Pain: how to recognize body signals
Talking about pain?Our body is perfectly harmonious mechanism of the functioning of numerous systems under the leadership of the main "control panel" — of the brain.The brain controls all processes of our life and feeling that somewhere in the body there is a problem, starts alarming pain in the body.
What role really plays the pain in our lives? The ancient Greeks argued that "Pain is the watchdog of health".
The pain, although it is unpleasant in itself is the most effective natural alarm. And these signals help to understand, where exactly there is a failure of the systems and what should be done — to what doctor to address, what actions should not be taken to pain is not repeated, etc.
Pain is interpreted by each person subjectively. We look at it through the prism of his experience. An understanding of the nature of pain and its purpose open to a thinking person huge prospects.The ancient sages did not accidentally said that by solving the mystery of pain, you can get closer to solving the greatest mysteries of the universe.
Over the life of the headache bothers us the most. In most cases the reason is the frantic pace of modern life, and as a result overwork. In the brain accumulate oxidized decomposition products, the toxic, they cause swelling and increase pressure on pain receptors in the blood vessels and the lining of the brain. The pain is often localized in the frontal or parietal region. Relieve pain helps analgesic medication and rest.
Also often headache triggers high blood pressure. Makagonova the pain is localized in the head and neck, may be accompanied by increased reaction to noise and light, feeling of stuffiness of the ears. In this case, you need to measure the pressure and if high blood pressure is confirmed, to take antihypertensive drug. With regular increase in pressure is necessary to consult a cardiologist.
If the pain covers half of the head, usually the forehead, crown, temple and back of head, symptoms of migraine. Migraines are caused by increased venous pressure. When the first signs of migraine pain, it is better to take your pamprin, as the height of the attack normal pain relievers with the pain have failed, and some drugs the combined type can only be worse. To help in this case special drugs that improve venous return and normalizes blood circulation in the brain.
There may be other causes of headache, some of them very serious and dangerous. Because of prolonged headache without obvious reasons it is better to address to the neuropathologist and, if necessary, to pass the necessary examination.
Chest pain
When the pain is in the chest in any case, you need to immediately consult a doctor. Of course you can remove the pain symptoms with pills, but the cause of the pain it will not relieve.
Chest pain often provoke a serious disease, it can be a heart attack, angina, intercostal neuralgia, problems with the respiratory system and others. In any case, the pre-the nature of pain can be assumed the reasons for its occurrence.
Angina or myocardial infarction often occurs during physical or mental stress. This pain may radiate to the stomach, back, neck, shoulders, under the left shoulder blade. If after taking nitroglycerin, valokordin or similar drugs the pain persists, urgent need to call an ambulance.
A sure sign of intercostal neuralgia is the change in pain when moving or breathing.Characteristic unilateral localization. The reason may be hypothermic or pinched nerve in osteochondrosis. It is possible to remove worsening pain special ointments, but of course, as in other cases, it is better to turn immediately to a neurologist.
Another cause of pain in the chest could be inflammation of lung pleura while pneumonia. There is a symptom of breath, and I want to limit all sorts of breath with a sore hand, lying on his side. When pleurisy fever and to treat him better in the hospital.
Myositis is a frequently occurring disease characterized by chest pain.It is associated with hypothermia and inflammation of the muscles. Pain well removed warming ointments, analgesic and muscle relaxants.
Abdominal pain
In the abdomen there are many organs, this is the filled space in the body, because without certain knowledge it will be difficult to pinpoint the cause of the pain.
Stomach can give pain, heart problems, digestive and endocrine system, excretory system, reproductive and other.
Often when pain symptoms in the stomach after seeking medical attention, patients are to be hospitalized, to ascertain the true causes of anxiety. A waiver examination may entail serious consequences.
In the upper part of the stomach pain with heartburn, belching, salivation can be a symptom not only of gastritis, as is commonly believed, it can be inflammation of the esophagus or stomach, as well as myocardial infarction.
Other stomach trouble —ulcers, the pain usually strong and cutting, can be as before meals and after, the relief after vomiting.
Aching pain right lower quadrant is typical for appendicitis or hernia. It is important to note that appendicitis pain is not always at the bottom right, the pain can change localization, and occur near the belly button or liver. In such situations, to establish the exact reason you need to contact the surgeon and ultrasound done.
For women pain in the lower abdomen characterized by inflammation of the uterine appendages, the ovaries, the ovarian cyst or ectopic pregnancy. The main thing to remember — when pain in the abdomen before diagnosing the problems to apply pain-relieving drugs is strictly prohibited.
Pain in the bones
Allocate at least four causes of pain in the spine and jointslose cartilage, inflammation of joint capsule, lesions of the cartilage connecting the vertebrae and pinching of the nerve root of the spine. In the first two cases, the pain is aching, may be accompanied by fever and edema. Pain while degenerative disc disease is also characterized by reduced mobility of the limbs, weakness.
Eye pain
In addition to the external factors that can cause unpleasant or painful sensations in the eyes (dust, sand, etc.). If the pain has not stopped, you can try to flush eyes fresh, strong, warm tea, and then to an ophthalmologist. It must be done in case of eye injury, since it is possible retinal detachment, thrombosis of vessels of the eyes and hematoma of tissue surrounding the eye and the cornea.
Also common is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye — conjunctivitis, and inflammation of the hair follicle — century barley. For effective and rapid elimination of the disease, it is better to consult a doctor.
The main cause of toothache is neglect of oral hygiene. Failure to comply with the basic rules of daily brushing of teeth entails problems from the mouth, gums, but also the most durable and hardest tissue of our body — teeth. In the first stage, the pain may occur only when there is a sudden change of hot and cold food or drinks. This is the first warning, and if at this stage not to go to the doctor and not to remove the cause, yet causes minor discomfort, soon the pain will acute.
There are many diseases of the oral cavity, but their main consequence is the loss of teeth. Because when any visual changes in the condition of your gums or tooth, unpleasant or pain — you should immediately contact your dentist. This will prevent the occurrence of serious consequences.
Sore throat
Often the throat is sore due to inflammatory nature, although sometimes the culprit can become and injury to the bone, when a man while eating in a hurry and bad food chews.Tonsillitis (sore throat), laryngitis, pharyngitis — these diseases are quite common after eating ice cream or drinking cold drinks.
If the pain is mild, you need to gargle with calendula tincture, if it happens away from pharmacies, you can make a solution of 1/2 teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water, gargle at least 3-4 times a day. If the sore throat is accompanied by a disturbance of breathing and swallowing, no need to waste time rinsing and sucking tablets immediately, contact Laura.
Pain in the ears
Ear pain caused by usually otitis, which often begins after cleaning of the ears. This manipulation leads to trauma to the external auditory stroke and getting an infection. The more reason of occurrence of otitis media runny nose accompanied with a habit of blubbering.
In the first starts evstahiit, which then goes into otitis. For otitis media characterized by severe pain that often radiates to the eyes, teeth, neck, sometimes diffusely distributed throughout the head, worse when talking and chewing. But the pain can be caused by a furuncle of the external auditory stroke. Often boil opens spontaneously when ripe, at this point it is noted the disappearance of pain, feel better.
If you experience pain in the ears, do not attempt to self-treat! In most cases, pain in the ears, it is necessary the use of antibiotics and comprehensive treatment from Laura.
A prominent German writer and philosopher of the 19th century, Ernst jünger said, "Tell me how you feel the pain and I'll tell you who you are." In a critical situation attitude to pain in seconds lets you find out about the person much more than a dozen years of calm life. Any pain, especially severe and frequent – a good reason to go to the doctor. The faster and better we will react, the more chances you have to get rid of it forever and save your health. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: tomocenter.com.ua/chitat/staty/bol-storozhevoy-pes-zdorovya-kak-raspoznavat-signaly-tela/?sphrase_id=14175
What role really plays the pain in our lives? The ancient Greeks argued that "Pain is the watchdog of health".

The pain, although it is unpleasant in itself is the most effective natural alarm. And these signals help to understand, where exactly there is a failure of the systems and what should be done — to what doctor to address, what actions should not be taken to pain is not repeated, etc.
Pain is interpreted by each person subjectively. We look at it through the prism of his experience. An understanding of the nature of pain and its purpose open to a thinking person huge prospects.The ancient sages did not accidentally said that by solving the mystery of pain, you can get closer to solving the greatest mysteries of the universe.
Over the life of the headache bothers us the most. In most cases the reason is the frantic pace of modern life, and as a result overwork. In the brain accumulate oxidized decomposition products, the toxic, they cause swelling and increase pressure on pain receptors in the blood vessels and the lining of the brain. The pain is often localized in the frontal or parietal region. Relieve pain helps analgesic medication and rest.
Also often headache triggers high blood pressure. Makagonova the pain is localized in the head and neck, may be accompanied by increased reaction to noise and light, feeling of stuffiness of the ears. In this case, you need to measure the pressure and if high blood pressure is confirmed, to take antihypertensive drug. With regular increase in pressure is necessary to consult a cardiologist.
If the pain covers half of the head, usually the forehead, crown, temple and back of head, symptoms of migraine. Migraines are caused by increased venous pressure. When the first signs of migraine pain, it is better to take your pamprin, as the height of the attack normal pain relievers with the pain have failed, and some drugs the combined type can only be worse. To help in this case special drugs that improve venous return and normalizes blood circulation in the brain.
There may be other causes of headache, some of them very serious and dangerous. Because of prolonged headache without obvious reasons it is better to address to the neuropathologist and, if necessary, to pass the necessary examination.

Chest pain
When the pain is in the chest in any case, you need to immediately consult a doctor. Of course you can remove the pain symptoms with pills, but the cause of the pain it will not relieve.
Chest pain often provoke a serious disease, it can be a heart attack, angina, intercostal neuralgia, problems with the respiratory system and others. In any case, the pre-the nature of pain can be assumed the reasons for its occurrence.
Angina or myocardial infarction often occurs during physical or mental stress. This pain may radiate to the stomach, back, neck, shoulders, under the left shoulder blade. If after taking nitroglycerin, valokordin or similar drugs the pain persists, urgent need to call an ambulance.
A sure sign of intercostal neuralgia is the change in pain when moving or breathing.Characteristic unilateral localization. The reason may be hypothermic or pinched nerve in osteochondrosis. It is possible to remove worsening pain special ointments, but of course, as in other cases, it is better to turn immediately to a neurologist.
Another cause of pain in the chest could be inflammation of lung pleura while pneumonia. There is a symptom of breath, and I want to limit all sorts of breath with a sore hand, lying on his side. When pleurisy fever and to treat him better in the hospital.
Myositis is a frequently occurring disease characterized by chest pain.It is associated with hypothermia and inflammation of the muscles. Pain well removed warming ointments, analgesic and muscle relaxants.
Abdominal pain
In the abdomen there are many organs, this is the filled space in the body, because without certain knowledge it will be difficult to pinpoint the cause of the pain.
Stomach can give pain, heart problems, digestive and endocrine system, excretory system, reproductive and other.
Often when pain symptoms in the stomach after seeking medical attention, patients are to be hospitalized, to ascertain the true causes of anxiety. A waiver examination may entail serious consequences.
In the upper part of the stomach pain with heartburn, belching, salivation can be a symptom not only of gastritis, as is commonly believed, it can be inflammation of the esophagus or stomach, as well as myocardial infarction.
Other stomach trouble —ulcers, the pain usually strong and cutting, can be as before meals and after, the relief after vomiting.
Aching pain right lower quadrant is typical for appendicitis or hernia. It is important to note that appendicitis pain is not always at the bottom right, the pain can change localization, and occur near the belly button or liver. In such situations, to establish the exact reason you need to contact the surgeon and ultrasound done.
For women pain in the lower abdomen characterized by inflammation of the uterine appendages, the ovaries, the ovarian cyst or ectopic pregnancy. The main thing to remember — when pain in the abdomen before diagnosing the problems to apply pain-relieving drugs is strictly prohibited.

Pain in the bones
Allocate at least four causes of pain in the spine and jointslose cartilage, inflammation of joint capsule, lesions of the cartilage connecting the vertebrae and pinching of the nerve root of the spine. In the first two cases, the pain is aching, may be accompanied by fever and edema. Pain while degenerative disc disease is also characterized by reduced mobility of the limbs, weakness.

Eye pain
In addition to the external factors that can cause unpleasant or painful sensations in the eyes (dust, sand, etc.). If the pain has not stopped, you can try to flush eyes fresh, strong, warm tea, and then to an ophthalmologist. It must be done in case of eye injury, since it is possible retinal detachment, thrombosis of vessels of the eyes and hematoma of tissue surrounding the eye and the cornea.
Also common is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye — conjunctivitis, and inflammation of the hair follicle — century barley. For effective and rapid elimination of the disease, it is better to consult a doctor.
The main cause of toothache is neglect of oral hygiene. Failure to comply with the basic rules of daily brushing of teeth entails problems from the mouth, gums, but also the most durable and hardest tissue of our body — teeth. In the first stage, the pain may occur only when there is a sudden change of hot and cold food or drinks. This is the first warning, and if at this stage not to go to the doctor and not to remove the cause, yet causes minor discomfort, soon the pain will acute.
There are many diseases of the oral cavity, but their main consequence is the loss of teeth. Because when any visual changes in the condition of your gums or tooth, unpleasant or pain — you should immediately contact your dentist. This will prevent the occurrence of serious consequences.
Sore throat
Often the throat is sore due to inflammatory nature, although sometimes the culprit can become and injury to the bone, when a man while eating in a hurry and bad food chews.Tonsillitis (sore throat), laryngitis, pharyngitis — these diseases are quite common after eating ice cream or drinking cold drinks.
If the pain is mild, you need to gargle with calendula tincture, if it happens away from pharmacies, you can make a solution of 1/2 teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water, gargle at least 3-4 times a day. If the sore throat is accompanied by a disturbance of breathing and swallowing, no need to waste time rinsing and sucking tablets immediately, contact Laura.
Pain in the ears
Ear pain caused by usually otitis, which often begins after cleaning of the ears. This manipulation leads to trauma to the external auditory stroke and getting an infection. The more reason of occurrence of otitis media runny nose accompanied with a habit of blubbering.
In the first starts evstahiit, which then goes into otitis. For otitis media characterized by severe pain that often radiates to the eyes, teeth, neck, sometimes diffusely distributed throughout the head, worse when talking and chewing. But the pain can be caused by a furuncle of the external auditory stroke. Often boil opens spontaneously when ripe, at this point it is noted the disappearance of pain, feel better.
If you experience pain in the ears, do not attempt to self-treat! In most cases, pain in the ears, it is necessary the use of antibiotics and comprehensive treatment from Laura.
A prominent German writer and philosopher of the 19th century, Ernst jünger said, "Tell me how you feel the pain and I'll tell you who you are." In a critical situation attitude to pain in seconds lets you find out about the person much more than a dozen years of calm life. Any pain, especially severe and frequent – a good reason to go to the doctor. The faster and better we will react, the more chances you have to get rid of it forever and save your health. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: tomocenter.com.ua/chitat/staty/bol-storozhevoy-pes-zdorovya-kak-raspoznavat-signaly-tela/?sphrase_id=14175
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