10 problems which You hesitate to tell your doctor
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Few people like to go to the doctor. Most people avoid visits to the clinic, feeling a sense of fear of possible diagnosis or treatments, or guilt for what started the situation with his health. In some situations, the appeal to the doctor the most confused patients.
Vaginitis, or inflammation of the vagina, the Vagina communicates with the external environment and is located near the anus, in connection with which it periodically fall pathogens (bacteria, viruses, fungi).
Normal the mucous membrane of the vagina live bacteria that play a protective funzio by creating an acidic internal environment. However, for some reason, the number of lactobacilli in the vagina can be reduced and the guard lowered. Bacteria, viruses and fungi begin to multiply, causing vaginitis, or inflammation of the vagina. According to statistical studies, three out of four women will face this disease at least once in your life.
Women are shy to discuss with your doctor inflammation of the vagina, as, indeed, any other diseases associated with the sexual organs. They are afraid of allegations of improper behavior. Meanwhile, the infection often occurs from stress, hormonal fluctuations, compared to other diseases, and thus is not a consequence of some disgraceful action. It can develop on a background of reception of antibiotics, which kill bacteria. Rarely the cause of such infection becomes a sexual act.
When inflammation of the vagina can be a pain during urination or sex. Vaginitis is often accompanied by itching, redness, and white discharge with no odor. At the same time, all these symptoms can be signs of sexually transmitted diseases, so it is very important to undergo a medical examination to determine the cause of these symptoms.
Hemorrhoids If you can't sit without pain, then you might have hemorrhoids — a condition caused by swollen veins in the anus. Sometimes it only happens inside and outside the swollen veins are not visible, but sometimes hemorrhoids can be external.
Causes of hemorrhoids can be pregnancy, constipation, and as a result, excessive straining during defecation, sedentary life. But also hemorrhoids can be a sign of serious problems and inflammatory and neoplastic processes in the intestine and liver.
Hemorrhoids is accompanied by bleeding and pain during bowel movements, itching, prolapsed hemorrhoid, not to mention the fact that you always dread to think about having to go to the toilet.
If time does not begin treatment, can develop thrombosis and necrosis of hemorrhoids, accompanied by severe deterioration of the patient.
In the initial stages, hemorrhoids are treated with ointments or candles with corticosteroids and lidocaine, infra-red coagulation of hemorrhoids. In more advanced cases, the case could be reached before the surgery.
Objects stuck in the wrong places regardless of, whether it was the result of an attack of curiosity, experimentation or accident, few people without being embarrassed to tell the doctor about other objects stuck in the holes of the body. After describing the problem, you have to first tell you how it happened. However, this is not a reason to remain silent. To remove the object by yourself is not worth it, you can cause more damage.
A piece of tissue paper stuck in the nose can cause infection or move on to the throat, creating a life-threatening breathing difficulties. Objects caught in the ear can cause bleeding and inflammation. Moreover, attempts to pull them out of the ear alone is often lead to the fact that they are even more stuck in it. The doctors in this case, use special tools and even magnets.
Longer just doesn't appeal to the doctor in cases where a foreign object was in the rectum or vagina. Of course, the only correct advice in this situation is for the Council to call an ambulance, because the case could end up with tissue damage, infection, bleeding and even death.
Sexually transmitted diseases People are afraid to discuss with anyone all that relates to sex, for fear of being accused of immorality. However, when it comes to sexually transmitted diseases, the earlier you go to the doctor, the better. It is important to start treatment as soon as possible, because without it the situation could deteriorate quickly. For example, syphilis, are not being stopped by treatment, leads to damage to internal organs, including the brain.
As for AIDS, it is still widely believed that this diagnosis is tantamount to a death sentence. Indeed, if AIDS is not treated, the life expectancy, according to various studies, ranges from six months to a year and a half. But over the past decade methods of dealing with this disease has improved so much that life expectancy after initial diagnosis of HIV infection can be increased to 20 years.
Blood in the urine or stool, Few people want to discuss with your doctor the highlight of your body. Especially embarrassing yourself talking about your urine or stool, even if their view is clearly abnormal, for example, in their blood.
Rectal bleeding can appear as a liquid admixture of blood or clots in the stool or as a small blood stains on underwear and toilet paper.
Blood in the stool may appear for different reasons, and its color ranges from bright red to black. What color is more scarlet, the closer to the anus is the cause of the bleeding.
When bleeding in the anus, rectum and sigmoid colon, the blood is bright red in color, and in intestinal bleeding from the colon the color of blood is dark red, as during travel in the gut, he manages to change under the action of bacteria.
Most often, rectal bleeding is a result of anal fissures, ulcers, hemorrhoids, cancer of the rectum or colon.
As for the appearance of blood in the urine, it is caused by urinary tract infection, prostatitis, kidney stones, and cancer of the kidney, prostate or bladder.
Drug or alcohol problems People with drug or alcohol addictions have resorted to various ways to hide from others his problem.
However, the best thing to do in such a situation is to consult a doctor. Having a full clinical picture, the doctor can prescribe more suitable drugs for decreasing dependence, withdrawal syndrome or for the treatment of diseases resulting from or with a background of addiction.
In some clinics treatment of dependency going on anonymously.
Scars or burns as a result of the autoaggression-inflicted cuts or burns, is for some people a way to cope with depression or emotional trauma. But to others it looks weird. Therefore, even talking about old scars can be painful. However, a conversation with the doctor might help: scars can become inflamed or have a desire to get rid of them.
As with any other disease, treatment of scars best left to professionals, because self can lead to bad results. For example, contrary to popular belief, creams with vitamin E can slow the healing of scars, not to accelerate it.
Depending on the age and size of the scar, the doctor will select the appropriate treatment: steroid injections, treatments with aloe Vera, silicone plate, dermabrasion and others. In addition, if you are concerned about the fact of harming themselves, he may refer you to a specialist to find some other way of dealing with stress.
Breath If during the conversation, retreating when you are too close, maybe it's not that you crossed the border of its comfort, and bad odor from your mouth.
In the simplest to correct the bad smell is due to the fact that you ate foods with a pungent flavor, like garlic or onions. The situation naturally gets better after a while, to speed up you can just brush your teeth.
Worse, if this dental problem is inflammation of the gums or teeth. Toothpaste or chewing gum will help only temporarily to mask the smell and will not affect the root cause.
In addition, bad breath can be a symptom of serious problems such as diabetes, liver disease, kidney and even the respiratory system. For accurate diagnosis, we suggest to consult a doctor, even if it seems that the reason for this is too small.
Indifference to sex On the next cover of a glossy magazine made the title of the article about sex in television advertising attracts the half-naked beauty, friends share intimate details or ask for feedback on the fifteenth position of the Kama Sutra, and you all are not interested. For a few weeks or months you do not attend the initiation, and you are ashamed to admit it even to the doctor.
Of course, first and foremost, come to mind diseases associated with the sexual organs, but the most common reasons for decreased libido do not belong to them.
Among the leaders the reasons for lowering libido, appear:
the use of alcohol or drugs;
a side effect of certain medications;
hormonal imbalance caused by the reduction of testosterone or menopause.
In addition, the reason may lie in the field than physiology, and psychology of long-standing emotional trauma or prolonged stress affect the ability to be attracted to. In any case, do not tire of repeating that the best way out is to consult a doctor.
Inguinal eczema All starts with a small discomfort in the groin area, but very soon from the unbearable itching you start to climb the wall. As a rule, in the crease where the legs connect with the torso, found the area red and possibly hard leather. It's time to go to the doctor, but who wants to show outsiders the intimate parts of the body.
However, most likely, is a fungal disease that if not treated will spread to thighs, buttocks and genitals. In severe cases, without treatment, itching can cause sores, open wounds, abscesses and even skin infection. More often this disease affects men.
Treatment usually involves use of antifungal agents in the form of ointments, gels or tablets.
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