Treat migraine traditional methods

Many diseases can cause a migraine attack. However, not many people are a manifestation of migraine are at risk to seek help to the doctors. In frequent cases, the cause of migraines could be a viral infection. In women before menstrual cycle can also occur migraine. Also common sinus headaches caused by allergic reactions in the sinuses of the head, either due to pressure increase. Certain categories of people feel migraine caused by stressful situations. Do not just look for a way in traditional medicine. In many cases, traditional medicine migraine can not only temporarily relieve, but to cure it causing the reason.
What factors influence the occurrence of migraine Headaches appear at the time the temporary extension of the head vessels. Typically, a migraine lasts from 12 to 18 hours.
What are the methods to cure migraine headaches Most people who suffer from migraine, feel a faint flicker in the eyes, temporary vision loss and numbness. This headache is called a classic. There is also the usual migraine that comes without showing these symptoms. According to statistics, the headache comes one or two times in a certain time period. The attacks have become more frequent in the period of emotional extremes.
Modern folk medicine migraine may resolve with painkillers and sleeping components. Well help hot compresses that are imposed or legs, or head. During a migraine it is recommended to drink hot drinks. You can also pull the head tight bandage.
If you have blushes from migraines of the head, and then can come to the rescue of folk medicine migraine in this case shall be avoided as follows: place the feet in hot water, and on the red side apply cold lotion. After the redness subsided, apply to the temples of a slice of lemon and tie the head with a hot towel. You can then do massage of the head, smooth movements, moving from the forehead to the nape.
There are still a few recipes that made us traditional medicine, migraine can retreat for a long time. Take 1 egg, beat in Cup and fill to the brim a glass of hot milk. On maximum speed, whisk and drink. This procedure can be repeated several times.
Source: ethno-science.ru/