Could I imagine that THIS will help me finally lose weight and achieve a result! Not hoping...
Today's article is for women who doubt. To lose weight or lose weight? Is cellulite will be able to cope? Many of us do not even try to change anything in their lives because they do not believe in the success of the event. Meanwhile, the quality of the body depends on the quality of life, and many problems are solved as soon as the unwanted weight disappears!
Also today's article is for those who aim to be beautiful in the spring. There is one way, reliable, proven! Now you will get a weapon that totally destroys the cellulite.
© DepositPhotos
My friend visits a masseur, his name is Denis. A simple guy, but very sensible: at a young age he was able to gather a large customer base. All because continues to develop her skills, constantly learning, improving his skills. He told all the secrets that hide wizard special magic of massage, the skin! Now I have no doubt, to do or not anti-cellulite massage... Now you will understand me!
The correct anti-cellulite massicot below is a terrible photo. Poor women lay out huge sums of money and get bruises and disappointment in this most useful procedure! How painful was this girl? Don't even want to imagine how long did the bruises... First rule: find a good massage therapist. It needs to ensure that no bruising after a course of massage.
A course of anti-cellulite massage will give your skin a new life, pull up figure, improve the form. But it should be in the mind!
The most common myths and exposing the
A useful reminder! It is very important to eat properly to achieve a good result during the course of anti-cellulite massage! You need to eat oily fish, chicken, vegetables steamed and cooked without oil, avocados, nuts, dairy products. To remove the bread, flour products, sweets, fizzy drinks. To drink more! That is, you need to stick to possibly a low-carb diet.
I wish you success on the path to ideal figure and toned skin! I have no doubt that you will succeed.
© DepositPhotos
I would like to Express special thanks to the masseur Denis, who laid everything on the shelves! If you rate the usefulness of this article, show her friends — every self-respecting beauty need to understand, not to fall into the clutches of a careless master!
Now everyone can publish articles
Try this first! To WRITE an ARTICLE the Author
Alexander Klimchuk Since childhood, interested in medicine, grew up in a family of doctors. Knows how to make a fancy Breakfast out of nothing, is not afraid to experiment in the kitchen, making pies without flour, low-fat mayonnaise, healthy sweets. Never give up and believes that people are created to help each other! In all its domestic Affairs the assistant to the son Sasha. Alexandra's favorite book — "the Art of loving" by E. Fromm.
Also today's article is for those who aim to be beautiful in the spring. There is one way, reliable, proven! Now you will get a weapon that totally destroys the cellulite.

© DepositPhotos
My friend visits a masseur, his name is Denis. A simple guy, but very sensible: at a young age he was able to gather a large customer base. All because continues to develop her skills, constantly learning, improving his skills. He told all the secrets that hide wizard special magic of massage, the skin! Now I have no doubt, to do or not anti-cellulite massage... Now you will understand me!
The correct anti-cellulite massicot below is a terrible photo. Poor women lay out huge sums of money and get bruises and disappointment in this most useful procedure! How painful was this girl? Don't even want to imagine how long did the bruises... First rule: find a good massage therapist. It needs to ensure that no bruising after a course of massage.

A course of anti-cellulite massage will give your skin a new life, pull up figure, improve the form. But it should be in the mind!
The most common myths and exposing the
- From massage lose weight
Not true. Massage only allows you to remove the cellulite, the so-called orange peel. Of course, with a good anti-cellulite massage volumes go, but it is rather a complex result of work on oneself. In the photo is the result of a course of anti-cellulite massage. The skin become more elastic and smooth.
- Sport and healthy diet will help to deal with cellulite, and no massage
Not true. Classes at the gym, enhanced training, balanced diet help to lose weight, get rid of extra pounds, but they do not remove cellulite. You must have noticed that when losing weight, the hated cellulite still remains. Here need professional help.
© DepositPhotos - Cellulite and fluid accumulation under the skin, you need to drink less
Not true. Water to drink can and should be, especially during the course of anti-cellulite massage. On average, experts recommend to drink 30 ml of water for every kg of weight, but heavy physical exertion level should be at least 2 liters a day. And this is just clean drinking water! Soups, juices, tea, coffee, sugar water, forget it. This is best done 15-20 minutes before a meal and after 40-60 minutes after, in small portions, to avoid burden on the kidneys.
In the photo is the result after 15 treatments massage! Impressive.
- Cupping glass massage is a much better manual
Not true. It is best to alternate the hand massage, cupping, and body wraps. During a massage course experienced professional uses different techniques to achieve maximum effect, including wraps, providing good lymphatic drainage. A total of 15 sessions, and the situation is much better!
- "Buy a cellulite massager and save a lot of money"
Not true. Such brush massagers you can use at home during shower between courses of massage to maintain the skin tone, but by themselves, much effect they will not give.
- If there is bruising, so massage quality made and would be a nice effect!
Not true. An absolute lie! A bruise is a hematoma, skin damage, and a true master can achieve the desired effect without pressure and mutilation to the client, including the terrible bruises.
- Butter and cream should take most expensive
Not true. Does not matter. There had been many experiments where women had a massage with the cream for 1 dollar, and cream 20 — the effect was the same. Most importantly, the skill and competence of the therapist. - This procedure can be done for everyone
Not true. Anti-cellulite massage is done only if the cellulite on the 1st and 2nd stages and with easy 3rd. On the 3rd, gradually turning into 4th, and 4th stages of this massage is not something that is contraindicated and harmful! Only the classic, with a light Pat. Also massage during menstruation — a taboo not to do it in the presence of myomas and uterine fibroids, diseases of the pelvic organs.

A useful reminder! It is very important to eat properly to achieve a good result during the course of anti-cellulite massage! You need to eat oily fish, chicken, vegetables steamed and cooked without oil, avocados, nuts, dairy products. To remove the bread, flour products, sweets, fizzy drinks. To drink more! That is, you need to stick to possibly a low-carb diet.
I wish you success on the path to ideal figure and toned skin! I have no doubt that you will succeed.

© DepositPhotos
I would like to Express special thanks to the masseur Denis, who laid everything on the shelves! If you rate the usefulness of this article, show her friends — every self-respecting beauty need to understand, not to fall into the clutches of a careless master!
Now everyone can publish articles
Try this first! To WRITE an ARTICLE the Author

Alexander Klimchuk Since childhood, interested in medicine, grew up in a family of doctors. Knows how to make a fancy Breakfast out of nothing, is not afraid to experiment in the kitchen, making pies without flour, low-fat mayonnaise, healthy sweets. Never give up and believes that people are created to help each other! In all its domestic Affairs the assistant to the son Sasha. Alexandra's favorite book — "the Art of loving" by E. Fromm.
This item will make your balcony unique! Now I know where I will spend a nice evening.
Now wash the shower curtain. From fungus and dirt is gone.