A terrible revenge on the one who broke your heart
Not all relationships end happily. Human beings are quite changeable. We are constantly learning new information. The world around us is changing and we meet new people. What inspired us yesterday can cause boredom today. So. How to behave after a breakup With the man who broke his heart and walked away slamming the door?
At a young age, this situation can cause despair. After all, the fragile psyche is not yet ready for severe shocks. And, frankly, breaking up at any age is a difficult thing. Everyone deals with it in their own way. But often the abandoned side makes a number of mistakes that do not help, but on the contrary, only aggravate the situation.
Abandoned people, often men, cannot believe that the object of their adoration is gone forever. Then the very first and at the same time the most primitive technique comes into play: the persecution of former love. These are phone calls at any time of the day or night. Seeing off or meeting at the entrance. Stuffing with social media posts and so on.
Needless to say, such a loss of time and energy will not lead to anything. The “victim” will only move further away from their persecutor, and will be strengthened in the knowledge that they made the right choice. A person with a broken heart will return to bitter thoughts again and again. Psychological problems will accumulate.
In the United States, for example, such behavior is very intolerable and even punishable by law. Often, the persecuting person is given a document that prohibits approaching the “victim” or her housing / work closer than a certain distance. Disobedience can lead to big problems.
You won't be violently nice. Obviously, if persuasion does not help the case, then even threats. In principle, there should be no violence between people, no matter what goals someone is pursuing.
But some people have different tactics. Aggression through mutual acquaintances. This manifests itself as follows: the abandoned side begins to communicate with all mutual acquaintances and spread rumors (often untrue) and bring out all the dirty laundry. Thus, this side hopes to somehow get revenge on its former half.
The act is low and deeply condemned. First, he speaks of the man who spread the rumors as not the nicest person. And now other people will turn away from him. Secondly, the sympathy of others will increase even more towards the victim. Well, that's fair.
Why do you want to ruin your karma? She's like a boomerang: she'll come back and hit even harder.
No, we do not mean the case when strangers are already trying to agree among themselves. It is clear that the situation has developed in such a way that it will lead to nothing. But there are other options. When an abandoned man or woman goes to the parents of the ex or her best friends and tries to somehow influence the situation through them.
The fact is that in the world there are different devices of family, faith and politics. For example, in patriarchal countries, a man may not like a woman. Repel her as a person, but have a good relationship with her father. And that's it, the question is closed: they go under the crown. Is that right? Hard to say, for us it seems something out of the ordinary. For some, this is quite acceptable.
So what's left? It's banal, we know, but it's a fact. Growing on yourself. Emotions are a tremendous energy for our body. Negative emotions can make a person feel bad for no apparent reason. Just cause physical pain. Positive, on the contrary, heals the soul and heart.
Negative emotions just need to be channeled in the right direction. Work, sports, study and so on. Persistent people often achieve the highest rewards, while not having a grain of talent. Just a monotonous, boring robot over you. And it works.
Oh, how many successful businessmen and athletes have been nurtured through personal grievances or unpleasant situations. At some point, they simply distanced themselves from everything unnecessary and went to their goal. But they would stay in a relationship, who knows, maybe just relax and be content with what they have.
Other people’s success, especially the success of “ex-soldiers,” is annoying. And that is what we should strive for. Be happy and be successful. But it takes time and a lot of willpower. And if you can overcome this barrier, it will become much easier.
Every normal person deserves respect. And first of all, myself. Don’t worry about a failed relationship. It won't do anything good. You have to be a little more selfish and think about yourself. And then the separation period will not be so difficult. Good luck and good luck to you! How to behave after a breakup is up to you.

At a young age, this situation can cause despair. After all, the fragile psyche is not yet ready for severe shocks. And, frankly, breaking up at any age is a difficult thing. Everyone deals with it in their own way. But often the abandoned side makes a number of mistakes that do not help, but on the contrary, only aggravate the situation.
Abandoned people, often men, cannot believe that the object of their adoration is gone forever. Then the very first and at the same time the most primitive technique comes into play: the persecution of former love. These are phone calls at any time of the day or night. Seeing off or meeting at the entrance. Stuffing with social media posts and so on.

Needless to say, such a loss of time and energy will not lead to anything. The “victim” will only move further away from their persecutor, and will be strengthened in the knowledge that they made the right choice. A person with a broken heart will return to bitter thoughts again and again. Psychological problems will accumulate.
In the United States, for example, such behavior is very intolerable and even punishable by law. Often, the persecuting person is given a document that prohibits approaching the “victim” or her housing / work closer than a certain distance. Disobedience can lead to big problems.
You won't be violently nice. Obviously, if persuasion does not help the case, then even threats. In principle, there should be no violence between people, no matter what goals someone is pursuing.
But some people have different tactics. Aggression through mutual acquaintances. This manifests itself as follows: the abandoned side begins to communicate with all mutual acquaintances and spread rumors (often untrue) and bring out all the dirty laundry. Thus, this side hopes to somehow get revenge on its former half.

The act is low and deeply condemned. First, he speaks of the man who spread the rumors as not the nicest person. And now other people will turn away from him. Secondly, the sympathy of others will increase even more towards the victim. Well, that's fair.
Why do you want to ruin your karma? She's like a boomerang: she'll come back and hit even harder.
No, we do not mean the case when strangers are already trying to agree among themselves. It is clear that the situation has developed in such a way that it will lead to nothing. But there are other options. When an abandoned man or woman goes to the parents of the ex or her best friends and tries to somehow influence the situation through them.

The fact is that in the world there are different devices of family, faith and politics. For example, in patriarchal countries, a man may not like a woman. Repel her as a person, but have a good relationship with her father. And that's it, the question is closed: they go under the crown. Is that right? Hard to say, for us it seems something out of the ordinary. For some, this is quite acceptable.
So what's left? It's banal, we know, but it's a fact. Growing on yourself. Emotions are a tremendous energy for our body. Negative emotions can make a person feel bad for no apparent reason. Just cause physical pain. Positive, on the contrary, heals the soul and heart.
Negative emotions just need to be channeled in the right direction. Work, sports, study and so on. Persistent people often achieve the highest rewards, while not having a grain of talent. Just a monotonous, boring robot over you. And it works.

Oh, how many successful businessmen and athletes have been nurtured through personal grievances or unpleasant situations. At some point, they simply distanced themselves from everything unnecessary and went to their goal. But they would stay in a relationship, who knows, maybe just relax and be content with what they have.
Other people’s success, especially the success of “ex-soldiers,” is annoying. And that is what we should strive for. Be happy and be successful. But it takes time and a lot of willpower. And if you can overcome this barrier, it will become much easier.

Every normal person deserves respect. And first of all, myself. Don’t worry about a failed relationship. It won't do anything good. You have to be a little more selfish and think about yourself. And then the separation period will not be so difficult. Good luck and good luck to you! How to behave after a breakup is up to you.
I do not throw out the old top from the swimsuit and lace sconce, create indescribable beauty with my own hands.
All autumn I cook soups as usual, they are very much loved by my home.