Treatment of the lumbar with folk remedies

Most people, one way or another, have experienced low back pain. These pains can be of a different nature caused by pathological processes or colds, urology and other possible sources.

Treatment of the lumbar with folk remedies one of the possible solutions to the problem, however, to make sure exactly the correctness of the method used, you need to make sure that it caused low back pain.

In the event that you know what exactly causes pain in the lumbar region, then it is advisable to resort to folk methods of treatment. And so, what have prepared for us folk methods of treating low back pain?

Basically, treatment occurs by applying compresses, they, in turn, have a warming effect, thereby improving blood circulation in the lower back. Treatment of the lower back with folk remedies helps almost without fail. With the help of these compresses, it is really possible to relieve inflammation and make life easier for a person.

As you know, in folk medicine, various herbs, roots, vegetables, fruits are widely used, that is, what is easily available, what surrounds a person.

• As a working example of a compress for the lower back, you can take rubbed radish or horseradish. This mass in a mixture with sour cream, to reduce burning on the skin, is superimposed on the sore spot. It is superimposed gauze or bandage, you can use an unnecessary cloth, napkin, and then wrapped with a scarf of wool.

• Treatment of the lower back with folk remedies is known and such a popular method as the use of mustard, as a warming agent in the treatment of pain. Surely most colds were treated with mustard? This method is very similar. Mustard powder is diluted with warm water, stirred to a monotonous mass, after which this mixture is superimposed on the sore spot, and just as wrapped with gauze and a handkerchief. Remember, such a compress should not be on the skin for a long time to avoid burns - a maximum of an hour and a half. If the compress brings severe discomfort, then it is better to abandon it, and the place where it was applied, wash with abundantly warm water and soap.

• As an alternative to methods using “edible” drugs, there is also such a way to get rid of low back pain as applying a cloth soaked in gasoline or turpentine, on which a heated plate of copper is placed on top. The method is quite unusual, not everyone will withstand the smell of gasoline, but quite effective. The pain is usually relieved through 3 applications.

• About the same is such a method: rye flour is kneaded on turpentine and the resulting cake is at least 2 cm wide put on a sore spot for up to 1 hour. If it burns too much, then turpentine, when mixing the dough, is diluted with water.

Treatment of the lumbar with folk remedies knows many ways, as another example, you can indicate a method of treatment with red flyfly. This method has been treated since ancient times, a method proven for centuries, we can say. The common red flyfish that grows in forests is known as a poisonous and inedible mushroom. However, this does not diminish his merits. It is actively used by many people as a medicine.

On its basis, an alcohol tincture is prepared, which is rubbed into the sore back. To prepare a fly tincture, you need to fill a liter jar 1/3 with crushed hats and pour vodka to the top. Insist in a dark place at room temperature for 2 weeks. Raw materials strain, squeeze and can be used.

• Salt compresses for the back also bring tangible benefits. To do this, a solution of 100 g of salt is prepared, which is dissolved in one liter of hot water. After that, the gauze is folded in several layers, abundantly moistened in a salt solution and applied to the sore spot. This compress is suitable for use before bedtime. The place where it is applied should also be additionally wrapped with cellophane and a wool scarf.

• Horse chestnut, known for its healing properties, is also great as a medicine. Its fruits are crushed and mixed with camphor oil, as well as fat 1: 1: 1. The resulting mixture is spread on a piece of black bread, applied to the lower back and covered with a warm blanket. The effect is a dosed intake of a healing solution from bread.

• In Soviet times, such a tincture was especially popular for the treatment of the lumbar with folk remedies: a bottle of triple cologne, 2 iodine bubbles, 2 bottles of valerian tincture and 2-3 pods of red hot pepper are poured into the bottle. Everything is carefully shaken, infused for a day and stored in the refrigerator. The healing mixture was smeared at night with a sick lower back or a frequent grid was drawn. Cheap, practical, efficient.




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