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How easy it is to clean the blood vessels folk remedies

Excessive consumption of fatty, fried, salty foods, excessive amounts of sugar, fraught with human accumulation of cholesterol in the body. As a consequence — headaches, significant memory loss, fatigue and General weakness.

We think the appearance of these symptoms not optimistic completely unfounded, and blamed it on your age or the effects of weather, but the fault for this condition is the loss of elasticity and sufficient patency of blood vessels.

As a result the person who monitors the status of vessels, typically face one-on-one with atherosclerosis, angina, hypertension and heart attacks. In order to avoid to get any of these diseases need to care about the purity of the blood vessels.

The most effective way of purification is the cleansing vessels folk remedies. It does not require large financial costs, in addition, the treatment usually is quite a pleasant procedure, in the comfort of your own home.

Cleansing vessels folk remedies• Extremely effective when it comes to bad cholesterol garlic and lemon, and together they represent just a miraculous remedy. To prepare the medication You'll need 4 peeled garlic cloves and 4 lemon with peel, which should be along grind in a meat grinder.

The resulting mass is put in a glass jar, fill to the top with warm water and leave
infuse for three days indoors at room temperature. However, don't forget to systematically and regularly to stir. After three days the mixture should be filtered through a thick gauze, folded in several layers. The drug store in the fridge. It should drink 100 g 3 times a day.

To achieve the desired result, a full course shall be 40 days during which it is necessary to drink a three-liter jar mixture. And don't forget the cleansing vessels folk remedies first of all requires a lot of patience and perseverance.

• Great help in the fight against cholesterol plaques flax seeds in a duet with infusion of calendula.

So, 0.5 Cup flax seed rinse thoroughly and fill them with a small amount of water so that water just covers the seeds. After half an hour drain the water and pour seeds 300 ml of boiling water. Infuse flax seeds approximately 2 hours. Meanwhile, prepare an infusion of marigold, what You will need 1 Cup of dry flowers. Pour 400 ml of boiling water and leave to infuse for 1.5 – 2 hours.

After approximately two hours, strain the infusion and mix them together. The resulting mixture overnight. To take it every day for 3 tablespoons in the morning on an empty stomach — before Breakfast and just before bedtime. The infusion must be stored permanently in the refrigerator. The full course of treatment is 21 days.

• Very effective cleansing vessels folk remedies using pine tincture, which is easy to cook by yourself at home.

Fresh green pine needles, and if there is, young and small cones, place in a glass jar and fill with vodka, fill to the brim capacity. The Bank needs very tightly close the plastic cover and put in a dark warm place. After 10 days, strain the resulting infusion. Make the tool necessary 3 times daily on an empty stomach before meals for 10 – 20 drops. Don't forget pre-before use, dilute the tincture with a small amount of warm water. To take the medicine within one month, after which a month-long break. After the break, repeat.

• In folk medicine, balm is very popular "Youth", in the preparation of which again will need a lemon and garlic, which are known to be very effective and are widely used in cleansing vessels folk remedies.

0.5 kg of peeled garlic along with two crude from the rind of the lemon grind in a meat grinder. To the mixture add 0.5 kg of honey. That's all – the miracle balm ready to use.
The mixture should be taken 3 times a day for a teaspoon for the entire time until the end of the cure. After a month break, repeat the course.

• Plaque can be easily removed at home using, for example, citrus and honey! Very simple and at the same time very effective folk remedy for cleansing vessels. In addition, it will help to strengthen the immune system.

In aluminieviy capacity pour the hot water but not boiling water, 1 lemon and 1 orange. After 1-2 hours remove the lemon and orange out of the water, remove the stalk and seeds and citrus miss through a meat grinder, without removing the peel with the fruit. In the received mix add honey — 2 tablespoons and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass, and then place it in a clean container, e.g. a glass jar. During the day the mixture should be kept at room temperature, then put into the refrigerator. It's a delicious drug should take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day at least 30 minutes before eating. Treatment will only take one month.

It should be noted that the cleansing vessels folk remedies, moreover, will help to strengthen Your immune system, thus You need prevention, which will help prevent very serious diseases.


P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©

Source: vsenarodnaya-medicina.ru