Cellulite is a great worldwide hoax. The expert blew to the dust the nonsense that women are sold advertising

Does the reader know that cosmetologists and advertisers are fooling us about the so-called “cellulite”, passing nonsense as reality for profit? Website offers to delve deeper into this topic and get acquainted with the opinion of the expert, especially since it is set out in interesting and detailed. I immediately warn you that there will be a lot of text (as well as pictures with photos), because it is very difficult to briefly explain this rather complicated topic to ordinary people. Anyone interested in this article will have no problem.
I hope that the topic that I will cover here will be of interest to the female audience. We men need to know this to know the enemy.
By "enemy," I mean a legion of nimble cosmetology and pharmaceutical companies. These crooks have been fooling hundreds of millions of women for years, forcing them to fight a disease that doesn’t actually exist in nature.
We are talking about cellulite hated by many women.
Cellulite! Cellulite! Cellulite!!!
All to fight the plague of the XXI century – cellulite!!!
I am amazed not only by the ingenious audacity of those who spread this myth around the world, but also by the endless naivety of so many women around the world who give these rascals huge sums of money for nothing.
I would not sin against the truth if I assume that the world market for anti-cellulite agents and procedures is tens of billions of dollars! This is a huge amount, which is quite comparable to the annual budgets of many countries on the planet.
Yes, it is the mafia of cosmetologists and pharmacists specially promoted cellulite It's about making huge sums of money from women's pursuit of beauty.
As a person with a higher medical education, I am saddened to see how generally smart women spend decent money on various creams and cosmetic procedures in order to get rid of the cellulite they hate.
I have repeatedly tried to “reach out” to my friends, trying to literally explain to them on my fingers that their so-called cellulite is not a disease at all, and therefore it is impossible to defeat it (well, perhaps suicide).
However, my interlocutors either answered me in the style of “You are a man, you will never understand us!” or with a sad grin missed my arguments.
Almost every woman in our time grabs herself by the loins and frantically suffers, finding such a bumpyness, called cellulite:

Having discovered this cellulite, the woman begins to fight it, taking an extensive arsenal of anti-cellulite drugs and procedures as assistants.
So, I will begin my story, and I will try to use less scientific and medical terms to make it clearer and not tire readers.
First. Cosmetology mafia specifically substitute concepts to intimidate and confuse women, their potential victims.
The fact is that in official medical science there really is such a disease - cellulite. This term refers to inflammation of adipose tissue.
However, in our case, it turns out that this is “Fedot, not the one!”
Explain. All doctors in the world are obliged to diagnose the patient not to invent their own home-grown names for diseases, but strictly adhere to the so-called. International Classification of Diseases. The tenth revision or ICD-10 classification (adopted by the 43rd World Health Assembly) is currently in use.
And in this list of all currently known medical science diseases there are five diseases, the names of which have the term "cellulite", namely:
H60.1.1. Cellulite of the outer ear
L98.3 Eosinophilic Wells cellulite
N73.0 Acute parameterite and pelvic cellulite
N73.1. Chronic parameterite and pelvic cellulite
N73.2 Parameterite and pelvic cellulite unspecified
These diseases officially recognized by the medical community have about the same relation to cellulite as hot dogs to real dogs – that is, absolutely nothing!
There was a deliberate substitution of concepts, and it was done quite deliberately, in order to fool hundreds of millions of women around the world and make them spend rabid money on the treatment of a non-existent disease.
Let's move on.
Medical ending. "it", attached to the name of the organ, means inflammation of this organ (acute or chronic).
For example, inflammation of the appendix of the cecum (appendix) is called appendicitis.litter, inflammation of the prostate - prostatelitterInflammation of the maxillary sinuses - hymorelitter. And so on and so forth.
Therefore, when it comes tocelluliteThe official medicine means fatty-fiber.
But can we say that women who have found symptoms of cellulite have inflammatory processes in adipose tissue?
Let’s assume (hypothetically, of course) that beauticians are right, and that hundreds of millions of women suffer from inflammation of adipose tissue, which manifests itself as hated bumps on the skin.
Personally, as a doctor, I immediately have a question for cosmetologists. What kind of inflammation are we talking about? Acute or chronic? Infectious or aseptic?
If this is an acute (and also infectious) process, then it actually threatens with phlegmon and the woman must be urgently taken to the purulent surgery department!
I come to the conclusion that we are talking about a certain chronic inflammatory process of non-infectious nature, It affects almost all women on the planet, regardless of race and place of residence. But this is one of the impossible, agree!
Therefore, the so-called cellulite is definitely not inflammatory nature. So why are they fooling the people?
However, after scouring the expanses of the Network, I met such a miracle pearl on one of the sites:
“Cellulitis is a structural change in the subcutaneous fat layer that leads to impaired microcirculation and lymphatic outflow. It can be characterized as stagnant phenomena in adipose tissue, leading to its dystrophy.
With such scientific medical terms, the author of the article tried to explain to her readers what cellulite is.
But dystrophy and inflammation, as the French say, are two big differences!
In my opinion, the phrase “adipose tissue dystrophy” in this context generally looks like an oxymoron! If you call things by their proper names, then call cellulite irregularities on the skin, allegedly formed as a result of dystrophy of adipose tissue can not in any way.
I will say as a doctor - the version of lipodystrophy as the cause of the so-called cellulite looks clearly far-fetched. Sucked from a finger, to put it simply!
Also, the Network is full of interviews and articles in which cosmetologists openly mislead their listeners, and in a very refined way.
On the one hand, some of these cosmetologists, due to their higher medical education, still recognize the fallacy of the term “cellulite”, but, nevertheless, reduce the formation of irregularities on the skin to some destructive processes in adipose tissue.
The final message, in any case, they have this – urgently run to our clinic, where we will begin the fight against these destructive phenomena and save you from cellulite!
What kind of fraud you do not go for money, I understand.
Intimidate a potential client, deceive a gullible victim, instill in her that she has a serious chronic sore - and now you have a regular client who will meekly pay for years for the treatment of a non-existent ailment.
It's brilliant, great business, hats off!
Second Let’s take a look at this cellulite! Why do irregularities form on the skin?
Call on medical science and turn on our brains.
So, let's start debriefing flights.
The human body has fatty tissue. It is mainly located under the skin (as it is called). subcutaneous) and within the body (so-called visceral).
In adults, it is mainly present in the body so-called. fattySmall children have something called brown fat. But we're going to talk about adults.
Adipose tissue has many functions: providing energy, thermal insulation, protecting organs from mechanical damage (fat pillow), endocrine function, etc.
Like all other tissues, adipose tissue consists of special cells called adipocyte. These cells contain a large drop of fat surrounded by a ring of cytoplasm. The nucleus of these cells is smoothed and located on the periphery of the cell.

In turn, adipocytes are collected in a kind of bags in which thousands of cells are combined.

These bags, in turn, are combined into larger structures. And it looks like this in a person:

Or this:

So here's the first important information. adipose tissue in humans is loose, heterogeneous and consists of rounded elongated lobules.
Just remember this important fact in the context of the article, we will come back to this.
Accordingly, if you schematically imagine the structure of subcutaneous fat, it looks something like this:

Now read carefully and try to comprehend what will be outlined below.
Each individual adipocyteprogrammed to store fat. And the problem is that each fat cell stores as much fat as it wants - thanks to its ability to stretch, adipocytes can increase in volume hundreds or even thousands of times!
It turns out, you understand, an interesting situation - each adipocyte increases in size in no way consistent with others (i.e., someone is more swelling from accumulated fat, and someone less).
In turn, adipocyte conglomerates also increase unevenly, followed by larger structures. Each lobe of fat visible to the eye has its own size!
The result is this picture:

That is, if all fat cells worked in unison, the adipose tissue would have a flat surface. But it's perfect! Because in reality, the fat in the human body grows unevenly.
And this is quite physiological and there is no violation of health!

In pigs, subcutaneous fatty tissue is arranged differently, besides, their skin is many times thicker and denser than human, so in a pig, no matter how fattened it is, you will not find signs of so-called cellulite.
This is how I lead you, my dear readers, to the main conclusion.
And this conclusion is as follows: what cosmetologists call cellulite, and for getting rid of which they skillfully take mad money from sloppy clients, in fact, is nothing more than anatomically due to the unevenness of the surface of adipose tissue! That is, there is no disease in women called cellulite - because it is actually absolutely normal! This is how nature works, you understand.
The fight against cellulite is about the same as the fight against the menstrual cycle - because both are the result of the work of female sex hormones.
I also want to give my readers a little explanation.
Before puberty (age of puberty), the figures in boys and girls are the same.
As soon as the period of puberty comes, there is a radical transformation of the figures - if boys accelerate stretching in length and muscle mass grows, then girls, as a rule, the increase in growth is not so noticeable, but the mass and volume of adipose tissue increase, as a result of which the maiden figures acquire the roundness inherent in the female sex.
Why do women have more fat stores than men? This is also understandable if you look at it from the point of view of nature.
The point is that our primary role is procreation. When men and women reach childbearing age, their organs and systems are restructured to ensure guaranteed childbearing.
Since the role of a man was initially reduced to the process of obtaining food, muscle mass and strength were important for them, but excess fat reserves would only harm a man as a hunter. Therefore, we, men, normally special reserves of fat can not boast.
With women, the situation is different - nature specially supplies them with fat reserves in order to create the most comfortable conditions for carrying a fetus. Agree that a pregnant woman is forced to feed two organisms at once, so you can not do without a good supply of nutrients in the body! Therefore, it is very convenient that fat is a very high-calorie substance.
Mother nature did not think about the fact that fat reserves can cause modern women moral and psychological discomfort. Nature was actually wise, providing the female body with fat in such a volume.
But in a modern society full of myths and prejudices, girls during puberty and begin to pay close attention to the very cellulite that will spoil their lives for many years. And how not to notice it, if the fat in the female body becomes many times more! And fat, as I said, is extremely necessary for the implementation of the reproductive function.
In boys, there is no visible growth in the mass and volume of adipose tissue, so it is believed that men do not have cellulite.
It does, I assure you! It's just that men have a thinner layer of fat and a slightly thicker skin, so it seems to ladies that we don't have cellulite. If a man begins to gain weight, and even according to the female type, then cellulite there is what will be, envy!

Third I may be asked, why then in the fight against cellulite there is still a result from all sorts of procedures and drugs?
I agree, the effect seems to be, for a certain amount of money, cosmetologists will save you from excess bumpiness on the skin.
But that will always (and always!) be temporary. Maximum for a month (if you’re lucky).
Let me explain how all these lauded procedures work. You'll just refresh your memory of what I said above.
What do we have? And we, homo sapiens, anatomically uneven subcutaneous fat. What methods can be used to smooth out this unevenness?
The first thing that comes to mind is the so-called. liposuction, that is, the removal of fat with a special tool, aligning excessively bulging bumps of adipose tissue.
This is a completely useless procedure, I assure you!
Explain. As I said, adipocytes actually have no limits to increase volume. Even if you remove "extra" fat cells from some part of the body, the remaining (subject to maintaining an excess intake of calories from food) will continue to increase in volume and bumpiness on the skin will return very soon.
Second option. You can try to increase the tension of the skin so that it works like a tight stocking, pressing overly bulging conglomerates of fat cells.
For this, all these vaunted ointments with an anti-cellulite effect are used - due to the resulting edema, as well as surface irritation and a rush of blood, the skin becomes denser and stretched for some time, as a result of which the visual irregularities on it are smoothed out.
But this will also be a temporary effect - no more than a day, but more often it lasts a few hours.
The third option. You can try to catch up with more lymph (tissue fluid) in the subcutaneous fat. Due to the excess fluid under the skin, the leveling of its surface will occur.
Cellulite is temporarily defeated - but this is exactly what for a limited period of time! After all, the lymph comes and goes. The effect is no more than a week or less.
The fourth option. What about losing weight? The logic here seems to be traced - a thin layer of subcutaneous fat will have fewer irregularities.
Yes, this option may well work. But not all women, and not always. And it is very dangerous for health!
Let's deal with that, too.
First, the effect depends largely on genetics.
Some women – no matter how thin they are! – still adipose tissue is thinning unevenly. For example, look at the hips of American actress Tara Reed:

Or the fat folds on Maria Sharapova's thigh:

You can, like this bodybuilder, generally bring the layer of subcutaneous fat to almost zero (at the same time getting rid of the mammary glands):
Also, of course, you can just stop eating and, turning into anorexic, forever forget about the hated cellulite:
But will it be useful?! Of course not and not again!
Getting rid of the hated cellulite in this way, a woman will get a bunch of problems in revenge from Mother Nature, the main of which are a failure of the menstrual cycle and a catastrophic fall in immunity.
It is proved that the drop in the total level of fat stores in women below the level of 15 percent leads to sad consequences for their health. It is us men who will feel quite tolerable even with a six percent fat content in our body. With the female body, such tricks do not pass!
Thus, we can safely argue that all advertised anti-cellulite drugs and procedures are nothing more than a deception in order to siphon more money from naive fools.
Fourth, “So what shall we do now?” the readers will ask me indignantly.
First, you just understand that this cellulite is not a disease, but only an anatomical feature of adipose tissue inherent in the female body, which has a lobular structure and therefore under the thin human skin will always look like roughness of the surface.
Perfectly smooth skin is a myth! And photos of celebrities in different fashion magazines are carefully processed in Photoshop in order to remove the “star” cellulite from the pictures.
Better you look at other photos of celebrities, the same ones where the paparazzi show us this "star" cellulite without retouching:

Secondly, knowing now what is hidden under the name of cellulite, you can find a way to minimize this problem (which is largely purely subjective and psychological in nature).
What can I recommend?
My main advice is this: We need to learn to be philosophical about this problem.
Our mothers and grandmothers did not pay any attention to this very cellulite, because they did not suspect its existence! The myth of cellulite came to our country only in the late 80s on the wave of perestroika along with other Western trends. The older generation did not pay any attention to the so-called cellulite - and did the right thing!
If you still want women to achieve a flat surface of their skin, it will require additional medical education.
First, dear women, remember the main thing (and I will repeat it again) – in any case, genetics plays a big role here!
Some of the women were more lucky and their adipose tissue is more evenly distributed, and others less (in other words, someone got porridge with lumps, and someone more homogeneous consistency).
Therefore, there are skinny people with pronounced irregularities on the skin, and there are lush ladies whose skin surface is flat. Who's so lucky with the genes!
But there will still be one fairly simple rule. The thicker the layer of subcutaneous fat, the more pronounced its lobular structure will be visible on the surface of the skin!
Secondly, the properties of the connective tissue and the skin itself play a huge role.
If the skin is elastic, then it will smooth out the unevenness of the subcutaneous fatty tissue.
Skin elasticity depends on a number of factors, the main of which are two – the amount of collagen and age (the older we get, the more our skin loses its elasticity).
The level of collagen in the skin, ensuring its elasticity and elasticity, is largely hereditary. If collagen is not enough, then the so-called collagen is formed on the skin. striae. Therefore, after pregnancy in many women, the skin on the abdomen can acquire a wrinkled appearance - this is clear evidence of insufficient elasticity of the skin.
If a woman has a congenital lack of collagen in the skin, this must be accepted. No super-duper cream with collagen will help you here, it will always be a waste of money, since collagen does not penetrate the skin!
But in any case, it is possible and necessary to fight age-related changes in the skin.
To maintain good skin tone, it must be protected - at least not to smoke and not overdo it with a tan. Plus nutrition, of course, and a healthy lifestyle.
Sports can also help, namely weight lifting in order to build muscles. If a woman manages to increase muscle mass while getting rid of excess fat stores (keeping the fat content in the body safe for health, of course) - then these same muscles will support the subcutaneous fat layer from the inside and thus visually the skin surface will look smoother.
However, most women are still not ready to go this way, because few people want to work hard on themselves, give everyone some miracle-means of instant action, which, of course, does not exist in nature from the word "entirely"!
Or rather, there is a cosmetic mafia that convinces gullible women otherwise - and rakes cash with a shovel!
For example, I have a good friend who is a nurse by profession. Being a woman prone to fullness, and besides loving tasty and hearty food, she, for as long as I remember her (and this is twenty years for sure) was always overweight.
And this friend of mine constantly complains that she does not manage to lose weight, that the cursed cellulite spoils her figure, etc., etc. Over the years, she has been carrying her brain out to herself and others.
Despite the fact that I, as a doctor, literally on my fingers, repeatedly explained to her about obesity and cellulite, she still spends a lot of money on various creams, drugs and procedures for losing weight and fighting cellulite (recently once again took a large loan from the bank for a course of mesotherapy). The effect, of course, as always is just zero. But this does not stop my friend and she is looking for a miracle method with rare persistence.
When I ask her whether it is easier (and much cheaper!) to buy a subscription to the gym and adjust your food, she honestly answers that there is not enough, they say, willpower. But for some reason, there is enough willpower to constantly take loans from the bank for your fruitless fight against obesity and cellulite! Unfortunately, I simply cannot understand this logic.
For years, women go on useless procedures, spend money on deliberately ineffective drugs, and as a result, cellulite as it was, so it remains. And how can he not stay, if it is quite physiological for the female body phenomenon!
I'll also tell you one more thing: in fact, we men, all this female suffering about cellulite is absolutely incomprehensible.
We just don't understand how you can suffer and spend money on something that doesn't look like a disadvantage to us.
Personally, for example, I am disgusted not so much by the so-called cellulite itself as by the reluctance of a woman to take care of herself.
That is, overweight, bad character and general sloppiness personally repel me more than anatomically conditioned roughness of the skin surface in women.
A normal man will not pay attention to cellulite if he looks like this:
And it's quite different when he sees this in front of him:
Or this:
Especially this one!

You, dear ladies, just understand one thing – at all times in any society, myths have arisen and unwritten canons of beauty have been introduced into the minds of people! A particularly suggestive category has always been women, of course.
The goal was to force women to spend money on useless (and often harmful) procedures.
Let’s remember how a narrow waist was in fashion and the ladies wore corsets for this from a young age – which led to very sad consequences.

Or let’s recall the fashion for aristocratic pallor in seventeenth-century Europe!
Ladies were so sensitive to the complexion and smoothness of the skin that they did not do anything - even bloodletting themselves did regularly. And also used for this purpose powder and whitewash. Everything would be fine, only here made in those days these cosmetics from mercury chloride and white lead, quite toxic to humans substances!
Lead powder perfectly concealed all irregularities and flaws of the skin, leveled the color, created the effect of velvet skin and, moreover, was very cheap.
However, few people suspected that this cosmetic can cause paralysis, brain tumor and gradual failure of internal organs. Lead remained in the powder until the beginning of the XX century, by the way. Today, the basis for powder is talc.
However, even today in China, there is an ancient fashion for that very aristocratic pallor.
Those who have been to the Chinese beaches, could not help but pay attention to the ladies in these bizarre outfits:

Moreover, Chinese women learn such “good manners” from an early age!

What did I point to this example? And in order for our dear ladies to understand that fashion trends are ephemeral and yet it is important first of all to think with your head.
It has long been known one principle that it is easier to control the mass of people through fear andpleasure.
The cosmetological mafia, promoting the myth of a non-existent disease called cellulite, uses these two methods in parallel.
The women were at the same time frightened by this very cellulite, and gave them the opportunity to enjoy (for their own money) a fleeting victory over it!
As a cherry to the cake, I attach you a screen chat on one of the women's forums dedicated to the fight against cellulite. As they say in such cases: “No comment!”

Immediately come to mind the famous lines of Alexander Blok:
"And eternal combat!" We only dream of peace!
And is this eternal battle necessary, considering that the enemy is fictional and does not actually exist in nature?
Fighting cellulite, women struggle with their nature. Nature cannot be defeated, she will still take her own, and a hundredfold! Nature takes revenge for her disrespect, and her revenge is always very cruel.
Who remembers, not so long ago on many TV channels there was a massive advertising of dietary supplements (biologically active additives).
Despite the fact that these dietary supplements, as a rule, have not been clinically tested, and their effectiveness has not been officially confirmed, nevertheless, commercials claimed that dietary supplements are allegedly a medicine.
Moreover, the miraculous properties of one or another dietary supplement, as a rule, was broadcast with a serious look by a man in a white coat.
And the uninitiated viewer (of whom the vast majority!) had a quite stable impression that we are really talking about an effective drug approved by the Ministry of Health! After all, on the screen, the layman saw a doctor, not realizing that in a white coat sits a dressed actor who only convincingly plays his role (for which he received his fee).
This bacchanalia continued for quite a long time until our authorities turned their attention to this problem.
These days, dietary supplements are advertised, of course, but, firstly, on the screen you will not see a person in a white coat, and secondly, by law, a warning has become mandatory: “BAD”. It is not a medicinal product.”
I think it is time for the Russian Ministry of Health to take care of the problem called cellulite.
It should be forbidden to call so completely physiological and anatomically conditioned unevenness of the subcutaneous fat tissue.
When knowingly normal phenomenon cunning businessmen from cosmetology called the disease and "muddy" the brains of naive women (for the purpose of profit, of course), then this outrage is time to stop!
And there is no state intervention, you know.
Although I have a fear that the cosmetic mafia has a strong lobby in the Ministry of Health, so everything will remain as it is.
Hope that the Ministry of Health will begin to educate the female part of the population about cellulite - this is something from the field of fiction! Medical officials are now busy with more important matters, I understand.
That’s why I wrote this article to reach people (mostly women, of course).
I hope this article will help many to soberly look at this cellulite.
Let me conclude by recalling the following:
So-called cellulite is a normal phenomenon, not a disease! Obesity is a disease!
No one has died from the so-called cellulite, but thousands of people around the world die from obesity every day.
Thank you all for your attention.
Everyone be healthy and reasonable!

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