20 table games Soviet times. Dreamed about them all Soviet children!
Now the phrase "board games" is associated mainly with the throwing of dice. Whether it is the most simple child's play "Who will come to her grandmother," or adult games like "Munchkin" or "Monopoly", all participants throw dice and perform actions based on the number of fallen.
But in the days of our Soviet youth existed a much larger selection of desktop fun. To play many nastolki required not only luck but also agility, reaction and logical thinking.
How many boys gathered in the courtyard, arranging this tournament in table hockey! And how many shootings balls in the "sea fight"! Edition invites you to once again plunge into childhood and remember the most popular board games, participation in which is not required dice.
Perhaps the most gambling board game was just hockey. No wonder the similar games continue to be issued until now. The present-day "hockey" is much brighter and more attractive, but the wave of nostalgia in the form of rolls is an old metal toys.
Let sometimes stuck in the grooves of the club and the players had several areas, of which the puck could only be hand as toy sticks were too short, but all loved this game. Often, giving your child 'Hockey' birthday, parents are the first thing taken themselves to play it while the kids enjoyed the cake for a sweet table.
Unlike hockey, football board games were not so successful. Although they produced a completely different species. The most common was a game where the spring-loaded figurines standing on the spot. When the ball got to figure your football team had to pull it and release. Thus it was possible to strike or to give transmission. The downside of this game was rather crooked field so that the ball hits is not all figurines.
There was also a more advanced version of table football. There was no need to delay the figure fingers. And should pull the levers on its side of the game. On the reverse side of the field to the figurines were stretched cables in which players hit on the ball. The toy has a fun and dynamic, but won mostly one whose players were more sighted as to change the direction of impact was almost impossible.
In yet another version of "football" was not even the players themselves. There were only a hole at the bottom of which there were two hammers: yours and the enemy. It was necessary when rolling the ball into the hole in time to press the desired key faster than the opponent. Then the ball was flying in a certain direction. Playing with the newcomers, it was decided to negotiate alternately pressing buttons: first beat the enemy, then you strike back.
"Basketball" was also several varieties, the most popular of which was built exactly on the same principle as the previous game "Football", but had to throw the ball in the basket. The game was very popular in theme parks for special pavilions like slot machines were large.
The older varieties of "Basketball" was not clear bubble that did not give the ball to fly off. But this game can be folded into a small box. The principle of the game was the same as the previous "Basketball", only to strike had to pull the levers on the side.
Another type of "Basketball" bred players on different platforms. There had to have time to throw more balls in the basket than your opponent. Here you could not prevent his opponent, but even he could not play.
The "Battleship" was played not only in the classroom in a notebook in the box. There was a special electronic version of this popular game. Players sit opposite each other and displayed on the ships. To make your move, you had to put a special chip on the adjacent field and click the button. At the same time he heard the sound of firing torpedoes. If the charge was accurate, then on a screen at the bottom of a red glowing silhouette of the ship, accompanied by the sound of an explosion.
There was another kind of "sea battle" where you had to physically sink enemy ships by shooting them with small balls. Of particular delight called ritual of aiming, during which it was necessary to rotate the gun, looking for purpose in a special mirror.
Behind the wheel
In those days, when a computer driving simulations no one has dreamed, desired toy for all the boys had the game "Driving". The rotating disk to create great illusion that the car is really going. A key ritual start of the game, these pedals, steering wheel and gearbox enthralled all the boys.
Another dream of the boys - the game "motorcircuit." First of individual parts needed to assemble the race track, and then you can arrange a real competition in cross-country. Motorcyclists down the inclined surface of the road and dragged them upstairs special elevator that worked on batteries.
While the boys had fun cars and motorcycles, the girls offered to play miniature loom. Passion and competitive spirit in this toy was not, but in the game very clearly and lucidly explains the process of weaving. In addition, you can learn how to weave fabric with different patterns.
Another toy with an eye on what to grow future specialists. "Morse" was quite specific game, but thanks to her many children managed to instill a love of radio sport in the future they grew excellent communicators.
Simple, but extremely addictive game "Hippo" and liked the boys and girls. We had to eat as many balls, which has embarked on all sorts of tricks. For example, let balls at once, but one by one, trying to catch them immediately their Hippo.
Dialled ring
In this game, it was necessary to throw a ring on special pins. Each successful attempt awarded a certain number of points. To quit the ring, it was necessary to set it in a special slot and press the button.
A fun toy offered to knock down as many pins, launching a ball that swung on a string. Each of the pins had its value, so that anyone had a good throw to count.
Children are attached to adults games. For example, Sales had a special pool with small balls. The principle of this board game was about the same as in the adult pool. Unless some unusual varieties equipped with cue on a spring, which is before the impact had to delay itself.
Children can play in more games of chance, such as bets on the roulette table. The structure was part of the game playing field and chips - everything like in a real casino. Officially toy called "Carousel bingo", but it was called a tape measure.
Of course, such a name as "pinball" in the Soviet Union, no one heard. But some common names for these games was not. There was a lot of fun in which it was necessary to run the ball and earn points depending on its trajectory. They are usually simply called "balls" or "pulyalkoy" and the official naming no one remembered.
Yeah, at the time of these games it has been impossible to put down. And now it would be great to play in many of them. If you're at a table games last swept a wave of nostalgia, then be sure to share the joy with their friends and introduce them to this record.
via ofigenno.cc
But in the days of our Soviet youth existed a much larger selection of desktop fun. To play many nastolki required not only luck but also agility, reaction and logical thinking.
How many boys gathered in the courtyard, arranging this tournament in table hockey! And how many shootings balls in the "sea fight"! Edition invites you to once again plunge into childhood and remember the most popular board games, participation in which is not required dice.
Perhaps the most gambling board game was just hockey. No wonder the similar games continue to be issued until now. The present-day "hockey" is much brighter and more attractive, but the wave of nostalgia in the form of rolls is an old metal toys.

Let sometimes stuck in the grooves of the club and the players had several areas, of which the puck could only be hand as toy sticks were too short, but all loved this game. Often, giving your child 'Hockey' birthday, parents are the first thing taken themselves to play it while the kids enjoyed the cake for a sweet table.

Unlike hockey, football board games were not so successful. Although they produced a completely different species. The most common was a game where the spring-loaded figurines standing on the spot. When the ball got to figure your football team had to pull it and release. Thus it was possible to strike or to give transmission. The downside of this game was rather crooked field so that the ball hits is not all figurines.

There was also a more advanced version of table football. There was no need to delay the figure fingers. And should pull the levers on its side of the game. On the reverse side of the field to the figurines were stretched cables in which players hit on the ball. The toy has a fun and dynamic, but won mostly one whose players were more sighted as to change the direction of impact was almost impossible.

In yet another version of "football" was not even the players themselves. There were only a hole at the bottom of which there were two hammers: yours and the enemy. It was necessary when rolling the ball into the hole in time to press the desired key faster than the opponent. Then the ball was flying in a certain direction. Playing with the newcomers, it was decided to negotiate alternately pressing buttons: first beat the enemy, then you strike back.

"Basketball" was also several varieties, the most popular of which was built exactly on the same principle as the previous game "Football", but had to throw the ball in the basket. The game was very popular in theme parks for special pavilions like slot machines were large.

The older varieties of "Basketball" was not clear bubble that did not give the ball to fly off. But this game can be folded into a small box. The principle of the game was the same as the previous "Basketball", only to strike had to pull the levers on the side.

Another type of "Basketball" bred players on different platforms. There had to have time to throw more balls in the basket than your opponent. Here you could not prevent his opponent, but even he could not play.

The "Battleship" was played not only in the classroom in a notebook in the box. There was a special electronic version of this popular game. Players sit opposite each other and displayed on the ships. To make your move, you had to put a special chip on the adjacent field and click the button. At the same time he heard the sound of firing torpedoes. If the charge was accurate, then on a screen at the bottom of a red glowing silhouette of the ship, accompanied by the sound of an explosion.

There was another kind of "sea battle" where you had to physically sink enemy ships by shooting them with small balls. Of particular delight called ritual of aiming, during which it was necessary to rotate the gun, looking for purpose in a special mirror.

Behind the wheel
In those days, when a computer driving simulations no one has dreamed, desired toy for all the boys had the game "Driving". The rotating disk to create great illusion that the car is really going. A key ritual start of the game, these pedals, steering wheel and gearbox enthralled all the boys.

Another dream of the boys - the game "motorcircuit." First of individual parts needed to assemble the race track, and then you can arrange a real competition in cross-country. Motorcyclists down the inclined surface of the road and dragged them upstairs special elevator that worked on batteries.

While the boys had fun cars and motorcycles, the girls offered to play miniature loom. Passion and competitive spirit in this toy was not, but in the game very clearly and lucidly explains the process of weaving. In addition, you can learn how to weave fabric with different patterns.

Another toy with an eye on what to grow future specialists. "Morse" was quite specific game, but thanks to her many children managed to instill a love of radio sport in the future they grew excellent communicators.

Simple, but extremely addictive game "Hippo" and liked the boys and girls. We had to eat as many balls, which has embarked on all sorts of tricks. For example, let balls at once, but one by one, trying to catch them immediately their Hippo.

Dialled ring
In this game, it was necessary to throw a ring on special pins. Each successful attempt awarded a certain number of points. To quit the ring, it was necessary to set it in a special slot and press the button.

A fun toy offered to knock down as many pins, launching a ball that swung on a string. Each of the pins had its value, so that anyone had a good throw to count.

Children are attached to adults games. For example, Sales had a special pool with small balls. The principle of this board game was about the same as in the adult pool. Unless some unusual varieties equipped with cue on a spring, which is before the impact had to delay itself.

Children can play in more games of chance, such as bets on the roulette table. The structure was part of the game playing field and chips - everything like in a real casino. Officially toy called "Carousel bingo", but it was called a tape measure.

Of course, such a name as "pinball" in the Soviet Union, no one heard. But some common names for these games was not. There was a lot of fun in which it was necessary to run the ball and earn points depending on its trajectory. They are usually simply called "balls" or "pulyalkoy" and the official naming no one remembered.

Yeah, at the time of these games it has been impossible to put down. And now it would be great to play in many of them. If you're at a table games last swept a wave of nostalgia, then be sure to share the joy with their friends and introduce them to this record.
via ofigenno.cc
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