A selection of really complex puzzles that are just like push-ups for the brain, test yourself.
Adults need complex puzzles no less than curious schoolchildren. After all, at a young age, everyone regularly loads his brain in the process of learning, constantly discovers something new and develops. But adults often get mired in routine, stop using the brain with the proper intensity.
So today's editorial office. "Site" offer four quirky. Can you handle each one of them without using clues? Try to find answers quickly enough to appreciate how easy it is for you to solve such tasks.
Complex puzzles for adults
Tips and answers to puzzles
Tell me if you could figure it out. quirky And how difficult they seemed. Also solve tricky puzzles that can puzzle any person. And also deal with difficult mathematical examples from middle school.

So today's editorial office. "Site" offer four quirky. Can you handle each one of them without using clues? Try to find answers quickly enough to appreciate how easy it is for you to solve such tasks.
Complex puzzles for adults
- It is known that for a smartphone with a case, the buyer had to pay $ 210. Although the smartphone is more expensive than the case for exactly $ 200. How much does a single cover cost? Think before you rush to answer.
- There is a numerical sequence that needs to be extended: 4, 5, 7, 11, 19, X. Can you figure out which number to write instead of “X” so as not to break the logic of the numerical sequence?
- In the garden there are a number of flowers and several bees. The little daughter of a gardener noticed that if two bees sit on each flower, two flowers will remain empty. If one bee sits on each flower, two bees will have no flowers. How many flowers and bees are there in the garden?
- You've probably seen your last problem in preview. There are 5 children: 4-year-old Ivan, 5-year-old Alina, 6-year-old Marina and 5-year-old Danil. How old is their friend Artem?
Tips and answers to puzzles
- Many people rush to answer that the case costs $ 10. But this is not the case, because then the smartphone would cost 210 – 10 = 200 dollars. And the difference between the gadget and the case would be only 200 – 10 = 190 dollars, although under the conditions it should be 200 dollars. And because the smartphone costs $ 205, and the case cost the buyer only $ 5. Then it'll all fit.
- The attentive reader will notice that each number in the sequence increases by an increasing number. First the four increased by one and we got 5, then the five increased by two and we got 7. Based on the same logic, 8 was added to 11 to get 19. So the next increase will be 16. Then 19 + 16 = 35. And then the sequence is this: 4, 5, 7, 11, 19, 35.
- From the conditions we understand that bees are 2 more than flowers. But if the number of bees is divided by 2, then there will be 2 more flowers. If the number of flowers is x, the number of bees is x + 2. Then (x + 2) ÷ 2 + 2 = x. Hence 0.5 x + 1 + 2 = x. Then x is 0.5 x = 3. So x = 3 × 2 = 6. And if we have 6 flowers, then bees 6 + 2 = 8.
- The answer is actually quite simple. Every child is as old as the letters in his name. For example, Ivan has four letters and is four years old. This pattern persists in all other cases. Therefore, the owner of the name “Artem”, apparently, 5 years old.
Tell me if you could figure it out. quirky And how difficult they seemed. Also solve tricky puzzles that can puzzle any person. And also deal with difficult mathematical examples from middle school.
My sister complains about life and still blames our mother for everything, but I remember how it was.
For many years I have been supporting my daughter, but she does not even try to support herself, so I decided to have a serious conversation.