How to Look Younger for decades: 10 Women Betrayed Time
They say a woman as old as she looks. Britons recently hit 53-year-old resident of the city of Leeds, which is still in the shops and ticket offices offer student discounts!
We also decided to tell you about it and at the same time remember the famous beauties, foreign and Russian, whose age is amazing - so cool they look. Watch and learn their sekretam.
1. Pamela Jacobs '53 (will be in August)
My mother 21-year-old son, once the British press, looks a maximum of 30 years, or even less. She says that when she was next to her son, her mistaken for his girlfriend, and indeed, the young guys stare at her.
Secrets of youth: good genes, a healthy diet rich in greens and vegetables, exercise, sunscreen and ... a lot of coconut oil. Pamela is using it in cooking, added to coffee is used for cleaning the face of make-up and twice a day - to moisten the whole body. She does not eat any starchy foods (bread, pasta), no fruit (because of the high sugar content) and in compliance with the 80/20 rule: 80% of healthy food, and 20% - little weaknesses like wine and chocolate
2. Christie Brinkley '61
Supermodel "ex" does not happen, this proves cheerful American, mother of three adult children, who each their appearance makes a splash. In appearance she is given 35 years, but often wrong, and in the smaller side. In this photo she is near with the eldest daughter, 29-year-old Alex (from the famous musician Billy Joel).
Secrets of youth: mild exfoliating agent that can be used daily, healthy diet (she Christi convinced vegetarian), mandatory training and, perhaps most importantly - a positive attitude. "He works wonders: prolongs life, a step springy and opinion - beaming" - persuades Brinkley. How not to believe?
3. Demi Moore '52
Even the ubiquitous paparazzi podlavlivaya actress without makeup, it can not compromise. Recovering after a painful divorce from Ashton Kutcher, who is younger than her 15 years, Demi today looks no worse than in a happy marriage. In the photo she is surrounded by daughters (from a previous marriage to Bruce Willis) - 21-year-old Tallulah (left) and 23-year-old Scout
Secrets of youth: good genes, a strict diet and regular intensive training. Log in to her regimen helped profession: roles in "Striptease", 1996 and "GI Jane" 97th demanded good physical preparation. Since then Demi has accustomed himself to the early and long run, weightlifting and yoga. Below is a recent photo of Demi Moore Instagram of her third daughter Rumer Willis signed by "the most delightful human being»:
4. Jane Seymour '64
Bond Girl ( "Live and Let Die", 1973) and the star of the popular series 90 "Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman" still turns heads and men envy the ladies parading in tight mini.
Secrets of youth: Organic (Jane she grows vegetables and breeds of chickens), as well as training, namely Pilates girotonik (a special system of exercises with elements yoga, ballet, tai chi and swimming), an exercise bike and light weights. All this, she says, "little by little, without fanaticism." Seymour also denies that made plastic - Eyelid and shape of the breast, but said that it was "a long time ago, in ancient times." But Botox Jane says a firm "no", "I'm an actress to play the face, and with Botox will not have any emotions»
5. Elle Macpherson '51
The Australian model, actress and TV does not give the slightest reason to gossip, occasionally showing themselves in public without makeup. For example, in this picture it with a 12-year-old son walking in winter Sidney (in the southern hemisphere it is winter).
Secrets of youth: El itself admits that "infinite" list. She gets up every day at 5 am, doing breathing exercises, drink a liter of water and then 10 minutes closes his eyes and imagines everything it wanted to do and see in the coming days, the abstract and the concrete. Beauty Rituals necessarily include exfoliation, hydration and skin protection from the sun - always and everywhere. And, of course, proper nutrition and removing toxins from the body under the supervision of a nutritionist.
6. Apasra Hongsakula 68 years old
Yes, the numbers do not lie! Amazingly, Miss Universe 1965, the first Thai winner of this competition, very little has changed in half a century. Take a look at this photo, which she published in her Facebook in 2012, staging a furore in the Asian segment of the Internet:
Secrets of youth: is rumored, she spent 2 5 THB (75 million US dollars) on anti-aging treatments and plastic surgery. Envious also believe that an incredibly youthful appearance in the photo - is the result of strong retouching. But you frame izteleintervyu 2014 Asian beauty year: here she also looks stunning. Maybe not for 20 years, but much younger than his age.
What is nice, our compatriots also know how to hit. See sami.7 . Verbitskaya Larisa 55 years old
One of the most famous television presenters country retained youthful appearance without plastic, and other expensive tricks. She says that never in his life sat on a diet, and that look much younger than his years and everyone can, without difficulty and without any miracles.
Secrets of youth: a glass of warm water after you wake up, a balanced diet, physical activity (without fanaticism, in order to keep yourself in good shape, enough home exercise), as well as home remedies for skin care with periodic campaigns to the cosmetician. From anti-aging treatments - hyaluronic acid. But to Larisa BOTOX treated with caution and advises to resort to it only when a clear medical need.
8. Ekaterina Andreeva '53
Leading the program "Time", recognized in 1999 on the results of the online poll "the most beautiful leading television in Russia", consistently surprising, calling his real age. And congratulating her on his birthday and colleagues added the epithet "forever young».
Secrets of youth: fresh air, douches, sport and love. However, she herself says: "Creams, orthopedic pillows, exercise, nutrition - is secondary. The basis of the appearance - openness to the world, the absence of jealousy and anger. " Believe telediktoru a word?
9. Valeriya 47 years old
All the same delicate and smooth-faced, in 20 years, the singer Valeria, mother of three children on a diet do not sit, but for many years engaged in yoga, which, she said, gives "physical and spiritual harmony».
Secrets of youth: a bunch of sites on the Internet share tips from "Valerie", and to be honest, it is hard to find these among this abundance. It is therefore easier to apply to the video, where Valery lists: in addition to yoga, treadmill, abdominal exercises in the morning and full balanced nutrition with the rejection of the dinner. "I have not smoked a cigarette in my life, I am absolutely indifferent to alcohol - this is very much", - she says. And even he quotes his beautician "Person without wrinkles is only daunov»
10. Angelina Vovk '72
And another legend of our television, which, you will agree, very nice entered the venerable age.
Secrets of youth: right livelihood, restrictions in food, nourishing creams with essential oils. There were also small plastic procedures (lead get rid of bags under the eyes, made a non-surgical facelift). But, as she says, from the height of his experience, "to look good, you are good to treat people. This is important. »
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We also decided to tell you about it and at the same time remember the famous beauties, foreign and Russian, whose age is amazing - so cool they look. Watch and learn their sekretam.

1. Pamela Jacobs '53 (will be in August)
My mother 21-year-old son, once the British press, looks a maximum of 30 years, or even less. She says that when she was next to her son, her mistaken for his girlfriend, and indeed, the young guys stare at her.

Secrets of youth: good genes, a healthy diet rich in greens and vegetables, exercise, sunscreen and ... a lot of coconut oil. Pamela is using it in cooking, added to coffee is used for cleaning the face of make-up and twice a day - to moisten the whole body. She does not eat any starchy foods (bread, pasta), no fruit (because of the high sugar content) and in compliance with the 80/20 rule: 80% of healthy food, and 20% - little weaknesses like wine and chocolate

2. Christie Brinkley '61
Supermodel "ex" does not happen, this proves cheerful American, mother of three adult children, who each their appearance makes a splash. In appearance she is given 35 years, but often wrong, and in the smaller side. In this photo she is near with the eldest daughter, 29-year-old Alex (from the famous musician Billy Joel).

Secrets of youth: mild exfoliating agent that can be used daily, healthy diet (she Christi convinced vegetarian), mandatory training and, perhaps most importantly - a positive attitude. "He works wonders: prolongs life, a step springy and opinion - beaming" - persuades Brinkley. How not to believe?

3. Demi Moore '52
Even the ubiquitous paparazzi podlavlivaya actress without makeup, it can not compromise. Recovering after a painful divorce from Ashton Kutcher, who is younger than her 15 years, Demi today looks no worse than in a happy marriage. In the photo she is surrounded by daughters (from a previous marriage to Bruce Willis) - 21-year-old Tallulah (left) and 23-year-old Scout

Secrets of youth: good genes, a strict diet and regular intensive training. Log in to her regimen helped profession: roles in "Striptease", 1996 and "GI Jane" 97th demanded good physical preparation. Since then Demi has accustomed himself to the early and long run, weightlifting and yoga. Below is a recent photo of Demi Moore Instagram of her third daughter Rumer Willis signed by "the most delightful human being»:

4. Jane Seymour '64
Bond Girl ( "Live and Let Die", 1973) and the star of the popular series 90 "Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman" still turns heads and men envy the ladies parading in tight mini.

Secrets of youth: Organic (Jane she grows vegetables and breeds of chickens), as well as training, namely Pilates girotonik (a special system of exercises with elements yoga, ballet, tai chi and swimming), an exercise bike and light weights. All this, she says, "little by little, without fanaticism." Seymour also denies that made plastic - Eyelid and shape of the breast, but said that it was "a long time ago, in ancient times." But Botox Jane says a firm "no", "I'm an actress to play the face, and with Botox will not have any emotions»

5. Elle Macpherson '51
The Australian model, actress and TV does not give the slightest reason to gossip, occasionally showing themselves in public without makeup. For example, in this picture it with a 12-year-old son walking in winter Sidney (in the southern hemisphere it is winter).

Secrets of youth: El itself admits that "infinite" list. She gets up every day at 5 am, doing breathing exercises, drink a liter of water and then 10 minutes closes his eyes and imagines everything it wanted to do and see in the coming days, the abstract and the concrete. Beauty Rituals necessarily include exfoliation, hydration and skin protection from the sun - always and everywhere. And, of course, proper nutrition and removing toxins from the body under the supervision of a nutritionist.

6. Apasra Hongsakula 68 years old
Yes, the numbers do not lie! Amazingly, Miss Universe 1965, the first Thai winner of this competition, very little has changed in half a century. Take a look at this photo, which she published in her Facebook in 2012, staging a furore in the Asian segment of the Internet:

Secrets of youth: is rumored, she spent 2 5 THB (75 million US dollars) on anti-aging treatments and plastic surgery. Envious also believe that an incredibly youthful appearance in the photo - is the result of strong retouching. But you frame izteleintervyu 2014 Asian beauty year: here she also looks stunning. Maybe not for 20 years, but much younger than his age.

What is nice, our compatriots also know how to hit. See sami.7 . Verbitskaya Larisa 55 years old
One of the most famous television presenters country retained youthful appearance without plastic, and other expensive tricks. She says that never in his life sat on a diet, and that look much younger than his years and everyone can, without difficulty and without any miracles.

Secrets of youth: a glass of warm water after you wake up, a balanced diet, physical activity (without fanaticism, in order to keep yourself in good shape, enough home exercise), as well as home remedies for skin care with periodic campaigns to the cosmetician. From anti-aging treatments - hyaluronic acid. But to Larisa BOTOX treated with caution and advises to resort to it only when a clear medical need.

8. Ekaterina Andreeva '53
Leading the program "Time", recognized in 1999 on the results of the online poll "the most beautiful leading television in Russia", consistently surprising, calling his real age. And congratulating her on his birthday and colleagues added the epithet "forever young».

Secrets of youth: fresh air, douches, sport and love. However, she herself says: "Creams, orthopedic pillows, exercise, nutrition - is secondary. The basis of the appearance - openness to the world, the absence of jealousy and anger. " Believe telediktoru a word?

9. Valeriya 47 years old
All the same delicate and smooth-faced, in 20 years, the singer Valeria, mother of three children on a diet do not sit, but for many years engaged in yoga, which, she said, gives "physical and spiritual harmony».

Secrets of youth: a bunch of sites on the Internet share tips from "Valerie", and to be honest, it is hard to find these among this abundance. It is therefore easier to apply to the video, where Valery lists: in addition to yoga, treadmill, abdominal exercises in the morning and full balanced nutrition with the rejection of the dinner. "I have not smoked a cigarette in my life, I am absolutely indifferent to alcohol - this is very much", - she says. And even he quotes his beautician "Person without wrinkles is only daunov»

10. Angelina Vovk '72
And another legend of our television, which, you will agree, very nice entered the venerable age.

Secrets of youth: right livelihood, restrictions in food, nourishing creams with essential oils. There were also small plastic procedures (lead get rid of bags under the eyes, made a non-surgical facelift). But, as she says, from the height of his experience, "to look good, you are good to treat people. This is important. »

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