Soviet urban legends
Soviet urban legends. Not so much a legend as children and not so children's phobias, overgrown with incredible details and gossip that have acquired almost realistic tone. Each retelling one of these stories, be sure to referred to the fact that this has happened either with him or with his good friend, a good friend with a good friend ...
1. Metro. The door is about to close. Intelligent man - in a tie, the indispensable item - at the last second wants to enter, the doors are closed, while his head was already in the car, is sandwiched between the door and the rest of the body - on the platform. Sad man looks at the sitting, then says in the silence: - Pi ..., departure to the subway!
Always believed that it is a purely Leningrad legend - because a hundred times heard it from most that have children's time, but was surprised to hear already here in Finke, one of the former Muscovite. And while all those who told it to me, saying that they had seen it with my own eyes. And just remember the cartoon "Well, wait a minute!" And the unfortunate Wolf, who is stuck in the door of the bus.
2. Barrel with kvass. Barrel with kvass overturned (in the accident, normally) - and at the bottom there were giant maggots (Option: tape worms). But brew nonetheless drank all of the glasses and glasses that are barely washed a small fountain water.
3. Foreigners pests. Foreign tourists give Soviet children candy (Option: gum), infected with tuberculosis (option: stuffed needles or pieces of razor blades, more exotic option: whalebone). As I understand it, it tells a great grandmother for educational purposes - not to take anything from strangers.
Instead of aliens may be cons - and they throw on the playgrounds bandages with TB sputum. In general, a number of curious folk enemies of the Soviet people, it turns out: foreigners and cons.
Or another option in this series: foreigners speculators sell jeans, infected with syphilis. And they sell them to unsuspecting fellow citizens.
In dogonku to jeans - there's not syphilis, and a bag of fleas type (lice) in the back seam - the first wash and get out ka-a-ak jump!
Republic ... Yes. It was a Negro. I think that this does not reflect racism Soviet man - and his infernal fear of stranger-foreigner.
But a lightweight version of the history of foreign pests: the history of a certain pioneer parade on Red Square. Mol pioneers are systems at a measured pace, and dastardly foreigners throw them provocative zhuvachku his feet to break the de system. Pioneers - though that! That's what consciousness. This, of course, a children's story - but beautiful.
4. Rat and kindergarten. Rat (option: half dead, after eating rat poison, which hunted mice and rats) fell into the cauldron, which was preparing semolina for children in kindergarten. Children from all of this, of course, died after eating porridge this. So the whole garden and the horses moved!
Here probably the collective unconscious of Soviet citizens who hated kindergartens for semolina, contributed to the popularity of this legend. On this subject even been somewhere article: "How to beat a dead rat USSR" - "irrational anti-Soviet».
5. Fisher. When catching a serial killer is one of the Soviet patsanёnok lied to police that he had seen this uncle Fischer tattooed on his arm. Little boy after a while exposed. But steps maniac Fisher heard the windows chambers more than one generation of pioneers. Pionerlagerskuyu mention this bike, as opposed to all sorts of peak ladies and cars with numbers SSD, believed in it, even the most pragmatic Soviet children. A Th, the police and she was led.
6. Non-standard manufacturing foods. In the sausage added toilet paper, and vodka (optional: butter) is made from oil (option: chase sawdust). In the soldiers' tea add bromine - that AWOL is not running, and vodka (sometimes: in beer) was added diphenhydramine - to drink less, and chop off faster. In the beer is added to washing powder - for better foaming.
7. Machinery locators - who went through the streets and checked for VCRs banned cassettes. It was as if, during the early part videobuma - in this case to Gorbachev.
But as allegedly fought with watching at home ideologically harmful "Rambo" and "Nine and a half weeks": cut off the electricity in the house, and without electricity the cassette can not be ejected. Went to the right apartment and made out. By the way, in Moscow said "Vydac" in the province - "Vidic».
8. missiles or large-caliber machine guns, covered with "teeth" on the bumper KGBshnyh "Gull»:
However, all city "Seagull" was ZAGSovskimi, yes it is :)
9. "Red film." Like, there was a special "red" film, which is charged in the camera and take pictures of people. People dressed, and all naked on film are obtained.
And this tale retold teenagers puberty. Who and how a demon applied this film was not specified.
10. About the guy who from Antarctica, where he was wintering, and brought back the king penguin - and lived with him (in a good way). That is a penguin in the summer there in the bathroom, and in winter - a penguin in sweater and hat with earflaps - they went to drink beer Larkova. And people still pitied said: As a man twisted, miss a person, it is urgently necessary hangover!
11. Historical. Fanny Kaplan was not shot in 1918 - at the request of Lenin - and kept her in jail for her to see with my own eyes people happy life under the Soviet regime - and that she lived in such a Makarov almost until the end of the 60s.
12. antennas rtutyu.Antenny mercury - take any "voice", but the KGB their mercury finds. One radio amateur 10 years collecting mercury drop by drop (it was necessary to collect a lot - almost a liter), put together a miracle antenna and became her catch all the existing TV and radio channels. But such an antenna itself deadened talks aircraft dispatchers, so the radio fan arrested, and all the mercury poured ...
Generally hearing "voices" gave rise to all sorts of legends. That receivers built a special device that can keep track of the KGB, who then listens.
[B] 13. Aunt Val. The country has been discussing the fact that the TV presenter Leontief - CIA agent. Why, why? Who knows.
A similar story was a KVN Masliakov When stopped in the 70's come out in the country walking legend that Maslyakova imprisoned for 15 years because he and Baku (namely Baku) KVN team were involved in some kind of scam currency and gold. < br />
14. From childhood. Part of a pack of cigarettes "Space" were the small squares with some numbers. If all these numbers in order to gather and someone there to show, that will give the bike "Kama».
15. Bayan Moscow, early 80s. Muscovites have argued that there is a certain number (say) 777-13-13, calling on which you can get into the mode of telephone party-party, where everyone can talk to everyone, however, through continuous short beeps.
You live - and learn. In Leningrad, was also a number of alleged failure to CO - and calling on it was possible to speak as type on the Internet today - all with everyone. And it turns out - and this was in Moscow. Then, exactly - a legend.
16. Withdrawn edition of the children's magazine "Murzilka" (option: "Fun"). A bully (variant: a group of students, interns, worked in the magazine) night remade typesetting of the journal in which the left-riddle poems "in the morning a young man dripping from the end?" (Faucet), "back and forth and back - you and I am pleased! "(swing)," I will take it in hand, squeeze it tight, and it would be hard, like a turnip "(snow), and other works of interesting properties. Is necessarily a person familiar which saw a magazine circulation of hooligan.
17. West in general was in total Soviet urban legend. So: the sailors, who walked in foreign traffic, and pr.schastlivchiki stranded on the "real" West could buy a simple cigarette packs in the usual (Marlboro, Camel, etc.), But there still could be bought in almost indistinguishable packs (marked 3 black stars on me called) marijuana cigarettes! And some of their baggage through customs, and some were treated here in the homeland!
18. Dozens of people were told that the famous commentator Nikolai Ozerov all over the country live yelled "Blow, blow yet! Go-ol !!! H_y, Rod ... "Vasily Utkin proved that this bike, but the legend still lives.
19. The Beatles once made in the USSR. Went to a legend that in the mid-sixties to Peter Beatles came as tourists and gave a concert at the underground station (optional - in one of the courtyards). Ostensibly here famous song Back in the USSR. Heard the story many times, and even from the "eyewitnesses».
I heard another option - they flew through the Soviet Union from a tour in Japan, the aircraft due to bad weather sat in Leningrad, and of the Beatles Rushed to the city of Lenin (option: in Moscow gave a concert for the children of the authorities - the Politburo members and ministers).
20. Japanese. The Japanese bought up all the glasses, as the glass packed in wooden boxes! Glasses melted, and boxes of furniture.
We sold them to the woods, was purified from the trunks and branches of needles - we were asked to supply the Japanese with twigs and needles - "we have to make clothes».
Worked later in lesoderevyannoy area - well imagine the absurdity of history. The subtext was self-deprecating: that's what the Japanese lean, not that we are fools Soviet ...
In fact, Japan was then a separate legend (though not only in the USSR). From the comments: sailor bought our watches Japanese, who had a guarantee from the whole, that is, that they can not be broken. Our still broke, wrote to the manufacturer, came delegation, paid him a huge compensation, asked him to still tell how he was able to. Our split: cooked in boiling water for a long time.
21. The name of the American rock band «Kiss» - an abbreviation: Kinder SS - SS children. Clearly.
"Russian" word in popular Western songs people have heard. Often abusive. From what I remember - at «Wings» in «Monkberry Moon Delight» (album «Ram») - at the end of the song repeated "bitch!" From the Beatles «Yellow submarine» - «Russian for transplantation" (option: "Russian aground, sir") and classic - from folk darlings «Slade» concert version of the song «Get Down And Get With It» - «all eb_tsya».
22. "Demis Roussos died, and Boney M was shot." However, they always somehow came together to form a tandem. Boney M went on tour in South Africa. Suddenly they stopped the bus racists took all and immediately shot. We are seriously worried.
One of the most enduring legends of that time: Demis Roussos died. Just died, and all.
It was believed, apparently, that the death of a folk song about a souvenir - a huge loss.
23. About the Finns. Then its like a crook Weller passed off as the real case, but I somehow heard it when Weller lived in Tallinn and their was none. Most of the bike, but the legend of her doing what I and many others have heard it from people who swore that they personally one of the defendants in the stories told.
When they began to build the Olympic facilities for the Olympics in 1980, the Soviet Union for the Finns - Finnish builders and tourists - has introduced a simplified visa regime - and in Leningrad appeared quite a lot of Finnish tourists. And as in Finland Prohibition (which in itself Soviet urban legend), the Finns, of course, primarily in the cultural capital of the USSR booze - in this case in black. There was such a triangle in the center of the city: "Beer" - "Snack" - "Wineries" - the triangle was for Finnish tourists such as Bermuda. Bus with the Finns in the morning came to the "Beer" - and in the evening the driver was taking a "Wineries" lifeless body upivshihsya Chukhontsev. Well, one Finn zakoreshilsya in the consumption of alcohol with our local drunks and the goodness of his heart gave him his shoes and jacket. A Statement alkashovskie took his jacket and boots.
When the bus driver "gathered his," he collecting body habitually focus primarily on the shoe that was markedly different from the Soviet shoes. As a result, our Leningrad alcoholic, opened his eyes and found that around not say in Russian, and that he was drunk on the case left his native Union. A similar surprise awaited and Finn.
Severe orgvyvodov "narushetelyam state border" do not have - at the checkpoint "Torfyanovka" there was an exchange of our wino wino on Finnish - in the best tradition of the film "Dead Season" and Western spy kinoboevikov.
24. deficit. Well, that's the most well-formulated recalls: That girl managed or the young woman through a friend of expensive to buy imported swimsuit (or may even she gave her friend a foreigner that more sophisticated), she put it - all so beautiful, compelling, vacationers escorted her eyes, when it comes to the sea. And when he goes - swimsuit woman suddenly becomes transparent, and all her charms visible, and she feels a terrible sense of shame and humiliation. And there is nothing to set one's bag of imported cloth - wear something that all Soviet girls wear!
This, of course, all the machinations of foreign villains and undermining morality in our country.
1. Metro. The door is about to close. Intelligent man - in a tie, the indispensable item - at the last second wants to enter, the doors are closed, while his head was already in the car, is sandwiched between the door and the rest of the body - on the platform. Sad man looks at the sitting, then says in the silence: - Pi ..., departure to the subway!
Always believed that it is a purely Leningrad legend - because a hundred times heard it from most that have children's time, but was surprised to hear already here in Finke, one of the former Muscovite. And while all those who told it to me, saying that they had seen it with my own eyes. And just remember the cartoon "Well, wait a minute!" And the unfortunate Wolf, who is stuck in the door of the bus.
2. Barrel with kvass. Barrel with kvass overturned (in the accident, normally) - and at the bottom there were giant maggots (Option: tape worms). But brew nonetheless drank all of the glasses and glasses that are barely washed a small fountain water.

3. Foreigners pests. Foreign tourists give Soviet children candy (Option: gum), infected with tuberculosis (option: stuffed needles or pieces of razor blades, more exotic option: whalebone). As I understand it, it tells a great grandmother for educational purposes - not to take anything from strangers.

Instead of aliens may be cons - and they throw on the playgrounds bandages with TB sputum. In general, a number of curious folk enemies of the Soviet people, it turns out: foreigners and cons.
Or another option in this series: foreigners speculators sell jeans, infected with syphilis. And they sell them to unsuspecting fellow citizens.
In dogonku to jeans - there's not syphilis, and a bag of fleas type (lice) in the back seam - the first wash and get out ka-a-ak jump!

Republic ... Yes. It was a Negro. I think that this does not reflect racism Soviet man - and his infernal fear of stranger-foreigner.
But a lightweight version of the history of foreign pests: the history of a certain pioneer parade on Red Square. Mol pioneers are systems at a measured pace, and dastardly foreigners throw them provocative zhuvachku his feet to break the de system. Pioneers - though that! That's what consciousness. This, of course, a children's story - but beautiful.
4. Rat and kindergarten. Rat (option: half dead, after eating rat poison, which hunted mice and rats) fell into the cauldron, which was preparing semolina for children in kindergarten. Children from all of this, of course, died after eating porridge this. So the whole garden and the horses moved!
Here probably the collective unconscious of Soviet citizens who hated kindergartens for semolina, contributed to the popularity of this legend. On this subject even been somewhere article: "How to beat a dead rat USSR" - "irrational anti-Soviet».
5. Fisher. When catching a serial killer is one of the Soviet patsanёnok lied to police that he had seen this uncle Fischer tattooed on his arm. Little boy after a while exposed. But steps maniac Fisher heard the windows chambers more than one generation of pioneers. Pionerlagerskuyu mention this bike, as opposed to all sorts of peak ladies and cars with numbers SSD, believed in it, even the most pragmatic Soviet children. A Th, the police and she was led.
6. Non-standard manufacturing foods. In the sausage added toilet paper, and vodka (optional: butter) is made from oil (option: chase sawdust). In the soldiers' tea add bromine - that AWOL is not running, and vodka (sometimes: in beer) was added diphenhydramine - to drink less, and chop off faster. In the beer is added to washing powder - for better foaming.
7. Machinery locators - who went through the streets and checked for VCRs banned cassettes. It was as if, during the early part videobuma - in this case to Gorbachev.

But as allegedly fought with watching at home ideologically harmful "Rambo" and "Nine and a half weeks": cut off the electricity in the house, and without electricity the cassette can not be ejected. Went to the right apartment and made out. By the way, in Moscow said "Vydac" in the province - "Vidic».
8. missiles or large-caliber machine guns, covered with "teeth" on the bumper KGBshnyh "Gull»:

However, all city "Seagull" was ZAGSovskimi, yes it is :)
9. "Red film." Like, there was a special "red" film, which is charged in the camera and take pictures of people. People dressed, and all naked on film are obtained.
And this tale retold teenagers puberty. Who and how a demon applied this film was not specified.
10. About the guy who from Antarctica, where he was wintering, and brought back the king penguin - and lived with him (in a good way). That is a penguin in the summer there in the bathroom, and in winter - a penguin in sweater and hat with earflaps - they went to drink beer Larkova. And people still pitied said: As a man twisted, miss a person, it is urgently necessary hangover!

11. Historical. Fanny Kaplan was not shot in 1918 - at the request of Lenin - and kept her in jail for her to see with my own eyes people happy life under the Soviet regime - and that she lived in such a Makarov almost until the end of the 60s.

12. antennas rtutyu.Antenny mercury - take any "voice", but the KGB their mercury finds. One radio amateur 10 years collecting mercury drop by drop (it was necessary to collect a lot - almost a liter), put together a miracle antenna and became her catch all the existing TV and radio channels. But such an antenna itself deadened talks aircraft dispatchers, so the radio fan arrested, and all the mercury poured ...
Generally hearing "voices" gave rise to all sorts of legends. That receivers built a special device that can keep track of the KGB, who then listens.
[B] 13. Aunt Val. The country has been discussing the fact that the TV presenter Leontief - CIA agent. Why, why? Who knows.

A similar story was a KVN Masliakov When stopped in the 70's come out in the country walking legend that Maslyakova imprisoned for 15 years because he and Baku (namely Baku) KVN team were involved in some kind of scam currency and gold. < br />

14. From childhood. Part of a pack of cigarettes "Space" were the small squares with some numbers. If all these numbers in order to gather and someone there to show, that will give the bike "Kama».
15. Bayan Moscow, early 80s. Muscovites have argued that there is a certain number (say) 777-13-13, calling on which you can get into the mode of telephone party-party, where everyone can talk to everyone, however, through continuous short beeps.
You live - and learn. In Leningrad, was also a number of alleged failure to CO - and calling on it was possible to speak as type on the Internet today - all with everyone. And it turns out - and this was in Moscow. Then, exactly - a legend.
16. Withdrawn edition of the children's magazine "Murzilka" (option: "Fun"). A bully (variant: a group of students, interns, worked in the magazine) night remade typesetting of the journal in which the left-riddle poems "in the morning a young man dripping from the end?" (Faucet), "back and forth and back - you and I am pleased! "(swing)," I will take it in hand, squeeze it tight, and it would be hard, like a turnip "(snow), and other works of interesting properties. Is necessarily a person familiar which saw a magazine circulation of hooligan.

17. West in general was in total Soviet urban legend. So: the sailors, who walked in foreign traffic, and pr.schastlivchiki stranded on the "real" West could buy a simple cigarette packs in the usual (Marlboro, Camel, etc.), But there still could be bought in almost indistinguishable packs (marked 3 black stars on me called) marijuana cigarettes! And some of their baggage through customs, and some were treated here in the homeland!
18. Dozens of people were told that the famous commentator Nikolai Ozerov all over the country live yelled "Blow, blow yet! Go-ol !!! H_y, Rod ... "Vasily Utkin proved that this bike, but the legend still lives.

19. The Beatles once made in the USSR. Went to a legend that in the mid-sixties to Peter Beatles came as tourists and gave a concert at the underground station (optional - in one of the courtyards). Ostensibly here famous song Back in the USSR. Heard the story many times, and even from the "eyewitnesses».
I heard another option - they flew through the Soviet Union from a tour in Japan, the aircraft due to bad weather sat in Leningrad, and of the Beatles Rushed to the city of Lenin (option: in Moscow gave a concert for the children of the authorities - the Politburo members and ministers).

20. Japanese. The Japanese bought up all the glasses, as the glass packed in wooden boxes! Glasses melted, and boxes of furniture.
We sold them to the woods, was purified from the trunks and branches of needles - we were asked to supply the Japanese with twigs and needles - "we have to make clothes».
Worked later in lesoderevyannoy area - well imagine the absurdity of history. The subtext was self-deprecating: that's what the Japanese lean, not that we are fools Soviet ...

In fact, Japan was then a separate legend (though not only in the USSR). From the comments: sailor bought our watches Japanese, who had a guarantee from the whole, that is, that they can not be broken. Our still broke, wrote to the manufacturer, came delegation, paid him a huge compensation, asked him to still tell how he was able to. Our split: cooked in boiling water for a long time.
21. The name of the American rock band «Kiss» - an abbreviation: Kinder SS - SS children. Clearly.

"Russian" word in popular Western songs people have heard. Often abusive. From what I remember - at «Wings» in «Monkberry Moon Delight» (album «Ram») - at the end of the song repeated "bitch!" From the Beatles «Yellow submarine» - «Russian for transplantation" (option: "Russian aground, sir") and classic - from folk darlings «Slade» concert version of the song «Get Down And Get With It» - «all eb_tsya».
22. "Demis Roussos died, and Boney M was shot." However, they always somehow came together to form a tandem. Boney M went on tour in South Africa. Suddenly they stopped the bus racists took all and immediately shot. We are seriously worried.
One of the most enduring legends of that time: Demis Roussos died. Just died, and all.
It was believed, apparently, that the death of a folk song about a souvenir - a huge loss.

23. About the Finns. Then its like a crook Weller passed off as the real case, but I somehow heard it when Weller lived in Tallinn and their was none. Most of the bike, but the legend of her doing what I and many others have heard it from people who swore that they personally one of the defendants in the stories told.
When they began to build the Olympic facilities for the Olympics in 1980, the Soviet Union for the Finns - Finnish builders and tourists - has introduced a simplified visa regime - and in Leningrad appeared quite a lot of Finnish tourists. And as in Finland Prohibition (which in itself Soviet urban legend), the Finns, of course, primarily in the cultural capital of the USSR booze - in this case in black. There was such a triangle in the center of the city: "Beer" - "Snack" - "Wineries" - the triangle was for Finnish tourists such as Bermuda. Bus with the Finns in the morning came to the "Beer" - and in the evening the driver was taking a "Wineries" lifeless body upivshihsya Chukhontsev. Well, one Finn zakoreshilsya in the consumption of alcohol with our local drunks and the goodness of his heart gave him his shoes and jacket. A Statement alkashovskie took his jacket and boots.
When the bus driver "gathered his," he collecting body habitually focus primarily on the shoe that was markedly different from the Soviet shoes. As a result, our Leningrad alcoholic, opened his eyes and found that around not say in Russian, and that he was drunk on the case left his native Union. A similar surprise awaited and Finn.
Severe orgvyvodov "narushetelyam state border" do not have - at the checkpoint "Torfyanovka" there was an exchange of our wino wino on Finnish - in the best tradition of the film "Dead Season" and Western spy kinoboevikov.

24. deficit. Well, that's the most well-formulated recalls: That girl managed or the young woman through a friend of expensive to buy imported swimsuit (or may even she gave her friend a foreigner that more sophisticated), she put it - all so beautiful, compelling, vacationers escorted her eyes, when it comes to the sea. And when he goes - swimsuit woman suddenly becomes transparent, and all her charms visible, and she feels a terrible sense of shame and humiliation. And there is nothing to set one's bag of imported cloth - wear something that all Soviet girls wear!
This, of course, all the machinations of foreign villains and undermining morality in our country.