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Former dedicated 1/6

Let's remember how we lived in the Soviet Union:

Cossacks were issued 300 million. Per year to 300 million. Citizens. Therefore, according to some estimates, the average family had 15 cars. The car has not been used for over a year. B / Cossacks and Muscovites have been sold to the Germans and the Americans and the Japanese. Who hoarded them for 10-20 years and passed on to children and grandchildren.

Millions of Soviet superintendents perfectly knew sopromat. Often, not trusting architects, they quickly built diagrams directly on the I-beam. Michigan Technological University graduates burned with shame. Envied also semi-literate Japanese and Germans.

Independent thinking Soviet man was laid in high school. Children honed it to free debates about the pros and cons of different political and socio-economic formations. The winners of school competitions spend a vacation in the resorts of France, Spain, and Japan - to learn and apply later in life the best that mankind has accumulated. Although, frankly, to study abroad was virtually nothing.

Everything is new in the 20th century was invented in the USSR. By the way, the Soviet school gave the best education in the world, because it worked selective intellectuals. Competition in the Pedagogical Institute was 100-200 people in place. Widely known there was such proverb: "there is no mind - go to MGIMO. And if you are of extraordinary intelligence, can try their hand at the college. »

Already in the 70 years of the USSR became a great energy power. Soviet oil extracted black gold. And agricultural appendage of the USSR - Canada eagerly exchanged between wheat. Technological appendages of the Soviet Union - Europe, the US and Japan have supplied all the equipment. Wretchedness which always caused laughter among Soviet workers, but it was cheap.

A few words about the Soviet furniture. Tastes differ Soviet citizens the widest variety and sophistication. And furniture industries perfectly meet the needs of citizens. For example, in a modest dwelling eskavatorschika you could see the ornate inlaid furniture in the style of Louis 14, and the famous engineer, on the other hand, can furnish your villa minimalist Japanese furnishings.
Taking care of children has been a priority of the Soviet power. In order to develop communication skills in children built a special camp. Meet the standards of 5-star hotels. Private room, a jacuzzi, a buffet with a wide selection of exotic dishes, is only a small part of what got the sons and daughters of workers and peasants of Siberia, the Urals, the mountain villages and fishing villages, in their summer vacation. After swimming in the marble basins, games in parks, forced by the amazing rides, children spent time in philosophical conversations, discussions of poetry and theatrical innovations.

In the Soviet Union dumplings made of selected products - young bulls, steam pork. Flour milled from durum wheat the first category. There were 120 varieties of dumplings for every taste and budget. Link to GOST - www.gost.su. It is important to mention that they were sold in every store. Needless to say, that was also the sausage and fish with different semi-finished products.
TVs were invented by a member of the Politburo Suslov personally, based on conversion technologies - namely, fighting against nuclear submarine sonar. Model "Horizon" features a unique quality, this TV is stolen Sony, then issuing his own Black Trinitron. By the way, Horizon showed 90 channels, more than any foreign analogues. TV was a surplus. The house was usually 2-3 TV. They are virtually unbreakable.

Soviet agriculture was advanced. Constantly create new high technology. For example, the potato took first in the hands of the hostess. And before that the potatoes were planted and removed special machines. Each potato held ultrasonic testing. Vegetables were stored on sterile automated warehouses, where after an additional control, clean and beautifully packaged arrived in stores.

All this has been possible thanks to the Soviet education system. The golf course and the animals were allowed only specialists with higher selhozobrazovaniem. It was first class, why yields the national average were: potatoes - 250, wheat - 80 quintals per hectare, the cow gave 5 tons of milk. Compare with the world - 80, 17 and 2, respectively. By the way, the Soviet agricultural technologies have been introduced in the Netherlands, Israel and Canada, which led to an abundance of food in the post-industrial society.
Apartments Soviet people received free with Abitur. They were bright and airy. In each city, entire neighborhoods of houses standing empty waiting for the next release of students.

Soviet car a refined design, the highest comfort, reliability and safety. It cost at the same time quite a bit, so that the average family had two or three cars. Usually parents gave the car to the prom. There was an abundance of cars hundreds of brands to satisfy any taste. Auto course was very high. Buying a car occupied by no more than a couple of hours. Few know that the car was first invented by a Soviet tank engineer on behalf of the Minister of Economy car created in advance. By the way, the invention of the Soviet automobile industry - Makfersonova suspension, steering, injectors, disc brakes, air conditioning, automatic transmission became subsequently used throughout the world. It is no secret that almost all Western brands - a copy of the old Soviet models.

Soviet people loved spontaneously organize demonstrations. They spontaneously gathered in the central square and spontaneously demonstrated their approval of the most popular and respected among the people the members of the Politburo. By the way, in this part of the army did not participate in all the streets of the city are not cordoned off, as the army was small, and the political initiative encouraged. People themselves pridumyvalim posters and slogans. Soviet people in general had a great sense of humor and creativity. So the most popular slogan was "The people and the party united", "Our goal - communism," "plans Party - in life».

Politburo members were particularly modest and often appealed to citizens to not portray their faces on posters larger than 3x4 meters. But in vain.

Speaking about the army. In army units dominated discipline, order and mutual respect. Defenders of the Motherland to create all conditions for the development of martial arts. They never peel potatoes at night and unloading wagons, unlike their NATO counterparts. They also, in contrast to NATO officials, not grounded Platz scrap and painted snow white paint. Their diet consisted of red caviar, deli meats, the best fruits and vegetables grown in abundance in the Union republics. That is why the Soviet guys so eager for the army. But took only the best of the best.

By the way, the Soviet officer was proud to society. It was a well-educated man, he knew how to play the piano, quoted from memory Homer and Tyutchev, a perfect knowledge of at least two European languages. His cultural experience was incredibly broad. Not to mention the military prowess. It was always funny to look at and paunchy red-NATO colonels and generals, comparing them with our athletic lads.

Soviet engineers have worked tirelessly for his people, year after year giving an amazing invention. They were the true innovators and made a great contribution to world civilization. Here is just a short list of their inventions: TV, refrigerator, computer IBM PC, microwave, hair dryer, a tape recorder, video recorder, digital phone, mobile phone, "eternal" tap, plastic windows, drywall, dishwasher, CD, DVD, Internet, Processor Intel Pentium, Windows, Linux, and finally, LiveJournal.
