A selection of the best travel films
I do not waste time in quarantine, but at the same time I combine pleasant with useful. I sit on the couch and watch the best travel movies. holiday-dreaming. I hope we can get to the sea this year!
Today's edition. "Site" I will tell you which movies to watch before you plan. Everyone should see this!
Best Travel Movies: The Incredible Life of Walter Mitty If you are looking for inspiration to fulfill your strangest desires, be sure to see how Mitty handled them. Yeah, he's just an illustration officer at a glossy magazine. An ordinary office worker who lives in and out of reality.
He found his way, how to color the routine of days, and the most interesting thing is that all the negativity of circumstances around him, he transforms into a new reality. succession in their dreams. The film is filled with fresh air and magnificent views!
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“Who says that great dreams cannot live in a little man’s heart? Even a modest and inconspicuous employee sometimes wants to commit crazy, but heroic acts, to believe in their strength and courage. Directed by Ben Stiller, The Incredible Life of Walter Mitty, 2013, Walter Mitty is the head of the photo lab of Life magazine. He works in the basement and his personal life is also there. But everything changes the lost frame for the last issue of the magazine. For him, Mitty is ready for everything from flying to the ends of the world to actions with a risk to life. The film perfectly shows the lives of most people who live in their heads, delving into their thoughts and forgetting that real life and adventure are a step away from them. Enjoy watching! #MovieSundays #MovieInspiration #IncredibleLifeNewWalteramitti
A post shared by Tatiana Bergam (@bergamtatiana) on Apr 19, 2020 at 1:00am PDT
"The Beach." Starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Tilda Swinton, and this already says a lot!
A young American comes to Thailand to get away with it. At the hotel, he meets a strange man who tells him about a secret paradise beach and gives him a map of the island. The protagonist shares the story with friends, and they decide to search for a secret island together.
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Peeking? Subscribe? @mashup_coub ______________________ #mashup #coub #humor #mashup_coub #observes #bradpitt #leonardodikaprio #movie #dikaprio #beach #filmplay #Beach #leonardnodicaprio #fil #film #peeping #evil #badsamaritan
A post shared by Mashup | Humor | Coub (@mashup_coub) on Feb 12, 2020 at 9:01am PST
"Seven Years in Tibet" The most important thing about this film is its depth of meaning. The film touches on family values, friendship, the horror of war, love of life, change of consciousness, faith. Whatever the episode, it is a separate problem. And this approach to shooting creates its own unusual, mysterious atmosphere.
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A good movie is made about real people based on real stories. I came across the film completely by accident. I've never heard of him before. In general, based on the title, I thought it was a soapy melodrama about the knowledge of Zen among Tibetan monks. But he was wrong. A movie about a lot. This is probably his only disadvantage. It’s too big, too big, too big, and it’s a story, so I think the format of the series would be better. It is impossible to put seven years of such a rich life in two hours. So the movie may seem overloaded and someone might find it hard to watch. However, there are a lot of advantages in #seventybet. The main one, of course, is Brad ("What's in the box???") Pete. It's always interesting to look at. Well, honored Remus Lupin of all mankind David Thewlis. This man has a strange charm... There is also a good musical accompaniment and a gorgeous visual range. It was a 1997 film, so it was all set in nature. Landscapes... Nature... It's all well shot. But the most important thing about the film is its depth of thought. He talks about many things: family values, friendship, the horrors of war, love of life, changing consciousness, religiosity. This is not an episode, it is a separate problem. And this approach to shooting creates its own unusual, mysterious atmosphere. Sometimes I feel like I’m not watching a movie but reading a book. In the end, I can say that before you a very entertaining movie. It’s not a masterpiece, but sometimes you have to watch it. At least to broaden your horizons and get a small dose of motivation. The film is watched by people of all ages, although too young will not understand it. But in general, I’m not ready to say that I wasted time watching a movie. , The moral of the movie (similar to it already was): sometimes you have to go a very long way to find yourself. ?? Movie Review: “Does There Need a Reason to Help the Suffering?” Film score: 4 out of 5. P.S. The director of the film sent to Tibet, where the road is closed to foreigners, a group for filming. As a result, the picture included about 20 minutes of footage shot there. This information was kept in the strictest secrecy. That's the approach to work!
A post shared by Movie Mania (@i_movie_vl) on Mar 10, 2020 at 8:58pm PDT
Che Guevara: The Motorcycle Diaries The film is based on the travel notes of a famous revolutionary. Although the national hero was Cuban, he was played by Mexican actor Gael García Bernal. The film was directed by Brazilian Walter Salles.
Seven years after the events of the film, the Cuban Revolution will take place, and the world will forever remember not a simple doctor and revolutionary from Argentina, Guevara, but Che.
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Che Guevara: The Motocyclist Diaries??? 1952. Two young men, Ernesto Guevara and Alberto Granado, took a trip to Latin America. On an old motorcycle, the friends rode the entire continent, from south to north, crossed the Andes, met with settlements lost in the depths of the Amazon, saw the legendary Machu Picchu: the cradle and tomb of the Inca Empire. Two young and open people, two views of the world. The dreamy humanist Ernesto and the jolly shalopai Alberto – and both will return as others from this trip. ?? The film was viewed as part of a @cinema.revue movie battle, and it's more not mine than mine. I understand the film with my head perfectly, it is truthful, juicy, with a soul and heart shot. Very dramatic and heartbreaking moments, as in the village of lepers, coexist with the contemplative landscapes of ancient Inca cities. Balanced spectacle. Each frame is a living textbook on the history of Latin America in the 1950s. This is a difficult and stressful time on the continent. Seven years after the events of the film, the Cuban Revolution will occur, and the world will forever remember not a simple doctor and revolutionary from Argentina Guevara, but Che. The film is an emotional, vivid memory of an old man about his youth, a story about how his best idea was born, which changed his life and the lives of people around him. Sitting, listening to history... But I was not struck directly to admiration by, say, a warm, smooth spectacle, close to the pleasure of a high degree. ?? The film is interesting to watch if (1) you understand the historical context, (2) you are a fan of Gael Garcia Bernal or a young Che? Or 3) you understand in the movie, more than the average viewer (hello, this I ️️). ?? In other words, thanks for the recommendations, mine will follow with an indication "on the lover of picturesque road-movies based on real events." #cinema #diarymotocyclist #mnenieokino
A post shared by MAYBE ANYA LAUGHING (@molosh_anna) on Feb 24, 2020 at 6:47am PST
"Eat, pray, love." This is probably my favorite movie. It is filled with deep meaning, subtle humor and stunning play of the main character. Along the way, you will walk through the streets of Italy, find Zen in one Indian ashram and admire the beauty of the island of Bali.
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While it is impossible to walk in foreign places – we suggest you walk around them, watching movies? To begin with, we have prepared you a guide to places from the film “Eat, Pray, Love” м️ The heroine of the novel decides to change her life and goes on a journey. In Italy, she lives in a gastronomic paradise – in Rome, Elizabeth settled in an apartment near Piazza del Popolo and the park of Villa Borghese. She ate San Crispino ice cream (Via della Panetteria, 42) at the Trevi Fountain. Roberts bought asparagus at the grocery market five minutes from Piazza Navona. In India? Elizabeth heals the soul, she flies to Delhi and then lives in the ashram of Hari Mandir in Pataudi province. Filming also took place at Pataudi Palace, Ram Mandir Temple and several villages. In Bali, Indonesia, she finds harmony and love. Elizabeth settled in the central part of the island of Ubud, the cultural center of Bali. The heroine Roberts rented Villa Ibu in the vicinity. The most romantic place from the movie "Eat, Pray Love" - Patang Patang beach near the steep cliff should be searched in the south of the island. #travellamas #travellamas_movie
A post shared by TOURS | Tickets |HOTELS (@travellamas) on May 5, 2020 at 11:11am PDT
"Under the Tuscany Sun" And once again the charming Italy! Writer Frances Mace is experiencing depression due to failure in work and divorce from her husband, who cheated on her. After much persuasion of her friend, she decides to disperse in Italy. Francis comes to Tuscany completely devastated, but the local hot sun does its job and awakens the heroine’s desire to start life from scratch.
Unexpectedly, Frances buys an old estate in Tuscany - with this huge abandoned house and begins a new page of her novel!
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Yesterday I decided to watch an inspiring film. The choice fell "Under the sun of Tuscany." Watching, cutting apples and thinking about the plot, this is a vivid illustration of how our world works. When we get stuck in a routine, walk away from our dreams and it seems that this will be the rest of our lives, suddenly there are events that break everything, turn it upside down, make it clear that the old will no longer be. This, by the way, is a tough method for the most hard-headed. Usually it is enough to listen to the world around us, which speaks to us through people, events, accidents. Here's the movie about it, if you don't get scared, if you follow the clues, you get what you so passionately dream about. And you know, after all this thought, I asked myself, "Do you see these clues?" One crazy idea has been in my head for a month or more. It is very scary to take the first step to its implementation, always find excuses, other work, so as not to move to a new goal. Sitting thought and after all this mush in my head in a couple of hours I get a message to the director. After all, our conversation started completely different. As a result, you can imagine, word for word describe the plans of what I dreamed of and offer to join. And if you are not alone, then it is not so scary to start. Well, hello universe or white rabbit, or set up the right thing?, I'm ready to listen carefully and follow the clues! #lena watch #sunshinemoscans #dreams must come true #thank you
A post shared by Free Decorator (@lena_stafeeva) on Sep 23, 2018 at 9:00pm PDT
"Wild." The walking journey of a desperate woman (starring Liz Witherspoon) will heal not only her, but also your soul. The film is full of meaning and beautiful views, I highly recommend!
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7 books on the power of the human spirit 1. Cheryl has reached the point beyond which the gap of the abyss. She really needed a good reason to start life from scratch, stop self-destructing and try to save herself. The decision came spontaneously, and she embarked on a 1,770-kilometer walk alone. 2. "Spark of Life" People drowning in the fiery whirlpool of war still have a faint but unquenchable spark of hope. The spark of life that gives people the power to smile on the threshold of death. A spark of light in pitch darkness... 3. "A Tale of a Real Man" This book is the story of pilot Alexei Maresyev, who was shot down in battle with the Nazis, received serious injuries, survived the amputation of both legs and, nevertheless, managed to find the strength to overcome the consequences of the operation and return to service. 4. The Netherlands is occupied by the Nazis, several Jewish families are hiding in a secret shelter from the Gestapo, trying to survive. It is from there that day after day the little girl Anne Frank will share with her fictional friend everything that happens around her. 5. Seven Years in Tibet is an autobiographical novel by Austrian mountaineer, traveler and writer Heinrich Harrer. The book is based on his memories of life in Tibet between World War II and the invasion of the Communist Party of the People's Republic of China. 6. "35 kilos of hope." Thirteen-year-old Gregoire loves crafts more than anything in the world, but he just hates school, where his parents drive him every morning. Upon learning of the lyceum, where the boys are always making something, he writes a funny and touching letter asking for permission to study there. 7. "Three cups of tea" у A few days spent by desperate amateur climber Greg Mortenson in a Pakistani village shocked him to the point that he decided to raise money at all costs to go back and build a school for village children. у #lettervoed #familiarbooks #books #what to read #Petersburg #squarebook #wild #Erichmariyaremark #annafrank #annagawald #35kilonadad #dashka #divah #dival #divka #dival #divka #divka #divka #divka #ska #ska #ska #divka #ska #ska #ska #skah #ska #ska #ska #ska #ska #ska #skah #ska #skah #skah #skah #skah #skah #skah #skah #skah #skah #skah #skah #skah #compleniy #s
A post shared by Bookvoed Bookstore (@bookvoedofficial) on Apr 29, 2020 at 7:35am PDT
"Kon-Tiki" The story of the world traveler Toure Heyerdale, who made an epic expedition in 1947 - crossing the Pacific Ocean on a Kon-Tiki raft. Giant whales, fights with hungry sharks, thunderstorm, tearing the wind, the battle for life in the middle of raging elements. Heroes will have to show considerable strength and hard work, so that this day will not be the last.
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30.04.2020 A small selection of films about people who do not think of life without adventure and extreme. And if the first 2 films clearly fit the characterization of adventure, then the latter will be called so with a stretch. But I included it for a reason in this collection. People who are fond of extreme sports, for me, are as “out of this world” as travelers, with a certain mindset and character. In general, look, fans of the genre ?? 1. #contica (2012) The story of the world-famous traveler Thor Heyerdahl, who made an epic expedition in 1947 - crossing the Pacific Ocean on a Kon-Tiki raft. Giant whales, fights with hungry sharks, thunderstorm, tearing the wind, the battle for life in the middle of the raging elements. Heroes will have to show considerable strength and hard work, so that this day will not be the last. This incredible journey will forever change the people who ventured on it. Everyone, or almost everyone, knows who Thor Heyerdahl is. But for those who do not know, the film will open the veil of who he is. The indefatigable traveler who put his family on the cliff of his passion for traveling will reveal the secret of where the Indians came from in Polynesia. He will cross the Pacific Ocean with a handful of brave people like himself, while maintaining common sense, endurance, and without losing the spirit of adventure. A kind of Fedor Konyukhov, born in the early 20th century. It is noteworthy that the film was shot by Norwegians, and this country is somehow not strong in cinema. Overall, the film was bright and dynamic. You can and should watch children of adolescence. 2. #Jungle (2017) A group of friends venture into the impenetrable jungles of Bolivia in search of exotic experiences. However, when the guide disappears and the friends are left alone with the wildlife, the journey, which began as a fun adventure, turns into a fight for survival. The film is based on the true story of Israeli traveler Yossi Ginsberg and his book Lost in the Jungle. A true heartbreaking tale of adventure and survival.” And it really turned out to be heartbreaking. You watch the first third of the movie and you think, why all this?
A post shared by Elena? (@gelitta) on Apr 30, 2020 at 12:50pm PDT
"Midnight in Paris" A writer and hopeless romantic, confident that he was supposed to live in the 1920s, arrives in Paris with his lover on vacation and finds himself in the past. Meeting there with Hemingway, Picasso, the Fitzgeralds, Gertrude Stein, he realizes that he belongs to this time and wants to stay there forever.
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I believe that sincere and true love gives a reprieve from death (Midnight in Paris) #midnight in Paris #goodfilm #wonderfulcinema #Paris #favouritecity #quarantinespoil
A post shared by Elena Lipilina (@fakel__mechta) on Apr 22, 2020 at 10:18am PDT
Eurotour. This is one of the best teenage travel comedies. The plot is simple, but quite ideological. Scotty's friends, like him, decide to find his German girlfriend by correspondence, but to find a girl from Berlin, the heroes arrange a Eurotour.
Throughout the whole time it is very interesting to watch the guys, how they hilariously and with occasions travel around Europe.
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? Movie: Eurotour (16+)? Directed by: Jeff Schaeffer, Alec Berg, David Mandel? Year: 2004? Genre: comedy? Country: USA, Czech Republic? Movie Search Rating: 7.6? IMDb rating: 6.6? Scott Thomas is a graduate of a local school who needs help learning German, and it is for this purpose that he meets a German resident named Mike and begins a friendly correspondence with him. Moreover, Scott is absolutely sure that Mike is a guy, and shares with him his experiences and problems that arise with him and his girlfriend. But in the end, Scott learns that Mike, or Mike, is a charming blonde who Scott loves. And now he will do anything to see Mike, even make a trip to Europe. An excellent representative of his genre-youth comedy. Rock at the concert, a lot of drinking at parties, a lot of vulgar and sexual jokes, a little stupid humor) a sea of humor and good mood I guarantee you!??? My score: 7.1 ____________________ #eurotur #euroturf #eurotrip #eurotripmovie #comedy #youth #humor #laughter #good gas construction #USA #czechrepublic #czech #hit_cinema
A post shared by Best Movies from Around the World (@hit_cinema) on Apr 4, 2020 at 9:51am PDT
"Roman Holiday" And finally, the classic of the genre is an old (1953) and a good film with the charming and inimitable Audrey Hepburn.
During a European tour, Princess Anne, tortured by ceremonies and royal duties, escapes from the palace. Accidentally, she is picked up by a reporter with whom she spends full of adventure and romance. rome. The film teaches how sometimes you need to escape from everyday worries and devote time only to yourself. Such crazy actions are sometimes important to remember who you are in this life, what your dreams and desires are!
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I wonder why this movie passed me by (1953) Absolutely incomparable Audrey Hepburn is the ideal of femininity, coquetry and charm. Breakfast at Tiffany's, How to Steal a Million and My Fair Lady are adored paintings. I believe that every event happens at the right time. Princess Anne, during a European tour, tortured by ceremonies and royal duties, escapes from the palace. Accidentally, she is picked up by a reporter with whom she spends a day full of adventure and romance in Rome. How is it sometimes necessary to escape from daily worries and devote the day only to yourself? Such crazy actions are sometimes important to remember who you are in this life, what your dreams and desires are. And sincerity and pure intentions can quite magically change the selfish intentions of others. Love and gratitude work miracles! ?? #riskyvacation #odrihepburn #lifecakino #believing a miracle
A post shared by Victoria?- Psychology Cinema? (@vicfilmmagic) on Feb 20, 2020 at 10:13am PST
I also suggest to get acquainted with a selection of wise esoteric films for viewing in the family circle. Helps to expand consciousness and calm nerves!
As you can see, we have gathered the best for you. travel! In my opinion, a great movie in the circle of family and friends and thoughts about vacation is the most effective counteraction to stress and fatigue. Especially when you can’t leave everything and go on an adventure.
I sincerely wish you to visit the most beautiful corners of our planet and have a good rest!
Today's edition. "Site" I will tell you which movies to watch before you plan. Everyone should see this!

Best Travel Movies: The Incredible Life of Walter Mitty If you are looking for inspiration to fulfill your strangest desires, be sure to see how Mitty handled them. Yeah, he's just an illustration officer at a glossy magazine. An ordinary office worker who lives in and out of reality.
He found his way, how to color the routine of days, and the most interesting thing is that all the negativity of circumstances around him, he transforms into a new reality. succession in their dreams. The film is filled with fresh air and magnificent views!
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“Who says that great dreams cannot live in a little man’s heart? Even a modest and inconspicuous employee sometimes wants to commit crazy, but heroic acts, to believe in their strength and courage. Directed by Ben Stiller, The Incredible Life of Walter Mitty, 2013, Walter Mitty is the head of the photo lab of Life magazine. He works in the basement and his personal life is also there. But everything changes the lost frame for the last issue of the magazine. For him, Mitty is ready for everything from flying to the ends of the world to actions with a risk to life. The film perfectly shows the lives of most people who live in their heads, delving into their thoughts and forgetting that real life and adventure are a step away from them. Enjoy watching! #MovieSundays #MovieInspiration #IncredibleLifeNewWalteramitti
A post shared by Tatiana Bergam (@bergamtatiana) on Apr 19, 2020 at 1:00am PDT
"The Beach." Starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Tilda Swinton, and this already says a lot!
A young American comes to Thailand to get away with it. At the hotel, he meets a strange man who tells him about a secret paradise beach and gives him a map of the island. The protagonist shares the story with friends, and they decide to search for a secret island together.
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Peeking? Subscribe? @mashup_coub ______________________ #mashup #coub #humor #mashup_coub #observes #bradpitt #leonardodikaprio #movie #dikaprio #beach #filmplay #Beach #leonardnodicaprio #fil #film #peeping #evil #badsamaritan
A post shared by Mashup | Humor | Coub (@mashup_coub) on Feb 12, 2020 at 9:01am PST
"Seven Years in Tibet" The most important thing about this film is its depth of meaning. The film touches on family values, friendship, the horror of war, love of life, change of consciousness, faith. Whatever the episode, it is a separate problem. And this approach to shooting creates its own unusual, mysterious atmosphere.
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A good movie is made about real people based on real stories. I came across the film completely by accident. I've never heard of him before. In general, based on the title, I thought it was a soapy melodrama about the knowledge of Zen among Tibetan monks. But he was wrong. A movie about a lot. This is probably his only disadvantage. It’s too big, too big, too big, and it’s a story, so I think the format of the series would be better. It is impossible to put seven years of such a rich life in two hours. So the movie may seem overloaded and someone might find it hard to watch. However, there are a lot of advantages in #seventybet. The main one, of course, is Brad ("What's in the box???") Pete. It's always interesting to look at. Well, honored Remus Lupin of all mankind David Thewlis. This man has a strange charm... There is also a good musical accompaniment and a gorgeous visual range. It was a 1997 film, so it was all set in nature. Landscapes... Nature... It's all well shot. But the most important thing about the film is its depth of thought. He talks about many things: family values, friendship, the horrors of war, love of life, changing consciousness, religiosity. This is not an episode, it is a separate problem. And this approach to shooting creates its own unusual, mysterious atmosphere. Sometimes I feel like I’m not watching a movie but reading a book. In the end, I can say that before you a very entertaining movie. It’s not a masterpiece, but sometimes you have to watch it. At least to broaden your horizons and get a small dose of motivation. The film is watched by people of all ages, although too young will not understand it. But in general, I’m not ready to say that I wasted time watching a movie. , The moral of the movie (similar to it already was): sometimes you have to go a very long way to find yourself. ?? Movie Review: “Does There Need a Reason to Help the Suffering?” Film score: 4 out of 5. P.S. The director of the film sent to Tibet, where the road is closed to foreigners, a group for filming. As a result, the picture included about 20 minutes of footage shot there. This information was kept in the strictest secrecy. That's the approach to work!
A post shared by Movie Mania (@i_movie_vl) on Mar 10, 2020 at 8:58pm PDT
Che Guevara: The Motorcycle Diaries The film is based on the travel notes of a famous revolutionary. Although the national hero was Cuban, he was played by Mexican actor Gael García Bernal. The film was directed by Brazilian Walter Salles.
Seven years after the events of the film, the Cuban Revolution will take place, and the world will forever remember not a simple doctor and revolutionary from Argentina, Guevara, but Che.
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Che Guevara: The Motocyclist Diaries??? 1952. Two young men, Ernesto Guevara and Alberto Granado, took a trip to Latin America. On an old motorcycle, the friends rode the entire continent, from south to north, crossed the Andes, met with settlements lost in the depths of the Amazon, saw the legendary Machu Picchu: the cradle and tomb of the Inca Empire. Two young and open people, two views of the world. The dreamy humanist Ernesto and the jolly shalopai Alberto – and both will return as others from this trip. ?? The film was viewed as part of a @cinema.revue movie battle, and it's more not mine than mine. I understand the film with my head perfectly, it is truthful, juicy, with a soul and heart shot. Very dramatic and heartbreaking moments, as in the village of lepers, coexist with the contemplative landscapes of ancient Inca cities. Balanced spectacle. Each frame is a living textbook on the history of Latin America in the 1950s. This is a difficult and stressful time on the continent. Seven years after the events of the film, the Cuban Revolution will occur, and the world will forever remember not a simple doctor and revolutionary from Argentina Guevara, but Che. The film is an emotional, vivid memory of an old man about his youth, a story about how his best idea was born, which changed his life and the lives of people around him. Sitting, listening to history... But I was not struck directly to admiration by, say, a warm, smooth spectacle, close to the pleasure of a high degree. ?? The film is interesting to watch if (1) you understand the historical context, (2) you are a fan of Gael Garcia Bernal or a young Che? Or 3) you understand in the movie, more than the average viewer (hello, this I ️️). ?? In other words, thanks for the recommendations, mine will follow with an indication "on the lover of picturesque road-movies based on real events." #cinema #diarymotocyclist #mnenieokino
A post shared by MAYBE ANYA LAUGHING (@molosh_anna) on Feb 24, 2020 at 6:47am PST
"Eat, pray, love." This is probably my favorite movie. It is filled with deep meaning, subtle humor and stunning play of the main character. Along the way, you will walk through the streets of Italy, find Zen in one Indian ashram and admire the beauty of the island of Bali.
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While it is impossible to walk in foreign places – we suggest you walk around them, watching movies? To begin with, we have prepared you a guide to places from the film “Eat, Pray, Love” м️ The heroine of the novel decides to change her life and goes on a journey. In Italy, she lives in a gastronomic paradise – in Rome, Elizabeth settled in an apartment near Piazza del Popolo and the park of Villa Borghese. She ate San Crispino ice cream (Via della Panetteria, 42) at the Trevi Fountain. Roberts bought asparagus at the grocery market five minutes from Piazza Navona. In India? Elizabeth heals the soul, she flies to Delhi and then lives in the ashram of Hari Mandir in Pataudi province. Filming also took place at Pataudi Palace, Ram Mandir Temple and several villages. In Bali, Indonesia, she finds harmony and love. Elizabeth settled in the central part of the island of Ubud, the cultural center of Bali. The heroine Roberts rented Villa Ibu in the vicinity. The most romantic place from the movie "Eat, Pray Love" - Patang Patang beach near the steep cliff should be searched in the south of the island. #travellamas #travellamas_movie
A post shared by TOURS | Tickets |HOTELS (@travellamas) on May 5, 2020 at 11:11am PDT
"Under the Tuscany Sun" And once again the charming Italy! Writer Frances Mace is experiencing depression due to failure in work and divorce from her husband, who cheated on her. After much persuasion of her friend, she decides to disperse in Italy. Francis comes to Tuscany completely devastated, but the local hot sun does its job and awakens the heroine’s desire to start life from scratch.
Unexpectedly, Frances buys an old estate in Tuscany - with this huge abandoned house and begins a new page of her novel!
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Yesterday I decided to watch an inspiring film. The choice fell "Under the sun of Tuscany." Watching, cutting apples and thinking about the plot, this is a vivid illustration of how our world works. When we get stuck in a routine, walk away from our dreams and it seems that this will be the rest of our lives, suddenly there are events that break everything, turn it upside down, make it clear that the old will no longer be. This, by the way, is a tough method for the most hard-headed. Usually it is enough to listen to the world around us, which speaks to us through people, events, accidents. Here's the movie about it, if you don't get scared, if you follow the clues, you get what you so passionately dream about. And you know, after all this thought, I asked myself, "Do you see these clues?" One crazy idea has been in my head for a month or more. It is very scary to take the first step to its implementation, always find excuses, other work, so as not to move to a new goal. Sitting thought and after all this mush in my head in a couple of hours I get a message to the director. After all, our conversation started completely different. As a result, you can imagine, word for word describe the plans of what I dreamed of and offer to join. And if you are not alone, then it is not so scary to start. Well, hello universe or white rabbit, or set up the right thing?, I'm ready to listen carefully and follow the clues! #lena watch #sunshinemoscans #dreams must come true #thank you
A post shared by Free Decorator (@lena_stafeeva) on Sep 23, 2018 at 9:00pm PDT
"Wild." The walking journey of a desperate woman (starring Liz Witherspoon) will heal not only her, but also your soul. The film is full of meaning and beautiful views, I highly recommend!
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7 books on the power of the human spirit 1. Cheryl has reached the point beyond which the gap of the abyss. She really needed a good reason to start life from scratch, stop self-destructing and try to save herself. The decision came spontaneously, and she embarked on a 1,770-kilometer walk alone. 2. "Spark of Life" People drowning in the fiery whirlpool of war still have a faint but unquenchable spark of hope. The spark of life that gives people the power to smile on the threshold of death. A spark of light in pitch darkness... 3. "A Tale of a Real Man" This book is the story of pilot Alexei Maresyev, who was shot down in battle with the Nazis, received serious injuries, survived the amputation of both legs and, nevertheless, managed to find the strength to overcome the consequences of the operation and return to service. 4. The Netherlands is occupied by the Nazis, several Jewish families are hiding in a secret shelter from the Gestapo, trying to survive. It is from there that day after day the little girl Anne Frank will share with her fictional friend everything that happens around her. 5. Seven Years in Tibet is an autobiographical novel by Austrian mountaineer, traveler and writer Heinrich Harrer. The book is based on his memories of life in Tibet between World War II and the invasion of the Communist Party of the People's Republic of China. 6. "35 kilos of hope." Thirteen-year-old Gregoire loves crafts more than anything in the world, but he just hates school, where his parents drive him every morning. Upon learning of the lyceum, where the boys are always making something, he writes a funny and touching letter asking for permission to study there. 7. "Three cups of tea" у A few days spent by desperate amateur climber Greg Mortenson in a Pakistani village shocked him to the point that he decided to raise money at all costs to go back and build a school for village children. у #lettervoed #familiarbooks #books #what to read #Petersburg #squarebook #wild #Erichmariyaremark #annafrank #annagawald #35kilonadad #dashka #divah #dival #divka #dival #divka #divka #divka #divka #ska #ska #ska #divka #ska #ska #ska #skah #ska #ska #ska #ska #ska #ska #skah #ska #skah #skah #skah #skah #skah #skah #skah #skah #skah #skah #skah #skah #compleniy #s
A post shared by Bookvoed Bookstore (@bookvoedofficial) on Apr 29, 2020 at 7:35am PDT
"Kon-Tiki" The story of the world traveler Toure Heyerdale, who made an epic expedition in 1947 - crossing the Pacific Ocean on a Kon-Tiki raft. Giant whales, fights with hungry sharks, thunderstorm, tearing the wind, the battle for life in the middle of raging elements. Heroes will have to show considerable strength and hard work, so that this day will not be the last.
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30.04.2020 A small selection of films about people who do not think of life without adventure and extreme. And if the first 2 films clearly fit the characterization of adventure, then the latter will be called so with a stretch. But I included it for a reason in this collection. People who are fond of extreme sports, for me, are as “out of this world” as travelers, with a certain mindset and character. In general, look, fans of the genre ?? 1. #contica (2012) The story of the world-famous traveler Thor Heyerdahl, who made an epic expedition in 1947 - crossing the Pacific Ocean on a Kon-Tiki raft. Giant whales, fights with hungry sharks, thunderstorm, tearing the wind, the battle for life in the middle of the raging elements. Heroes will have to show considerable strength and hard work, so that this day will not be the last. This incredible journey will forever change the people who ventured on it. Everyone, or almost everyone, knows who Thor Heyerdahl is. But for those who do not know, the film will open the veil of who he is. The indefatigable traveler who put his family on the cliff of his passion for traveling will reveal the secret of where the Indians came from in Polynesia. He will cross the Pacific Ocean with a handful of brave people like himself, while maintaining common sense, endurance, and without losing the spirit of adventure. A kind of Fedor Konyukhov, born in the early 20th century. It is noteworthy that the film was shot by Norwegians, and this country is somehow not strong in cinema. Overall, the film was bright and dynamic. You can and should watch children of adolescence. 2. #Jungle (2017) A group of friends venture into the impenetrable jungles of Bolivia in search of exotic experiences. However, when the guide disappears and the friends are left alone with the wildlife, the journey, which began as a fun adventure, turns into a fight for survival. The film is based on the true story of Israeli traveler Yossi Ginsberg and his book Lost in the Jungle. A true heartbreaking tale of adventure and survival.” And it really turned out to be heartbreaking. You watch the first third of the movie and you think, why all this?
A post shared by Elena? (@gelitta) on Apr 30, 2020 at 12:50pm PDT
"Midnight in Paris" A writer and hopeless romantic, confident that he was supposed to live in the 1920s, arrives in Paris with his lover on vacation and finds himself in the past. Meeting there with Hemingway, Picasso, the Fitzgeralds, Gertrude Stein, he realizes that he belongs to this time and wants to stay there forever.
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I believe that sincere and true love gives a reprieve from death (Midnight in Paris) #midnight in Paris #goodfilm #wonderfulcinema #Paris #favouritecity #quarantinespoil
A post shared by Elena Lipilina (@fakel__mechta) on Apr 22, 2020 at 10:18am PDT
Eurotour. This is one of the best teenage travel comedies. The plot is simple, but quite ideological. Scotty's friends, like him, decide to find his German girlfriend by correspondence, but to find a girl from Berlin, the heroes arrange a Eurotour.
Throughout the whole time it is very interesting to watch the guys, how they hilariously and with occasions travel around Europe.
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? Movie: Eurotour (16+)? Directed by: Jeff Schaeffer, Alec Berg, David Mandel? Year: 2004? Genre: comedy? Country: USA, Czech Republic? Movie Search Rating: 7.6? IMDb rating: 6.6? Scott Thomas is a graduate of a local school who needs help learning German, and it is for this purpose that he meets a German resident named Mike and begins a friendly correspondence with him. Moreover, Scott is absolutely sure that Mike is a guy, and shares with him his experiences and problems that arise with him and his girlfriend. But in the end, Scott learns that Mike, or Mike, is a charming blonde who Scott loves. And now he will do anything to see Mike, even make a trip to Europe. An excellent representative of his genre-youth comedy. Rock at the concert, a lot of drinking at parties, a lot of vulgar and sexual jokes, a little stupid humor) a sea of humor and good mood I guarantee you!??? My score: 7.1 ____________________ #eurotur #euroturf #eurotrip #eurotripmovie #comedy #youth #humor #laughter #good gas construction #USA #czechrepublic #czech #hit_cinema
A post shared by Best Movies from Around the World (@hit_cinema) on Apr 4, 2020 at 9:51am PDT
"Roman Holiday" And finally, the classic of the genre is an old (1953) and a good film with the charming and inimitable Audrey Hepburn.
During a European tour, Princess Anne, tortured by ceremonies and royal duties, escapes from the palace. Accidentally, she is picked up by a reporter with whom she spends full of adventure and romance. rome. The film teaches how sometimes you need to escape from everyday worries and devote time only to yourself. Such crazy actions are sometimes important to remember who you are in this life, what your dreams and desires are!
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I wonder why this movie passed me by (1953) Absolutely incomparable Audrey Hepburn is the ideal of femininity, coquetry and charm. Breakfast at Tiffany's, How to Steal a Million and My Fair Lady are adored paintings. I believe that every event happens at the right time. Princess Anne, during a European tour, tortured by ceremonies and royal duties, escapes from the palace. Accidentally, she is picked up by a reporter with whom she spends a day full of adventure and romance in Rome. How is it sometimes necessary to escape from daily worries and devote the day only to yourself? Such crazy actions are sometimes important to remember who you are in this life, what your dreams and desires are. And sincerity and pure intentions can quite magically change the selfish intentions of others. Love and gratitude work miracles! ?? #riskyvacation #odrihepburn #lifecakino #believing a miracle
A post shared by Victoria?- Psychology Cinema? (@vicfilmmagic) on Feb 20, 2020 at 10:13am PST
I also suggest to get acquainted with a selection of wise esoteric films for viewing in the family circle. Helps to expand consciousness and calm nerves!
As you can see, we have gathered the best for you. travel! In my opinion, a great movie in the circle of family and friends and thoughts about vacation is the most effective counteraction to stress and fatigue. Especially when you can’t leave everything and go on an adventure.
I sincerely wish you to visit the most beautiful corners of our planet and have a good rest!