What to eat and drink in the New Year in different countries

Celebrating the New Year begins with dinner here. On the table flaunt dishes of foie gras, lobster, smoked salmon, oysters and other products. The main thing that they were fine, and even better, rare. In France, the holiday is not a holiday for the New Year table if there is no traditional roast turkey. Each dish is served a special wine. Some houses still preserved the tradition: the owner-winemaker must clink glasses with a barrel of wine, to congratulate her on the holiday and drink for the next harvest. At Christmas, the French cook cup, it is a mixture of white wine with rum or brandy, which added fresh fruit, sugar, sometimes champagne.
It is very literally perceive the phrase: how to celebrate New Year, so spend it. Under the chiming clock French opened a bottle of champagne, often Veuve Clicquot, to merge into the new year, full of bubbles and optimism. Also at midnight they embrace those who are near. Rest of the night the locals having fun, dancing and singing.

But in Austria believe that the bird is in the New Year's Eve can not otherwise fly happiness. And cancer is better not to eat to "back away" the entire next year. Very popular on the holiday table fish dishes, such as carp, which is a symbol of happiness for the Austrians. New Year's Eve for good luck to eat a pig nose, or at least every other piece of pig's head. German expression «Schwein haben» originated in the Middle Ages, when the pig is a symbol of prosperity, fertility and happiness. In addition to traditional Christmas dishes are also popular, and other dishes such as fondue, raclette or cold snacks. Typical is also popular throughout Austria hot toddy. To prepare the punch used red wine, rum, oranges or orange juice, lemons or lemon juice, cinnamon and cloves.

Romania and Bulgaria
In Romania and Bulgaria bake Christmas cakes, and not simple, but with surprises: who will get a surprise to get lucky.

In Poland, on New Year's table can count exactly twelve dishes. And no meat. Mushroom soup or soup, barley porridge with prunes, gnocchi with butter, chocolate cake for dessert. Required dish - fish. It is in many countries as a symbol of happiness and well-being. In Poland, too, drink champagne, but still traditional New Year drink in this country is vodka. In Cochelnik Poles do not drink alcohol and do not eat meat, and Christmas dinner with his family since wine and meat dishes.

Czech Republic and Slovakia
A similar set of dishes present on New Year's table hostesses Czech Republic and Slovakia. However, they prefer barley porridge, and mandatory strudel - apple strudel, the pride of every good housewife. In the Czech Republic the crown of New Year's Eve is a chocolate cake with champagne.

In Germany, on New Year's certainly serves brightly colored dish with apples, nuts, raisins, and cakes. Symbolism here is the apple - the fruit of knowledge of good and evil, nuts with their hard shell and core delicious symbolize mystery and the difficulties of life. In Germany, saying: "God gave nut, but a man must break it."

Spain and Portugal
In many countries, such as Spain, Portugal, a symbol of abundance and happy home anciently considered the vine. Therefore, the inhabitants of these countries with the striking of a clock at midnight, eat twelve grapes - the number of strokes hours. With each grape make a wish - twelve cherished desires for each month of the year.

In Italy also agreed to submit to the New Year's table grapes, nuts, lentils as a symbol and guarantee of longevity, health and well-being.

In England, the traditional Christmas meal is considered pudding and stuffed turkey with vegetables. Pudding made from bread crumbs, flour, lard, raisins, eggs, and various spices. Before serving, pour the pudding with rum, and a blazing fire to put on the table. Traditional alcoholic drink is brandy.

In America, the traditional dish is also considered a stuffed turkey. Turkey nashpigovyvayut all that lying around in the fridge: bread, cheese, prunes, garlic, beans, mushrooms, apples, cabbage. New year, Americans rarely celebrate at home, so in America has not developed such a thing as New Year's table. Every family has his own, but most Americans do celebrates New Year in restaurants. The single most important attribute of the New Year is always the champagne. Vibrantly related to Christmas, Americans are preparing a drink Eggnog consisting of brandy, milk, eggs and powdered sugar. The ingredients in this drink, they often replace and combine. So, Sherry Eggnog not prepared for brandy, and sherry.

Swedes celebrate New Year's Eve, sitting in front of TV screens. Exactly at midnight the whole company goes out, raises glasses with champagne and wish each other a happy new year. At Christmas, the Swedes drink glogg.

In Norway, on a large scale does not celebrate the New Year and Christmas. For this holiday stocking three drinks: Norwegian vodka Akevitt, ale and Glёk. Last drink made from wine or apple juice, syrup and spices. Drink like a mulled wine, but it most often it is cooked soft. The most popular drink - glogg. Norwegians have for him is another name - "Grandma broth." Its origin goes back in the days of the Vikings and fishing settlements along the banks of the fjords. It is believed that its origin is obliged Norwegian glogg father of a family, which is not found in the home of alcohol on the tenth day of celebration Successful winter hunting, decided to replace his grandmother broth. This drink is prepared, as the name implies, the grandmothers of the herbs to the grandchildren did not suffer long Norwegian winters. Later hostess mix it with cane vodka. In this embodiment, drink and spread across the country. Served he, like all European Christmas drinks hot.

In the Netherlands, one of the main national New Year's dishes are salted beans. It is very hard to stomach the food that can not facilitate or vodka or red wine. In the Netherlands, the feast begins with champagne and at midnight all facing the street, and begins a massive drinking mulled wine. In this country, mulled wine does not cook just lazy, and drink this drink Dutch donuts with their brand. There are in the Netherlands and a special New Year's drink - "Slam". It is prepared without alcohol from milk, spices and dried fruits.

It is important to note that in Israel, the New Year is celebrated in September. Christmas holiday table residents of Israel has a number of rules. The main rule - bitter, sour and salty dishes are cleaned away. The table is set with sweet dishes. Also on the table are usually present honey, dates, pomegranates and apples. Hal - festive baking - dipped in honey. This tradition is respected by many people. Thus the Israelis "sweeten" the coming year. Also on the holiday table is served boiled fish, baked apples, cabbage, beets.

December 30 at the pre-holiday table are always present mochi - small cakes of cooked rice that make fruit and sprinkled with sesame seeds. On New Year's holiday table must be present tagliatelle. Than it is longer, the longer the life of participants feast. On the tables is often a seaweed, roasted chestnuts, peas, beans, boiled fish these components - the key to happiness, success in business, health, peace of mind.