost unreal. Assuming that often saves fuel in flight, and it was here, on this route, there is a chance "to cut" a few minutes (and that hundreds of kilograms), the calculated charge when we risk facing the problem of excess weight on the landing above the maximum. Burn kerosene only to subsequently provide it - it seems silly idea and a waste of money.
Therefore, if the airport where we fly scheduled refueling, we usually reduce refueling departure due to the fuel that we carry, "ballast" is not in the necessary supply for the flight, but reduces the amount of refueling «there».
That is, to reduce the risk.
 - Denis, let's at least take a 300 kg.
Vadim wants to manage to fly there and back without refueling, although such advice and guidance for that. Simply, he is "already so someone was doing", and for the calculation of all came together - in fact on the way back to Moscow alone on a taxi in Simferopol already considered 660 kg of kerosene, and even 800 kg of additional fuel for the possible holding patterns. That's not counting the compensation of fuel and fuel, the need for care to spare. However, in our case, the calculation involves the refueling of one ton, and if we reduce it to 300 kg, then, accordingly, more ...
 - Let
And again, beaming smile.
But this figure is final. Well, okay, I agree with her. There is a chance that the actual load will be less than that calculated on the CFP, it will reduce the likelihood of unnecessary worries and feelings about the weight of the aircraft on landing.

Long time I did not like the rain pictures.

Near ready to fly our kiwi, the youngest aircraft in our fleet. Just another child. True, it is about to move from that pedestal.

Ready to fly, perform the procedures.
Vadim - bustler. In the two years that I have not flown with him, he is a quality in itself is not exhausted. In an effort to show the good work, trying to do it quickly. Hands and worn around the cabin.
In this thread I love the quote of the book Mark Galli: "What is to work quickly? That means doing slow movements without breaks between them ».
I myself was also a lover of porazgonyatsya as if it depends on the speed of a beautiful but eradicated it in yourself to experience. In fact, time is always more than enough, especially in order to make standard procedures. The main thing - do them in a timely manner and do not interrupt.
Moreover, even in the flight time is often enough to see the departure of his trainee, to give him time to notice if not noticed, the hint, if you do not understand - that show. And yet even still time to fix it. It's already interesting young talent is going to become instructors - do not rush to correct the situation for the student, give him a chance!
Vadim briefs. Weather in Domodedovo promise wind shear, so it is as required SOP, complements briefing repetition signs entering the wind shear and actions to exit. Plus sign counted - not all, not all of this is done without reminders.
And that will take off at full thrust from the same considerations of wind shear - too little plus.

Takeoff at full thrust even on fairly heavy B737 (72 tons at 79 maximum) - is taking off in a rocket! Especially on the BQF, which each engine has a thrust of 27,000 pounds. Usually we reduce cravings, because full thrust prohibitive enough for normal conditions. But when flying in wind shear is recommended to use all the available power.
I'm afraid to imagine what it looks like on the B777, if it easy :)
We see Vadim not often take off at full thrust, as dispersed in the set speed. - Here it is necessary to pull themselves pointensivnee than usual.
Well, in terms of wind shear is more, no less. Though there was in fact no wind shear, so chatted in pleasure.
Struck a layer of clouds, washed airplane. Fly farther.

I do not even know what to write. Just a beautiful sky!

Fly through the Rostov area. A lot of traffic caught that day.

Hi green brothers!

Somewhere in the part of developing thunderstorms.

Although it is unlikely they will turn into anything particularly menacing. So beautiful kuchevka.

Going to ram?

Oops. Missed.

A319. VIM seems.

Contrail is especially good today.

And on the top tier passing us going Oreneyra V738. We catch up with him quietly.
As it turned out, he also flies in Simferopol.

These structures near Rostov began to appear frequently in my blog.

And here is the Rostov-on-Don.

Catch up Orenburg.

Turn off the engine.

And no, working again.

Begin flying up to the Crimea, Azov flying over.

It seems that in Simferopol bad weather, although there were anticipated before the flight thunderstorms. Yes, kuchevka visible, but it does not look intimidating. Well, well! Vadim will be easier ... and me calmer. What really conceal - half of my blog is devoted to problems of excessive use of automation in routine operations, and I'm not sure that my co-pilot somehow fundamentally different from the other.
How good that is gradually coming to realize that piloting skills should be maintained on a regular basis! A couple of recent decades nasazhivalas idea that maximum automation in flight is exceptionally kind, despite the fact that the lack of dissent with this position. On this "good idea" a whole generation of pilots who now are not quite ready to accept that "the concept has changed" and the maintenance of basic skills as manual piloting of the need not say just lazy.
Even Boeing has made a bunch of changes in their papers on the subject - if in 2005 in FCOM promoted maximum automation (and even normal procedures were written only under avtoposadku by HUD, offering the operator to think about other ways of landing), now and in the FCOM and FCTM there is to read about manual piloting.
The problem is that the second pilot usually does not fly without directors. These handy arrows always included and it is very nice to fly as if it were the primary means, moreover, that from the first flight instructor hammer you "hold director, hold the director!" These arrows show the desired deflection roll or pitch to the plane fly on the correct trajectory. Keep them in the center - it means you're on the path.

And even if he wants to, that not every captain decided on this ... Need a skill, and where his brother? Prevalent idea that the simulator. Well, once in six months time to make a few Poletika at constant wind. The simulator, which would not paint a pretty picture, as if not simulate actual flight, after all, is significantly different from thereof.
Real atmosphere and the fact of realizing real flight (not imitation) - play important roles. It is necessary to train, but not on the simulator. So says the current policy advocated by the aeronautical authorities of the United States and Europe and Boeing documents. About the state policy of the Russian Federation, I humbly say anything.
But in our present problem completely manual approach is a must that I was always fun and fun in light vyshenapisannogo. Although how to say - not quite fully manual. Automation will help at least a convenient indication of the aircraft on the main unit. Which is enough to replace Flight Director'y if able to SEE devices.
When I take up pilot training, I always teach him to see through the directors, see the flight parameters. That the director of a needle are not the primary means of piloting - many somehow forgotten (if known at all).
Yes, those with whom I fly on input obtained without practice flight directors. But I am for them calm.
So guys, if you feel like a poser for - solve it. Look at the parameters of the flight in the first place, and directors, if any - in the second. And if, for some reason, disable (and it is), then we must not panic, and rejoice: "Hooray, finally will not be so boring as usual!»

East coast of the Crimea.
I'm only the second time I fly a similar route, with a difference of almost half a year with the first. Then everything was in the clouds, well, now you can look down.

Oreneyr we overtook ... However, the dispatcher Simferopol invented some mnogohodovki, as a result of which we are going behind the front side, however, skip ahead Orenburg and eventually we will go after them.
I decided that Oreneyr performs flight for Dobrolet resentful and in this connection it is to participate.
Plans by Vadim visual approach in the end are covered pelvis (otherwise we pruning guys on entry). Yes, and fuel - oddly enough, even though the actual loading of the aircraft was on a half-ton lower than estimated (many children, little luggage), despite the fact that we were flying at FL 330 instead of 350, and the fact that we took 300 kg less fuel, our planned mass landing on the nose is the maximum landing 66.3 tons.
These are the pies.
In general, the approach by Vadim selects ILS. But without directors. Repeaters will be showing the deviation from the course and glide on the final site will be convenient picture on the displays and all.
In fact, and this is a lot - because visual conditions, the strip will be perfectly clear.
True, will chat - almost no one calling in Simferopol is not without turbulence. We'll see.

On entering silently as the guerrilla. Vadim, however, glancing out the window and that a cloud, I do not like, circled by hooking its edge. Jolted.
Checks from behind, finally became us not so boring. Revived.
There are still a few Tucek, though, you can see the land is already good - thin layer of clouds, but it kuchevka, it can shake. I would now decreased primarily below the clouds, the more that we were allowed to decrease. Vadim chooses option with flaps.
 - Flaps One
Flaps in position 1. Vadim puts speed for this flap. What makes the aircraft still flying on autopilot? Correct, nose up for braking, reduced vertical near 500 feet per minute. Commercials we will fly in those clouds.
 - Flaps Five
I look at Vadim, but execute. Put the lever to release. Again extinguishes speed, again slowly decline.
Checking behind fidgeted. Do not want him to fly into this cloud. And have. Today is Vadim and I just do not give to go beyond.
Flew. Pokolbasilo. We took off.
And we already dovorachivat to cross the final course. Well, Vadim, enough slack. It is time to fly. I give the command to switch off everything, myself am ready to intervene if necessary ...
 - Gears Down!
Now that's interesting. Fly and fly again. Why do we need the landing gear (and then, for sure, will follow and the flaps 15)? All this will create a lot of resistance and, therefore, require a higher duty engines - something will fly into the horizon, before entering the glide path away ...
However, it is still executed. Checking from behind tries to say something, they say, early, but I'm doing a sign that everything is fine, so be it. Vadim struggles with the aircraft, the aircraft approaches the landing course

Flies landing course. Well, it is necessary to intervene. Tells Vadim began intensively to turn out on the strip ... I have to play on two fronts - to see what makes Vadim, with the switch to the Manager HSE report to him about the seizure of the HUD, receive and confirm permission to land. While chatting with the manager, the course of landing, we again crossed ... prompts. Again, too much roll, again, I'm getting ready to what exactly in the center does not come out. Well, the entrance to the glide path is high enough, is exactly the same case when you can give time to allow his ward and correct their deviations.
 - Vadim! You forward a Look! That band, rudders on it!
This, of course, cheating. But I'm not forbid use their eyes to the entry.
Understand that without the Directors may at once perfectly in the real atmosphere to fly only geniuses, but these I have not yet met.
Well, actually, everyone can fly (question - where and how), but we have yet rigid framework stabilized approach to observe. And here it is - she still a little problem, if not for homework.
So, with my constant tips and periodic tapping and sticking to the wheel (Framed!) Get to the runway. Yeah, your kilogrammchik Vadim lost in this approach.

Rulim taxiing on very long, we pass over the road tunnel.

  Do not worry.