Stewed cabbage — secrets and recipes
How is it a good cabbage! Juicy crunchy cabbage in the capable hands of professionals and Housewives magically turned into various Goodies: cold and hot, salty and sour, pickled and fried, in a moment the sour cream off the table or stored in the basement until the promised day...
Let's talk about the most "delicate" cabbage stew. Believe me, this humble and inexpensive dish that deserves serious attention.
In her sea of fans. Delicious, aromatic, with meat or mushrooms, sausage or sour cream — delicious! A plate of steaming sweet braised cabbage and standing in front of your eyes, right?
In Russian cuisine cabbage is popular for centuries, and that for three reasons: it's hearty, delicious and inexpensive. A huge plus — what to extinguish it it is possible both fresh and pickled. And this is a very diversifies our table. Moreover, in different combinations, with meat or mushrooms, rice, beans, poultry, or raisin — braised cabbage each time will be different, therefore never boring decades. Of course, there are rules, subtleties and secrets. About them we'll talk.
How to prepare and chop the cabbage
Start: with a clean fork from the upper leaves. Then cut the cabbage in any convenient manner, manually or on the shredder, julienne strips or cubes. As correct, or better? — As you like. Just extinguishing time will be different, and look of the dishes will be different.
If sauerkraut, it is sorted and crushed to the same size pieces. Too acidic should be rinsed in water. Of course, this will take a lot of vitamin C, but to extinguish the cabbage precisso own peril: it will still be tasteless.
How long to braise cabbage
If cabbage young — 12-15 minutes is sufficient, but the winter varieties require at least 30-40 minutes total cooking.
If you decide to braise the cabbage in the oven, the temperature should be set no higher 165-170°C to the boiling was minimal. Time will be the same — up to 40 minutes.
In multivarka you will need two modes: first, for roasting onions, carrots and other ingredients, set the mode "Roasting" for the products on the specified time. Then, for cabbage — mode "Quenching" for 20-40 minutes, depending on its age.
It is not necessary to extinguish the cabbage "longer, so that was cool": not only that she will "go all soft" and become not so attractive and delicious, and will lose all its useful properties.
Readiness is determined by the flavor and tenderness. Darkening of cabbage, the appearance of specific acuity, tenderness and the "bitterness" — signs that it's time to dish off.
I would like to mention that stew cabbage can be anywhere — on the stovetop, in the oven, slow cooker or steamer, and any utensils: pot, pan, or pot with thick walls. So unpretentious!
Tricks and subtleties of extinguishing
It would seem that some tricks — cover, and carcasses... but no, there and then their secrets!
Prepared the cabbage first, you can slightly fry in hot oil (fat) to a nice Golden hue. At the same time gently stir to evenly cooked. After that, depending on the ideas, add more oil or water (broth) and simmer under closed cover on very low heat until tender.
But according to the classic "Soviet" cabbage recipe not fried, and immediately quenched with a small amount of liquid or broth.
Salt the cabbage is it better to place immediately, but for 10-12 minutes until tender.
If you want to give the dish a nice sweet and sour taste, for 7-10 minutes until the fire, add a spoon of sugar and vinegar. Of course, sauerkraut vinegar are to be added, but incomplete teaspoon of sugar (the amount of liter bottles) will perfectly balance the taste and soften the sharp acidity.
When choosing sunflower oil give preference to unrefined, cabbage it turns out delicious.
If you want to get the cabbage with the least amount of calories, instead of butter, add hot water. And to increase calories and satiety, on the contrary, it is better to add oil or broth.
Another little secret that will help to give the braised cabbage is incredibly original taste: literally 4-5 minutes until cooked add the slightly fried in butter (or toasted on a dry pan to beige-cream colour) flour at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 1 kg of cabbage. Believe me, it's delicious!
And this secret is for those who can not stand the smell of cooking cabbage (he's really not particularly pleasant): put in a pot or pan where it is boiled or braised cabbage, a large piece of stale bread. It will help to get rid of the smell. And before the end of cooking remove the softened bread with a spoon or skimmer.
And last, the most important secret — the cabbage should simmer with pleasure! Then she is sure to be great!
Braised cabbage "student"
If mom is far away, what you can do without special skills? Right, make eggs, cook potatoes and put the cabbage! Worth a shot, cheap and hearty dish will become a favorite. And even simple boiled sausage braised cabbage will acquire the traits and taste of the meat. Remember, in the dormitory the smell of this "stew" each time going at least a dozen "adults" fans of cabbage, forks is not enough))
Preparing cabbage "student" like this:
Cabbage — 1 forks (about 1.5 kg)
Cooked sausage (Bologna, milk — any will do, sausage) — 300 g
Carrots — 2-3 medium size
Tomato paste — 4 tbsp (or 2 fresh tomatoes)
Onions — 2 medium onions
Vegetable oil (unrefined tastes better)
Salt — to taste
Bay leaf — 2 PCs
Black pepper — optional and to taste
In a pot fry the onions, roughly chopped, carrots, grated on a coarse grater. Add finely shredded cabbage, stir and pour 1 Cup hot water (boiling water). Cover and simmer on low heat until soft.
Sausage (sausage) cut into cubes, sticks, uneven "meat" pieces — as the imagination will prompt, lightly fry in vegetable oil until a beautiful crust and send to the cabbage.
On the oil in which you fried the sausage for a minute or so to bake the tomato paste (tomatoes a little longer to evaporate the juice) — and also to send into the cauldron with cabbage and sausage.
Mix everything, add salt, pepper, Bay leaf, and stew all together for another 5-7 minutes. Eat with pleasure!
Stewed cabbage with meat
Many Housewives believe that the most delicious braised cabbage obtained from pork meat. And it's true — cabbage with pork is simply divine. But with beef and poultry will turn out not worse! And imagine how much different the taste of food!
What you need to know if you decide to extinguish cabbage with meat:
Meat would be good, and shoulder, and sirloin, and thigh, and smoked ribs and even beef.
Cabbage for fighting fit and fresh, and pickled, you can even simmer them together and be original, and delicious.
Here is one of those recipes that have long proven themselves as being "very successful." Try it, you must like it!
Cabbage — 1 kg
Meat (beef, boneless) — 350 g
Carrots — 2 medium size
Onion — 1 piece
The sweet Bulgarian pepper — 1 piece (optional)
Tomato paste or puree 2 tbsp
Fresh tomato — 1 PC
Vegetable oil — 2-3 tbsp
Sour cream — 1 tbsp
Salt — to taste
Ground black pepper — to taste
Pieces of meat with salt (and pepper, who he loves) and fry on medium heat until Golden brown.
Add to it the chopped onion and carrots and sauté them until Golden brown. Then add chopped fresh tomatoes (or skip this step if no tomato) and finely shredded cabbage. Mix all, simmer on low heat for 15-20 minutes.
In tomato paste (puree), add a spoonful of sour cream, stir, add 100-120 ml of water and the resulting sauce to pour in the cabbage. Stir and simmer until tender. Cabbage turns out flavorful and tender. Cabbage gives a very fragrant and delicate taste.
Braised cabbage with prunes
Incredibly spicy aroma of the smoke gives the cabbage prunes. You can add meat, but you can not add then it will be a wonderful Lenten dish (which is now just by the way — started post).
Preparing this kind of cabbage is also quite simple. We will need:
Cabbage — 1 medium forks (1.5 kg)
Prunes — 200 g
Carrot — 1 PC. medium size
Onions — 1 pieces (large)
Tomato paste — 2-3 tbsp.
Bay leaf — 2 PCs
Vegetable oil — for frying onion and carrot
Salt — to taste
Black pepper — to taste
Fry the onion half rings, carrots "under a large grater". Add shredded cabbage, stir, add 200 ml of boiling water and simmer under the lid closed for 15 minutes. To make the prunes and tomato paste, salt-pepper, put the Bay leaf, stir and pour 150 ml of boiling water and simmer until tender 15-17 minutes.
Good advice: when you buy prunes, choose with the smell of smoke, "smoked". Best of all, if it is elastic and soft. But if you purchased dry, is also not a problem: just fill it for a few minutes in boiling water, he will "otmoknet".
Stewed cabbage with mushrooms
On the question "which is better — cabbage with meat or mushrooms? or prunes? or beans?" is difficult to answer. All extremely tasty! But what distinguishes the cabbage with mushrooms is a unique complex aroma and great taste. Try it! And a lot of time will not take, and, perhaps, to everyone's pocket.
What do we need?
Cabbage — 1 medium forks (1.5 kg)
Mushrooms (champignons, oyster mushrooms, any fresh or even dried) — 500 g
Carrots — 400-500 g
Onions — 4-5 PCs
Tomato paste — 100 g
Bay leaf — 2-3 PCs
Vegetable oil — as needed for frying
Salt — to taste
Black pepper — to taste
Shred the cabbage and fry it in small amount of oil to the point where it "flounder". Onions and carrots cut arbitrarily according to your taste and fry until half-step. Slice the mushrooms or transverse slices or cubes, place in a pan and warm until then, until they will allocate juice. Slightly stew the mushrooms until evaporation juice and you can drain the juice and add butter, sauté (and so, so tasty).
All (cabbage, onions with carrots and mushrooms) to put in one cauldron (or a large, deep frying pan), stir, add tomato paste and 300 ml of boiling water and simmer until cooked cabbage and mushrooms. Usually, it is 15-20 minutes. For a few minutes until cooked add salt and Bay leaf and pepper.
Good advice: delicious this cabbage it turns out, if you simmer it in the oven at a temperature of 180-190°C.
Braised cabbage with beans
This dish has an original taste, it is rich and... beautiful. And perfect for those who are fasting. Beans will suit any white or coloured, large or small, dry or canned. If you decide to put out the cabbage with beans, be prepared for the fact that by the time this dish "will surpass" even the cabbage with the meat, because cooking the beans long enough. But the result is worth it
Cabbage — 1 kg
Beans — 200 g
Carrot — 1 (large)
Garlic — 1-2 cloves
Potatoes — 2-3 pieces (medium size)
Tomato paste — 2 tbsp.
Cardamom 1/4 tsp
Coriander (optional) — 0.5-1 tsp
Vegetable oil — 25-35 g
Salt — to taste
Greens (dill)
Beans are best soaked in cold water overnight. Then wash and boil in salted water (about 1.5 hours), turn off the heat, hold it under the lid for another 20 minutes, then drain the water.
While the beans cooked, you can prepare everything else. In hot vegetable oil add the garlic and ginger, cut in small cubes, add the cardamom and fry (2-3 minutes). Then send them roughly chopped carrots and fry until a beautiful Golden cream color. Put diced potatoes and continue to fry for 4-5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Now place the finely chopped cabbage. The entire mixture continue to cook over medium heat for 5-6 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add salt, diluted in 50-60 ml of water tomato paste and simmer on low heat until cooked cabbage. To cabbage is almost ready add the beans, careful not to crush the beans, stir and leave on a tiny fire for a few minutes. At this point, fans of spices can contribute flavor to the dish (in our favor and coriander). After 5-7 minutes of joint extinguish the dish is ready!
Source: www.7dach.ru
Let's talk about the most "delicate" cabbage stew. Believe me, this humble and inexpensive dish that deserves serious attention.

In her sea of fans. Delicious, aromatic, with meat or mushrooms, sausage or sour cream — delicious! A plate of steaming sweet braised cabbage and standing in front of your eyes, right?
In Russian cuisine cabbage is popular for centuries, and that for three reasons: it's hearty, delicious and inexpensive. A huge plus — what to extinguish it it is possible both fresh and pickled. And this is a very diversifies our table. Moreover, in different combinations, with meat or mushrooms, rice, beans, poultry, or raisin — braised cabbage each time will be different, therefore never boring decades. Of course, there are rules, subtleties and secrets. About them we'll talk.
How to prepare and chop the cabbage
Start: with a clean fork from the upper leaves. Then cut the cabbage in any convenient manner, manually or on the shredder, julienne strips or cubes. As correct, or better? — As you like. Just extinguishing time will be different, and look of the dishes will be different.
If sauerkraut, it is sorted and crushed to the same size pieces. Too acidic should be rinsed in water. Of course, this will take a lot of vitamin C, but to extinguish the cabbage precisso own peril: it will still be tasteless.
How long to braise cabbage
If cabbage young — 12-15 minutes is sufficient, but the winter varieties require at least 30-40 minutes total cooking.
If you decide to braise the cabbage in the oven, the temperature should be set no higher 165-170°C to the boiling was minimal. Time will be the same — up to 40 minutes.
In multivarka you will need two modes: first, for roasting onions, carrots and other ingredients, set the mode "Roasting" for the products on the specified time. Then, for cabbage — mode "Quenching" for 20-40 minutes, depending on its age.
It is not necessary to extinguish the cabbage "longer, so that was cool": not only that she will "go all soft" and become not so attractive and delicious, and will lose all its useful properties.
Readiness is determined by the flavor and tenderness. Darkening of cabbage, the appearance of specific acuity, tenderness and the "bitterness" — signs that it's time to dish off.
I would like to mention that stew cabbage can be anywhere — on the stovetop, in the oven, slow cooker or steamer, and any utensils: pot, pan, or pot with thick walls. So unpretentious!
Tricks and subtleties of extinguishing
It would seem that some tricks — cover, and carcasses... but no, there and then their secrets!
Prepared the cabbage first, you can slightly fry in hot oil (fat) to a nice Golden hue. At the same time gently stir to evenly cooked. After that, depending on the ideas, add more oil or water (broth) and simmer under closed cover on very low heat until tender.
But according to the classic "Soviet" cabbage recipe not fried, and immediately quenched with a small amount of liquid or broth.
Salt the cabbage is it better to place immediately, but for 10-12 minutes until tender.
If you want to give the dish a nice sweet and sour taste, for 7-10 minutes until the fire, add a spoon of sugar and vinegar. Of course, sauerkraut vinegar are to be added, but incomplete teaspoon of sugar (the amount of liter bottles) will perfectly balance the taste and soften the sharp acidity.
When choosing sunflower oil give preference to unrefined, cabbage it turns out delicious.
If you want to get the cabbage with the least amount of calories, instead of butter, add hot water. And to increase calories and satiety, on the contrary, it is better to add oil or broth.
Another little secret that will help to give the braised cabbage is incredibly original taste: literally 4-5 minutes until cooked add the slightly fried in butter (or toasted on a dry pan to beige-cream colour) flour at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 1 kg of cabbage. Believe me, it's delicious!
And this secret is for those who can not stand the smell of cooking cabbage (he's really not particularly pleasant): put in a pot or pan where it is boiled or braised cabbage, a large piece of stale bread. It will help to get rid of the smell. And before the end of cooking remove the softened bread with a spoon or skimmer.
And last, the most important secret — the cabbage should simmer with pleasure! Then she is sure to be great!
Braised cabbage "student"
If mom is far away, what you can do without special skills? Right, make eggs, cook potatoes and put the cabbage! Worth a shot, cheap and hearty dish will become a favorite. And even simple boiled sausage braised cabbage will acquire the traits and taste of the meat. Remember, in the dormitory the smell of this "stew" each time going at least a dozen "adults" fans of cabbage, forks is not enough))
Preparing cabbage "student" like this:
Cabbage — 1 forks (about 1.5 kg)
Cooked sausage (Bologna, milk — any will do, sausage) — 300 g
Carrots — 2-3 medium size
Tomato paste — 4 tbsp (or 2 fresh tomatoes)
Onions — 2 medium onions
Vegetable oil (unrefined tastes better)
Salt — to taste
Bay leaf — 2 PCs
Black pepper — optional and to taste
In a pot fry the onions, roughly chopped, carrots, grated on a coarse grater. Add finely shredded cabbage, stir and pour 1 Cup hot water (boiling water). Cover and simmer on low heat until soft.
Sausage (sausage) cut into cubes, sticks, uneven "meat" pieces — as the imagination will prompt, lightly fry in vegetable oil until a beautiful crust and send to the cabbage.
On the oil in which you fried the sausage for a minute or so to bake the tomato paste (tomatoes a little longer to evaporate the juice) — and also to send into the cauldron with cabbage and sausage.
Mix everything, add salt, pepper, Bay leaf, and stew all together for another 5-7 minutes. Eat with pleasure!
Stewed cabbage with meat
Many Housewives believe that the most delicious braised cabbage obtained from pork meat. And it's true — cabbage with pork is simply divine. But with beef and poultry will turn out not worse! And imagine how much different the taste of food!
What you need to know if you decide to extinguish cabbage with meat:
Meat would be good, and shoulder, and sirloin, and thigh, and smoked ribs and even beef.
Cabbage for fighting fit and fresh, and pickled, you can even simmer them together and be original, and delicious.
Here is one of those recipes that have long proven themselves as being "very successful." Try it, you must like it!
Cabbage — 1 kg
Meat (beef, boneless) — 350 g
Carrots — 2 medium size
Onion — 1 piece
The sweet Bulgarian pepper — 1 piece (optional)
Tomato paste or puree 2 tbsp
Fresh tomato — 1 PC
Vegetable oil — 2-3 tbsp
Sour cream — 1 tbsp
Salt — to taste
Ground black pepper — to taste
Pieces of meat with salt (and pepper, who he loves) and fry on medium heat until Golden brown.
Add to it the chopped onion and carrots and sauté them until Golden brown. Then add chopped fresh tomatoes (or skip this step if no tomato) and finely shredded cabbage. Mix all, simmer on low heat for 15-20 minutes.
In tomato paste (puree), add a spoonful of sour cream, stir, add 100-120 ml of water and the resulting sauce to pour in the cabbage. Stir and simmer until tender. Cabbage turns out flavorful and tender. Cabbage gives a very fragrant and delicate taste.
Braised cabbage with prunes
Incredibly spicy aroma of the smoke gives the cabbage prunes. You can add meat, but you can not add then it will be a wonderful Lenten dish (which is now just by the way — started post).
Preparing this kind of cabbage is also quite simple. We will need:
Cabbage — 1 medium forks (1.5 kg)
Prunes — 200 g
Carrot — 1 PC. medium size
Onions — 1 pieces (large)
Tomato paste — 2-3 tbsp.
Bay leaf — 2 PCs
Vegetable oil — for frying onion and carrot
Salt — to taste
Black pepper — to taste
Fry the onion half rings, carrots "under a large grater". Add shredded cabbage, stir, add 200 ml of boiling water and simmer under the lid closed for 15 minutes. To make the prunes and tomato paste, salt-pepper, put the Bay leaf, stir and pour 150 ml of boiling water and simmer until tender 15-17 minutes.
Good advice: when you buy prunes, choose with the smell of smoke, "smoked". Best of all, if it is elastic and soft. But if you purchased dry, is also not a problem: just fill it for a few minutes in boiling water, he will "otmoknet".

Stewed cabbage with mushrooms
On the question "which is better — cabbage with meat or mushrooms? or prunes? or beans?" is difficult to answer. All extremely tasty! But what distinguishes the cabbage with mushrooms is a unique complex aroma and great taste. Try it! And a lot of time will not take, and, perhaps, to everyone's pocket.
What do we need?
Cabbage — 1 medium forks (1.5 kg)
Mushrooms (champignons, oyster mushrooms, any fresh or even dried) — 500 g
Carrots — 400-500 g
Onions — 4-5 PCs
Tomato paste — 100 g
Bay leaf — 2-3 PCs
Vegetable oil — as needed for frying
Salt — to taste
Black pepper — to taste
Shred the cabbage and fry it in small amount of oil to the point where it "flounder". Onions and carrots cut arbitrarily according to your taste and fry until half-step. Slice the mushrooms or transverse slices or cubes, place in a pan and warm until then, until they will allocate juice. Slightly stew the mushrooms until evaporation juice and you can drain the juice and add butter, sauté (and so, so tasty).
All (cabbage, onions with carrots and mushrooms) to put in one cauldron (or a large, deep frying pan), stir, add tomato paste and 300 ml of boiling water and simmer until cooked cabbage and mushrooms. Usually, it is 15-20 minutes. For a few minutes until cooked add salt and Bay leaf and pepper.
Good advice: delicious this cabbage it turns out, if you simmer it in the oven at a temperature of 180-190°C.

Braised cabbage with beans
This dish has an original taste, it is rich and... beautiful. And perfect for those who are fasting. Beans will suit any white or coloured, large or small, dry or canned. If you decide to put out the cabbage with beans, be prepared for the fact that by the time this dish "will surpass" even the cabbage with the meat, because cooking the beans long enough. But the result is worth it
Cabbage — 1 kg
Beans — 200 g
Carrot — 1 (large)
Garlic — 1-2 cloves
Potatoes — 2-3 pieces (medium size)
Tomato paste — 2 tbsp.
Cardamom 1/4 tsp
Coriander (optional) — 0.5-1 tsp
Vegetable oil — 25-35 g
Salt — to taste
Greens (dill)
Beans are best soaked in cold water overnight. Then wash and boil in salted water (about 1.5 hours), turn off the heat, hold it under the lid for another 20 minutes, then drain the water.
While the beans cooked, you can prepare everything else. In hot vegetable oil add the garlic and ginger, cut in small cubes, add the cardamom and fry (2-3 minutes). Then send them roughly chopped carrots and fry until a beautiful Golden cream color. Put diced potatoes and continue to fry for 4-5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Now place the finely chopped cabbage. The entire mixture continue to cook over medium heat for 5-6 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add salt, diluted in 50-60 ml of water tomato paste and simmer on low heat until cooked cabbage. To cabbage is almost ready add the beans, careful not to crush the beans, stir and leave on a tiny fire for a few minutes. At this point, fans of spices can contribute flavor to the dish (in our favor and coriander). After 5-7 minutes of joint extinguish the dish is ready!

Source: www.7dach.ru
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