Getting rid of the orange peel, girls! All you have to do is take...
Cellulite is a terrible and unpleasant thing, from which no beauty is immune. The so-called orange peel can wait for even thin girls. Not only does the appearance spoil, but also adds complexes. Therefore, you need to get rid of cellulite, and in this case all means are good.
Editorial "Site" share the recipe with you cellulite. The effect is amazing!
“Capsicam” from cellulite Experimentally proved that the ointment “Capsicam” is a very effective and budgetary remedy against cellulite. Those who used the ointment for its intended purpose may be surprised by its anti-cellulite effect. Firstly, the ointment is very burning, and secondly, there is no word in the instructions about the fight against cellulite. But it really works.
Of course, the ointment is not suitable for delicate areas of the skin. But, as a rule, cellulite appears on the thighs and buttocks, and for them the ointment is very suitable. When using the ointment, blood microcirculation improves, tissue swelling decreases and metabolic processes in the skin are accelerated.
It is thanks to this action that the ointment effectively fights cellulite. Today we'll teach you how to do capsicam.
To begin with, you need to prepare a mixture, because the ointment in its pure form should not be applied to the skin, there is a risk of getting a burn. In order not to harm the skin, mix the ointment with baby cream in a ratio of 1: 1. Any cosmetic oil can be added to the mixture. Put the mass on the problem areas, massage well and wrap it with food film. Before using the product, it is recommended to take a shower so that the skin is well steamed.
Usually, the duration of this procedure is 20-30 minutes, no more. If you feel excessive burning or discomfort, it is better to remove the film and wash the skin with cool water. If you feel that you tolerate the ointment well, and you want to get rid of cellulite quickly, leave the product on the skin for up to 45 minutes. The skin may turn red and burn after the procedure, which is normal. It is recommended to use a moisturizer.
Procedures should be done regularly. In the beginning, the procedure can be done every day after a shower. Some women see the result after two procedures, and some only after 5-7. It all depends on the condition of the skin and the stage of cellulite. Beauticians advise not to arrange more than 15 sessions in a row. A second course can be carried out in a month.
During these 10-15 sessions, the skin will become toned, and cellulite will become less noticeable. Capsicam works better when the problem has just appeared and has not yet become chronic. You can improve the effect of burning ointment if you use it before sports. So the blood will flow to the problem areas with doubled strength, and the cellulite will pass faster.
In addition to wrapping, you can make masks based on ointment. To prepare them, you just need to mix one teaspoon of moisturizer, a third of a spoonful of Capsicam and two ampoules of caffeine. The resulting mask should be applied to problem areas and walk around with a mask for about an hour. It is very effective to make wraps and masks against cellulite after a hot shower and a coffee scrub.
The fight against cellulite is a complex thing, there are no universal means here. To get rid of cellulite completely is possible only thanks to an integrated approach. Hit the hated orange peel from all sides!
And what means of combating cellulite do you know? Share with us in the comments!
Photo by depositphotos preview.

Editorial "Site" share the recipe with you cellulite. The effect is amazing!
“Capsicam” from cellulite Experimentally proved that the ointment “Capsicam” is a very effective and budgetary remedy against cellulite. Those who used the ointment for its intended purpose may be surprised by its anti-cellulite effect. Firstly, the ointment is very burning, and secondly, there is no word in the instructions about the fight against cellulite. But it really works.
Of course, the ointment is not suitable for delicate areas of the skin. But, as a rule, cellulite appears on the thighs and buttocks, and for them the ointment is very suitable. When using the ointment, blood microcirculation improves, tissue swelling decreases and metabolic processes in the skin are accelerated.

It is thanks to this action that the ointment effectively fights cellulite. Today we'll teach you how to do capsicam.
To begin with, you need to prepare a mixture, because the ointment in its pure form should not be applied to the skin, there is a risk of getting a burn. In order not to harm the skin, mix the ointment with baby cream in a ratio of 1: 1. Any cosmetic oil can be added to the mixture. Put the mass on the problem areas, massage well and wrap it with food film. Before using the product, it is recommended to take a shower so that the skin is well steamed.

Usually, the duration of this procedure is 20-30 minutes, no more. If you feel excessive burning or discomfort, it is better to remove the film and wash the skin with cool water. If you feel that you tolerate the ointment well, and you want to get rid of cellulite quickly, leave the product on the skin for up to 45 minutes. The skin may turn red and burn after the procedure, which is normal. It is recommended to use a moisturizer.
Procedures should be done regularly. In the beginning, the procedure can be done every day after a shower. Some women see the result after two procedures, and some only after 5-7. It all depends on the condition of the skin and the stage of cellulite. Beauticians advise not to arrange more than 15 sessions in a row. A second course can be carried out in a month.
During these 10-15 sessions, the skin will become toned, and cellulite will become less noticeable. Capsicam works better when the problem has just appeared and has not yet become chronic. You can improve the effect of burning ointment if you use it before sports. So the blood will flow to the problem areas with doubled strength, and the cellulite will pass faster.

In addition to wrapping, you can make masks based on ointment. To prepare them, you just need to mix one teaspoon of moisturizer, a third of a spoonful of Capsicam and two ampoules of caffeine. The resulting mask should be applied to problem areas and walk around with a mask for about an hour. It is very effective to make wraps and masks against cellulite after a hot shower and a coffee scrub.

The fight against cellulite is a complex thing, there are no universal means here. To get rid of cellulite completely is possible only thanks to an integrated approach. Hit the hated orange peel from all sides!
And what means of combating cellulite do you know? Share with us in the comments!
Photo by depositphotos preview.
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