Kriya Kundalini yoga that brings success and happiness and pain and guilt
1. Sit down with crossed legs and straight back. Eyes remain wide open. Put your hands back on your knees, at the elbows there is no voltage. In one motion, as if you throw something behind your back, raise your arms up and back until it stops. At the same time make a powerful exhale through the mouth, sticking the tongue. With a powerful inhale return arms to original position, while the tongue retracted back.Continue this cycle with a powerful rapid breathing for 6 to 11 minutes. At the end take a deep breath hold your breath and press the tip of the tongue on the upper palate. Hold the breath for 20-30 seconds. Exhale. Repeat this cycle two more times. This exercise is known as Siddhas Kriya Shiva. It opens the lungs and improves digestion. On an emotional level it frees us from the burden of suffering and pain that has accumulated throughout our life. Many things pass us by, we lose something, unresolved pain keeps us in the past. We tend to get lost. But as a result of losing the ability to be fully included in the present and commit our future. This exercise, changing old mental structure, brings us back to the present, giving attention, looking to the future. 2. Sit down with crossed legs and straight back.Stretch your arms up above the head without bending the elbows, palms face forward and the thumbs drawn and directed to each other. Roll the eyes upwards.Now rotate your straight arms, describing small circles.The left hand moves clockwise and the right counterclockwise if look from below upwards.The hand movements are not necessarily synchronized with each other, important not to stop.Continue 11 minutes.At the end inhale and stretch hands and head up, stretching the spine. The second exercise changes the ratio between the tattvas. The movement of the hands stimulates the element of ether. This creates emotion-filled ease and fresh perspectives and allows experiences of joy, happiness and pleasure to gain a foothold in our aura. Some people feel guilty when they reach success or experiencing pleasure, this exercise helps us to learn how to relate to these positive experiences. 3. Sit down with crossed legs and straight back. Close the thumb of the right hand the right nostril, other fingers point upwards, and inhale through the left. Adjust the position of the fingers: close the index finger of the right hand the left nostril, open the right and exhale through it (inhale left nostril, exhale right).Continue from 3 to 11 min. the Third exercise integrates the two hemispheres of the brain, increases lung capacity, leads to a state of deep peace and balances the subtle energies in two main channels in our body: IDA and Pingala. 4. Sit down with crossed legs and straight back. Firmly grab hold of the knees. Exhaling, bend forward with a straight back, inhaling viprasys back. Continue with a regular rhythm and a powerful breath from 3 minutes to 11 minutes. Then inhale and breath tighten your whole body. Shake the whole body 15-30 seconds. Repeat this four more times. This Kriya is designed to heal the body and stilling the mind of old emotional blocks. In order to ensure the maximum effect of this Kriya, eat only a light meal, OK during the day there are a large number of melons. Practice it only in the evening. Do it every day for 40 days. The last exercise distributes the energy of the breath into the Central spinal canal – sushumna. It reinforces the effect of the whole Kriya in the image of the body, and awakens the body's ability to heal itself.published
Source: bhajan.narod.ru/sets/exs4.htm