Forgotten ancient Russian sweets
Fifty three million three hundred ninety nine thousand four hundred twenty five
a fragment of the painting "samovar". Petrov-Vodkin
In Russia, the candy is called SWEETS sweet words. Sweets, as all the food of our ancestors was simple but useful.
Kulaga, almost forgotten treat. Once one of the most beloved in Russia. Kulaga was used against colds, nervous, heart, kidney, gallstone liver diseases. At the same time Kulaga had exceptional restrained sweet-sour pleasant taste.
Real Kulaga made with rye malt, rye flour and berries without any additives sweet food: sugar, honey. The malt is diluted with hot water, allow to infuse for 1 hour, then lays twice the amount of rye flour, knead the dough and allow it to cool to heat fresh milk (28-25 °C), after the ferment of rye bread crust and after acidification of the dough put in protoplennoy oven (Russian) for a few hours — usually from evening to morning (8-10 hours). While the dishes tightly closed and obscure test for a complete seal. Kulaga is created during restrained fermented without access of air with a weak heating. The result is a special enzymes that are rich in b vitamins and active vitamins viburnum (s & P) a striking effect "Selecao" of the product.
LEVASHI.Lean Russian dish: crushed berries (guelder rose, mountain ash, raspberry), dried in heated ovens in the form of pellets. Used as snacks for tea, Mead, sbiten, kvass partly as traditional medicine against colds and vitamin deficiency. The aroma of summer berries — raspberries, strawberries, currants — dry layers persisted for a long time.
Preparing the city for special levanah boards.
"About Levashi all sorts of berries. And Levashi berry blueberry, raspberry, and currant, and strawberry, and cranberry and all berry to do: cooks berries good for a long time, but as razvaryatsya, wipe squoze sieve, but the syrup was evaporated to gusto, and lad, to interfere incessantly, so as not burnt. How to be good a lot, then lithium on Board, but the Board perie molasses pokazati and sit down; and in the third salivate. Not cadet from the sun, Ino vs kiln drying, and as you sit — verteti in the pipe."
But if the owner of idle hands in this, then bake it with the Levashi special pies — lewanika, small, two bite. These lewanika, baked or Prairie in oil, often mentioned in the surviving lists of dishes XVI-XVII centuries served fast days. Levashi made with berries and molasses or honey, lost the excess moisture, perfect for the filling. The dough under them will not become soggy, but the filling during baking slightly pumplevitra will become soft and fragrant.
Candy – an old Russian delicacy, known since the XIV century, in the past very expensive and difficult to access. The candy in Russia was made from applesauce, honey and egg whites. Incidentally, Russian candy from time immemorial have been exported to Europe and later evolved in France in the marshmallows.
The sweet pulp of radish molasses with spices. Crumble the root of radish into small slices, so that slices do not touch each other, uspevaete on the spokes and vyvalivaet in the ovens after cookie loaves, or in the sun. After the radish will are dried, crush them and sift it through a sieve, in the meantime, boil white syrup in a pot. Vilvite molasses in Redeco flour together with spices: nutmeg, cloves, and pepper, put in oven for two days, well-sealed pot. This mixture is called masuna, it should be thick. In the same way in Russia made mezunu of watermelons, dried cherries imported from the lower reaches of the Volga in Muscovy.
It's not the dough, and the sweetness, the recipe of which was lost in the revolution. It is only known that it was prepared from dried black crackers with honey and sugar caramel. In our time managed to find the recipe for this dough: 2 cups crushed rye crackers, 1 Cup of sugar syrup, add the spices — cinnamon, cloves, star anise, cardamom. The resulting mass put into the refrigerator. In the cold it similar to the jam is stored for a very long time — up to three months, not a port.published
Source: rus-health.info/Zabitie-russkie-slasti-1538.html
a fragment of the painting "samovar". Petrov-Vodkin
In Russia, the candy is called SWEETS sweet words. Sweets, as all the food of our ancestors was simple but useful.
Kulaga, almost forgotten treat. Once one of the most beloved in Russia. Kulaga was used against colds, nervous, heart, kidney, gallstone liver diseases. At the same time Kulaga had exceptional restrained sweet-sour pleasant taste.
Real Kulaga made with rye malt, rye flour and berries without any additives sweet food: sugar, honey. The malt is diluted with hot water, allow to infuse for 1 hour, then lays twice the amount of rye flour, knead the dough and allow it to cool to heat fresh milk (28-25 °C), after the ferment of rye bread crust and after acidification of the dough put in protoplennoy oven (Russian) for a few hours — usually from evening to morning (8-10 hours). While the dishes tightly closed and obscure test for a complete seal. Kulaga is created during restrained fermented without access of air with a weak heating. The result is a special enzymes that are rich in b vitamins and active vitamins viburnum (s & P) a striking effect "Selecao" of the product.
LEVASHI.Lean Russian dish: crushed berries (guelder rose, mountain ash, raspberry), dried in heated ovens in the form of pellets. Used as snacks for tea, Mead, sbiten, kvass partly as traditional medicine against colds and vitamin deficiency. The aroma of summer berries — raspberries, strawberries, currants — dry layers persisted for a long time.
Preparing the city for special levanah boards.
"About Levashi all sorts of berries. And Levashi berry blueberry, raspberry, and currant, and strawberry, and cranberry and all berry to do: cooks berries good for a long time, but as razvaryatsya, wipe squoze sieve, but the syrup was evaporated to gusto, and lad, to interfere incessantly, so as not burnt. How to be good a lot, then lithium on Board, but the Board perie molasses pokazati and sit down; and in the third salivate. Not cadet from the sun, Ino vs kiln drying, and as you sit — verteti in the pipe."
But if the owner of idle hands in this, then bake it with the Levashi special pies — lewanika, small, two bite. These lewanika, baked or Prairie in oil, often mentioned in the surviving lists of dishes XVI-XVII centuries served fast days. Levashi made with berries and molasses or honey, lost the excess moisture, perfect for the filling. The dough under them will not become soggy, but the filling during baking slightly pumplevitra will become soft and fragrant.
Candy – an old Russian delicacy, known since the XIV century, in the past very expensive and difficult to access. The candy in Russia was made from applesauce, honey and egg whites. Incidentally, Russian candy from time immemorial have been exported to Europe and later evolved in France in the marshmallows.
The sweet pulp of radish molasses with spices. Crumble the root of radish into small slices, so that slices do not touch each other, uspevaete on the spokes and vyvalivaet in the ovens after cookie loaves, or in the sun. After the radish will are dried, crush them and sift it through a sieve, in the meantime, boil white syrup in a pot. Vilvite molasses in Redeco flour together with spices: nutmeg, cloves, and pepper, put in oven for two days, well-sealed pot. This mixture is called masuna, it should be thick. In the same way in Russia made mezunu of watermelons, dried cherries imported from the lower reaches of the Volga in Muscovy.
It's not the dough, and the sweetness, the recipe of which was lost in the revolution. It is only known that it was prepared from dried black crackers with honey and sugar caramel. In our time managed to find the recipe for this dough: 2 cups crushed rye crackers, 1 Cup of sugar syrup, add the spices — cinnamon, cloves, star anise, cardamom. The resulting mass put into the refrigerator. In the cold it similar to the jam is stored for a very long time — up to three months, not a port.published
Source: rus-health.info/Zabitie-russkie-slasti-1538.html
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