Flying through the Italian supermarket, noticed the sale of cheese crusts and was very surprised
Italian cheeses No special introduction is needed: everyone knows what Parmesan, Mozzarella or Gorgonzola is. But not everyone knows that so-called cheese peels are sold in Italy. Essentially, these are trimmings from other cheeses that no one eats, and the only thing you can do with them is throw them away. No way!
Editorial "Site" They will not dare to point a finger at the Italians and make them laugh, they say, ha-ha, they sell. cheesecrustUntil they find out why they're doing it. You see, there is no laughing, and experience will have to take over! Of course, we found out from our, who have long lived in Italy and are aware of all the events.
And indeed, on the shelves of shops you can see packages with cheese clippings. Our people don’t usually buy this because they are firmly convinced that it is a waste for some poor Italians. Well, that's it! There's no money, I want cheese. As they say, though not Parmesan, so crust from it.
However, the situation is not quite as it may seem at first glance. If you pay attention to the price, it turns out that the crusts are not much cheaper than the cheese itself. And if you watch how long the crusts linger on the shelves, you can see that they diverge very quickly.
You can immediately assume that cuts of cheese will be used in cooking, but you will never guess how. Then write in the comments what came to your mind and what were the assumptions. And yet, what is it? mystery? Everything, of course, is simple, and they could think of it themselves!
GettyImages Italian cheeses
If we sold parmesan cheese crusts like this, we would definitely try to do the same as the Italians. I'll have to buy a whole piece! Oh yes, there are a few nuances that need to be mentioned. The crusts are common. shellSo you definitely have to take it off. And Italians never eat crusts that were used to make soup. Why? Not even our friends know that.
GettyImages Be sure to write in the comments, did it occur to you to use cheese crusts in any way and was it something similar to the way Italians do? Now we are interested in trying. fried. With mozzarella, probably, this will not work, but with Parmesan you can try. The main thing is that the wallet allows!
Italian cheeses And their crusts -- everything goes to practical Italians. Although some people call crusts waste, this does not mean that now you just have to throw them away! Read our article on why Italian women leave water bottles at the front door. And thank you for staying with us!
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Editorial "Site" They will not dare to point a finger at the Italians and make them laugh, they say, ha-ha, they sell. cheesecrustUntil they find out why they're doing it. You see, there is no laughing, and experience will have to take over! Of course, we found out from our, who have long lived in Italy and are aware of all the events.
And indeed, on the shelves of shops you can see packages with cheese clippings. Our people don’t usually buy this because they are firmly convinced that it is a waste for some poor Italians. Well, that's it! There's no money, I want cheese. As they say, though not Parmesan, so crust from it.
However, the situation is not quite as it may seem at first glance. If you pay attention to the price, it turns out that the crusts are not much cheaper than the cheese itself. And if you watch how long the crusts linger on the shelves, you can see that they diverge very quickly.
You can immediately assume that cuts of cheese will be used in cooking, but you will never guess how. Then write in the comments what came to your mind and what were the assumptions. And yet, what is it? mystery? Everything, of course, is simple, and they could think of it themselves!
GettyImages Italian cheeses
- Cheese peels are used to give flavor to some soups. A kind of flavor enhancer, which, among other things, will help to thicken the dish. This is the case with Italian vegetable soup. minestrone.
- Crusts are added to sauces (not all) that go to risotto or pasta. Before that, the crusts are soaked for several hours in milk, and then crushed. By the way, it seemed like a really good idea.
- Also soaked in milk and then crushed crusts Italian cooks add to the dough, which is used for cooking. focacci.
- An interesting way that caused surprise is to cook cheese crusts as is. Local foodies They regularly fry them in a pan, use deep fryers and breading and even load them into the grill. However, they say that just not a pan, on olive oil, is also very tasty. That's it!
If we sold parmesan cheese crusts like this, we would definitely try to do the same as the Italians. I'll have to buy a whole piece! Oh yes, there are a few nuances that need to be mentioned. The crusts are common. shellSo you definitely have to take it off. And Italians never eat crusts that were used to make soup. Why? Not even our friends know that.
GettyImages Be sure to write in the comments, did it occur to you to use cheese crusts in any way and was it something similar to the way Italians do? Now we are interested in trying. fried. With mozzarella, probably, this will not work, but with Parmesan you can try. The main thing is that the wallet allows!
Italian cheeses And their crusts -- everything goes to practical Italians. Although some people call crusts waste, this does not mean that now you just have to throw them away! Read our article on why Italian women leave water bottles at the front door. And thank you for staying with us!
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