Board Games Soviet children (51 photos)
Board games were popular in our country and with the kings, and the Secretary General. But if kings were just playing games, a means to pass leisure time, in Soviet times, the game began to carry more and educational and propaganda load. But let's look at the Soviet table games more ...
"Flight from Moscow to China." (1925) In 1910-s, and during the First World airplanes were built in our country, but the elite club of leading aviation powers our country is not included. Why? Well, for example, that one of the reasons - we all know that the plane does not fly without an engine and engine building was in Tsarist Russia in its infancy. And the most important "detail" for the Russian planes had to be bought abroad. The new government has decided to do away with the technological backwardness. The slogan "catch up and overtake" came into use towards the end of the twenties - in the era of industrialization. But aktsionerskoe Company "Dobrolet" (Russian Joint Stock Company Voluntary Air Fleet) appeared already in 1923.
The aim of the founders of the company was to facilitate the development of the national civil aviation - passenger, mail, cargo. Society lasted 7 years. During this time, the aircraft "Dobrolet" flown nearly 10 million kilometers and transported 47,000 passengers and 408 tons of cargo (very good result for the airline twenties). The activity "Dobrolet" advertised and using board games. The game "Flight Moscow-China" is very simple - throwing dice, players must as quickly as possible to get to Beijing, taking off from the Moscow airport.
"Electrification" (1928) "Communism - is Soviet power plus the electrification of the whole country" - said Lenin. The words of the first leaders of the country by the Council not with deeds. In February 1920, it was adopted electrification plan (State Plan for the Electrification of Russia). The result of this plan have been widely advertised "light bulbs Ilyich" even a light tan in the most remote villages of our vast country. Of course, "the electrification of the whole country" could not find a map and table games.
Play "Eliktrifikatsiyu" could from two to four players. It offers players large and small cards with pictures. Most four - village, town, village, port. These cards are divided between the players - are objects that they need to electrify. Small cards are shuffled and dealt to players. Players pull cards from their neighbors and lay the paired images. In the end, they have to stay without a pair of images with light bulbs. By the number of cards on the playing field, open the closed circles of the field - electrified objects. Anyone who electrified his first part of the playing field, he also proved to be the winner.
"We give the raw material plants" (1930) 1930 Year - the height of the first five-year plan, is in full swing industrialization in the country to build a plant - giants emerge out of nowhere a huge industrial areas. Of course, they could not ignore the topic of industrialization and manufacturers of board games.
In the game "Let's give the raw material plants" players had to throwing dice, move around the playing field and collect the different recyclable materials to be processed at plants game. He won, of course, the one who gave the plants more raw materials.
"Lenin comes to Smolny" (1970) And now, from the twenties - thirties, let's fast forward to the era of "developed socialism". In April 1970, our country celebrated the centenary of the birth of Lenin Lenin. I could not stay away from this festival and the children's magazine "Fun". On the pages of the magazine in the "jubilee" was published April issue of the game "Lenin comes to Smolny." The game is a classic "labyrinth" - the players to spend Ilyich historic night of 24 to 25 October to the old style of the safe house in the Smolny.
Night Petrograd was full of dangers - patrols, horse cadets. However, many players walk through the night pre-revolutionary occupation Peter seemed boring, and almost immediately there was a "multi-user version" of the game. And the players, and Lenin was already a little, and won the player whose Lenin reached Smolny first. Board games in the first decades of Soviet power were a means of propaganda and a kind of pre-conscription training tool. And there is nothing wrong with that. In the twenties in the country were preparing to repel a new intervention (breaking off diplomatic relations with Britain, the Curzon ultimatum, "military alert"). After 30 January 33rd year did not have to be a great visionary and brilliant analyst to guess - a new world war is inevitable (it was enough to read the tangential hundred pages of text to read the Treaty of Versailles or a summary of it in the newspapers). So, reading the military-patriotic propaganda, designed for future soldiers and commanders, it was a matter of not more than. Not surprising abundance of "war-game" (war games or simply desktop strategies), published in our country in twenty or thirty years. About the rules of the game for a long time will not be extended - "wargame" he has "war-game". Let's better on the scanned box games.
Board games were popular in Tsarist Russia and the Soviet Union. Many games have appeared long-lived - after the change of government and the political system have changed only the name and design, and the "gameplay" remained unchanged. But in 1985 in our country has once again changed the power and began the so-called "perestroika". Together with the policy of the Party and government have changed and board games. So, the game of perestroika.
"Haunted Country" In 1970, Americans Gary and Dave Arneson Gaygeks released the first board game of the endless series of Dungeon & Dragons (abbreviated D & D - Dungeons and Dragons). Players enter the world of heroic fantasy, and get used to the role of the mighty warriors, wise magicians, elves and other immortal heroes of popular books at the time of the worlds ruled by the sword and magic.
Map Zakodovannoy country in the Soviet Union is a historic event as the birth of D & D has gone unnoticed. Board role play in our country did not enjoy popularity (from role-playing games have been popular except that the field game "Summer lightning" in summer camp). The reason for this unpopularity is simple - a complete lack of desktop role-playing games.
To familiarize with something like a D & D citizens of our country could only in 1990, when the cooperative "Autumn" is published with a circulation of 40 thousand copies of the board game "Haunted Country". The game was an arbitrary variation on the very first and the most simple versions of "Dungeons and Dragons».
Is the playing field with the location, is the book of the lead with a detailed description of what awaits players in these locations, there are characters who can win back the players, there are cards with monsters and their "performance characteristics", and there is finally blocks, by which determines the outcome of the game fights. The game quickly gained "cult" status - travel, "Enchanted Land" captivated so many. Like so much else in the last years of the USSR, the game belongs to the category of "deficit" (deficit then was not just table games, but many foods). But those who are familiar with it, literally made "on the knee" their version of the game. In large part thanks to "Enchanted Land" in Russia originated the role motion.
Conversion famous "Monopoly", created in America in the midst of the Great Depression, became an instant bestseller worldwide. Still - everyone with the help of this game could feel mogul or tycoon (particularly relevant this game was in the beginning of the thirties, in the midst of a major crisis in the history of the world economy - in America, the richest country in the world, millions of people were left without livelihood). But in our country was a socialist planned economy, crises have not affected, but also the "monopoly" does not meet "the general line of the party." The first Soviet desktop economic simulator was the "Conversion».
In the last years of the Soviet Union the word "conversion" was very popular. Translated from Latin, it means "treatment" or "transformation". In the first place at the time we spoke of the conversion of military industry - conversion of military factories in factories producing goods strictly peaceful. And missiles, aircraft and tanks, we have a lot, but, for example, small household appliances. Let's not talk about how to carry out this conversion - is a topic for another article extremely politicized, let's talk about the game. When you first look at the box of the game is clear is another meaning of the word "conversion". Yes, it is clear that we are talking about the convertibility of the ruble. In the history of the Soviet Union was a convertible currency - gold coins, backed by gold (gold pieces and a course on international currency exchanges sometimes almost caught up with the British Pound Sterling). But by the time the "Conversion" in the country was one currency - the ruble, which was called at the time "wooden", t. To. The outside of the country to buy something for rubles was impossible.
No, again, we will not talk about what is good or bad, when the national currency is convertible and can be easily withdraw abroad. Let's talk about the game.
The playing field is not a clone, "Monopoly" as a completely independent game. Play a few people. One player takes on the duties of a banker - gives the other players start-up capital. Duty named banker in the rules of the game "voluntary and selfless." But according to the same rules as a banker in the game is not entirely selfless - during any of the moves he can give any player a loan under the extortionate interest - took 100 thousand, bring on the next move 150 thousand. Start-up capital can be spent on the purchase of raw materials, plants and vehicles. And in the future to engage in the production of goods, raw materials extraction and transportation of raw materials or goods. All produced or extracted from the land can be sold on the domestic market or in rubles or foreign - in dollars (and has the ability to change rubles for dollars at the exchange rate of the game). During each of the moves the player must perform one of the actions - buy, sell, send the goods to the customer, take out a loan. Played whether "conversion" Russian oligarchs, regularly ranked in the list of billionaires "Forbes" magazine, is not known.
So the game looks like the internal market of the USSR
And so the game looks like the US market, which can come with their goods
"Glasnost" Perhaps this is the first publication in our country "license" and "localized" game. Let not even a computer, and the desktop (the very idea that computer games there are out there right holders who want some money, would have seemed in the late eighties our citizens simply ridiculous).
Glasnost board game was released in America in 1989. At that time, everything connected with the Soviet Union enjoyed popularity in America. We can not say that in the past "Soviet" theme does not pop up in the American board games, movies, cartoons, comic books. But during the Cold War from the perspective of the Soviet Russian Americans were brutish villains ruthless bloodthirsty aggressors, dreaming of world domination and unjustified mass repressions. During the years of "perestroika" in the short time the image of Russian in American popular culture has replaced "polarity". If the 1984 hit American film was the "Red Dawn" - a film about the brave American teenagers who organized guerrilla army in the territory occupied by the Soviet invaders in the 1988 movie hit was "Red Heat" - a film in which a strictly positive image Soviet policeman embodied on the screen himself Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Game Glasnost just focused on the establishment of peaceful political and economic relations between the two superpowers. The players had to get used to the role of the leaders of the Soviet Union and the United States to conduct a political debate, to conclude economic transactions. On the political and economic aspects of the game influenced cards with news about what is happening in the world, the Soviet Union and America. The players had the opportunity to really establish equal partnership between the United States and our country, not surrendering one position after another, as did the "non-game" Gorbachev. The game was quickly translated into Russian and published in our country in large numbers. Now this game is long and well forgotten on both sides of the Atlantic - the Soviet Union ceased to exist, and board games about it not become relevant.
And lastly: A selection of photos of Soviet designers of board games and different years
Source: ussrlife.blogspot.ru

"Flight from Moscow to China." (1925) In 1910-s, and during the First World airplanes were built in our country, but the elite club of leading aviation powers our country is not included. Why? Well, for example, that one of the reasons - we all know that the plane does not fly without an engine and engine building was in Tsarist Russia in its infancy. And the most important "detail" for the Russian planes had to be bought abroad. The new government has decided to do away with the technological backwardness. The slogan "catch up and overtake" came into use towards the end of the twenties - in the era of industrialization. But aktsionerskoe Company "Dobrolet" (Russian Joint Stock Company Voluntary Air Fleet) appeared already in 1923.

The aim of the founders of the company was to facilitate the development of the national civil aviation - passenger, mail, cargo. Society lasted 7 years. During this time, the aircraft "Dobrolet" flown nearly 10 million kilometers and transported 47,000 passengers and 408 tons of cargo (very good result for the airline twenties). The activity "Dobrolet" advertised and using board games. The game "Flight Moscow-China" is very simple - throwing dice, players must as quickly as possible to get to Beijing, taking off from the Moscow airport.
"Electrification" (1928) "Communism - is Soviet power plus the electrification of the whole country" - said Lenin. The words of the first leaders of the country by the Council not with deeds. In February 1920, it was adopted electrification plan (State Plan for the Electrification of Russia). The result of this plan have been widely advertised "light bulbs Ilyich" even a light tan in the most remote villages of our vast country. Of course, "the electrification of the whole country" could not find a map and table games.

Play "Eliktrifikatsiyu" could from two to four players. It offers players large and small cards with pictures. Most four - village, town, village, port. These cards are divided between the players - are objects that they need to electrify. Small cards are shuffled and dealt to players. Players pull cards from their neighbors and lay the paired images. In the end, they have to stay without a pair of images with light bulbs. By the number of cards on the playing field, open the closed circles of the field - electrified objects. Anyone who electrified his first part of the playing field, he also proved to be the winner.
"We give the raw material plants" (1930) 1930 Year - the height of the first five-year plan, is in full swing industrialization in the country to build a plant - giants emerge out of nowhere a huge industrial areas. Of course, they could not ignore the topic of industrialization and manufacturers of board games.

In the game "Let's give the raw material plants" players had to throwing dice, move around the playing field and collect the different recyclable materials to be processed at plants game. He won, of course, the one who gave the plants more raw materials.
"Lenin comes to Smolny" (1970) And now, from the twenties - thirties, let's fast forward to the era of "developed socialism". In April 1970, our country celebrated the centenary of the birth of Lenin Lenin. I could not stay away from this festival and the children's magazine "Fun". On the pages of the magazine in the "jubilee" was published April issue of the game "Lenin comes to Smolny." The game is a classic "labyrinth" - the players to spend Ilyich historic night of 24 to 25 October to the old style of the safe house in the Smolny.

Night Petrograd was full of dangers - patrols, horse cadets. However, many players walk through the night pre-revolutionary occupation Peter seemed boring, and almost immediately there was a "multi-user version" of the game. And the players, and Lenin was already a little, and won the player whose Lenin reached Smolny first. Board games in the first decades of Soviet power were a means of propaganda and a kind of pre-conscription training tool. And there is nothing wrong with that. In the twenties in the country were preparing to repel a new intervention (breaking off diplomatic relations with Britain, the Curzon ultimatum, "military alert"). After 30 January 33rd year did not have to be a great visionary and brilliant analyst to guess - a new world war is inevitable (it was enough to read the tangential hundred pages of text to read the Treaty of Versailles or a summary of it in the newspapers). So, reading the military-patriotic propaganda, designed for future soldiers and commanders, it was a matter of not more than. Not surprising abundance of "war-game" (war games or simply desktop strategies), published in our country in twenty or thirty years. About the rules of the game for a long time will not be extended - "wargame" he has "war-game". Let's better on the scanned box games.

Board games were popular in Tsarist Russia and the Soviet Union. Many games have appeared long-lived - after the change of government and the political system have changed only the name and design, and the "gameplay" remained unchanged. But in 1985 in our country has once again changed the power and began the so-called "perestroika". Together with the policy of the Party and government have changed and board games. So, the game of perestroika.

"Haunted Country" In 1970, Americans Gary and Dave Arneson Gaygeks released the first board game of the endless series of Dungeon & Dragons (abbreviated D & D - Dungeons and Dragons). Players enter the world of heroic fantasy, and get used to the role of the mighty warriors, wise magicians, elves and other immortal heroes of popular books at the time of the worlds ruled by the sword and magic.

Map Zakodovannoy country in the Soviet Union is a historic event as the birth of D & D has gone unnoticed. Board role play in our country did not enjoy popularity (from role-playing games have been popular except that the field game "Summer lightning" in summer camp). The reason for this unpopularity is simple - a complete lack of desktop role-playing games.
To familiarize with something like a D & D citizens of our country could only in 1990, when the cooperative "Autumn" is published with a circulation of 40 thousand copies of the board game "Haunted Country". The game was an arbitrary variation on the very first and the most simple versions of "Dungeons and Dragons».

Is the playing field with the location, is the book of the lead with a detailed description of what awaits players in these locations, there are characters who can win back the players, there are cards with monsters and their "performance characteristics", and there is finally blocks, by which determines the outcome of the game fights. The game quickly gained "cult" status - travel, "Enchanted Land" captivated so many. Like so much else in the last years of the USSR, the game belongs to the category of "deficit" (deficit then was not just table games, but many foods). But those who are familiar with it, literally made "on the knee" their version of the game. In large part thanks to "Enchanted Land" in Russia originated the role motion.
Conversion famous "Monopoly", created in America in the midst of the Great Depression, became an instant bestseller worldwide. Still - everyone with the help of this game could feel mogul or tycoon (particularly relevant this game was in the beginning of the thirties, in the midst of a major crisis in the history of the world economy - in America, the richest country in the world, millions of people were left without livelihood). But in our country was a socialist planned economy, crises have not affected, but also the "monopoly" does not meet "the general line of the party." The first Soviet desktop economic simulator was the "Conversion».

In the last years of the Soviet Union the word "conversion" was very popular. Translated from Latin, it means "treatment" or "transformation". In the first place at the time we spoke of the conversion of military industry - conversion of military factories in factories producing goods strictly peaceful. And missiles, aircraft and tanks, we have a lot, but, for example, small household appliances. Let's not talk about how to carry out this conversion - is a topic for another article extremely politicized, let's talk about the game. When you first look at the box of the game is clear is another meaning of the word "conversion". Yes, it is clear that we are talking about the convertibility of the ruble. In the history of the Soviet Union was a convertible currency - gold coins, backed by gold (gold pieces and a course on international currency exchanges sometimes almost caught up with the British Pound Sterling). But by the time the "Conversion" in the country was one currency - the ruble, which was called at the time "wooden", t. To. The outside of the country to buy something for rubles was impossible.
No, again, we will not talk about what is good or bad, when the national currency is convertible and can be easily withdraw abroad. Let's talk about the game.

The playing field is not a clone, "Monopoly" as a completely independent game. Play a few people. One player takes on the duties of a banker - gives the other players start-up capital. Duty named banker in the rules of the game "voluntary and selfless." But according to the same rules as a banker in the game is not entirely selfless - during any of the moves he can give any player a loan under the extortionate interest - took 100 thousand, bring on the next move 150 thousand. Start-up capital can be spent on the purchase of raw materials, plants and vehicles. And in the future to engage in the production of goods, raw materials extraction and transportation of raw materials or goods. All produced or extracted from the land can be sold on the domestic market or in rubles or foreign - in dollars (and has the ability to change rubles for dollars at the exchange rate of the game). During each of the moves the player must perform one of the actions - buy, sell, send the goods to the customer, take out a loan. Played whether "conversion" Russian oligarchs, regularly ranked in the list of billionaires "Forbes" magazine, is not known.
So the game looks like the internal market of the USSR

And so the game looks like the US market, which can come with their goods

"Glasnost" Perhaps this is the first publication in our country "license" and "localized" game. Let not even a computer, and the desktop (the very idea that computer games there are out there right holders who want some money, would have seemed in the late eighties our citizens simply ridiculous).

Glasnost board game was released in America in 1989. At that time, everything connected with the Soviet Union enjoyed popularity in America. We can not say that in the past "Soviet" theme does not pop up in the American board games, movies, cartoons, comic books. But during the Cold War from the perspective of the Soviet Russian Americans were brutish villains ruthless bloodthirsty aggressors, dreaming of world domination and unjustified mass repressions. During the years of "perestroika" in the short time the image of Russian in American popular culture has replaced "polarity". If the 1984 hit American film was the "Red Dawn" - a film about the brave American teenagers who organized guerrilla army in the territory occupied by the Soviet invaders in the 1988 movie hit was "Red Heat" - a film in which a strictly positive image Soviet policeman embodied on the screen himself Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Game Glasnost just focused on the establishment of peaceful political and economic relations between the two superpowers. The players had to get used to the role of the leaders of the Soviet Union and the United States to conduct a political debate, to conclude economic transactions. On the political and economic aspects of the game influenced cards with news about what is happening in the world, the Soviet Union and America. The players had the opportunity to really establish equal partnership between the United States and our country, not surrendering one position after another, as did the "non-game" Gorbachev. The game was quickly translated into Russian and published in our country in large numbers. Now this game is long and well forgotten on both sides of the Atlantic - the Soviet Union ceased to exist, and board games about it not become relevant.
And lastly: A selection of photos of Soviet designers of board games and different years

Source: ussrlife.blogspot.ru