12 painful symptoms that can not be ignored
All of us in one degree or another experience pain in different parts of the body. Sharp, sharp, dull, aching, long. The pain may occur suddenly, and as suddenly ischeznut.Sayt calls not ignore the strong and long-lasting pain. Especially shown below.
1. grudiBol pain or a feeling of compression in the chest may be a sign of heart attack. If the chest pain is accompanied by pressure, rapid breathing, or nausea, immediately seek medical advice.
2. The sudden headache bolEsli you suddenly appeared pain in the head, and you felt the pain more than usual, it is a reason to see a doctor immediately. This may be a symptom as aneurysms or jumped pressure and meningitis.
3. Sudden dizziness soznaniyaVnezapnoe dizziness and the inability to concentrate on the simple things can be a sign of bleeding in the brain or stroke. Moreover, these symptoms are observed when a low level of sugar in the blood or the infection. Do not tighten, contact a doctor immediately.
4. Sudden weight loss telaRezkaya weight loss of 5% or more in a short period of time can be a sign of serious illness. In some types of cancer there is a sharp weight loss, so the sooner you see a doctor, the sooner will be able to find out the reason. The disease initially amenable to more successful treatment.
5. Bright vspyshkiEsli you see a bright flash or bright spots before the eyes, it is an occasion to consult an eye specialist. Such outbreaks can be a sign of problems with the retina, which leads to vision loss.
6. Fever telaEsli you see high body temperature for a certain period of time, it is a reason to see a doctor. The reasons for this may be many, meningitis and various infections to cancer, such as lymphoma.
7. OdyshkaEsli shortness of breath occurs when you are at rest (do not take into account the exercise), it is a serious reason to see a doctor. Shortness of breath can be a symptom of thrombosis or respiratory problems.
8. Seizures konechnosteyEsli you feel that you have a driving foot, then perhaps the reason lies in the problems with the heart, veins and hormones. If cramps are accompanied by pain in the calves, it can be a symptom of blood clots. Be sure to consult a doctor.
9. Severe pain in zhivoteVnezapnaya severe abdominal pain - a serious reason to see a doctor. This can be a sign of an aortic aneurysm or improper blood circulation. If the pain is accompanied by nausea, then perhaps the reason lies in the gallbladder.
10. Permanent ustalostVse we occasionally get tired. However, if your fatigue turned into a permanent and persists even after you leave, consult a doctor. Fatigue can be a symptom of cancer, anemia and depression.
11. Pain in the pochekEsli you experience pain in the kidney area - a sharp, dull, aching, - contact your doctor. Such pain may be a symptom of appendicitis, hernia, kidney problems and even a broken pelvis.
12. Frequent mocheispuskanieEsli you noticed that often began to visit the bathroom, see a doctor. The causes of frequent urination can be set. To find yours, do not delay a visit to a specialist.
via fishki.net/1651256-12-bolevyh-simptomov-kotorye-nelzja-ignorirovat.html

1. grudiBol pain or a feeling of compression in the chest may be a sign of heart attack. If the chest pain is accompanied by pressure, rapid breathing, or nausea, immediately seek medical advice.
2. The sudden headache bolEsli you suddenly appeared pain in the head, and you felt the pain more than usual, it is a reason to see a doctor immediately. This may be a symptom as aneurysms or jumped pressure and meningitis.
3. Sudden dizziness soznaniyaVnezapnoe dizziness and the inability to concentrate on the simple things can be a sign of bleeding in the brain or stroke. Moreover, these symptoms are observed when a low level of sugar in the blood or the infection. Do not tighten, contact a doctor immediately.
4. Sudden weight loss telaRezkaya weight loss of 5% or more in a short period of time can be a sign of serious illness. In some types of cancer there is a sharp weight loss, so the sooner you see a doctor, the sooner will be able to find out the reason. The disease initially amenable to more successful treatment.
5. Bright vspyshkiEsli you see a bright flash or bright spots before the eyes, it is an occasion to consult an eye specialist. Such outbreaks can be a sign of problems with the retina, which leads to vision loss.
6. Fever telaEsli you see high body temperature for a certain period of time, it is a reason to see a doctor. The reasons for this may be many, meningitis and various infections to cancer, such as lymphoma.
7. OdyshkaEsli shortness of breath occurs when you are at rest (do not take into account the exercise), it is a serious reason to see a doctor. Shortness of breath can be a symptom of thrombosis or respiratory problems.
8. Seizures konechnosteyEsli you feel that you have a driving foot, then perhaps the reason lies in the problems with the heart, veins and hormones. If cramps are accompanied by pain in the calves, it can be a symptom of blood clots. Be sure to consult a doctor.
9. Severe pain in zhivoteVnezapnaya severe abdominal pain - a serious reason to see a doctor. This can be a sign of an aortic aneurysm or improper blood circulation. If the pain is accompanied by nausea, then perhaps the reason lies in the gallbladder.
10. Permanent ustalostVse we occasionally get tired. However, if your fatigue turned into a permanent and persists even after you leave, consult a doctor. Fatigue can be a symptom of cancer, anemia and depression.
11. Pain in the pochekEsli you experience pain in the kidney area - a sharp, dull, aching, - contact your doctor. Such pain may be a symptom of appendicitis, hernia, kidney problems and even a broken pelvis.
12. Frequent mocheispuskanieEsli you noticed that often began to visit the bathroom, see a doctor. The causes of frequent urination can be set. To find yours, do not delay a visit to a specialist.
via fishki.net/1651256-12-bolevyh-simptomov-kotorye-nelzja-ignorirovat.html
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