Treatment of snoring folk remedies

Snoring can rightly be considered one of the worst enemies, normal sleep. Snoring person does not sleep with other people, if they are in the same room with him, and besides, he can't sleep because it is constantly awake, not snoring.
The reasons for this unpleasant in all respects, the phenomenon may be different. This is incorrect and the relative positions of the torso and the head, and various diseases of the nasopharynx, such as sinusitis, and metabolic disorders, and more.
Treatment of snoring folk remedies, this is a very promising option of getting rid of this unwanted sound effect.
If you look, all the various causes of snoring, can be described as — this overlap to a greater or lesser degree, the respiratory tract:
— or, due to relaxation of muscles during sleep can not keep sufficient clearance of the respiratory tract;
any increase in the tonsils, adenoids, and sometimes the thyroid gland;
any accumulated in the nose or throat mucus, the result of colds.
The mechanism in all these cases, one of the difficulties for air circulation in the respiratory tract. Which, actually, leads to snoring as such.
Treatment of snoring folk remedies has in its Arsenal a variety of methods, but it is important to understand the cause of those obstacles in the Airways that cause snoring, in this particular case. And already knowing the reason, you can easily find an effective treatment option for this disease. Therefore, before applying one or another method of treatment of snoring in General, should know that his snoring causes.
Traditional treatment of snoring Treatment of snoring folk remedies consists of three large as if the vectors of influence:
— exercises reinforcing the muscles that affect the respiratory tract;
— the excretion of mucus from the respiratory tract;
— the use of various herbs, aromatic and other oils, and other tools.
Exercises for treatment of snoring Exercises that strengthen the corresponding muscles, in General, is quite simple, and execute their will, even people of advanced age. All exercises are done at least 2 times a day (morning and before bed) for 30 times.
• To strengthen the muscles of the tongue, it should stick out as far as possible forward and down — try to touch his tongue to the edge of the chin, and even cover it. Hold it so for 5 seconds.
• To strengthen the muscles of the lower jaw, move it forward, and hand create a slight resistance to this movement.
• To develop the muscles of the larynx, tilting the head back, pronounce vowels sounds such as You, And trying to they were born in the larynx. The first results will appear after about 15 – 20 days if you do exercise regularly.
Treatment of snoring in the home • to clean the walls of the nose and throat of mucus, which can also appear in healthy people, it is recommended to fast one day a week, with a large intake of water (preferably thawed). But this method is not for everyone. Many people may have contraindications to fasting in General. Therefore, doctor's consultation, in this case very desirable.
• You can also rinse your nose with a weak solution of salt. In a glass of warm water, add a tablespoon of salt and stir well. Next, draw in the nose and fluid, as much as would blow the solution out of your nose. Thanks to this procedure that should be done regularly, you will not only cleanse the nose of mucus, but also seriously increase the body's immune defenses. Suggest to read the article "salt Treatment".
• In the Arsenal of the techniques for the treatment of snoring folk remedies is this recipe: add a teaspoon of honey in a glass of fresh cabbage juice. The resulting drug drink before bedtime. Course — a month.
• Sea buckthorn oil is very extensively used in folk medicine as an excellent anti-inflammatory. For getting rid of snoring, you need to dig for three or four hours before bedtime, in each nostril three drops of this oil in about a month, snoring will cease to announce to your room. Along the way you can gargle with olive oil. It will soften the surface of the larynx, and remove mucus and germs.
• For the treatment of snoring folk remedies are used as well and herbal teas. A spoonful of chopped oak bark, mix with the same amount of marigold flowers, and the resulting mixture pour half a liter of boiling water and let stand. The resulting broth to gargle in the morning, after lunch and before bedtime.
Source: vsenarodnaya-medicina.ru