"Dobrolet" sit at midnight
As the "Kommersant", the only Russian loukoster "Dobrolet" Tomorrow stops selling tickets and flights. The reason was the introduction of EU sanctions Wednesday, because of which the airline refused to work with European counterparts. Passengers' Dobrolet "who have flights from Moscow to Simferopol and Moscow-Volgograd until September 15 and 20 August, respectively, transported" Orenburg airlines ". The rest have a full refund.
The fact that a child of low-cost carriers, "Aeroflot", "Dobrolet" from August 4 to suspend flights on all of its routes and ticket sales, sources told "Kommersant" and reaffirmed in the "DOBROLET." Due to the EU sanctions that were imposed on the company on July 30, "European counterparts loukostera concluded with the airline canceled leases for aircraft Boeing 737-800NG, maintenance, insurance of aircraft and aeronautical information».
Passengers who have flights "Dobrolet" Moscow-Simferopol to 15 September inclusive, as well as Moscow-Volgograd up to August 20 inclusive, transported "Orenburg airlines" is also 100% owned by "Aeroflot". Date and time of flight will not change. Flights on other routes "Dobrolet" (Samara, Perm, Ufa, Yekaterinburg, Kazan and Surgut, flights have not yet begun) will be canceled. Passengers return the full airfare. For them, open a hot line - +7 (499) 215-23-00.
Creating a "national loukostera" which became "Dobrolet" it was discussed for several years at the highest level and has always positioned itself as a project of national importance. In late 2012, the head of "Aeroflot" Vitaly Saveliev Vladimir Putin promised to create low-cost airlines throughout the year if the necessary changes would be made to the Air Code. In August 2013 the board of directors "Aeroflot" approved funding for the project.
"Dobrolet" began selling tickets on the night of May 27, 2014. The first was the flight from Moscow to Simferopol, although it was initially planned that the airline will start flying to St. Petersburg. Only for the first 12 hours has sold more than 4 thousand. Tickets to the Crimea as low as 979, 5 to 3, 5 thous. Rub. one way. First flight performed on June 10. Before sending the plane, he visited Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, who said that the ticket prices "for our country just wonderful." On August 1, the airline began flying to Volgograd, in other areas of the flights has not yet started.
However, on July 30 "Dobrolet" hit the EU sanctions list, along with the Russian National Commercial Bank (RNCB) and concern "Almaz-Antey". His decision to the EU authorities explained that, after the annexation of Crimea "Dobrolet" to fly solely on the route Moscow-Simferopol, "thereby facilitating, integration of the Crimea to Russia».

The fact that a child of low-cost carriers, "Aeroflot", "Dobrolet" from August 4 to suspend flights on all of its routes and ticket sales, sources told "Kommersant" and reaffirmed in the "DOBROLET." Due to the EU sanctions that were imposed on the company on July 30, "European counterparts loukostera concluded with the airline canceled leases for aircraft Boeing 737-800NG, maintenance, insurance of aircraft and aeronautical information».
Passengers who have flights "Dobrolet" Moscow-Simferopol to 15 September inclusive, as well as Moscow-Volgograd up to August 20 inclusive, transported "Orenburg airlines" is also 100% owned by "Aeroflot". Date and time of flight will not change. Flights on other routes "Dobrolet" (Samara, Perm, Ufa, Yekaterinburg, Kazan and Surgut, flights have not yet begun) will be canceled. Passengers return the full airfare. For them, open a hot line - +7 (499) 215-23-00.
Creating a "national loukostera" which became "Dobrolet" it was discussed for several years at the highest level and has always positioned itself as a project of national importance. In late 2012, the head of "Aeroflot" Vitaly Saveliev Vladimir Putin promised to create low-cost airlines throughout the year if the necessary changes would be made to the Air Code. In August 2013 the board of directors "Aeroflot" approved funding for the project.
"Dobrolet" began selling tickets on the night of May 27, 2014. The first was the flight from Moscow to Simferopol, although it was initially planned that the airline will start flying to St. Petersburg. Only for the first 12 hours has sold more than 4 thousand. Tickets to the Crimea as low as 979, 5 to 3, 5 thous. Rub. one way. First flight performed on June 10. Before sending the plane, he visited Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, who said that the ticket prices "for our country just wonderful." On August 1, the airline began flying to Volgograd, in other areas of the flights has not yet started.
However, on July 30 "Dobrolet" hit the EU sanctions list, along with the Russian National Commercial Bank (RNCB) and concern "Almaz-Antey". His decision to the EU authorities explained that, after the annexation of Crimea "Dobrolet" to fly solely on the route Moscow-Simferopol, "thereby facilitating, integration of the Crimea to Russia».