Simple remedies to get rid of snoring
Some people eventually begin to snore when you sleep. Snoring not only interferes with sleep around people, but also harm to the snorer.
Seventy five million one hundred three thousand eighty six
You need to take 2-3 cabbage leaves and finely chop them or mince. Then mix with one tablespoon of honey. Eat before going to sleep. Or you can squeeze the cabbage juice, also mixing it with honey, apply before bed. The course of treatment is 4 weeks.
Cure snore helps this herbal: mix one teaspoon of the root of cinquefoil, one tablespoon of berries of black elderberry, 2 tablespoons of burdock ordinary and one teaspoon of horsetail. Grind all in coffee grinder and add one tablespoon powder in a glass of boiling water. To insist hour. Take tablespoon of 5 times a day to cure.
Another simplest way of getting rid of snoring may be the sea buckthorn oil. Just over 4 hours before going to bed drip one drop of sea buckthorn oil in each nostril. The result comes after 2-3 weeks of such treatment.
Sixty one million three hundred eighty nine thousand four hundred thirteen
Snoring is the sound of the person during sleep. The reason for this is weakening of the muscles of the walls of the pharynx. Therefore, if you will train these muscle groups, the snoring will stop. Sound "And" just strengthens those muscles. Need daily 20-30 times to repeat the sound "And". And you need to pronounce with stress, how to sing, straining the base of the tongue, pull it to her throat. It also trains the muscles.
There are several simple exercises, the regular repetition which strengthens the muscles of the larynx:
Take a wooden stick the size and diameter of a pencil, grab it with your teeth so that it is horizontal and parallel to the jaw. Try to keep it in this position for about 4 minutes.
Try moving your jaw back and forth. Bring the number of repetitions of this exercise up to 30 times.
Expose your tongue as much as possible. You should feel tension at the base. This exercise should be repeated 20-30 times.
Protruding tongue lower down and hold this position for 7-10 seconds, then lift it, put "in place". The recommended number of repetitions for this exercise 20-30 times. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind - together we change the world! ©
Source: //www.ayzdorov.ru/lechenie_xrapa_narsr.php
Seventy five million one hundred three thousand eighty six
You need to take 2-3 cabbage leaves and finely chop them or mince. Then mix with one tablespoon of honey. Eat before going to sleep. Or you can squeeze the cabbage juice, also mixing it with honey, apply before bed. The course of treatment is 4 weeks.
Cure snore helps this herbal: mix one teaspoon of the root of cinquefoil, one tablespoon of berries of black elderberry, 2 tablespoons of burdock ordinary and one teaspoon of horsetail. Grind all in coffee grinder and add one tablespoon powder in a glass of boiling water. To insist hour. Take tablespoon of 5 times a day to cure.
Another simplest way of getting rid of snoring may be the sea buckthorn oil. Just over 4 hours before going to bed drip one drop of sea buckthorn oil in each nostril. The result comes after 2-3 weeks of such treatment.
Sixty one million three hundred eighty nine thousand four hundred thirteen
Snoring is the sound of the person during sleep. The reason for this is weakening of the muscles of the walls of the pharynx. Therefore, if you will train these muscle groups, the snoring will stop. Sound "And" just strengthens those muscles. Need daily 20-30 times to repeat the sound "And". And you need to pronounce with stress, how to sing, straining the base of the tongue, pull it to her throat. It also trains the muscles.
There are several simple exercises, the regular repetition which strengthens the muscles of the larynx:
Take a wooden stick the size and diameter of a pencil, grab it with your teeth so that it is horizontal and parallel to the jaw. Try to keep it in this position for about 4 minutes.
Try moving your jaw back and forth. Bring the number of repetitions of this exercise up to 30 times.
Expose your tongue as much as possible. You should feel tension at the base. This exercise should be repeated 20-30 times.
Protruding tongue lower down and hold this position for 7-10 seconds, then lift it, put "in place". The recommended number of repetitions for this exercise 20-30 times. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind - together we change the world! ©
Source: //www.ayzdorov.ru/lechenie_xrapa_narsr.php