I constantly quarrel with my husband about the old bed that has been in the house since his first marriage.

You never know what can prevent a happy marriage. Sometimes marriages break up because of small things. Only a small thing for one person can be a real problem for another. And it is important in marriage to find a compromise to save the relationship. For Lena, such a small thing was the marital bed.

“I have been married for the second year and recently had a son. But my husband's old bed is haunting me. Because he doesn’t want to change the bed, we are constantly fighting and even sleeping in different rooms.

Artem was married before our meeting with him for 9 years. When we met, he was already divorced. First we lived apart for six months, and then when I found out I was pregnant, I moved in with him. I thought this man loved me and had long forgotten about his ex-wife, but now I doubt it. After the divorce, his ex-wife took almost nothing. I had to collect and throw away her things. The biggest problem for me was their bed. After the divorce, Artem did not change the furniture or make repairs - everything suited him.

Peels And I categorically refuse to sleep on their bed with their wife. We’ve had a lot of fights about it, and now I don’t even have the strength to say anything to my husband – I just go to the other room. I hate to think about what was on this bed, there are different pictures in my head as soon as I try to overpower myself and go to bed. It humiliates and makes me angry. Artem does not want to buy a new bed, says it is expensive. He continues to sleep in this bed.”

Peels Husband ignores request "Artem is angry with me and says that if I sleep separately, he will divorce." He doesn’t have any money for new furniture. It's so important to me that he understands me. I can't sleep with him on the bed he spent time with his ex for almost 10 years. I asked him to buy a new mattress. The last time we talked about this, I said that at least some measures should be taken to meet me.

Peels He agreed, and today says that we will not buy a mattress soon. My husband doesn’t care about my feelings. If he keeps ignoring me, I'm gonna have to sleep separately. And if this continues, divorce is not far off. Why live with someone who doesn’t respect me? ?

When a person tries to build a new family, he at least considers the opinion of a loved one. A new relationship is always a joy at first. But when people begin to live together, they face not only everyday problems that must be divided in half. This includes family expenses and psychological problems.


Refusal to change the bed Lena assesses as a personal insult and the desire to preserve the memory of his ex-wife. The bed in her subconscious is a symbol of conjugal loyalty and love. Since Artem doesn’t want to change his bed, he misses his ex-wife and doesn’t care about his new relationship. While Artyom may well be guided by more mundane motives to save the bed, he banal saves money. Lena should explain in detail what she feels and why. She can also buy a new mattress or bed to avoid sleeping on an old mattress. Is it possible to find a way out of this situation peacefully, in your opinion?


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