Prevention of cellulite at home
Each woman wants to look beautiful, slim and young. To do this, many women have their own tested recipes of beauty, among which certainly you can find proven ways to care for face, skin, body, hair and hands. The most alluring part of our body (thighs, buttocks, stomach) often strikes very problematic disease as cellulite.
Cellulite is a female problem personally. Men it is fortunately not concerned. Cellulite called fat on a separate part of the female body – the thighs, buttocks and abdomen. As it is in women, these body parts prone to fat accumulation that was inherent nature.
Cellulite is 4 stages: 1st stage: the skin on a smooth, but wounds, bruises and scratches on her heal much slower than previously. And what's worse — bruises can occur from the most minor bumps. 2nd stage: skin is still smooth, but when pressing the skin with your fingers appears the effect is the same orange peel. 3rd stage: on the skin visible unevenness, hollows, bulges and lumps. 4th stage: under the skin appear painful to the touch knots. Cellulite the first two stages are not difficult home treatment, but the last two treboul more serious treatment. Ways to treat cellulite at home include a variety of procedures.
I must say that these procedures are very loved by women: massages, water treatments, wraps, masks, scrubs. In the course of a day cellulite treatment at home lies in proper nutrition. For Breakfast, lunch and dinner you need to eat the right foods: eat as many vegetables, especially raw, fruits, greens. Be sure to drink water, try not less than 2 liters per day. Normal water removes toxins from the body. One of the most effective ways to combat cellulite is anti-cellulite massage. In order to treat cellulite at home, you can apply a variety of massage techniques, it depends on how much free time you have and the range of imagination.
Source: /users/117

Cellulite is a female problem personally. Men it is fortunately not concerned. Cellulite called fat on a separate part of the female body – the thighs, buttocks and abdomen. As it is in women, these body parts prone to fat accumulation that was inherent nature.

Cellulite is 4 stages: 1st stage: the skin on a smooth, but wounds, bruises and scratches on her heal much slower than previously. And what's worse — bruises can occur from the most minor bumps. 2nd stage: skin is still smooth, but when pressing the skin with your fingers appears the effect is the same orange peel. 3rd stage: on the skin visible unevenness, hollows, bulges and lumps. 4th stage: under the skin appear painful to the touch knots. Cellulite the first two stages are not difficult home treatment, but the last two treboul more serious treatment. Ways to treat cellulite at home include a variety of procedures.

I must say that these procedures are very loved by women: massages, water treatments, wraps, masks, scrubs. In the course of a day cellulite treatment at home lies in proper nutrition. For Breakfast, lunch and dinner you need to eat the right foods: eat as many vegetables, especially raw, fruits, greens. Be sure to drink water, try not less than 2 liters per day. Normal water removes toxins from the body. One of the most effective ways to combat cellulite is anti-cellulite massage. In order to treat cellulite at home, you can apply a variety of massage techniques, it depends on how much free time you have and the range of imagination.
Source: /users/117