After the divorce, I started a new life, even began to earn more, then in my life and there was a former brother-in-law.

Communicating with peers in school at recess, we are not just relaxing, as it may seem at first glance. We are also learning to socialize in the community. Each of us can easily remember, if not the names, so the faces of his school friends and friends with whom, later, some of us even continued to communicate in adulthood. Yes, there were bullies where to get away from them. But about that, How politely to refuse We'll talk to you a little bit later.

The main thing is to find a common language with interesting people. Sometimes it even does more good than a multiplication tablet. Adults who want to build a good career will understand us. But! In everyday life, communicating with relatives, you also need to be able to stand up for yourself. So to speak, show character. Otherwise, you can be a successful person and not deny yourself anything. But at the next meeting with relatives in some strange way turn into weak-willed jelly. Sitting under a barrage of jokes and ridicule, the less successful, but more brazen "Seventh Water on Kissel." Shame.

My story is actually quite banal and does not require any separate emotions. Well, I think so myself, because men tend to be stingy about reactions. For me personally, however, this is a small victory. Only a small circle of my friends know about it. For a thirty-year-old man like me, the mere fact that I write here is a bit of a jerk. I didn’t think I would share my story. But why not, the world is moving around. There's something I want to tell you.

Anyway, I finally got divorced. It's personal and unpleasant. A lot of emotion, a lot of negativity. Even tears, believe me, men can afford, alone, for a strong glass. I won't even talk about my ex. She roared like a little child. But in the meantime, she also managed to take away some of my property, spoil my nerves and generally accuse me of all mortal sins. How women do that, I don’t understand. But fact is fact.

The problem, the essence, so to speak, is not that at all. The thing is that while my ex and I lived together, we managed to get acquainted with mutual acquaintances and relatives, including. There weren't many of them on my part. And I'm pretty mean to my friends. But in her direction, I had a whole bunch of useless contacts in the phone book. You know. These are the people who smile in all 64 (or how many sharks there are) teeth when you're married and hate you when you divorce. The reason for the divorce is not my fault.

I still have confidence in my friends. None of them sided with their ex-wife. In fact, a lot of people supported me. Especially when we found out why our marriage went downhill. It's just that someone wasn't paying attention to someone and that's why someone found a lover. And I have to admit, I'm not into boys at all. So the lover went to his ex-wife. Come on, it's all in the past. What I remember clearly and clearly from our life together is my acquaintance with Vitk, the brother of my former faithful.

Oh, what can I tell you? This guy won't miss his. Small, narrow-shouldered, balding man himself. But! The way he presents himself, you have to see it. I first met him in my own apartment. He and his wife came to visit by taxi, which I paid for them. Then, looking at the quality of the wallpaper pasting in my rooms, the docking of the tiles in the bathroom and in the kitchen, Witek promised to understand everything and advised me “masters” who could make me a “candy”. Not the nightmare we were living in.

Well, I wasn't born yesterday, and I knew perfectly well that people like Vitek are in every house, in every residential area. That’s the kind of person who no one asks to solve your problem, but he’ll do it for you. With his wife, he's heavier on the centner. And with a tracksuit, which he looks better than his own manners and, especially, health. Well, you know me, I hope. That same night, by the way, he made me promise not to hurt his sister. Read it, my ex. Who knew she could hurt anyone you wanted?

So, after the divorce with my ex, I, as a man in this case, engaged in self-development. There was a lot of free time and money. And I hoped to make the most of these two kinds of resources. I went to a psychologist and went to the gym. In general, I did everything as advised by all these newfangled books from venerable writers-therapists for the soul. Some moments completely disappointed me, somewhere I have achieved some success.

For example, many advise men to literally start with their posture and appearance. The fact that clothes change the attitude of others to you, I know for a long time. Because of family life, I had to forget about it (the ex literally demanded to buy her 2 times more things than I bought them myself). But what about straightened shoulders? I don't recommend you guys, just look at your hair. My boss started calling me a peacock, and my friends started parodying me at every opportunity. This moment is pure fiction and nothing more.

The money, thank God, went well, too. I made more money. Invested in a promising case. So I started to get passive income and began to allow myself a lot. And apparently this news somehow got into the ears of my ex-brother-in-law. To the thinnest "sportsman." He was not too lazy to talk to me about it. Neither his conscience tormented him nor his pride awoke. Such a man.

How much he promised me, I won't tell you. Literally yesterday, including. I blocked his phone number, so he found me on social media. That kind of energy in a useful way... He says there’s a very reliable story. There, then, the point is that each person can agree with several more and together they will invest some penny. And then those pennies will grow into normal capital. We just have to wait. And if you’re over 15 years old reading this, you’ve probably seen this kind of business idea before. A certain Mavrodi promoted them in his time.

The funniest, and at the same time the reason I didn’t send him away was this. He, as if by secret and old friendship, told me that if I did, he would put in a good word for me. Not in front of anyone, but in front of my sister. I mean, my wife. The one from the past. She's already invested. And at this point, I confess, I was a little sloppy. Said he agreed.

But don't judge me harshly. Neither now, nor when you finish reading my story, is there much left. I said that I would only agree to meet them both when it was really worth the candle. In general, let their contribution increase, say, once in 10. Believe me, this is really good money. It is a pity that they will go straight into the pocket of the Pharaoh of this pyramid. I'll catch up right away. Well, to be sure of them.

In this way, I will soften the pill of a painful breakup, and at the same time punish my ex-wife and her brother. Don't judge me or stigmatize me. You still don't know who I am or what I've been through. Just be aware that men also know how to take revenge. Not as women, but a little more interesting. Now I'm waiting for him to send me a check of their transfers. After that, I plan to leave for a couple of weeks. This is it. All the best for you and be noble. Well, since you're acting like my righteous lady, look around and out the door. I don't think anything can happen.


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