Migraine disease aristocrats
This disease is invisible to outsiders. She is not indicating to yourself a pale cheeks, lack of appetite, metabolic disorders. It would seem that people can and should be fully operational. But suddenly – as a rule, suddenly – you're literally a heart attack unbearable headache. It is not an escape from reality, you would have been glad to continue to live as usual, but life as if she's avoiding you, denying feelings and desires. But my head flies only one thought: "Lord, let this end already!"
About migraine disease aristocrats and the inhabitants of the metropolis – we are talking with the neurologist, candidate of medical Sciences, Natalya Anatolyevna Romanova.
— Natalia, what are migraines?
Is a headache, according to the classification related to vascular. In their etiologies migraine has a vascular factor when there is a certain stage of changes within the vessels of the brain. Generally, migraine is known for a long time, it was considered the disease of aristocrats, mere mortals, she was not sick. We can say that migraine is associated with intellectual, mental work.
— The migraine differs from ordinary headache?
— It is believed that about 12% of people suffer from migraine, although it is a moot point, because very often the diagnosis is not put. Mostly headaches is pain stress or muscular stress, it takes up 70% of all headaches. On the background of the overloads there is a reflex muscle tension of the muscles of the forehead, or, more commonly, temporal muscles, and, consequently, feeling as if his head squished in a Vice. People experiencing the symptoms, even more, it pulls the muscles of the head, saying that it is easier.
Other similar secondary muscle or secondary reflex muscle pain is a vertebrogenic headaches associated with the cervical spine. Cervical, Wernigerode, occipital pain. The percentage of vascular pain is much less this second time, often they occur when hypertension or severe degree of atherosclerosis. Headache occurs when the pressure rise, can also be traumatic, post-traumatic types of pain, as well as on the background of organic brain damage.
Migraine is the only true vascular headache, but this diagnosis is also is not always. Put more tension headaches, although one man does not interfere to deal with pain of different types.
— Why the diagnosis is not put?
— Let's have a classic migraine attack. First prodromal phenomena that can be traced back to the days – malaise, fatigue, irritability. The process of modification of the vessels, the so-called aura that occurs just before the migraine and can last a few seconds, a few minutes is either visual, or sensory disorders.
The aura is different, can manifest as nausea and dizziness, and then enters and classical migraine: a standard headache, in one side, throbbing, with nausea, vomiting with photophobia, irritating loud noises. There is such a rare basilar migraine, it is believed that it is rare. It is manifested by nausea, dizziness, vomiting, headaches, as such, may not even be. And since it is always easier to diagnose low or high blood pressure, these diagnoses are less common.
— It turns out my diagnosis, which in fact is not a disease, but simply the current human condition?
Yes. Headaches may change accompany each other.
Usually, if a person feels that he has something hurts, he prefers to take some pill. What kind of a headache is a signal that it's time to see a specialist?
— Generally, there are danger signals with headache. It suddenly occurred headache – there was nothing, and she suddenly became ill. Very severe headache, and headaches that are not stopped by anything. Headaches that are accompanied by other symptoms – numbness, slurring of speech. Headache with fever, and pain during physical exertion. Or when you change the nature of the headache. We always ask when interviewing the patient: whether the nature of the pain, where it hurts, as that relieves.
— You said that before a migraine is called a "disease of the aristocracy." And now, when aristocrats not?
— Migraine is more common in people engaged in mental work, emotional overload.
That's the entire population of a big city.
Yes, Yes. Someone who's got a migraine, one ulcer. Migraine is a hereditary, usually this is seen with relatives, often through the female line. But it is not known, it is manifest or not. Many contributing factors – high loads, fatigue, poor sleep, – it's for life, but some times a man have the bright flashes of the disease, in some rare. When we reduce the set of predictors, then attacks less.
— If it is a disease that cannot be treated, so he just need to learn to live?
To cure migraines, by and large, it is impossible. You can make a good remission for a long time, but then the patient has a lot to do.
— What you need to do to take the edge off the attacks?
— Most importantly – the attack is eliminated at the beginning of a headache. Because in the beginning increasing blood flow in the vessels of the brain, then there is the small stage of angiospasm. Then the pathologically expanded vessel, it is expanded, blood flow to this area is very large, develops a headache with all its symptoms, begins the process of developing substances of aseptic inflammation.
The next stage of migraine is a vasospasm, and if you do not have time to stop the seizure medicines, then the drug will not operate. And it is precisely in the phase of vasospasm have complications. Is this associated migraine when can it be violated. And ischemic lesions can be formed, and postmillennial strokes are described too.
— If you do not take into account the effects of drugs, how to organize your life to reduce the likelihood of recurrence of the attack?
— With the diagnosis of migraine a person can live. This provoked a small sleep, anxiety during exams, lots of projects at work or any stressful situations. It happens like this: in stressful situation, the body mobilizes, the concentration of hormones and other substances increased. Then when the person relaxes, everything is back to normal, and start things like a migraine, a panic attack.
In the treatment of migraines, there are drug therapy, and the organization lifestyle in General. If the patient precipitating factor is stress, that means we need to go back for revision to the therapist. The positive impact of acupuncture and massage, adequate sleep, adequate food.
— By the way, how nutrition affects the frequency of the attacks?
— What triggers seizures? The reception of champagne, red wine, chocolate, cheese. Chocolate increases serotonin, which is "use" migraine attacks, to better, faster, easier to develop. Sometimes, the people a migraine attack can trigger a sharp smell.
— During its work You can trace the dynamics of the number of referrals of migraine patients?
— I think that the number of patients with migraine have increased. Over the past 15 years the lifestyle has changed: increased load at work, giperatidnosti stressful factors. Seizures clearly occur more often. Added all sorts of psycho-vegetative disorders, panic attacks.
— Treatment methods during this time changed?
— For relief of attack has been used before aspirin, if not help something with caffeine, asafetida, ergotamine – namely, that the vessels during the expansion works. Many analogues have appeared, firms are different. Have drops inside a spray in the nose that is faster acting. Prevention is a lifestyle and certain medications: beta-blockers, antiepileptic drugs. The same topomax, which did not exist before, and now there is. Antidepressants also are used anticonvulsants.
If you have a headache often, our receptors are always in a state of irritation, and next time we will need a voltage much less to have a headache. The body has a nociceptive system that perceives pain, and the vestibular system, which protects us from overly strong pain stimuli. All of this is resolved, and when there is an imbalance starts the chronic pain.
— If one were to self-medicate, not to go to the doctor, and drink painkillers?
With painkillers the whole story. There is a new headache called ubusuna, this is a big problem now. Similar to the state when you need to nip. That is when a person takes the headache and any other pain syndromes, analgesic, gradually formed a dependency.
The body gets used and formed Ausonia headaches, sometimes patients say: "what is it, I drink painkillers, and it is better then not getting any". Here it is necessary to take analgesics and try you get when the head is constantly aching and you need something to drink. A day two tablets, and many drink them day after day, the body gets used even more headache. A lot of patients come with this drink for 15-20 pills a month.
There is a point in the diagnosis – we are all someone or falling put of vascular headaches, appoint any vascular drug, and in fact, there is a muscular headache, or a migraine. Doesn't help him, and since not help, he begins analgesics to drink no pain. The main thing – correctly to diagnose. You need to protect yourself from migraines, that they were not often.
— Can the patient somehow to understand that something is wrong that he is not with the disease treated?
— Headache remains or itself, or new symptoms appear. It is work on yourself. We the people are not accustomed to work on myself and change my life. In the same way as the plague: you should eat often and little by little, but no, I like eating twice a day, and I will, and you're gonna fix me.
Psychosomatics psoriasis
Psychosomatics of infertility
When you have motivation, then you'll have something to do. There is such a temptation is very great – as soon as stoped headache, decide that all is well and no problems. As soon as the pain goes away, the patients are immediately happy, pills to quit. But then, unfortunately, come again to the reception.published
Author: Natalia Romanova
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.matrony.ru/migren-bolezn-aristokratov/
About migraine disease aristocrats and the inhabitants of the metropolis – we are talking with the neurologist, candidate of medical Sciences, Natalya Anatolyevna Romanova.
— Natalia, what are migraines?
Is a headache, according to the classification related to vascular. In their etiologies migraine has a vascular factor when there is a certain stage of changes within the vessels of the brain. Generally, migraine is known for a long time, it was considered the disease of aristocrats, mere mortals, she was not sick. We can say that migraine is associated with intellectual, mental work.
— The migraine differs from ordinary headache?
— It is believed that about 12% of people suffer from migraine, although it is a moot point, because very often the diagnosis is not put. Mostly headaches is pain stress or muscular stress, it takes up 70% of all headaches. On the background of the overloads there is a reflex muscle tension of the muscles of the forehead, or, more commonly, temporal muscles, and, consequently, feeling as if his head squished in a Vice. People experiencing the symptoms, even more, it pulls the muscles of the head, saying that it is easier.
Other similar secondary muscle or secondary reflex muscle pain is a vertebrogenic headaches associated with the cervical spine. Cervical, Wernigerode, occipital pain. The percentage of vascular pain is much less this second time, often they occur when hypertension or severe degree of atherosclerosis. Headache occurs when the pressure rise, can also be traumatic, post-traumatic types of pain, as well as on the background of organic brain damage.
Migraine is the only true vascular headache, but this diagnosis is also is not always. Put more tension headaches, although one man does not interfere to deal with pain of different types.
— Why the diagnosis is not put?
— Let's have a classic migraine attack. First prodromal phenomena that can be traced back to the days – malaise, fatigue, irritability. The process of modification of the vessels, the so-called aura that occurs just before the migraine and can last a few seconds, a few minutes is either visual, or sensory disorders.
The aura is different, can manifest as nausea and dizziness, and then enters and classical migraine: a standard headache, in one side, throbbing, with nausea, vomiting with photophobia, irritating loud noises. There is such a rare basilar migraine, it is believed that it is rare. It is manifested by nausea, dizziness, vomiting, headaches, as such, may not even be. And since it is always easier to diagnose low or high blood pressure, these diagnoses are less common.
— It turns out my diagnosis, which in fact is not a disease, but simply the current human condition?
Yes. Headaches may change accompany each other.
Usually, if a person feels that he has something hurts, he prefers to take some pill. What kind of a headache is a signal that it's time to see a specialist?
— Generally, there are danger signals with headache. It suddenly occurred headache – there was nothing, and she suddenly became ill. Very severe headache, and headaches that are not stopped by anything. Headaches that are accompanied by other symptoms – numbness, slurring of speech. Headache with fever, and pain during physical exertion. Or when you change the nature of the headache. We always ask when interviewing the patient: whether the nature of the pain, where it hurts, as that relieves.
— You said that before a migraine is called a "disease of the aristocracy." And now, when aristocrats not?
— Migraine is more common in people engaged in mental work, emotional overload.
That's the entire population of a big city.
Yes, Yes. Someone who's got a migraine, one ulcer. Migraine is a hereditary, usually this is seen with relatives, often through the female line. But it is not known, it is manifest or not. Many contributing factors – high loads, fatigue, poor sleep, – it's for life, but some times a man have the bright flashes of the disease, in some rare. When we reduce the set of predictors, then attacks less.
— If it is a disease that cannot be treated, so he just need to learn to live?
To cure migraines, by and large, it is impossible. You can make a good remission for a long time, but then the patient has a lot to do.
— What you need to do to take the edge off the attacks?
— Most importantly – the attack is eliminated at the beginning of a headache. Because in the beginning increasing blood flow in the vessels of the brain, then there is the small stage of angiospasm. Then the pathologically expanded vessel, it is expanded, blood flow to this area is very large, develops a headache with all its symptoms, begins the process of developing substances of aseptic inflammation.
The next stage of migraine is a vasospasm, and if you do not have time to stop the seizure medicines, then the drug will not operate. And it is precisely in the phase of vasospasm have complications. Is this associated migraine when can it be violated. And ischemic lesions can be formed, and postmillennial strokes are described too.

— If you do not take into account the effects of drugs, how to organize your life to reduce the likelihood of recurrence of the attack?
— With the diagnosis of migraine a person can live. This provoked a small sleep, anxiety during exams, lots of projects at work or any stressful situations. It happens like this: in stressful situation, the body mobilizes, the concentration of hormones and other substances increased. Then when the person relaxes, everything is back to normal, and start things like a migraine, a panic attack.
In the treatment of migraines, there are drug therapy, and the organization lifestyle in General. If the patient precipitating factor is stress, that means we need to go back for revision to the therapist. The positive impact of acupuncture and massage, adequate sleep, adequate food.
— By the way, how nutrition affects the frequency of the attacks?
— What triggers seizures? The reception of champagne, red wine, chocolate, cheese. Chocolate increases serotonin, which is "use" migraine attacks, to better, faster, easier to develop. Sometimes, the people a migraine attack can trigger a sharp smell.
— During its work You can trace the dynamics of the number of referrals of migraine patients?
— I think that the number of patients with migraine have increased. Over the past 15 years the lifestyle has changed: increased load at work, giperatidnosti stressful factors. Seizures clearly occur more often. Added all sorts of psycho-vegetative disorders, panic attacks.
— Treatment methods during this time changed?
— For relief of attack has been used before aspirin, if not help something with caffeine, asafetida, ergotamine – namely, that the vessels during the expansion works. Many analogues have appeared, firms are different. Have drops inside a spray in the nose that is faster acting. Prevention is a lifestyle and certain medications: beta-blockers, antiepileptic drugs. The same topomax, which did not exist before, and now there is. Antidepressants also are used anticonvulsants.
If you have a headache often, our receptors are always in a state of irritation, and next time we will need a voltage much less to have a headache. The body has a nociceptive system that perceives pain, and the vestibular system, which protects us from overly strong pain stimuli. All of this is resolved, and when there is an imbalance starts the chronic pain.
— If one were to self-medicate, not to go to the doctor, and drink painkillers?
With painkillers the whole story. There is a new headache called ubusuna, this is a big problem now. Similar to the state when you need to nip. That is when a person takes the headache and any other pain syndromes, analgesic, gradually formed a dependency.
The body gets used and formed Ausonia headaches, sometimes patients say: "what is it, I drink painkillers, and it is better then not getting any". Here it is necessary to take analgesics and try you get when the head is constantly aching and you need something to drink. A day two tablets, and many drink them day after day, the body gets used even more headache. A lot of patients come with this drink for 15-20 pills a month.
There is a point in the diagnosis – we are all someone or falling put of vascular headaches, appoint any vascular drug, and in fact, there is a muscular headache, or a migraine. Doesn't help him, and since not help, he begins analgesics to drink no pain. The main thing – correctly to diagnose. You need to protect yourself from migraines, that they were not often.
— Can the patient somehow to understand that something is wrong that he is not with the disease treated?
— Headache remains or itself, or new symptoms appear. It is work on yourself. We the people are not accustomed to work on myself and change my life. In the same way as the plague: you should eat often and little by little, but no, I like eating twice a day, and I will, and you're gonna fix me.
Psychosomatics psoriasis
Psychosomatics of infertility
When you have motivation, then you'll have something to do. There is such a temptation is very great – as soon as stoped headache, decide that all is well and no problems. As soon as the pain goes away, the patients are immediately happy, pills to quit. But then, unfortunately, come again to the reception.published
Author: Natalia Romanova
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.matrony.ru/migren-bolezn-aristokratov/