Nursery rhymes
Nature, loudly waking,
Full of warmth and joy.
And loudly smiling sun,
Children hung out of the window,
Leonid K. (Grade 7)
Andrey I. (10 years old):
Well in the yard in the spring:
Red Sun eats buds.
This Gaidai ... Grand Prince Vladimir Red Sun eats buds. "Waiter! Kidney queen again! »
Birds chirped,
Songs they were not sorry,
Marina H ...
Lena T (5th grade) .:
Wind and runs through the forest,
Not haunted by anyone:
Little flowers forget-me,
And big tree - oak.
Large trees come complete oak. The child does not know how to spell "Khan."
Light I. (12 years)
It's time to rain and leaf fall,
Cleaning grain, grapes,
Departure birds and the laughter of children,
Running through the rain to school.
Plurinational our school. Chinese children also want to learn it. That light with a characteristic name "and" Russian language learned a lot and lovingly. "When I write a verse sets, we get paper and pens."
Tanya H. (Grade 6),
Winter beauty-come,
And it's time to sleep Mishka,
But the poor are not to suck his paw
Hikak sleep.
Damn, that's the same nepruha bear. He alone, perhaps, in the den? A bear where?
Igor P .:
Rush to the south migratory birds,
A little murmuring, brook runs,
Dig a hole and beaver Bobritsa,
To them there all winter long to live.
And that they there all winter to bear sucking his paw. Yes, to them in the hole or the bottom, no tires ...
Birds fly gray
Above the fields, over the fields.
Birds of those people calling
Crane, crane.
Cranes fly south,
In warmer climes;
Not ever forget
Ihnyh looks at me.
Valentina R. (Grade 4)
"Others," Valya, "other". Out of this word letter "x." Night Watch closely watched? Revision and zakonspektiruy.
Winter comes, and we are all glad
The play snowballs and build women.
Tania D. (Grade 3):
Babu sculpt snow,
Scary, broom:
Serve carrots hoc,
And his eyes - ugleyu.
Light T. (Grade 4)
That boy is going to slide,
A red-haired girl
Cleverly rides on skates.
(Lena V., Grade 3)
But not good laugh at someone else's misfortune. Redhead girl got poor quality cannabis, as opposed to those who build women. So you need to come and explain how to use horses.
I love winter in January,
When the carpet is great
Snow saved on winter yard
And striking description elegant.
Cross-shaped tracks in the snow
Indicate the bird found its way minded,
Here on the banks of the beam plays
Pond, where swimming in the summer blue-eyed boy.
Andrew H. (Grade 5)
Horror. Apocalypse. The gloomy picture. All the snow in the yard in winter Save - dogs here, apparently, are walking, you bastards. How can you not be amazed that besides keeping it all elegantly described? Birds with disabilities with splayed fingers will not go away. Die immediately, all save. And the guy that came up in the summer, now the ice vmerz. Blue-eyed.
Bom - one! Bom - two!
Bom - three! Bom - four!
Bom - five! Bom - six!
Bom - seven! Bom - eight!
Bom - nine! Bom - ten!
Bom - eleven!
Bom - twelve!
The bell in the clock tired, -
So the new year has come.
Hatasha K .:
Apparently, the girl hit home. Talk to your parents.
Happy New Year to congratulate you, I'm glad,
And I send greetings to all of Leningrad,
To midnight you keep all the glasses,
And you are not in the graves were raw.
Tanya R. (Grade 6)
That's right, the tomb should be dry and warm. Then it is convenient to hold the glass at midnight. I wonder who wrote the screenplay for "Night of the Living Dead"? Tannin is not whether the pope?
Many promises frosty this morning:
Songs, Ice Skating and mountains.
How much has been done by our government
For the kids.
Irina H.
It is thanks to him in our own backyards only ice and mountains.
Komsomolets I Komsomolets!
And happily I think:
For such a Komsomol ticket
Boys are killed in the fire.
Igor D. (Grade 7):
BDSM with elements of fetishism. Flog useless.
Thank you, summer, for the cohesion
Your unfading fires,
Where there are boys and girls,
And only there - "Always ready!»
Sasha S. (Grade 8)
Sasha! I'm in the eighth grade have been always ready to drink, but not only there. Pull yourself up!
As a young man living in our time
We must not love his face,
We must not love them for it,
And for something more important.
Elena A. (Grade 8)
Clever, Helen. Five. Stay after school.
The our friend Pavel
And one night dark
We came to you two of the executioner.
They want to kill you,
Alas, not kill you.
Olga V. (Grade 6)
Missed. Tomorrow has come. With axes and hooded.
Alexander Matrosov
Even when you was young,
When they called to serve you.
You always loved the motherland,
And your name was Alexander.
Larisa V. (Grade 4)
The return of the soldier
You walk through a deserted street
And I think that, probably,
Mom waits and probably say:
- You are my son! -
He would sit and cry.
Well as you answer: - Mom, do not cry.
Brother burned, his father hanged,
But because I somehow stayed alive.
Trust me, Mom.
Jeanne K. (Grade 7)
Japanese poets do hara-kiri.
... And she will mourn the body,
Who wanted to live up to the Victory.
Yuri B. (Grade 5)
... But the brains resisted.
But remember the war, but the war is remembered
Gray hair on his head.
Valery P. (Grade 6)
Dear Valery! Authoritative Commission considers that on the head - hair. A hair - elsewhere.
Today, we are in fact eight and eighteen tomorrow,
And the next day twenty and forty-five soon.
Today we are boys, and tomorrow we are soldiers,
A day after my mother and fathers.
Andrew K. (Class 2)
X-men. The tragic saga of a rapidly aging mutants do not know what sex will be tomorrow. See the kinotatrah.
Motherland - the word is more expensive all!
Motherland - this is not laughing.
Tanya R. (Grade 3)
Tanya! It is not necessary from complexes! If you have such a name (Tanya Motherland), rejoice that you do not call Ulyanov (US Homeland). And there's really nothing funny there.
Flags hover above the ground,
Music plays.
All the guys in the yard
Hogi raise.
Anya shout: - Look!
Olga will be on Oak.
May Day is coming to you, children - then all the peoples of the world!
Julia T. (Grade 2)
Anya and Olga watched with amazement the first time that it becomes apparent, when the guys pick up. By the way, here is another author who does not know how to spell the word "khan". It says "the world."
You - my motherland,
And yet, you're beautiful! ..
Galia M. (9 years)
Full of warmth and joy.
And loudly smiling sun,
Children hung out of the window,
Leonid K. (Grade 7)
Andrey I. (10 years old):
Well in the yard in the spring:
Red Sun eats buds.
This Gaidai ... Grand Prince Vladimir Red Sun eats buds. "Waiter! Kidney queen again! »
Birds chirped,
Songs they were not sorry,
Marina H ...
Lena T (5th grade) .:
Wind and runs through the forest,
Not haunted by anyone:
Little flowers forget-me,
And big tree - oak.
Large trees come complete oak. The child does not know how to spell "Khan."
Light I. (12 years)
It's time to rain and leaf fall,
Cleaning grain, grapes,
Departure birds and the laughter of children,
Running through the rain to school.
Plurinational our school. Chinese children also want to learn it. That light with a characteristic name "and" Russian language learned a lot and lovingly. "When I write a verse sets, we get paper and pens."
Tanya H. (Grade 6),
Winter beauty-come,
And it's time to sleep Mishka,
But the poor are not to suck his paw
Hikak sleep.
Damn, that's the same nepruha bear. He alone, perhaps, in the den? A bear where?
Igor P .:
Rush to the south migratory birds,
A little murmuring, brook runs,
Dig a hole and beaver Bobritsa,
To them there all winter long to live.
And that they there all winter to bear sucking his paw. Yes, to them in the hole or the bottom, no tires ...
Birds fly gray
Above the fields, over the fields.
Birds of those people calling
Crane, crane.
Cranes fly south,
In warmer climes;
Not ever forget
Ihnyh looks at me.
Valentina R. (Grade 4)
"Others," Valya, "other". Out of this word letter "x." Night Watch closely watched? Revision and zakonspektiruy.
Winter comes, and we are all glad
The play snowballs and build women.
Tania D. (Grade 3):
Babu sculpt snow,
Scary, broom:
Serve carrots hoc,
And his eyes - ugleyu.
Light T. (Grade 4)
That boy is going to slide,
A red-haired girl
Cleverly rides on skates.
(Lena V., Grade 3)
But not good laugh at someone else's misfortune. Redhead girl got poor quality cannabis, as opposed to those who build women. So you need to come and explain how to use horses.
I love winter in January,
When the carpet is great
Snow saved on winter yard
And striking description elegant.
Cross-shaped tracks in the snow
Indicate the bird found its way minded,
Here on the banks of the beam plays
Pond, where swimming in the summer blue-eyed boy.
Andrew H. (Grade 5)
Horror. Apocalypse. The gloomy picture. All the snow in the yard in winter Save - dogs here, apparently, are walking, you bastards. How can you not be amazed that besides keeping it all elegantly described? Birds with disabilities with splayed fingers will not go away. Die immediately, all save. And the guy that came up in the summer, now the ice vmerz. Blue-eyed.
Bom - one! Bom - two!
Bom - three! Bom - four!
Bom - five! Bom - six!
Bom - seven! Bom - eight!
Bom - nine! Bom - ten!
Bom - eleven!
Bom - twelve!
The bell in the clock tired, -
So the new year has come.
Hatasha K .:
Apparently, the girl hit home. Talk to your parents.
Happy New Year to congratulate you, I'm glad,
And I send greetings to all of Leningrad,
To midnight you keep all the glasses,
And you are not in the graves were raw.
Tanya R. (Grade 6)
That's right, the tomb should be dry and warm. Then it is convenient to hold the glass at midnight. I wonder who wrote the screenplay for "Night of the Living Dead"? Tannin is not whether the pope?
Many promises frosty this morning:
Songs, Ice Skating and mountains.
How much has been done by our government
For the kids.
Irina H.
It is thanks to him in our own backyards only ice and mountains.
Komsomolets I Komsomolets!
And happily I think:
For such a Komsomol ticket
Boys are killed in the fire.
Igor D. (Grade 7):
BDSM with elements of fetishism. Flog useless.
Thank you, summer, for the cohesion
Your unfading fires,
Where there are boys and girls,
And only there - "Always ready!»
Sasha S. (Grade 8)
Sasha! I'm in the eighth grade have been always ready to drink, but not only there. Pull yourself up!
As a young man living in our time
We must not love his face,
We must not love them for it,
And for something more important.
Elena A. (Grade 8)
Clever, Helen. Five. Stay after school.
The our friend Pavel
And one night dark
We came to you two of the executioner.
They want to kill you,
Alas, not kill you.
Olga V. (Grade 6)
Missed. Tomorrow has come. With axes and hooded.
Alexander Matrosov
Even when you was young,
When they called to serve you.
You always loved the motherland,
And your name was Alexander.
Larisa V. (Grade 4)
The return of the soldier
You walk through a deserted street
And I think that, probably,
Mom waits and probably say:
- You are my son! -
He would sit and cry.
Well as you answer: - Mom, do not cry.
Brother burned, his father hanged,
But because I somehow stayed alive.
Trust me, Mom.
Jeanne K. (Grade 7)
Japanese poets do hara-kiri.
... And she will mourn the body,
Who wanted to live up to the Victory.
Yuri B. (Grade 5)
... But the brains resisted.
But remember the war, but the war is remembered
Gray hair on his head.
Valery P. (Grade 6)
Dear Valery! Authoritative Commission considers that on the head - hair. A hair - elsewhere.
Today, we are in fact eight and eighteen tomorrow,
And the next day twenty and forty-five soon.
Today we are boys, and tomorrow we are soldiers,
A day after my mother and fathers.
Andrew K. (Class 2)
X-men. The tragic saga of a rapidly aging mutants do not know what sex will be tomorrow. See the kinotatrah.
Motherland - the word is more expensive all!
Motherland - this is not laughing.
Tanya R. (Grade 3)
Tanya! It is not necessary from complexes! If you have such a name (Tanya Motherland), rejoice that you do not call Ulyanov (US Homeland). And there's really nothing funny there.
Flags hover above the ground,
Music plays.
All the guys in the yard
Hogi raise.
Anya shout: - Look!
Olga will be on Oak.
May Day is coming to you, children - then all the peoples of the world!
Julia T. (Grade 2)
Anya and Olga watched with amazement the first time that it becomes apparent, when the guys pick up. By the way, here is another author who does not know how to spell the word "khan". It says "the world."
You - my motherland,
And yet, you're beautiful! ..
Galia M. (9 years)