Term of maternity leave in different countries of the world
The birth of a baby is perhaps the most exciting time for a woman when she needs support, and a child - in maternal attention and care. Therefore, all states provide for the right of every young mother to paid leave, and in some even to unpaid, but with the preservation of work.
Legislation often divides maternity leave and parental leave. Today's edition. "Site" The first one, because it is paid in almost all countries. This should be considered if you are moving to another country or marrying a foreigner.
Term of maternity leave
As you can see, in many countries, not only mothers, but fathers are concerned. However, there are countries that do not provide financial support for parents. In almost all states of America, mothers are not entitled to material compensation and saving their jobs, they can only prescribe it in an employment contract. Nothing is regulated at the legislative level.
Recently, scientists have named the best age for a woman to have a baby.
Tell us in the comments what time frame you think will be ideal for the decree. Share an interesting article with your friends on social networks!
Photo by depositphotos preview.

Legislation often divides maternity leave and parental leave. Today's edition. "Site" The first one, because it is paid in almost all countries. This should be considered if you are moving to another country or marrying a foreigner.
Term of maternity leave
- Croatia
Maternity leave in this country is 410 days. At the same time, the Health Insurance Fund pays full wages to a woman until her child reaches 6 months of age. So in this country, mothers are very lucky. - Britain
Mothers are legally allowed 26 weeks. maternity leaveYou can take an additional 26 weeks of partially paid leave. Fathers also have the right to spend up to 2 weeks with the child with a salary of up to 90%.
DepositPhotos - Sweden
In Sweden, maternity leave is 480 days, and a father must spend 60 days with his child. The rest of the days (at least 180) on maternity leave is the mother, or parents divide these days among themselves at their discretion. The amount of maternity allowance is approximately 80% of the salary. Also, the mother can receive in the decree 25, 75% of the salary or all 100%. - Russia
Women, upon their application and on the basis of a certificate of incapacity for work issued in the prescribed manner, are granted maternity leave of 70 calendar days before childbirth and 70 calendar days after childbirth with the payment of state social insurance benefits in the amount established by federal laws. Then you can apply for parental leave up to 3 years (only 1.5 years are paid in the amount of 40% of salary).
DepositPhotos - Kazakhstan, Ukraine
In these countries, the period of maternity leave is 126 days - 70 before birth and 56 after. During this period, they receive 100% of their salary. You can also apply for unpaid maternity leave to care for a child up to 3 years with the preservation of the workplace. - Finland
In Finland, paid maternity leave is also 126 days. In addition, the state provides a nanny for the baby. 65,000.
DepositPhotos - Portugal
Mothers are entitled to 120 days of postpartum leave. The father is legally obliged to spend 5 days with the child on paid maternity leave. For violation of his duty, the father is entitled to a fine. - France
Maternity leave is 120 days - 2 months before childbirth and 2 after. But it is worth noting that the number of days varies from the medical indicators of pregnancy. If there are complications, the holiday is longer.
DepositPhotos - China
Moms in China are entitled to 90 to 120 days of maternity leave with full pay and other benefits. The older the mother, the longer the vacation. Chinese fathers can also take maternity leave of the same duration. - Iceland
In Iceland, the proportion of men caring for their children is 90%. According to the law, a man who has a child can get 90 days leave on an equal basis with a woman. At this time, he is paid an allowance of 80% of his earnings. Both parents can stay with the child during the first few months of life. Plus, moms and dads are entitled to another 3-month vacation. Parents decide who will sit with the child and who will work.
DepositPhotos - India
Maternity leave is from 84 days. It depends on the number of children. For the care of the first and second child is 182 days, for the 3rd and more - 84 days. - UAE
In the United Arab Emirates, maternity leave is 45 days. It depends on the place of work: women who work in private companies are entitled to 45 days of leave, and civil servants – 90.
As you can see, in many countries, not only mothers, but fathers are concerned. However, there are countries that do not provide financial support for parents. In almost all states of America, mothers are not entitled to material compensation and saving their jobs, they can only prescribe it in an employment contract. Nothing is regulated at the legislative level.
Recently, scientists have named the best age for a woman to have a baby.
Tell us in the comments what time frame you think will be ideal for the decree. Share an interesting article with your friends on social networks!
Photo by depositphotos preview.